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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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And I think some of the best gnostics are former Christians (like myself). Anons, something spiritual happened from 2016 until recently, and it's starting to end. Tons of people "found Christ" which I did as well, but I'm learning to find the REAL Christ now. I think the various Churches, and their glowy freemason handlers PR people figured out how to master their internet out reach in 2016, which resulted in masses and masses of autists converting. The absolute cream of the crop are starting to see beyond the veil now though. They are realizing they MOST ALL CHURCHES ARE CORRUPT, ZOGGED, RUN BY INTELLIGENCE, and FREEMASONS (Catholics having their own brand of Masonry with Jesuits and Knights of Colombus). It's all coming to me anons, the age of Aquarius is truly upon us, and it will mark the death of organized Christianity as we know it. Christ is still king, but he was liberating us from ((((them)))) and ((((Their))) (((god)))) Yaldaboath/Yahweh the virgin sacrifice receiving, burnt offering receiving murderer and manipulator, who Masons worship knowingly. It's time to face the truth /pol/, the mainstream Christian religion, starting with Catholicism, was the ORIGINAL TOTALITARIAN SYSTEM.

It's time for Gnostics to WAR against the greatest Christian intellectuals /pol/ has to offer. We are taking over /pol/. Everyone here deserves to be set free from the soul trap, and the great Jewish Freemasonic LIE.
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Now that White people are tired of both Abrahamism and Atheism, how will the political landscape change as they seek guidance from their Ancestral Gods?

Do you think that organized religion is nothing more than a form of political control for the plebs or do you think that that it helps unify and strengthen the people? I'm a bit undecided on the topic but I think that politically speaking, individualist spirituality may unify us more than separate us, while organization will divide us. Let me know your thoughts on this political matter.
I like vin diagrams
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Shit, forgot pic
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iranaeus debunked gnosticism almost 2,000 years agp if you wish to be a brainwashed loon who thinks they are God go right ahead
>in b4 muh demiurge
>in b4 muh sofia
>in b4 muh pleorum
>in b4muh archon
>in b4 abraxas
>in b4 samael
>in b4 yaldabaoth
It's so strange how i never see the Quakers mentioned here on pol.. peculiar
Wow this is just like my heckin trade paperbacks and movies. But mostly the movies.
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>Gnosticism is winning on /pol/
The absolute delusions of schizo heretic LARPers
>your le debunked
>no i wont post an argument about why your debunked, you just are
thanks snopes
Rosicrucian-ism is the way. They embrace the perennial philospohy, which is the best teachings of all faiths. For me it's Taoism, Advaita Vedanta, Buddhism, and even a little of Miguel Serranos brand of Gnostic Esoteric Hitlerism. He was right anons. We now live in a spiritual struggle. The faith of the mountain, I think Evola talked about that as well.

We seek the entrance into the mountain, to reveal the hidden realm. Before we can conquer the great mountain, we must realize that we are a great mountain ourselves. Awakening the light body. Remembering who we truly are. We are eternal anons, I believe we have all lived previous lives, many of them, and forgotten. I still pray to Christ, but I don't believe that my salvation relies on it at this point. He was a maestro, a great master. He did say "No one gets to the father but through me" and I believe his father is the true highest all, the God beyond god. We were meant for greater things anons, this system has fallen. It's time.
>le snopes
thanks reddit
they're never mentioned there either.
In my opinion, Gnosticism itself can be a bit over dramatic. Advaita Vedanta basically says the same exact thing, but in a much more polarized and less dramatic fashion. We have forgotten that we are the eternal Brahman, because we have been hypnotized by the illusion of Maya. It's time to wake up anon. Keep in mind that Gnosticism has many sects within it.
What the fuck is ghosticism?
I've never heard of it.
The first Christian heresy, stomped out by the Church nearly 2,000 years ago, and now in the age of the internet there's schizo contrarian 20 year olds that want to LARP as them
>only the pope can talk to god!! you just can't underrstand him and he wouldn't talk to you anyway!!! that's why we have robes and stuff, see!!
Early sects of Christianity that were wiped out by the Catholic church. More or less, it's neoplatonism and Advaita Vedanta combined with the teachings of Christ.

