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what's your opinion on vitaly's child predator hunting?

i think it's pretty based. also he resembles tesak, he even forces the pedos to drink urine and shaves their hair. plus he is from russia as well, so he was probably influenced by tesak.
Pedos are gonna flood this thread and start criticizing age of consent laws.
vitaly is based af
i love that video when is on drugs and hit his gf for being a slut
I like how he takes the legality of his operation really seriously while not understanding the law at all. Like when he thinks you can shave someones head pepper spray them when you intimidate them into signing a consent form
pedo hunting is a cover for pedos. Just like FBI and shooters.
It's sad the only people we can do this to is pedos.
Fake, just like every video he puts out
The best one is the one where they call the police on the pedo and instead of arresting the pedo the pedo hunter has to cut 10 minutes out of the video where the cop obviously threatened to arrest them for harassment while telling them nothing they do is admissible in court. More hilarious are the actual law enforcement stings, where the underage victim is contacted by 300 men, a dozen or so actually show up in person, and they might get a single one that admits on camera in a public crowded hotel lobby that they are willing to pay a 15 year old for sex with the recording able to stick in court.
He's making up for being bitchmade on BangBus. All of his life afterwards has been trying to compensate for his friend betraying his confidence.
everyone knows that socialism and communism is better than capitalism,
and market participants shouldnt be allowed to figure this out for

anyone who says that god knows best when a girl is ready to make a
baby, is not connected to reality, and it is not a strong argument

anyone who claims that old men fucking young women, who then have
babies, increase the lifespan of the human race are not telling the

anyone who has sex with someone under the age of 25 must hang, anyone
who is under 25 having sex must be arrested for social disorder, put
into a re-education camp for wrongthink, and then put on a list that
tracks mentally ill people for the rest of their lives

anyone who has art of paintings, whose color configuration depicts
someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude position must hang

anyone who has pieces of plastic or rubber or latex, whose color
configuration depicts someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude
position must hang

anyone who has masturbation paraphernalia or toys, must hang, they are
unnatural, and degenerate

Bill Gates has put in alot of effort to depopulate the world, dont fuck it up, by having kids at an earlier age

the only exceptions to this should be if you are a visible minority or trans because logic is racist
He tried to do porn, couldnt get a boner, and everyone laughed at him.
I don’t really care. I noticed though when people do stuff like this it’s usually because they are compensating for their own actions. Like the wife beater who announces to the world they are a feminist. The pedo who goes hunting for other pedos to make himself feel better and to disguise his own actions.
you posted this 8 hours ago
The opinion I gave there is the same. These vigilantes are all white knight narcissists who are either monetizing as a grift or moral grandstanding, both of which are third world behaviors.
He's wasting time.
In Bongland we're guilty as fuck of doing the same. It's mental. The excuses they make to any criticism is. "You're protecting child rapists". They usually message uglies as kids and bait them into a meetup somewhere they can confront them and show the messages whilst livestreaming it on Facebook. I had my chance to engage with a few. I wish I didn't ignore them now.

Unironically, both of these guys were likely ass raped and a child.
Chris hansen made it better somehow. Everyone else is cringe.

And have you guys ever visited perverted justice website? They have the chat logs and its just adds another level of insanity to it.
is vitaly the one on the left? He's a pedo for sure, he's got the phenotype.
A) It's good entertainment
B) Name one time it interfered in a police investigation (you can't)
C) If cops were doing this, why are these retards collectively finding hundreds of pedos willing to show up in person every year?
Vitaly is very clearly a pedo himself

I always got this impression as well. It was people punishing others for shit they were guilty of. Also, the word 'pedo' has lost all meaning since it can literally refer to an older man that's attracted to 18 and 19 year olds now.
It's pretty lame because they use questionable methods to entice pedos then make fun of them for personal gain.
It's also pretty unlikely they are doing anything to prevent child rape because 2/3 of child rapists are trusted adults and not strangers.
The funniest ones are when the pedophile thinks he’s being smart, gets doxxed and some anti pedo parent group start beating him so severely he seizes and goes into a coma
Always Based. Chris Hansen to catch a predator has always been a favorite of mine, out of all television series.
I think that it's good. Fuck those chomos.
That fatty Alex Rosen had a dude kill himself during a gig early in the week.
Buy an ad
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Suiciding pedos is extremely based
Big nose, so probably some jewish trick.

