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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Trump says Kamala hates the Jews. Is he right?
her husband is jewish
how is this supposed to gain voters?
Trump has already said in multiple previous speeches that what’s going on in Palestine is a genocide and that it could be worked out but “one side won’t do it” and he didn’t want to clarify which side. Do what you will with that information. Also back in 2021, trump said and I quote “fuck Netanyahu” when asked about their friendship because Israel advanced into Gaza. All verifiable facts.
This so much this. Trump hates Jews and Israel and is pretending to like them to get shekels. It's obvious. Q said we are saving Israel for last.
She should divorce Doug Emhoff
>Q said we are saving Israel for last.
2 more centuries
>some jewish people
80% of them. At least he admits that jews vote democrat.
I'll believe it when she says she's going to end all Israel funding. Not attending a speech doesn't say anything when they're still on your payroll.
So he's inconsistent and was either dishonest back then or dishonest now
I couldn’t agree more. We’ll see what happens, hopefully he doesn’t bend the knee like everyone else has.
Do you get paid by volume? Because if it was based on quality, I wouldn't pay you for this low effort post.
Is there a link to these speeches?
Until recently, the Republicans have been playing the role of the Washington Generals.
Their job was to pretend to oppose the Democrats, aka. The Harlem Globetrotters.
For anyone too young to remember, The Harlem Globetrotters were a fake basketball team.
They would only ever play against the Washington Generals, who were also a fake team.
Their games were full of stunts, gymnastics, theater.
And in the end, the Harlem Globetrotters won every single game.

Ever since young Democrats started protesting against Israel, things have started to shift.
Our true rulers have decided that going forward, the two teams will switch roles.
Since a sizeable portion of Democrats have turned on Israel, as punishment the Democrat party will now be the party that fails at everything.
They will lose presidential elections, and lose control of the House and Senate.
And when they do win eventually win back control, they will accomplish nothing while they are in power.

Very little will change with Republicans in power.
We'll have less spics and more H-1B1 visa pajeets.
The USA will go to war against Iran.
(Which would happen no matter who is President, since it's what the jews want.)
There is one thing the Republicans can do, that Democrats can't; which is the other reason they are going to start playing the role in power.
They can bring back patriotism.
All so they can institute a draft, or mandatory military service.
She literally, not figuratively, swallows a jewish man's cum every night.
Trump is an actor and will do as he's told once he is in office.
Which is to go to war with Iran and whip up patriotism.
The assassination attempt and him being forced to pick JD Vance were a warning sent to him, from our true rulers.
The message they sent him is clear: "If you ever disobey, the next bullet won't miss. And we already have the perfect Yes Man to replace you with."

And just to be perfectly clear to any glowies reading this, I am only theorizing that that is what our rulers are implying.
I am in no way, shape, or form advocating for any form of violence.
I condemn all forms of violence.
>If you ever disobey, the next bullet won't miss
It’s always hilarious reading schizo babble like this, knowing that this poster has never shot a gun in xer entire life. The best snipers in the world have a 0% chance of intentionally clipping the ear off of a moving targets head at 150+ yards. To even believe this is possible lets me know you have the imagination of a literal child. It’s incredible how not only people believe this shit, but they can also vote while believing this shit.
Cope. Trump says this bullshit and then does what the Zionists tell him to every time
Do you really believe whoever is president/politicians is running the show?
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this /thread
Philosemitism should be designated as a mental disorder.
Wow I love Kamala now
Trump, the Art of the Deal master, pretending he doesn't know kikes play all sides. Now that's top comedy.



kike cope
She'd be cooler if she did...
>cuckservatives are philosemites
what were you expecting, /pol/tards?
>, trump said and I quote “fuck Netanyahu” when asked about their friendship because Israel advanced into Gaza.