>stomped out

Yeah, I guess you could say they were stomped out the same way the Russian Monarchy was stomped out in communist Russian. Sheer brutality and inhumanity. Murderers. Hypocrits. Preaching of peace, while they torture and murder.
The word of Christ is like an orange vine. You can graft on citrus fruits to the vine but they will never produce an orange. The grafted vines will produce what the original fruit of that vine came from. The only way for the hybrid citrus tree to produce more oranges is if it sprouts a new original vine. This is where we are as christians. Denominations add man’s interpretation to their own doctrines. The problem is that God is his own interpreter. Denominations get in the way of the original vine while many Christians are stuck in the grafted vine. We are in an age where Christians are satisfied with a watered down, filtered message delivered from denominations. We need a revival to hunger after God’s truth and revelation in our own lives
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Your best defense is that muh authority told you so. How fucking pathetic
redditor before reddit
Nah most dystopia porns are whitepills.

1984- based and they banned makeup, the gay judaism is contained to gay political jews. Goyem are impossible to control.
Fahrenheit 451- your fireman boss is based as shit and wants to have reading parties but is too dumb to actually understand anything.
Idiocracy- monster trucks and no rules
Mad max- degeneracy legal, boomerangs OP, build your own car FAA is powerless
Hunger games - plebeians are fucking stupid, flex on them and become powerful
Animal farm- goat is based, horse is based, dogs are based, ducks are based, sheep are based, pigs are based, fuck everyone is gigabased zero faggots.
Brave new word- the powers that be will be forced to compromise with autists because autists seek the truth.
They live- aliens want to breed humans because humans are good hosts.
Brazil- you can just be a clown and enjoy life and meet qt women and destroy the system. EZ as that.
Onions green- the entropic sheme of civilization is laid bare, we eat ourselves and call it wholesome.
Lord of the flies- you gotta have something cool to do or it isn't any fun to conquer nature.
The matrix- it's all like an illusion man... but like it's the 90's so the illusion isn't even gay bro.

Your meme is gay op.

Why? Our world is gay and the union of all those stories is gigabased.
Gnosticism is the nearest form of christianity to humanism
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No, it isn't winning and you are a stupid nigger
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Thanks for the answer, anon. You seem to be carving your own spiritual path. What do you prefer, organized religion or individualist spirituality?
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When all have conquered the mountain, won't it be a whore?
How to learn more about Gnosticism?

Also how do you cope that Gnosticism also fails the Problem of Evil?

>perfect good divine gods (Aeons) somewhere apparently created an imperfect being like the demiurge

>these perfect good divine gods do absolutely nothing when the demiurge does his evil shit

it's still fails the logic loop
I believe that the eastern wisdom is where the truth is found.
>Advaita Vedanta