Also if you mention anything too specific about pedos here such as clues of someone being a sociopath the thread gets archived.
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Hypocrites. Wait til the civil war happens and the war rape occurs. I'm building a teen harem. I will ice anyone who gets in my way. Take the barbarianpill.
>i think it's pretty based.
Piece of shit engrish teacher go home!
is grooming considered acceptable if you fuck the girl when over 18?
Pedo hunters don’t follow Age of Consent laws though so it’s a moot criticism
your a pedo i have no idea why i even clicked this image but after reading this abhorrant title ill bite

pedoes no offence deserve the rope and pedo hunters are way to interested in pedoes for my likeing

this is the standpoint of adult males now sepoku your thread elsewhere

vitally is a female jogger to me and anybody in the system

its all sick
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If these videos are even real, he is essentially helping the pedos go free. Retards like this end up fucking up police investigations and ruin evidence all in the name of YouTube views. They deserve the rope along with the pedos.
When Xavier von Erck did it, it backfired on him, no? It’s probably not the most effective way and is more for show.
So you hate pedos but actively disregard the pedo hunting activity, I myself do understand the value of not making it your whole life

But at the same time the value of point it out when it matters
I feel like this never happened. Link to vid?
>in the name of YouTube views
I imagine there is an everlasting shame to being caught recorded and publicly shamed.
listen kid
theres nothing in life your good at without it affecting you thats fact
thats life

the most corrupt police are the ones that watch criminals

it takes serious fortitude to have non corrupt police at the highest level

this shit is wrong and the people that obsessively spend their lives chaseing it with no plausable reason or complete freakout are frankly not caught yet
Can’t view it anymore.
Sure but wouldn't it be better for them to be shamed AND properly arrested/charged? These guys just dodged lifetime SO registry and being fucked up in general population because some washed up "content creator" that couldn't get a boner on a porno wanted to gain back some relevance.
All men are sexually attracted to teen girls.

Denial of this simple biological fact is just pure guilt-based delusion + social shaming. The only men who would deny this are effeminate males who have been metaphorically castrated by our current matriarchy
I’ve been told that you can’t really date nore than a couple years younger whatever you are right now. Since i’m 18 I guess that would be 17, but like with dudes my age it feels more restricted. Like we’re really only allowed to date other 18 year olds not younger. And actually ive been told by people that I shoudlnt be allowed to date at all until im 20

I think your best bet is dating outside the west cuz people are too controlling here. Even when it’s not pedophilia. Just when it’s more rudimentary dating stuff
and not wanting to act on that or protect venerable people is not ok also thats not even true kids are not hot like 1 in 10k is massively overdeveloped for some medical reason and they are hot and societal norms make you default to protect

this pedo shit is beyond the pale
Spoken like npc
16 is legal in some places. If I were in one of these places I'd smash for sure. Anyone who declines is gay.
if your 18 16 is fine if ur 16 14 is fine if ur 14 13 is fine if your 50 25 is fine
The gen pop thing is so fake. Every once in a while theres a pedo killing in there but 99% of these people do a couple years and then are back to phishing for kids again

It’s also cringe to me that normies know jail terms like ‘gen pop’ in the first place. The reason that ppl know those terms is that muttmerica is such a prison-based society where everybody gets arrested for something. Shit is like going to highschool.
it never happened hes just seething
No it’s not bro. That’s pedophilia and honestly people here will try to kill you for even saying that. In the US you’re allowed to date once you turn 20 or so. Some people will tell you to date other 18 year olds but I wouldnt chance it
Couldnt they just change their name? Afaik it’s really easy to do. Could also steal identity i guess
He is a degenerate jew himself larping as a virtue signaling cuck because he is a self righteous power hungry faggot just like any cop
it really isnt but maybe where im from 16 is legal
there are not droves of men trying to fuck 16yr olds because thats insane

