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unZOG your computer by installing Linux
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Based. Nothing the parasitic oligarchs hate more than trustless systems.
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I just want to go back to being happy reading books and walking. Will I ever be happy doing just that again?
Stop encouraging people to do this.
The only reason Linux is good is because it filters normies.
List fag, the ability to customize anything is not for the normies who will just install intentional rootkits anyways
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I got all 3. I think it is fair to say that they all have their pros and cons depending on what you are doing at the time. But I have no doubt that all 3 are zogged to high hell. Would any be allowed if they weren't?
Based and Penguin Pilled.
i do.
some day all the drivers will work. Linux, the operating system of the future, and it always will be.
I use Windows 95
I still enjoy it but the voice over effect is nasty, so I just read a paragraph and manage the mess, look la constituyente revolucionaria historia de la fundacion del mir chileno marco alvarez vergara, page 67
I'm typing this from a bluetooth hhkb (fuck bluetooth btw) on arch linux with xmonad and chromium with the vimium extension. Mouse is way over there on my desk.
unfathomably based.
debian is the only thing you need to install.
There are hardly any games and ZERO professional software on linux. it's a server OS.
Linux is pretty great if all you do is shitpost, browse the internet and watch videos though because it's way less annoying than Windows
but if you actually do work on your PC it's pretty bad
also I installed Linux in 1999 on a 233mhz pentium with mmx technology and 32mb of RAM and have constantly had linux computers, but my main PC is a 4000 dollar machine and putting linux on it would be RETARDED because you can't really do anything to take advantage of a powerful personal computer
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>ZERO professional software on linux. it's a server OS.
kek thanks for sharing with the class how dumb you are.
Yep anti stanilism
The Linux kernel contains a backdoor as well.

Torvalds even admitted that.
holy based is that arch?? want to take my number?
Basically this. We don’t want those retards on Linux.
just because you don't do anything useful on linux doesn't mean others can't.
Tech companies thought ahead and put a mini operating system in your CPU, known as Intel M.E or AMD P.S.P, even when your computer is turned off they can spy on you, the only way to fix this is to use a 15 year old CPU with libreboot and don’t connect to the internet, no, go even further, just don’t use technology and live in the woods.
Playing Windows games on Linux is no longer a problem because of ProtonDB.
>muh games
Linux is maintained by troons now
Troon out your computer at your own risk chud
it wouldn't be a problem if anti-cheat developers cared about supporting linux, which isn't the case. The solution is to not be poor and have multiple computers to run every operating system and to use all of them daily for whatever they're best at.
you don't get to just rape the system with a root kit on linux and call it anticheat unfortunately
I used to do pci-e passthrough with an arch host to windows 10 with two 2080 TIs to play tarkov but they stopped allowing virtual machines. Was pretty awesome to basically alt-tab between two running games. I guess I could still do it, but with steam allowing you to play only one game per account it's not really worth it.
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>ZERO professional software on linux.
This is the only decent critique, everything else you said is retarded and homosexual.

I need AutoCAD. I need Adobe software. I need Microsoft Office products for work even though better FOSS alternatives exist. Modding/hacking video games on Linux is a lot harder. Designing circuits is too.

But I still use Linux and I'm very, very happy with it overall.
I really need to put together a Win 95 box and break out Borland 5 for old time’s sake.
DCS is the one game that keeps me on windows. All the simpit shit i have is never going to work right in linux, even if the game ever does.
anyone fuck around with pro audio on linux? I use a dante pcie card with jack.
Apple is for queers
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Holy white pill this is awesome