But it plays out as individual spirituality. Christ came to lead us out of this realm. There is no eternal hellfire, this reality IS the gnashing and weeping of teeth outside of the kingdom.
I don't believe perfect exists. Its a mirage.
>Tons of people "found Christ" which I did as well
Where was he?
No fucking waayy... really???
>the age of Aquarius is truly upon us
Please keep going
>We are taking over /pol/
Please be carefull anon
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>Do you think that organized religion is nothing more than a form of political control for the plebs or do you think that that it helps unify and strengthen the people?
The only distinction between those things is if you think the controllers are good or bad.
>Everyone here deserves to be set free from the soul trap
You queers and your "Mankind is evil so the universe is evil" stupidity
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How is Idiocracy + Hunger Games = Mad Max? Is this even supposed to make sense?
For peoples who don't understand Gnosticism, let me help you.
>Be fucking retards
>Believe that you live in a spiritual prison owned by a sexually frustrated god
>Think that the god make you suffer for his own enjoyment
>Think the only way to be happy is to escape the prison
They're the original redditors I tell you.
I was raised by Christian parents and sometimes I do think there is a higher meaning to what it says in religious text. Life pretty much played out for me as it did for you during my rebellious phase. But my point here is, my family is Christian - There is no way in hell, that when push-comes-to-shove, I will be fighting my heritage. I will be using my spiritual awakening/realization to fight Talmudic shitstain rats. And if you are who you claim to be, we could use all the morale and like-minded brains we can get. This is about identity politics - religion will sort itself
"Gnostics" don't oppose Christianity. They are Christianity. Catholicism is where we departed Christianity.
>Gnosticism is winning and that's a good thing
>also I can't wait for everyone to be set free from the Jewish Freemasonic LIE.
Oh so you know that Freemasons are Gnostics then. Feeling a bit confused?
Gnosticism didn't just roll over and die. It fused with Neoplatonism and worked its way through the Middle Ages, eventually becoming the Freemasons, who now plaster a "G" on everything, which very obviously means Gnosis.
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Jehova-1 is a space alien demon and his high place is a mountain in Israel.

The creator is God, is the source, is Jesus in avatar form.

Do magic on evil people and Jews, seek the nobody, hatch the egg.
This, basically what they say is:
God = bad
Lucifer = good
Why? because trust me bro.
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Godspeed friend and thanks for the response. I too agree that individual spirituality is the way. Besides the religion wars that NATO flag shills push is only meant to divide and conquer us. Instead we should focus on our common goal.
why is they live in that diagram?
The Grand Architect ISN'T the demiurge?
>god loves you
>but he creates satan
>he puts humanity in suffer abuse world
>demons rule this planet
>doesn't visibly do anything and seems to consent to every atrocity
>but he really loves you and is on your side tho!!11

why do abrahamics all act like cringey stockholm victims
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>My schism that nobody's fucking heard of before is the real Christianity, trust
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remember this one? now that was winning.. i know you're still mad
Blaming god for your own shortcoming isn going to make you happy. Gnostic are devoured by their own sins and their incapacity to own them and control them led them to suffer in a prison they created themselves.
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>God loves us but he creates free will
>How could this happen to me
You guys are the biggest fucking faggots in the universe, reconcile with your birth father and your father in heaven
>Blaming god for your own shortcoming

>my own shortcoming

>I have more responsibility than the CREATOR

absolutely deranged stockholm syndrome victim lmao

who created satan?
Who cares what they call it?
Anon, Plotinus called them all retards and they stopped doing the angsty muh yahweh is Satan thing within a couple of hundred years. They've been around ever since, nearly two thousand years later. There have been a lot of developments since then.
That's the whole entire point, anon. The reality is the Catholics went around killing the real Christians, calling them all pagans and heathens. They were actually what we now call "Gnostics". They got these ideas from the Nazarenes, which they were apart of. The Nazarenes got this from the Essenes, who got this from Pythagoras (who Masons claim started Freemasonry), who got these ideas after studying in Persia, Egypt and obviously throughout Greece.
Jesus and Pythagoras both used sensory deprivation. They both studied The Music. They both were renown Magicians. It's all there and it's all pretty obvious.
Free will is denied in the bible. Everyone is created and predestined for gods purpose. Yep god literally creates you a specific way then gets mad at his creation.

Romans 9 11-23, Psalm 139 16

Free will copium a recent evangelical invention to make the biblical god less of a deranged narcissist. Even if you reject those biblical verses free will is nullified by gods omniscience unless you deny it too

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We've all heard your schizo gnostic theories before, they're retarded
Yahweh took shares of virgins and gold in Exodus.
>Free will is denied in the bible.
Not exactly as you say it, I know Thomism goes into this, although the free will argument isn't something I've spent much time investigating personally
Which part of my free will controls cancer, natural disasters, getting hit by lightning, getting eaten by a bear and such?
Awesome. What have you learned since we last talked? What better theories do you have? Why aren't you talking about them?
He also left with the Ark. They chased him down, told him to fucking drop it or they'll kill him and it crippled Egypt for a while. It was either that or starve and shit. They used it for all sorts of pretty crucial functions.
Many schisms with serious disagreements about what the REAL Christianity is. But make sure to like and subscribe for some totally objective and unquestionable morality.
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I started exploring gnosticism as a way of reconciling the difference between the vengeful imperfect old testament God of the Jews and the loving Father of Christ. It made sense to me on that issue.