in many countries if you are under 18 16 is legal

what part of what i said is paedophilia?
and nobody's doing shit even if they do so what sucks for me i guess a non pedo fuckin suss as fuck if they do anything
You don't like power hungry pedo hunters? You've very obviously a pedophile. Tell me another deep conspiracy theory that doesn't involve pedophilia being based, or is that all you have?
Vitaly buy an ad you degenerate Jewish faggot. Nobody on this board gives a shit about your jew ass. Go make another porn vid where you can't get it up fucking kike rat
We don't need to criticize anything: you're going extinct.
Banging 30 year olds is almost as bad as being a straight faggot when it comes to offspring.
Why would his flaccid pp have anything to do with this?
It's cope.
These guys are aggressive single mother raised incels.
I've never seen a 'pedo hunter' that wasn't emotionally unstable, dysgenic, or both.
It's funny because whenever I am in public with a girl 10-15 years younger you guys don't say shit.
Probably because I'm jacked and you fat fucks are trying to simp with more steps.
I have a theory that many of these people who go so hard on pedos are smokescreening as they're pedos themselves.
how has a pedo not shoot those pedo-hunters until now? I thought you mutts had guns?
“I” don’t do anything because “I” don’t even like this country or even plan on staying here. I’m moving to colombia. Yes obviously pedo hunting is just white knighting with extra steps

Same thing as when you’re at a club with your girl wnd a guy tries to fight you and claiming you did X or Y “bad thing” to your girl
It’s happened multiple times already actually. Once to DAP and another time to some guy in michigan
Niggers who have been caught have already done so. Its only a matter of time before one of these pedojeets goes for a high score run once they're caught.
Nobody actually gives a shit in reality. Beta males looking for pussy points for not minding their business and old bitter women are the only victims. If a man is 30 and his girl is 20 there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Fucking oath, its like modern society wants men to become granny fuckers.
idk either of the fags you mentioned but pedos all deserve rope
best thing to come out of russia in a long time
That is the most zoomer incel shit i ever hear. As a millenial we would date as young as 14 and fuck either then or around 16 and get hitched at 18. Your generation is fucked. Avsolutely fucked.
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I absolutely loved To Catch a Predator, it was honestly some of the best television I've ever experienced. It was certainly flawed in some aspects, specifically the first season when they didn't involve law enforcement from the get go and some of the ethical shit that Perverted-Justice got involved in. But overall, it was a fantastic show that was professionally done and was classy. It generated some iconic memes and birthed the Lorneography.

As far as all of these Chris Hanson wannabes go, I can't fucking stand them. They're extremely unprofessional, acting like retarded children and do shit that makes the court cases let the predators go. For every predator those retarded clowns jailed, they probably got 20 of them to have all charges dropped because of their shitty ass larping.

It's all for the spectacle and clout. It has nothing to do with actually protecting children, because if they really wanted to do that, they would just become a police officer, join a specialized task force, initiate in activism that would lead to changes in laws or policies on the internet. These clowns don't want to do any of that because it takes effort and they won't receive any online clout for it.

Like, I get it, it /is/ fun to see pedos and predators get humiliated. There was plenty of that in TCAP. But when the vigilantes do shit like assaulting them or vandalizing their property, that basically ensuring that they don't get punished and have their case thrown out of court. And sure, you may get them fired and ostracized, but they'll likely be back online preying on children but with more caution and wisdom. Way to go, retards. And don't even get me started on those incidents where the fucking idiots went after the wrong people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmUt_FB4Zfo
Can someone explain the trend of making pedo hunting content? You can really get views just to beat the shit out of creeps? Really?
>Chris hansen made it better somehow. Everyone else is cringe.
Hansen actually got cases to stick.

These copycats are all just attention farming and do more harm than good because they fuck up the cases by doing illegal amateur shit.

But they simply don't care, it's all about the views for them and not actually getting pedos behind bars.
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I just wonder when pedos will be the next persecuted minority and antifa will start attacking pred hunters.
There's already a lot of non-white and tranny preds so it's only a matter of time before they start screeching RAYCISMS and troonyphobia.
Yeah, pretty much.