Lol no, this was because his puppet master "betrayed" him by recognizing BIden's victory in the 2020 election. When Trump denounces Israel, it's purely egotistical. The fact that he's willing to overlook all the crimes Israel has committed, but only cares when his buttbuddies betray him, makes him unelectable
A true illusion of freedom.
No. Both sides are jew dick lickers
I'm able to entertain multiple theories.
How about this as an alternative:
The assassination attempt was fake.
The shooter's job was to shoot into the crowd a kill at least one bystander (in order to really sell the whole thing to the public), but not at Trump.
Secret Service tackles Trump, then either cuts his ear with a razor blade or use a blood capsule on this ear.
Secret Service then execute the shooter, to tie up that lose end.
If this scenario is true, then it means that Trump is still just an actor, and is 100% loyal to our true rulers.
No threat needed, since Trump is a loyal actor playing the role they want him to play.
where the fuck did I say that? What? Kek
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hes literally calling for war with iran now
It's to please donors. Trump is a whore for kike money. Only Massie isn't
yeah I responded to another anon itt saying I agree, and we’ll see if he’s lying or not I’m just telling you guys that he hasn’t always been pro Israel (outwardly). Again though, to prove your own point even further he could also be lying to Israel just to gain their support by saying he wants to go to war with Iran. Your theory goes both ways, and Trump has been attacked by Zionist money for 8 years straight. None of us really know, and that’s what makes this interesting.
It was more a general question. So, who do you think is running the show? Clearly, not politicians.
>her husband is jewish
Kys, Kamalabot.
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tfw Kamala has bigger balls than tlumpf
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hes always been extremely pro israel and only the most self-deluded cultist would deny that. some off hand rage comments over election congratulations or pleasant comments about arab leaders doesnt change that. you are so easily swayed by rhethoric its rediculous, but i guess thats a prerequisite to be a trumptard post 2016
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Of course they don’t, but how does that pertain to likely the CIA, Mossad, FBI coordinating an assassination attempt on Trump? I mean BlackRock shorted Trumps $DJT stock by 360m just a day before the attempt? We know exactly who tried to kill him, it was Zionist banker kikes with the help of the agencies I listed above (and maybe more). I get what your point is, but if it were true, their efforts would be unnecessary. To imply that was fake after people in the crowd quite literally got their fucking heads blown off is just schizophrenic im sorry. Maybe trump has a little more influence because he’s self funded and doesn’t suck off jewish lobbyists who work for private equity firms like Blackrock? Hmm…
You called me xer in your previous post.
And now your using Occam's Razor as a counterargument.
That's some Reddit tier level of trust in the official government narrative.
Maybe you are the xer.
>Your theory goes both ways, and Trump has been attacked by Zionist money for 8 years straigh
thats a fucking hilarious claim btw. trumps single biggest donor in 2016 was sheldon adelson, gigazionist kingmaker. trumps biggest donor in 2024 is sheldon adelsons wife
newfag idiot
explaining to you that you’re theory is retarded because you have no experience with firearms isn’t reddit, you’re just seething because I’m right and deep down you know that theory is retarded, fake and dare I say even gay.
Show me where Trump has taken money from lobbyists? Been posting since 2012 as well inb4 you’ll never be an oldfag, you’re a muslim larping as a swede
You are correct that I have very little experience with firearms.
You've established that you think my theory is wrong.
So what is your theory then?
I would argue "The system" is very invested in keeping the illusion that politics actually matters, your vote matters, intact. Imagine the questions being asked if your average pleb had the realization that democracy is completely, and, utterly rigged.
you absolute fucking retard how do you not know this
I really don’t care if israel gets $30 of my taxes (not that I pay them) god why is our election about this why is nobody addressing how horribly empty we all are and what social media has done to us, how every smell, sight and sound is accompanied by a forlorn twinge of sadness? We have no goals and the only objective of our politicians appears to be patching a sinking ship.

Here is woman for engagement
Just a reminder that Jews are less than 2% of the US population and 50%+ of the discussion revolves around their issues.
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>I’m just telling you guys that he hasn’t always been pro Israel (outwardly)
Where do you think he got the name ZION DON from?
Smart. She's trying to act as if she's against Israel (she's not) so that the young voters see her as a Free Palestine girl.