Put on your kneesocks, anon. It's time to break free
>I need AutoCAD. I need Adobe software. I need Microsoft Office products
You need a beating. That will sort you out
there was a windows-only program I wanted to use on linux so I just reverse-engineered it to do everything I needed it to do. Most programs are going to run fine under wine or whatever. But you're still fighting against it. Just use more than one computer with multiple operating systems. It solves everything. It's not hard unless you have some unreasonable hangup.
Mental Outlaw is veery based, very cool guy
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He is a nigger but he is doing a good job redpilling people on tech related stuff
>unZOG your computer by installing Linux
Web programmer looking for attention and an excuse to use slurs.
microsoft is now pajeet company, that's way worse.
in linux you can choose less trooned sw over troonmaxxed, it's up to you. there is a choice, unlike standardized shit by pajeets for normies which is openly spying on you.
also there always bsd to choose instead of both.
He is a mulatto so half a nigger. Pure niggers are not that smart.
I've unzogged my ckmputer by using a FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source Software) distro and even liberating my BIOS.
Linux is for massive faggots
It simply makes you an easier target, who do you think is easier to find for internet crimes one in a million windows users or one out of 10 linux users?
How do I know that the kernel maintainers aren't a bunch of woke faggots and started putting shit in there after the political divide? Im not going to read through every fucking patch made since then. They could also be introducing things clandestinely over time and then just pushing it in as a patch for a device driver or something. I like linux a lot but that shit worries me. There is also all that code from GNU and FSF. And I know many of them are woke. Richard Stallman used to defend pedophilia on his blog back when we used to have normal social discourse.
Linux 100% has backdoors in it now also. it's all hardware based
>unzog pc
>proceeds to install shibuntu
many such casesmthan
Name some alternatives then nigger. Most businesses only accept .docx files and force you to use MS Excell. There are no CAD alternatives on Linux. There are no good video, photo, or motion graphics editors on Linux. Get over yourself faggot.
linux mint dev hating Israel made me switch aswell as windows decay from H1B visa recipients
based and redpilled. You speak the truth.
Do you even have a job?
I don't. But I give jobs to other people.
laughs in systemd
Like half of India or more uses Linux. Stop pretending it's normie-proof. We need to get everyone off zogrosoft and etc before the wars start.
>become unhackable.
Arch bros, update your system.
to what? arch?
>systemd mentioned
if you hate it, you probably dont't know how to use it for anything more than to start/stop services that someone else wrote.
what are you talking about?
Which distro has the least amount of trannys?
you mean the OS whose core kernel literally has commits from NSA employees, CCP employees, KGB employees, IDF employees, etc?

yeah that's definitely ZOG-free
kys normies
Probably going to kill myself or go be homeless before the weekend is over. I hate this world and am pretty much done with everything. I tried but can't.
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most radio stations use a GNU/Linux machine running Rivendell computer to play their audio

almost every company and government in the US that works with flow analysis and flood modelling uses a GNU/Linux machine to make their flood maps (ORNL TRITON)

almost every car in the US was CFD tested on a machine running GNU/Linux (SimFlow/OpenFOAM)

those are just the ones I've worked with personally and have some experience with; I work with people who have worked on all kinds of software for all kinds of companies across almost every industry
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Specifically install picrel or you're an insecure little bugger.
I strongly implore you to buy Thinkpad P-series (modern P16 Gen2 on ebay is fair) for it.
Stay alive for your race. God bless you every time you do something positive for the White race.
The problem is that smart people are driven out of open source projects by petty infighting and internet drama. Gnome faggots booted a board member because he shared a link to a Jew that they consider "le nazi". Linux isn't a panacea.
>go back to being happy reading books and walking.
Then just do it. I spend my leisure time working on electronics and learning mathematics. It's much more comfy that interacting with the opensores community.
Take the rural living pill
install gentoo
>putting linux on it would be RETARDED because you can't really do anything to take advantage of a powerful personal computer
??? Exactly what can't you take advantage of?
Because its open source, so you can check for yourself and don't have to just trust the experts.
Sell me on gentoo
Currently installing Fedora on another computer but there are issues.
With linux, you can just spoof all that, so everyone thinks you are one of the one in a million windows users.
>There are no good video, photo, or motion graphics editors on Linux.
GIMP, OpenShot, and Blender are good at all of that, you just don't know what you are talking about because you can't get over yourself faggot.
I have it on my laptop, just bought a 250gb nvme for my 3rd m.2 slot, going to make it a Linux drive and main it
gonna go with endeavorOS
just procrastinating because taking out my gpu and bracket is a pain in the ass
>half of India uses Linux
You are a fucking moron.
What about IBM CPU's?
>le pedophile and tranny OS
everyone I ever knew who used this ended up raided for sex crimes or hacking
The only thing that kept me on Windows were games, and Bazzite has me covered there. Feels good not having to use a literal DEI Indian-developed OS anymore. I don’t even care if new games don’t work on Linux (they usually do though), because everything new is gay af.
is he a faggot leftist that hates Israel because muh oppressors harming browns, or because they're muh oppressors harming whites? big difference
This. Subtle but huge difference. One wants to remove the Israeli shadow government, and one wants to replace it with a Muslim shadow government instead.
He is def on /pol/
Not until the war is over, friend.
FL is big gay abletonchad for life
Not really
post specs and what you're playing fags
>4080 super
>240hz oled monitor
>persona 2 innocent sin on ppsspp
>sekiro ng+2 charmless run
It doesn't matter that much. You can actually convince people who hate Israel for leftist reasons of a lot, you can redpill them, its one of the pathways.
There needs to be more Christians hating Israel desu senpai

>Muslim shadow government
Apple is only for womin.