The most disgusting shit I saw was when there was this 12-year old kid on either TikTok or Instagram doing the whole predator catcher shit. The boy uses himself as a decoy and then exposes the pedophiles he met up with on camera. Apparently, his parents are also involved or something, I don't fucking remember.

The worst part was how many people were mindlessly defending this, calling him a hero and enabling it. Are you stupid motherfuckers so retarded in your hatred for pedos that you'll cheerlead a fucking kid into this predator hunting vigilantism shit that will most likely get him fucking killed?
>this predator hunting vigilantism shit that will most likely get him fucking killed?
Or get the kid fucker killed...
if you felt the need to pre-emptively bring this up, then maybe you're the one who doesn't understand the definition of pedo
I don't care about the pedophiles getting killed, but any parent that uses their own kid as live bait like that needs to have CPS called on them.
I think its funny overall. Niche example though. Pedo hunting is good.
How do you feel about people calling you a pedophile just for questioning the use of a real child as bait? It's wild how they attack anyone who shows any disapproval.
>It's wild how they attack anyone who shows any disapproval.
Because they're usually pedophiles... Kek.
Bring up the topic of pedophiles in nearly any social setting; the norm is that all agree it's a good thing to expose and punish them. These threads however attract people who disagree with that social norm though, they wish that everyone hated those "evil pedophile hunters".
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Checked. Very based... I like your name. How did you come up with it chink nigger?
Tbh, I didn't involve myself in that discourse because I knew it would devolve into that retarded shit.
Damn, I just checked your name..... Your quads make perfect sense, Satan.
Das rite fellow goy. In fact age of consent should be higher than menopausal age for goyim. The brain doesn't stop developing until you get dementia.
These dudes caused an accused pred to kill himself after locking himself in when the cops showed up. Fucked up or no?

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vitaly punishing and humiliating the pedo he caught by "riding" on him. what do you think?
why are 99% of the predators always white males?
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The fact is that every pedophile catcher is a closet pedophile who comes home and jerks off to everything he does, thinking that he is cheating the system...acting in the role of "IF YOU CAN'T WIN, LEAD"
It's easier for people to talk about kids suffering and dying than experiencing pleasure and orgasms. Challenging that notion is what makes this name unique. But the main reason was I wanted something that depicted what I had in mind when I screamed "CHILD SEX" for no reason. I do that sometimes.
Amazing. A whole SWAT team with helicopters and armored vehicles raided a man who searched for "Toddlercon" on Google. Hahaha. Let's hope we will never see that puritanical overreach in our country.
>what's your opinion on vitaly's child predator hunting?
He's a scumbag, roid raging jew. They aren't stopping actual child molesters from molesting actual children. They are catfishing lonely middle aged dweebs by creating fake profiles of girls who are just barely too young in the state they're in (15 or 16) using an image of some 23 year old hot model. They find guys who have never in their life had any chance of getting a lay like that, then give them an offer they can't refuse, so they can publicly shame them for having completely normal sexual interests and ruin their lives. Predator poachers at least finds actual convicted rapists who are selling toddler porn. All the other "pedo" hunters are destroying normal men on a technical statutory violation, and they're doing it for clout.

It's a distinctly American and distinctly recent interpretation of what pedophilia is. If you look at American media from a few decades ago, there's all kinds of references to jailbait in mainstream media, so it was at least understood that some girls are hot to most men before they're 18. In an early episode of Family Guy, Peter wants to fuck the high school cheerleader Connie DeMiko. In another, where the family starts a band, their producer says "there's nothing America loves more than hot white jailbait ass". Fast forward to recent years, and there's an episode where Meg turns 18 and the overarching narrative is that she's still too young. Somewhere along the line, people became convinced that a 17 year old is no different than a toddler, and only a pedophile who would rape a toddler would ever want to fuck a 17 year old.

This is of course ridiculous superstition with no basis in biology, and as such, you do not see these groups in other countries. You will not find "pedo hunters" in Australia, because this kind of age of consent dogma never really took off there. In every country except America, the people understand age of consent to be more of a guideline.
when i watched, he mostly caught spics
oh it's fake then
to catch a predator 99% of the time catches a white male

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