Young radicalized voters hate Israel. If she aligns herself with Israel to defend herself against Trump's claims, she'll alienate her base
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>Kike cock sucking olympics
This country sucks
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My theory is that Trump got shot in the ear, more than likely by the 2nd shooter that has already been confirmed on video, on the water-tower behind Crooks. That shooter was likely highly trained, former military (delta force, JTF-2 etc). By the grace of god, he missed because Trump moved his head. I don’t think anyone involved thought he would miss (hence the awkward pause), so they panicked and started mag dumping the stage in hopes of getting a lucky shot on Trump. I think Crooks was a clear and obvious patsy, and he was meant to take the fall the entire time. This was all likely set up by SS, CIA, Mossad etc and meant to look like egregious negligence. The fact that BlackRock basically bet on Trump dying as well really doesn’t help these agencies cases considering we live in a Neo-fuedelist society where corporation and state have merged. Basically the exact same thing that happened to JFK except they somehow fucked it up. That seems like the most plausible scenario imo, also I don’t think they’re done at all and I think they’re 110% going to try and kill him again.
You can’t prove it to me because it doesn’t exist, he’s never taken money from anyone that’s why Jews hate him so much retard.
90% of orthodox jews voted for Trump tho

i think hes just barking at jews that dont care all that much about conservative values
The real argument here is Judaism vs Zionism. The first people to criticize Zionist Kikes who have ruined our world are Orthodox Jews. I know this is going to piss all of you off, but it’s the harsh truth. Not all Jews are copiable, but Jews are still responsible for everything we’ve had to endure.
If you think Trump and his team were smart enough to coordinate this beneath suspicion, you are retarded and shouldn't have voting rights. Just look at his braindead curryfucking VP
not really

Chabad Jews are very pro-Israel
I think only the Satmar seem to mostly oppose Israel
you fucking retard this is completely open and public knowledge. are you a boomer? you literally cant even do the most rudinentary research




zionism is a jewish ideology and many orthodox jews are zionists
I stand corrected, to be fair she’s raising the money from the public, I was referring to direct donations from Jewish organizations themselves.
2 more weeks trust the plan 4d chess etc
Also don't forget to use code RUDY20 for 20% discount
14 more days
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the adelsons are literally the single biggest donor in american elections. there is nobody else who donates more money than adelson

you probably got mixed up because initially in the 2016 primary didnt take donations and used it as a talking point. but after he won the the primary he has been taking the biggest donations ever, most of it coming from rich jews and jewish finance

another thing that you might not know is that literally Rothschild Inc., the company, bailed out his failing business in the 90s. hes completely mixed up with jewish finance and judaism in general
I like your theory.
Having a 2nd shooter, who is highly trained makes sense.
My question is, why did Trump pick JD Vance as his VP?
If he had picked Thomas Massie as his running mate, it would make an future assassination attempts far less viable.
If they kill Trump, then Massie becomes president.
That would be their worst nightmare.
But now they can just wait until after Trump is sworn in to kill him, and they get Vance as the President.
If Trump wanted to dissuade them from trying to kill him in the future, he should have picked a running mate that they would hate.
here’s the thing for me though, I don’t disagree with anything you’re saying at all and I am very well aware Trump has worked alongside Jews his entire career. But, how else does one reach that level without doing so? genuinely asking. The older I get, the more I realize that IF (and that’s a huge if) there is ever a leader in the future that has the general populations best interest in mind, he will have to play the Jews game. They literally own the game, they print the money. Adolf Hitler himself worked with the Rothschilds and Prescott Bush as well to fund the Nazi party, does that make him not based anymore? Again, you’re 100% correct I just think unfortunately to be anybody in this world who can actually change things - you quite literally are forced to work with Jews, as they own the entire game. 99% chance nothing happens as per usual, but you never know that’s all I’m saying.
>why did Trump pick Vance as his VP?
I’m having trouble figuring this out myself, his last VP in Pence now hates Trump with a passion. Maybe Trump is just really bad at choosing VP’s…who knows.
hitler wasnt based and trump isnt based. stop searching for personality cults to join, youre hgonna get conned every time