>Linux is only "pretty"
If this doesn't get you the boner, than I don't know what will
Yeah this is true. It’s finally good to see leftists hate Israel, despite for different reasons. Like you said, it’s a gateway to getting redpilled about the Jews’ much larger and subversive control of the world.
I almost replied to this seriously but I couldn't without laughing.
It's better than nothing, but these people will still never admit they don't like jews, only zionists/Israeli gov
>ACKSHUALLY there are jews against Israel, no need to bring antisemitism into this
but we need all the help we can get right now, the enemy of the enemy is always useful
there are people that can't use mint
I rawdog Windows 11 and don't give a fuck about troonix
I like pointing out they aren't even Semites and teach them about Khazaria. Once they learn the history of Khazaria and about the Ashkenazim they are often set in the correct direction.

The irony is that the real Semites are Arabs and Lebanese and Palestinians. The descendants of the Hebrews of the bible are literally Christian Palestinians and to a very slightly lesser degree (but not as much as you'd think) the Muslim Palestinians.

Is it true you have ads in your start menu?
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>unZOG your computer by installing Linux
Last week I removed windows and installed Debian. My laptop is now much faster and the battery lasts longer.
I've been using linux exclusively since 1999.
Your Intel CPU has a backdoor which allows three letter agencies to get into your pc even if it's powered off
Linux is troon central
Explain. I keep hearing this shit but it makes no sense. You must be talking about the CPU backdoor giving them local access right? Because that's already what (((they))) (Pegasus/NSO group) did with iPhone. They went undected for 3 years using a 5-7 different 0days including one bypassing Apple's exploit protection and got directly into the A11+ chips. Remote access exploit through a backdoor chip when it's powered off makes no sense.
I blame gaben for an influx of retards with steam decks. I do appreciate the work valve has put into linux.
Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed
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Don't forget shandalar
if all the "best" linux distros are trying their best to emulate the ease of Windows why would i not just use windows to play my vidya games?
Excel can be run in a browser. Photoshop can be run in wine/proton just find. Stop being a nigger
Retard I finished Shadow of the erdtree on linux.
True. Intel ME and whatever the fuck the AMD one is called
I rape girls and kill them.
>Remote access exploit through a backdoor chip when it's powered off makes no sense.
intel management access have full system access and is running as long as their is power to the pc, this even means it can run off of the cmos battery.
EAC is supported. DBD runs great on linux.
Because of forced updates and telemetry?
>Paying for virtual planes
kys retarded zoomer.
> unZOG your computer
any advice on how to unZOG the hardware root kit under the OS?
>intel management access have full
i need sleep, i meant to say, intel management engine has full. . .
I do not know the details but it has something to do with Intel ME (Intel Management Engine) and AMD PSP (Platform Security Processor) and the Dual Elliptic Curve random bit generator that, allegedly, inserted a backdoor to allow them to break the encryption.
Not to mention the TAO Catalog that was leaked in 2013, that talk about electronics that transmit radio frequencies that makes it possible to access your pc via radio frequencies without any internet
you can disable the telemetry very easily (the site privacy dot sexy has everything.. yes it is a dumb domain name) and "yum update" is still updates tho.
>Arch Linux users updating their system 10 times a day
i'll drop this for intel users
>if tranny was a OS
there are plenty of reasons why it's great
- package management: if you don't have Linux tier package management, you're a niggering monkey, and might as well go back to the jungle to play with your shit (really)
- distro variety (can get stable shit for servers, that update slowly, or bleeding edge shit for the rest, what have you; even retarded crap like debian that moves too fast for servers or too slow for desktop, if you're a tarded animal)
- desktop variety (XFCE+cortile ftw: kde and gnome retarded faggots don't go anywhere near it)
- mostly text based config (über alles)
- generally works really fucking well (far better than monkey shit like windows, or faggot shit like macos)