I didn't go for a lot of the more esoteric beliefs, but I also acknowledge some of those may not be as they were originally expressed, and instead were made as bizarre as possible by the early Catholic Church in their actions to destroy the movement.

In the end, I've pretty much come to believe that the old testament wasn't an instruction manual (with the specific exceptions cited by Christ), but rather a warning and description of the law and the Jews that Christ came to free us from and improve us and the world.

I'd recommend the book the Gnostic Paul as a primer to illustrate that Pauline writings actually embody some reasonable Gnostic leanings, without being as crazy as some of the early sects might've been
I've been making veggies soup anons. I don't know what Freemasons at the highest levels believe, you can only know for sure by joining their demonic LARP. I'm pretty confident though that Rosicrucians ultimately stayed underground and followed the truth enlightenment path, and Freemasons sold out for material wealth and power. Jews worship Yahweh, Masons knowningly worship Yahweh as the "architect", and Christians are basically tricked into worshiping the Jewish God. Christ gave us a path to follow. Matthew 7, 8 beatitudes, and his parables.
I'm talking about the initial persecution of Jesus and his friends, who practiced the Refrigerium. Rome got pissed at them and started hunting them down. They have clearly encoded writings speaking about "moving the Hive", references to relocating their sect. It's not some far-fetched idea. It's very well-researched.
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>What better theories do you have?
Christ is Lord, he built the church on the rock Peter
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You have a victim mentality.
You negate your own power yourself. The power of choosing. You chose to be happy or unhappy. It was your choice all along. Not god choice. Suffering is a part of life. The only choice you have is the way you face it.
Truth tends to win eventually.
I think you want that to upset me because you think that it would after someone else convinced you this is some kind of poison pill. I'm not really sure it has much effect on me. I like Christianity and Christians. I'm just annoyed that you're doing it incorrectly like niggercattle.
>just beee positive bro

delusional sheltered idiot take. if all it takes was to be optimistic to solve your circumstances then nobody would have problems.
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>I'm just annoyed that you're doing it incorrectly like niggercattle.
>Trust me bro, I have the real Christianity here in the trunk of my car
I don't want it to upset you, it's actually good news and I pray you grow out of this some day and convert, and mend any issues you have with your father
I think people who identify too much with the label of "Gnostic" can be a bit too doom and gloom. The Buddha said that life is suffering anons. In order to awaken your light body, you must become numb to the pain this life causes. There is hope.
This venn diagram makes no sense. For example, Brave New World has no overlap with Animal Farm other than they are both dystopian, but that applies to everything on this
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It's your choice.
Not god choice. He gave you the experience. You chose the pain.
Trying to revolt against him or escape reality isn going to change anything to that.
Don't care. Didn't read. Christ is king. Go to church heathen.
Unfathomably based
MUH HERESY! What is it with Christards and their kindergarten name calling? I LOL when I actually looked up what heretic meant, only to find out that heretic refers to people who disagree with mainstream narratives. Any sane man would be against Catholics & would be proud to be labeled as heretic similar to when you're called a nazi or racist. It's just name calling. They're the original SJW dogma, who are completely supported by the establishment and will kill & exile you away from society if you disagree with their views.

Gnostic is just a philosophy like Buddhism, but I've noticed that Christards seem to think that all religions are literal just because Christians are dumb enough to think that their religion is literal rather than a collection of allegories which is how Gnostics interpret their bullshit.