you had much better presidential candidate options in years past, like ron paul who was america first for real
Conservatives love jews. Its the one thing they agree on, that and watching their country get fucked by immigrants. nu/pol/ is too retarded to understand that conservatives are not their allies and shill trump endlessly.
>hitler wasn’t based
he’s the most lied about man in human history for a reason. You just sound like a crypto jew.
There’s no such thing as “conservatives” they’re called republicans. Trust me, Trump voters are well aware that there are establishment shills in the “conservative” party (Nikki Haley, Gaetz, Shapiro etc). But what are they supposed to do? Not vote for Trump? You can’t expect them to do that.
maybe you are wrong about hitler too like you were wrong about trump taking hundreds of billions from zionist jew dollars
let me guess, you’re right about everything?
She married a kike like a good goy and she takes that AIPAC money like every other hungry piggy.
And the top leftist donors are jews. Yes, we know jews run it all, tell us something new.
My concern is that the assassination attempt really scared Trump.
At the Republican National Convention, he seemed genuinely afraid to me.
Many years ago, I enjoyed regularly watching Trump when he was still doing The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice tv shows.
I've seen quite a bit of his acting.
And the thing is, he's not that good of an actor.
I don't think he's capable of simulating fear that believably.
What if the assassination attempt scarred him so much that he agreed to do what they want, in order to avoid any further attempts on his life?
Starting off with picking Vance.

People often accuse Trump of being stupid.
While he is kind of dumb in some areas, he is pretty smart when it comes to social skills.
There's no way he doesn't know that Vance is snake that will betray him, just like Pence.
So the question is, in what matter was Trump's hand forced?
Did he pick Vance out of fear for his life?
Or did he pick Vance, because they told him they would remove all support for his presidential bid, if he didn't pick him?
it was new to the anon i was replying too
your trumptard iq is showing again
I’ve been posting here since 2012 retard, the conversation I attempted to have with you is a little more nuanced than “the Jews own america”. No fucking shit, I assumed that went without saying.
ad hominem, the classic sign of a midwitted paki
why did that reply out of all my replies trigger you so hard lmao
I’m a nazi that married a Hapa jap
Republicans are just Democrats from 30 years ago.
I'm old enough to remember when Democrats wanted to build a wall, to limit illegal immigration.
When Democrats were in favor of "don't ask, don't tell."
As Democrats move further left, so do Republicans.
They don't conserve anything.
Someday in the future, the Republicans will be passionately fighting to preserve such conservative values as tranny rights.

>But what are they supposed to do? Not vote for Trump?
>Not vote
Don't participate at all.
Voting is how we give them our consent to rule over us.
And not just voting.
Withdrawal from contributing from contributing to society as much as possible.
Option 1: If you're rich enough to afford it, go buy a home in a rural area and become as self sufficient as possible.
Option 2: If you can't afford that, then do the absolute bare minimum to avoid getting fired, at work.
Subtly encourage your coworkers to be lazy.
If you can convince at least one of them to be even lazier than you, then you now have a canary in the coal mine, who will most likely get fired before you.
Option 3: Quit your job and mooch off of the government.
Apply for welfare, disability, food stamps, rent assistance, etc.

Which ever choice you go with, try to buy as little non essential things as possible.
Pirate anime, old tv shows and movies, and video games.
Pirate books off of Z-library:
Our rules will continue importing pajeets and spics.
But they lack the creativity, intelligence, work ethic, and honor of European men.
The competency crisis is real, and it's a good thing.
The system is too corrupt to fix.
Let it all fall apart as quickly as possible.
If it's allowed to fall apart to slowly, then our rulers will be able to institute UBI, social credit scores, and CBDCs.
They have plans in place, and us not participating will fuck up their plans.
They profit from our compliance.
Also, don't ever let yourself be drafted under any circumstances.
so just because your best friend is nigger you're allowed to call every nigger you see a nigger ?
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he knows the struggle.
Wtf I love Kamala now. total brat!
retard alert
holy fuck that's a really good picture thanks swede-san
stfu nigger, i appreciate this kino picture
dark kamala
What if.. they're intentionally throwing the race and just put Kamala out there so they can spend the next 4 preparing for an actual race.
Whats lost confusing is that she's clearly a Jewish puppet, and is married to a jew. And yet she's being openly (((anti-semetic))).
Is this some attempt at controlled opposition?
>not darth kamala
one job

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