and we need people who'll join maintaining, else, it'll just end up being retards, looney troons and other manners of subhumans
truly, Linux maintaining and quality in general has noticeably decreased from the early 10's, for which I blame the codes of conduct that attracted incompetent, retarded, fragile and narcissistic faggots
I'm not a violent person but I'd unironically love to kick the shit out of a Linux user just once. Smug fucking pedo faggots
>file manager not in list mode
you disgust me
I sincerely wish all the very worst to such lowly animals as you
moves too fast for servers, too slow for desktop
and has been a maintenance shitshow for more than a decade
not to even tell about the wokism
disgusting: and sad, used to be OK until the late naughts
Use old am3 processors that don't have amd psp
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I use Arch btw
I gotta upgrade my hardware anyways
>12 years without the minimum requirements error
>There are no CAD alternatives on Linux.
you're welcome
Thanks bro
All pc OS’s phones even fuckin smart tvs has back doors built in as part of a law that isn’t widely known about. That way they can spy on you and in extreme cases they can add files to your system while it’s connected to the net. So anyone anywhere can get the magic jew terabytes of you goin to jail nao
>unZOG your computer by installing Linux
I'm a simpleton. Can you explain the benefits to me in a way I can understand.
Kek. The "experts" from Big Tech are the ones actually writing much of the kernel code and major libraries, and you cannot rely on the community of users to do any auditing. Goto fail sat there in OpenSSL for years and years before being caught.
It’s free, that’s basically it. You’ll need a bit of learning, but you will have a less bloated OS that can mostly do what you need. Now if you have a ton of programs that are only windows compatible you could use things to emulate windows. Gaming is fairly decent now, some people complain about video editing etc but it’s not as bad as they say.
You don't need a community, it is open source, you can pick and choose which lines of code to implement all by yourself.
Based and work pilled. With Windows11 you also have WSL2, so you can start up a linux vm in seconds, should you want to.
So it's the Greeks
and FreeCAD, though you have to use development versions, to get less buggered by the namespace shit
you can even (reasonably) play with FEM, in it
Isn't Linux pure glownigger shit?
You're either trolling, or you have no idea how complex the systems you're talking about really are.
>lines of code to implement
I don't know what you meant by this, and to be honest, I don't think you do either.
BricsCAD is the only CAD that is worthy of doing actual work. I've tried plenty and BricsCAD is really the only one that can come close to functionallity of SolidWorks (which I was used to), I wouldn't be far off if I said that every other CAD on linux is shit.
Is it more secure or safer. What's the point if I'm only using it to Troll
>linux is just as compromised
is a psy op so you won't get off windows
I'm literally asking. I heard it's fake and gay. I don't use windows BTW.
sure, but it's not free
and FreeCAD progresses a lot, these days
again, it's a psy op
and even if major distro (like Ubuntu) is compromised (which is also a psy op simply because it has the largest userbase and (((they))) don't want you to go off windows), you have many to chose from that are not
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This is what dealing with open source projects is really like. It's not the early 2000s anymore when it was "le sekret club" for white nerds. Now it's as globohomo as you can get.
that's true, but why would I give a fuck, I've never paid for anything I can get on the internet for free
So your problem isn't that people are trying to harm or spy on you with software, its that you are too retarded to understand the systems you are using?

>I don't know what you meant by this,
Probably because you are retarded, but open source software means that the code is out there for anyone to view and modify, so anyone can pick and choose which part of the code to actually execute.
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What if I'm a Gaymer? I have LTSC WIN10, its debloated and everything for the most part and even telemetry is off, only reason I don't go LINUXMODE is because of that, what if I just Game on WIN10 and have a VM of Linux for everything else?
>its that you are too retarded to understand the systems you are using?
We're all too retarded to comprehend complex systems in their totality. We have methods to manage the complexity, but they're not perfect.
>so anyone can pick and choose which part of the code to actually execute.
Just stop.
you have a choice, you gaslighting piece of shit, and you very well know the difference between these people existing in an open source project and in microsoft
I haven't had many issues running professional Windows software on Linux the past couple of years.
>I am a retard, so everyone else must be too.
Are you Dunning or Kruger?