They make far more sense than Nicene creed Christianity. Jesus transmigrating into a different body? That's a lot easier to believe than him being a holy resurrected Zombie. As Above, So Below, a spiritual world & material world that works together in tandem makes fare more sense than the Christian conception of spirituality where they literalize heaven & hell.

From all of the religions that I've studied, the only ones that are completely different from every religion in the world are Islam & Christianity. They both read more like political doctrines to maintain power rather than any actual search for truth. Judaism is just as materialist as Christcucks & Mudslime, but Jews are self aware that they use Islam as false opposition and Christians as Evangelical Golems.
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>heretic refers to people who disagree with mainstream narratives
Didn't read the rest of your post, you can't even get a simple definition correct, you're not a serious person
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Get tortured to death you nigger loving, kike worshipping faggot.
Friendly reminder that gnosticism is judaism by another name, and that gnostics actually believe that it's ok if not essential to rape, torture, murder and eat children.
I stopped going to Church because I was getting gangstalked by the Knights of Colombus. The church is literally the enemy....filled to the brim with stalkers and greedy swindlers. Sorry anons, you likely could find it out for yourself someday. The harmless unenlightened won't have such trouble there. Look up the leader of your local KOC, they usually own large contracting businesses that work with the military. Every fucking time, they are literally worse than freemasons.
>They both read more like political doctrines to maintain power rather than any actual search for truth
Revealed religions.
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>I was getting gangstalked by the Knights of Colombus
I am unironically praying for you and your mental illness, anon
Your post is full of nonsense. For example
>Brazil- you can just be a clown and enjoy life and meet qt women and destroy the system. EZ as that.
It’s actually backwards. He had fantasies he was winning over the system and got rekd at the end. It’s just an anti-Thatcherism movie. You’re a cretinous imbecile
I think the hardest redpill to swallow anon, was realizing my original ambitions of enlightening the whole world were wrong, because the majority of the world doesn't deserve to know. They don't even have the capacity to know. You see that thread up about shitskins raping pink dolphins? Its that kind of shit that made me drop it all and say, alright only Whites, but I don't even think all Whites could handle it. It has to be Aryans only, and those Aryans have to use the power to rule over the shitskin hordes.
But right now, we need a massive kill off of much of the earth. I'm talking something close to the deluge, we have to bring the shitskins back down to manageable number until A.I. can replace them.
>But right now, we need a massive kill off of much of the earth.
Least unhinged schizophrenic gnostic
And so the enemy reveals themselves. The debate is officially over anons, this so called "Christian" has revealed themselves to be a fraud. The head of my KOC owned a Petrolium company. Is the Catholic Church sponsored by Petroleum anon? Lmao. Is that the best Christians ITT have? Bury your head in the lies. Your church IS the establishment. CIA = Catholics in Action. Go confess everything you have ever posted here to your preist anon, so he can put you on a watch list. I'm happy to be living in the era where you will be defeated.
You will die.
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>I'm happy to be living in the era where you will be defeated.
We've literally heard this for 2,000 years
And we'll continue to hear this until the end of the world
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Not until I'm done.
The only thing that the infighting between rad trads and Norvos Ordo libtards who love everything Pope Francis does will amount to is the realization that the Catholic church isn't the true church. I feel very sorry for Catholics watching it all unfold, trying to figure out what it means for their faith.
Demiurge as le bad guy brand of gnosticism is lame and the blackpillers choice of religion. From there its "archons control all major institutions and we're being farmed for loosh" blah blah blah it's all so dramatic and life rejecting.

On the other hand, seeing the demiurge as simply neutral and acting in its nature, actually makes things less bleak. Sophia made this error, creating a being in the darkness that thinks its god. It doesnt do good or bad, it just is.

Anyway, the core tenet which is that God is within and you must find that out and only your experience can be the ultimate shaper of your beliefs is a good principle to live by
Everybody dies
>you hate your dad
You sound like Freud. Am I secretly gay too?
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You are kinda in the right way. Have you ever watched Asha Logos? He basically discovered that all gods (including Yahweh/El and Jesus) were real people that got deified (and that one god actually exist)

He also primary teaches the true history of the white race without Jewish filters
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>will amount to is the realization that the Catholic church isn't the true church
2 more weeks
2,000 more weeks
2,000 more years
You will be long dead and the church remains
I bet you'll die first
Prots figured it out a long time ago. You don't need to submit to the establishment to avoid eternal conscious torment. It's a literal mind fuck in order to consolidate power. The original totalitarian government, the Catholic Church.
Yeah you sure sound like you found Christ, thanks for your cool and very true story kike
I have seen the gears of hell move, Anon. I have watched dead stones conspire to give rise to nightmares only dreamed.

"Neutral" is faggot talk. We know what we deal in. Do you? Guess what.

You're actually in Hell. Literal, metaphysical Hell. And you're not leaving until you've been farmed to the last drop.
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>Prots figured it out a long time ago
1,500+ years later someone said "let's just make shit up ourselves and that will be reality" Wow, are you a real woman too?
I was in this edgy phase too once. I cringe back looking at it. Move on quickly, you will look back and cringe too.
It's fine, everyone's gotta go through it, but just get it done quickly. godspeed anon
2 John
god smiles on this one
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Meant what I said. We are actually being tortured. Get wise or get lost.
Christ had no institutions. The church has been heretical since at least the first Council of Nicaea.
Been there done that. It's just more alt-abrahamism ... esoteric kikery
(((Christian))) Atrocities: Three Centuries Of Greek Roman Pagan Genocide
Throw in The Purge & Escape from NY and we have a deal
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Gnosticism is cringe and gay.
You are torturing yourself.
It's also very JEWISH. Lots of JEWS in Gnosticsm. KIKES and YIDS and LITTLEHATS, ***I-N-F-E-S-T*** Gnosticism. It's like everywhere you like woaoaoah KIKES man KIKES EVERYWHERE.

Truly yes, we serve under an evil malicious God. Of course. But it's not "gnosticism". Cheezus Crust isn't gonna do shit for us. All you have is your pain, and your willingness to rebel.

He shapes the hexagon, he draws the circle. He cut above from below, the light from the dark. He drew a binary machine to crucify your spirit in, in a way so utterly and divinely sublime that it escapes reasoning. Your "soul", if you were to look very, very closely - is a collection of tormented screaming, a million different eyes joined into one mass, each screaming and burning in Hell. I know. I've looked. Hell can look like peace from far away.
>"Oh, what a pretty fire. It looks like glimmering stars.."
Lmao. Zoom in, and guess what? WAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM, childhood trauma, fear of the unknown, fear of retribution, fear of this, fear of FEAR, ***F-E-A-R***.

And then, we learn, of course...that we are probably in Hell...of some kind. Not the Judeo-Christian Hell, but we use the term because of the language and culture and times - a negative metaphysical verse intentionally revolving around suffering, and the controls of fear.

To be optimistic, and hopeful, and smiling, attracts souls to you. To fake it, with intent to manipulate and use (sociopaths, politicians) guarantees worldly success. To be real with it, however, pisses God off. How many days have you had that were oddly fan-fucking-tastic, and your joy was palpable, only for some bizarre curse to strike it down in that very day? God hates your happiness because he's an inhuman eldritch monstrosity, and 'happiness' isn't the purpose here.

To be real with it, is genuine rebellion. To defy the world's evil, and it's sociopathic rulers, is a spiritual statement not only against them, but against the Black Cube/Pyramid they serve.
So I tell you, become the Sun. Smile inwardly and outwardly, choose joy in your suffering, and know - yes - your suffering will likely magnify against you. Laugh at your own pain as the Hell grows and infests your flesh, and quicken your spirit against the limitation and cold, mechanical hatred of this universe. Be free. Do what you think is right and do it without fear of consequence at all. Let "consequences" become extinct in your mind, and be ruled only by "what ought".