>Just stop.
Exactly with open source, you can look at the code, and just stop using whatever bits of code are related to spyware by deleting the offending lines and compiling it yourself.
Most of tbe components are open source.
It's a lot harder to compromise, though not impossible.
Systemd is a convoluted mess like the US government for a reason.
Here it is in relation to every Jew.
So yeah Greeks are more related to the people of the bible then Ashkenazim (the vast majority of all Jews) are.
Keep in mind, Ashkenazim are notoriously inbred, if they were from a Semitic population it would show up strongly in their genes.
Even google open source or some non supported windows eg 98 is better.
Otherwise just assume US govt troons are spying on you
you need to zog with the Wine windows emulator and Steam based emulators to game with that linux OS.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!
Truth. If you manage a server linux is ok. If all you do is browse the internet then linux is fine. For anything else it sucks.
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Q4OS TDE. Home.
>Are you Dunning or Kruger?
Kek. This has to be AI, no way a human is this dumb.
It's pretty sad that troonix users have to come here to groom more users into their lifestyle. The product is free yet people aren't rushing to use it (as a desktop) how curious.
Sure show your dunning-kruger retardation off in the performing the Turing Test too.
kill yourself leaf
saw a linux thread yesterday but didn't have time to reply before it was archived.
which distro does pol users suggest? i watched a ton of videos, and linux mint feels the easiest option without any headache and tinkering nerd bullshit.
>what about using windows 10 ltsc enterprice? I always pirated my windows
Verification not required.
Ok groomer.
But I use Matlab on Linux.
I am pretty sure this does not happen. Yes the intel ME CAN do that and it is widely used on corporate provided work computers to monitor the workers and install updates(they tell you this in the contract), but on personal.computers i have never heard of any network activity while the computer is off
That won't be enough to satisfy the troons, because you've committed the cardinal sin of using "proprietary software" and they'll groom you into using something inferior like Octave.
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I'd like to but then I won't be able to play my chink gacha spyware or install mods
This is right, most home users aren't running Vpro enabled chipsets.
Intel uses a Minix derivative, curiously making Minix one of the worlds most widely distributed operating systems.
Not a single linux fan on here has the ability or time to audit even 1 major update.
144hz lcd 1080p
Gaming alptop from 2018(ryzen 3550h gtx 1650
16gb ram
Dota 2, elite dangerous, starsector,minecraft
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He's not wrong tho... It is a server OS any GUI on top of it is shit from my experience.
it's not that simple but it's a start
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Already did.


Install lutris.
Then select the installer option.
yeah I got Lutris. I didnt think it would open, but it just did.

I'll look up a tutorial on how to get a game going.

Whats an "installer option"?
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux,
is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.
Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component
of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell
utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day,
without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU
which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are
not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a
part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system
that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run.
The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself;
it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is
normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system
is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux"
distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
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>he thinks linux is not ZOG
oh sweet summer child
take the B(a)S(e)D pill
>unZOG your computer by installing Linux

Just make sure there is no systemd installed...
I'm a zionist though
don't and don't
is it possible to remove it?
rutracker org
there's also a guide from the guy who make most stuff about how to make your shit run with wine but it's on russian obviously. Pretty much every big new game is there
Oh, and I use gimp instead of photoshop. I don't think they are that different. Gimp is very simple
I installed Ubuntu on my boomer dad's laptop two days after the Windows meltdown and he's pretty happy about it.
why not use https://www.photopea.com instead? from my experience gimp sucks
>Gimp is very simple
Gimp is the worst piece of shit I've ever had the displeasure of using.
This. Photopea is amazingly good.
гимп мoжeт вce дeлaть
>webshit "application"
instantly discarded
>webshit "application"
yeah ur kinda not wrong, but it's still an alternative.
Already did. But I keep windows as well, there is too much shit that doesn't really have alternative on Linux.
>amd cpu
>nvidia gpu
It's over for me. Nothing but krashes and mce errors
>self cofidence

Who tf made this retarded shit? This is the dumbest fucking table ive ever seen.
>list view
Why would you have a media folder in list view?
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it just works
>WAAH! they forgot to update their cert 10 years ago!
it just works
Please, ubuntu, manjaro and mint exist.
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Imagine being your age and unironically giving a fuck about virtually any of this garbage shit? Imagine being such a sad individual the urge to share a digital space all with 14 year year old gta V spics/discord troon pals actually influences your OS choice.
That's literally the best combo though
No, moran- I'll give you a guess, It's where the early legal term "Good Samaritan" comes from. but holy fuck /pol/ is stupid
Just whip out the nouveau drivers when nvidia is on dilation break and you'll be good.
you didn't reverse engineer shit nub
This nigger is stuck in 2001.
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Despite whatever messaging behind linux/libre/foss software, its not about Ze Politikal Freedumbz.
Yeah, theres less telemetry, but thats just that - less telemetry, so long as you use any external internet services sgt Ramirez and hacky Lee and Ivan will still get hold of critical amounts of your data.
Linux ecosystem is essentially open distributed RnD for computing systems, mainly driven by large stakeholders interested in development of such systems. If you've got nothing to contribute theres not much point in using linux.
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>GPL communism
Open BaSeD is Real Freedom
>Wrapped at 79 characters
holy fucking based
Don't do it, brother! Suicide is an even bigger trap than regular life and death, you will have to do all of this shit over again AND makeup homework on top of it! Don't kill yourself, please, anon. I've tried to do it to myself and it appears quantum immortality is real, but also I regret doing it because it has trimmed down the number of unique universes where I can be free and happy and so on can exist. You are more than a 3-dimensional being and you need to not cut off your nose to spite your face. You may not be able to perceive these hyperdimensions yet, but once you do you will regret suicidal ideation a lot more. Think about more than yourself for once. Go out and serve other people and be a good human being, make a positive impact with your life before your established time. Endure until the end, brother. It's worth it.
your statement is a case of crawling too far up your own ass.
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It's obvious that you have 0 professional experience
giving it a funky African name for something clearly not is a warning sign to any sane person
I'd rather stop using computers entirely than switch over to Lincucks. I remember looking at Linux in 1998 and wondering when it will be usable. I'm still wondering.
yes goy install linux so you can get the systemd and kernel embedded spyware instead of the microsoft spyware
At least take out some yids or something before you kys.
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Computing is zogged on the hardware level and technology in general is zogged on the philosophical level.
bsd is the same btw
my only grip with linux is it's poor solidworks support and the lack of a good FOSS alternative
FreeCAD sucks
SCAD is good but it isn't a true alternative to solidworks
Linux doesn't force me to upgrade my computer because my processor is not acceptable for their new pajeet spyware/advertising platform.

They hire poos because they will do anything for money and have no concept or understanding of the ideas and understanding that was integral to the creation of the US constitution and the bill of rights.
that says more about the company you keep, anon
What are you doing putting credit card info on a core 2 duo?
I think more & more about the “dehumanize yourself” component & less about the “face to bloodshed” part. We must face and embrace conflict as men. But in this evil world the ones who succeed are those who dehumanize themselves, in order to dehumanize others. Philandering, exploiting illegal aliens, etc all come from dehumanizing oneself
>CAIR isnt a thing and they arent in control of Keith Ellison and company
>CAIR didnt rig the judicial system where they have influence
>CAIR didnt ooenly state their goal of making North Anerica a sandnigger islamist state
>CAIR has no link to islamokike Muslim Brotherhood
Nigger you are no different than AIPAC. And you will share the same fate.
dont get into distro autism if you just want to use your computer normally, just install mint or ubuntu.
this except install KDE Manjaro
I like the idea of Linux but it just really isn't all that feasible for me. I like to mod games a lot and I'd like to have the option to play something like R6S if I wanted to. For example, DDMK absolutely refused to work with dmc3 and dmc4, and fluffymodmanager didn't work with dmc5 whatsoever either, I messed around with the launch options in heroic games and I even tried to run dmc4 on steam with proton by adding non steam game (all pirated btw) but it didn't even launch there, so yeah
mint and ubuntu are boring
because I'm not a niggermonkey
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Or learn how to use linux by installing debian. Mint and Ubuntu are just bloated up debian.
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Any fags here do LFS?
Arch is even better but its for gamers and tinkerers
linux is just a server.
ime (fcitx, ibus) is broken and no one fixes it
What font is that? It looks almost the same as the one used in Stars in Shadow
Arch made it obsolete, unless you're an autist about sysutils and init systems.
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>people actually think using linux gives you privacy
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You already use kernel 6.10?
Are you from the future?
Either use BSD or Artix, anything else is a meme and just as bad as Windows.
i am so happy to see these threads more often. keep it up baker.
I'm hearing that apple is for gays
i’m going to fly my f/a-18E over your house and jdam your shit street during happy hour.
open office. cura. try alternativeto, you can find software alternatives. i use it to find foss replacements when i need a program for a specific task. that’s how i found handbrake. FOSS FTW
oh, you said cad. i don’t do engineering. soz
what about tails and a vpn outside of nine eyes?
there is absolutely nothing more consumerist than Linux
all those faggots ever do is jerk each other off about different distros
I only know ONE person who actually USES their Linux system
every other person with Linux spends all their time customizing their system with different tools and hopping distros before switching off their Linux machine and going back to Windows to browse porn and play video games
people who use Linux are worse than vegans and people who do crossfit
they should be lined up against a wall and violently penetrated up the ass with a baseball bat coated with pure capsaicin and AIDS
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how many different distros have you tried?
your flag looks like my toilet paper after I wiped this morning
lmao at capsaicin and aids, but your speaking of individuals. linux itself i wouldn’t categorize as consumerist. using it is basically just a finality of transitioning to using only foss alternatives to closed source software on windows is, applied to your os.
you should consider speaking with your doctor. black and bloody stool is not a good sign..
Fedora is a shitty RedHat - Install Debian.
wine cmd if you need to run "abatchfile.bat"
sudo wine setup.exe
i hope you enjoyed your corn, however.
listen: I really, really like the IDEA of Linux, but the unfortunate reality is that the community devolved into a fucking Three Stooges act of dudes slapping each other with their baby dicks to decide the best way to display a fucking clock
it ought to have developed into a useful open-source os which is plug-and-play, but Linux users are enormous hipsters and NOOOOOO, you CAN'T HAVE NORMIES EASILY USING LINUX! REEEEE!
there are serious software incompatibilities because of this gay faggot hipster mentality - developers do not make software for Linux because it's only for these elitist cringebags
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>I just want to go back to being happy reading books and walking. Will I ever be happy doing just that again?