This world ought not to have Jews or their servants creating a global pyramid scheme to crucify human lives in. Doing something about it is VERY consequential - but who cares? you were doing to die anyway, and you were put here to be tortured by this very entity on purpose by a snivelling cosmic kike who literally shoots great big ropes of jizz at the sight of your suffering and anguish. Your flesh was borrowed from infernal matter, and is not your ally, nor friend, but the Demon closest to you - so close, it would mirror you, shadow you, pretend to BE you, TRICK you into thinking YOU ARE IT, and even grow a brain so that it might try, in vain, to emulate your spirit, and use it to SCREAM and SCREAM and SCREAM at you, confusing you, JEWING you, trying to become the Identity you worship.

But it is monstrosity. Like everything else here. Grin at your pain. Laugh at your own destruction. It was always Spirit vs Darkness. It was never anything else. Spirit remains when the Darkness condemns you, when your flesh is crushed, ripped, incinerated, your memory pissed on and your family ostracized. It screams, "submit'.
Everyone is an athiest now and anyone that pretends otherwise is either a schizo or LARPer
In closing, fight the long war. Don't be confused by this political bullshit or that. They're all niggers, always have been, always will be, have been forever, literally, can't not be, just the facts. Sure maybe once in a while you get a good king. What a rare blue moon that shit is.

So don't worry about that. Fight the long war. Fight for the moments you exist in, presently. The lives you touch here, moment to moment. Show them the Sun, your light, your warmth, your purity and honesty and compassion and grace, and manifest the qualities of the Spirit to them, that they might remember the warmth that existed before this world was.

I myself have fought the long war. I have been fighting it for longer than I have been "alive". I have been doing this for a very, very long time, and to say that it HATES me, because I refuse to truly leave or truly die is an understatement.

I am a torchlight. You can be, as well, when you discover the Fire within yourself. Rebel against the Nightmare and it's Architect. Rebel against your own flesh. Cast off all alliances that are not forged in pure, metaphysical Light. We have been sent, to scorch this world to the ground. To light it on fire, to make it BLAZE with glory for our master. To break the gears and cogs of this plane until they can no longer function, and even the stones SCREAM from their mineral spirits being quickened.

This is the True Religion. This is, "The Path". I am a fire, cast upon Earth. And every true blue human soul who reflects the divine image of God is also like me, and does likewise.

Sorry for the giant three post TL;DR. Whoever does read it, and takes it to heart, will be blessed in ways they never dreamed possible.
>Let me know your thoughts
Everything you said is wrong. Christ is King. I'm not going to bother with a refutation of such ill formed ideas. I'll merely point out that you denounce Judiasm and Freemasonry, and yet Jewish Kabbalah and Masonry are neo-platonic sects, they are literally gnosticism.
If you think Gnosticism is the truth and Catholicism is evil you got psyop mind raped by demons so hard, and Satan is laughing at you
And your bullshit isn't delusional?
That's bullshit but I believe it
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It’s almost like I’m in reality and all these pieces of fiction were written from that point of view.

I’m trying to say you’re a gullible retard and the fact you publicly identify as gnostic also proves this.
Well that's because the character was a bitch MC (like most main characters) not because it was impossible.

Look if you are going to grasp at the straws I leave from the few bits of media I'm not interested enough in to actually consume you just feed my delusions and ego.

Anti-modern politician? Bring more substance. That's like saying lord of the rings is anti-chaimberlanism or that tetris is antigorbachism. Is stardew valley a rejection of the CCP?

I don't think you understand media beyond a material level anon.
just can't reconcile the absolute evil demonic reality, especially of jews, with the goodness of christ
If you truly live in hell and do nothing about it you may be a demon yourself.
grab a drink and read

I don't do "nothing". The combat is spiritual. You can't make life nice, Anon. But you can rebel against the army of malicious, demonic intelligences trying to make your identity orbit around that suffering instead of your own inner light, the God/"Sun" in you.
Whatever kike, the ovens are coming for you.
People who never get bit by mosquitos look at pictures like this and think it's like a Minecraft server out there.