No. You will eat bugs and fight wars.
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>I only know ONE person who actually USES their Linux system
Linux is for trannies 100% without fail.
>doubleposting with a memflag
you should consider doing a somersault off an overpass, if you even live somewhere important enough to have one
Decent system, friend
>Can hardly do anything
>Spend the rest of your life problem-solving just to do basic shit
>No vidya

Sorry Linux, try harder. dhkw
or boomers involved with design since the 1980s.
this is the core of the issue, you can't do anything with Linux unless you spend time figuring out a work-around
Linux users are, at the heart of it, hipsters who are not interested in making an OS that works for a casual user, and thus will not see widespread enough adoption to warrant commercial use
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>I really, really like the IDEA of Linux, but the unfortunate reality is that the community devolved into a fucking Three Stooges act
>how many different distros have you tried?
>your flag looks like my toilet paper after I wiped this morning
>here is absolutely nothing more consumerist than Linux
>doubleposting with a memflag

This is a thread about linux, faggot. Flags does not matter.

You sound like a Microsoft employee assinged to discredit Linux
and you sound like an AIDs-ridden tranny incapable of refuting a single point of criticism
they put adobe premiere or photoshp on linux yet?
Linux is too good for some of the oldest, simplest software suites
my clock is a python program that uses ncurses to display local time and UTC time to a tength of a second in iso 8601 that gets loaded into a urxvt window with a certain theme loaded with xrdb and a custom title that runs in a scripted tmux session which is managed by a systemd target that runs a systemd unit to manage the urxvtc and tmux server/session. xmonad config to recognize the urxvt window title and automatically move it to the correct workspace
I do systemctl start clock.target to start it.
nope, its all bugdoored to hell and if you resist, they suddenly you like ian
I stopped using Windows when I got tired of running into a bunch of technical issues where I'm expected to edit the registry to fix them. I tried Ubuntu, Mint and settled on Fedora, and they all worked better than Windows and were just as easily useable. I don't know where this bullshit reputation of Windows being bug free came from, it's the complete opposite
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>what is systeMD
Im too dumb for it. Better just find a castrated LTSC win10 from some pirate. I've tried lubuntu iirc, it's too complicated and things not working properly in Wine, you need to learn, u have no time, u need some things now
Laughes even harder in OpenRc.
>Buy a sound card
>Spend 3 quarters of the year installing it
>Forget everything you learned
>Hardware fails, need to redo this
>The distro is down and outdated
>Just code your own drivers nigger
>Never use a computer again
idk, what is it?
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lmao I realize it probably sounds like satire but I actually did this and use it daily
>not using openrc
Ngmi senpai
It's easier to run windows on a virtual machine.
I never had any luck with Wine either.
it's more like this for me
>buy $1000 sound card
>worry every kernel update that the driver might break
>it breaks
>fix driver yourself
>send patch to card manufacturer
unless you're a bitch I guess
Its babbys first linux
i will soon, im tired of microsoft artificially bugging down my OS just because theres "critical" updates they want to force down my throat. they either slow stuff down, break random stuff that never breaks, or just straight up crash your system to force you to restart

sick and tired of it
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have fun being a virgin
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Listen, what you guys are referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
what are the best linux alternatives to photoshop and premiere.
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me when a Linux user is talking
Just for funzies... I guess I'm an autist then.
Photoshop and premiere, using wine/proton
they don't work on Wine. Photoshop might kinda of, but Premier doesn't.
Running a corebooted linux laptop now famalam
First google result
>have fun being a virgin
why would you use a jihadi flag to post in a thread about Linux, anon?
You're trying to spoonfeed retards, that before the 1990's had no business using a computer at all. Now everyone and Indians are online. The Dead Internet theory is real.
Na. I rather run a windows 8.1 bait system and all the rest that matters, well okay, raspberry pi linux
>(((open source)))
>somehow unzogging
yeah no

also, i can't run my expensive music programs on linus, or play steam games. I mean I love manjaro kde plasma but I wont be able to run shit on it
whoa easy on the autism shadow fan
the solutions don't always work on every linux though.. and they can sometimes be bitch to get to work.
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>I don't know where this bullshit reputation of Windows being bug free came from, it's the complete opposite

The bullshit reputation comes from the same media that promotes Bill Gates as the 'Health Czar' of the planet!
>play steam games
are you fucking dumb? have you been living under a rock for the last 5 years? 99.9% of the steam library is playable on linux, including big titles like GTA V. and no not wine, pure linux
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>Listen, what you guys are referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.
I haven't tried recently so I can't say, but I wouldn't be surprised. Still, that would still leave most of the audio plugins unusable, I don't know if wine is very good at running those
VT? Ugh, also too complicated. But I thought of trying it. What I usually did is keep backup image of fresh Win OS with Acronis or Macrium, and if something went wrong, overwrite disc with it.
I think I will sacrifice much more time and brain matter by learning linuxes, compared to spend some time to reinstall win. And I can install or change thing after reinstall and add it no new image
I will NEVER use official windows tho, only pirated, fuck HellGates
When's the last time you tried, 2004?>>475734523
This post is blatantly retarded. Go away.
anon, I know you're trying to provide an accurate and technical point, and I do appreciate it
however, this is exactly what I mean about Linux being a safe space for hipsters
why the fuck can't I just use an OS that works, does not require me to manually update every fucking driver to work for the OS, and does not require me to run a version of Windows just to play 20 year old video games?
you can't even play Diablo 2 without a fucking workaround, it's ABSURD
this is my point, Linux is complex for the sake of being complex
kiss the ring and get Windows
there are ways to turn off the telemetry and it's a lot easier than managing a Linux distro
when was zika.. 2012 or something?
Nigger its copypasta
I've been had
And to answer some of your questions, you still need to install some proprietary drivers manually on windows (such as for the gpu). And this is how easy it is to play d2 on linux:
Install steam
Add d2 a "non-steam game"
In properties change compatibility to use proton
Hit play
>you can't even play Diablo 2 without a fucking workaround, it's ABSURD
I played diablo 2 on battle.net on an xbox with xebian back in 2005
i just disable auto updates in he registry and only go online to browse the web/ download new ero games. ms update tongue my balls.
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I noticed the same thing. The blatant sabotaging to force restarts was one of the reasons I switched, it wasn't worth dealing with that shit alone nevermind other issues
>still need manual gpu drivers
that is a fair point anon, but you have to do it a lot less with Windows than you do on Linux, and there really are some twatwaffles who will tell you to "fix it yourself" if there is not already a driver available
and I will concede to you about Diablo 2, I thought you had to use Lutris or some shit to get it working right
lol those were the days weren't they?
I miss the mid-2000's, shit was so cash
i played my copy onmy thrifted win xp dell laptop.
>not wine
I think you're getting mixed up
99.9 percent of games are not linux native, but steam does a great job of making it seamless to the point where if you have it enabled by default you won't even notice
proton, the compatibility layer that lets you run most of those games on linux, is just a fancy fork of wine with special fixes for various games applied automatically
that's not to say that it doesn't work very well, in many cases you'll see better performance on linux even with a compatibility layer than you do on windows native, and these days getting most stuff to run is just as simple as it is on windows
steam sucks :c i don’t want it.

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