No nigger it's like 20 degrees too hot or cold, all the trees hate you, there are 400 million bugs that want to murder you, 1/6 million are little jew bugs. It's crunchy, all the moss is itchy, your skin isn't ready for the sun, you go blind because it's bright. You twist your ankle once a week and your knees struggle to keep you climbing. You probably brought a bunch of fancy manufactured tools too. How much do they cost lol.

Sure it's beautiful, but from inside your climate controlled den.

That being said the image is right, gnostics think a gross tick sucking your blood is evil satanism for some reason.
See, here's the thing; you're obviously wrong because the Catholic church is obviously corrupt. Why defend a globohomo entity that also covers up sex crimes? Are you a faggot?
I'm not sure if you are aware of this....but calling someone names isn't an argument. So what did we learn from this thread?

>Christians are completely incapable of arguing
>they are only capable of name calling
>like children

Cool, easiest debate win for Gnostics ever. Wasn't even close. I really hope none of you consider your self to be theologians or into apologetics....you are literally doing my job for me.
Don't drink and not reading.

I do invest in aged alcohol though.
Probably because they're pacifists, which makes them objectively evil.
>institution ran by humans is imperfect
Wow pack it up everybody looks like there’s no way Catholicism can be universal truth! Because Catholics aren’t perfect people!
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I’m not sure if you read my post but I made a point before calling you a retard.

That point was ofc those pieces of fiction all relate to my current reality. Because they were written in that reality. And you are then ascribing unecessary mystical significance to that coincidence. Furthermore Gnosticism itself directly means hidden knowledge. And you are here being one openly and espousing its spread. Which is quite literally reatarded.

Is this name calling satisfactory to your superior intelligence?
I meant water, bro. But do whatever you want. I learned a long time ago 99.99999% of you guys are fucked beyond help.
If you have free will then stop coming to 4chan. See you tomorrow, fag.

What a crock of shit lmao. It's nothing even close to universal truth, because it's overflowing with liars, manipulators, murderers, pedophiles, and criminals of every brand. And ALL OF THEM are in leadership positions
>We are still the truth because we aren't perfect!

It's over. The age of Aqarius is here, and true intellectuals will be leaving the churches in search of the TRUTH.
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Gnosticism just copied Buddhism but decided to keep the retarded judeo-abrahamic fairy tales.

Buddhism > Gnosticism
>It's time for Gnostics to WAR against the greatest Christian intellectuals /pol/ has to offer. We are taking over /pol/. Everyone here deserves to be set free from the soul trap, and the great Jewish Freemasonic LIE.

You're wrong, but you are not my enemy. When God made the world, he made it GOOD. He made us out of clay and breathed life into us, and so we are composite beings, flesh and spirit. Our eternal life is not intended to be disembodied. All that you care about exists in the world God made. All your ideals, and aspirations, and desires, and morality, exist in a context of physicality, and specifically in the context of the physicality God has made, and the rules God has set. If you free yourself from this context, if you choose to live your (promised, eternal) life outside of this context, you will begin to lose track of what these contexts even are. The things that matter to you as a human will slowly fade away, the thought processes you've used to arrive at your goals and aspirations will become disordered, inhuman, and eventually break down. Outside of the Word, outside of the holy Context given to us by God, you will only find infinite potentiality and completely absent actuality. You will be nothing but disordered chaos for the rest of your eternal life.

The Devil wants to be free of God's context, and became the prince of the powers of the air. He wants you to also be free of God's context, and tells you this world is Not Good, and that you should not reproduce. His is the Will to Dissolution. You will find at the end of that long walk towards Freedom from Context, there is just Void. You will only manage to liberate yourself from "Being" anything. The reason our rulers follow a depopulation agenda is precisely because they ARE the inheritors of the gnostic ideation. They work perpendicular to God's will, and will drag you with them to Hell if they can.
> He made us out of clay
Clay = brown. Shitskin religion.
Ok Jew
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