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Previous: >>475666274
▶Day: 883 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

> Russian Parliament passes law punishing soldiers for using gadgets with internet access
> The ambassadors of the EU agreed to provide Ukraine with 4.2 billion euros in budget aid from the EU
> GUR hacked the banking system of the Russian Federation: Sberbank, Raiffeisen and Alfa Bank are down
> Ukraine is ready to negotiate with the Russian side, but it should be an "honest dialogue" - Kuleba
> Russian Shahed drone attacked the Romanian village of Plaura
> Andrei Torgashov, deputy chief of the radio center of the military satellite communications unit, was blown up in Moscow.
> A Spanish court sentenced a retired man to 18 years in prison for sending a series of booby-trapped letters to embassies of Ukraine and the United States at the end of 2022
> Kuleba visits China
> Su-25 eternal flight over Donetsk region
> Hungary will not be allowed to host a strategic EU meeting next month because of Orbán’s self-proclaimed “peace mission” trips to moscow and Beijing without the union’s authority
> The Parliament of Ukraine extended martial law and general mobilization for 90 days from August 12 to November 9, 2024
> Ukraine to ban Lukoil from sending oil to Hungary and Slovakia via the Druzhba pipeline
> The governor of Belgorod region Gladkov instructed the heads of municipalities to go to the homes within 15 km border zone and persuade people to leave - RIA
> The russia attacked by 75 drones, russian MoD reports, visible confirmation of arrivals at Tuapse oil refinery and at Morozovsk airfield
> Trump and Zelenskyy had a phone talk, both gave a positive feedback about it


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually-confirmed losses)

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lmao commie shitskins lost.
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The legacy of the commie russnigger when this war is done & dusted, will be of a cattle-like serf that ack'ed themselves like troons on the battlefield for a 4'9 kike glownigger. Ya love to see it KEKAROOO
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russniggers are ack'ing themselves before they can be turned into kino for my gore folder, sad tbqh.
russniggers acking themselves like troons is just another tuesday
stop spamming faggot, no one cares about your shithole.
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>ztranny larps as a Ukrainian
>couldn't even go 2 posts without calling all Ukrainians "pigs"
They really aren't sending their best
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Sometimes they break their larp within the same post lmao.
Does /uhg/ denounce the Talmud?
Guess I’m going back to /chug/
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Exploding russniggers is underappreciated
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Don't like dead russniggers? Too bad commie shitskin lmao
Denouncing something that any jew is able to pretend to denounce doesn't mean anything. It also doesn't negate /chug/'s jewery.
Another cosmonaut in training
>lmao commie shitskins lost.
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someone woke up from their nap
Someone's been buck broken. I wonder how long he can keep it up
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Begger nigger right now
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Another commie shitskin, BUCKBROKEN KEKAROO
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Oh ya, bud. That's going into the seethe folder.
Why does this general contain so many mentally ill people?
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A fine question anon, any advice for the local beige shitskin commie nigger?
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wtf is this frame?
it looks like the vehicle snaps in half right before the explosion
6 minutes? That's it? This is 4chan, I was expecting a multiday spam.
Ziggers really seething today. What happened?
Ukraine lost several towns the last couple days. What is the strategy for reversing these constant losses that isn't "Let's hope Russia runs out of third worlders"? Are the promised F-16s even real?
Sekrit Russian technology donut steel
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>towns the last couple days
May I see them? You know, some geolocated footage of russniggers in said "town". I'll wait.
>Are the promised F-16s even real?
you tell me
Russia has banned its troops from using anything with internet connectivity. You could bother to read the OP if you aren't a vatnigger.
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Literally buckbroken
for like 4th time now lol
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>t-the town is captured, just trust me
KEKAROOOO. Are you trying to memoryhole russniggers setting commie flags in the middle of Pisky, pre-war population: 18? Now now shitskin, let's see some footage lmao.
I don't think they are, I think they are an empty promise to get Ukraine to keep fighting a hopeless war a little bit longer before the forced peace. If Ukraine was serious about winning they'd be developing their own nukes to exterminate the Russians and tell Uncle Sam to get fucked with their "conditions".
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>an empty promise to get Ukraine to keep fighting a hopeless war
This pajeet shitskin thinks he's being clever. The absolute state of russnigger shilling lmao
I remember one of the first copes of the war was that Russians weren't allowed to have cell phones at all and that's why you only saw a shitload of dead Russians and not Ukrainians lol
Are you Mearschizo or just a retarded jeet?
Oh? It's not an empty promise? Post Ukrainians flying F-16s. I've been told Ukraine will get them anyday now for almost two years.
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lmao at the fatty seething
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Listen pajeet shitskin, if you're gonna larp and call me a vatnigger, at least try to make your faggy shilling attempts a little less transparent.
I think you are a glownigger. You are terrified of Ukraine getting nuclear weapons. You just want to pretend the current status quo in the war is at all beneficial to Ukraine as more and more cities are turned into rubble by Russia. You NEED Ukrainians and westerners to buy that current efforts are enough so that when Ukraine falls you can blame Ukraine.
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That cope didn't last long lmao, I remember when this was considered kino, now it's low tier.

Mearschizo it is. On par with a jeet. Useless nigger dog.
Looks like you can't produce the Ukrainian F-16s. Shitty effort by another brown "canadian".
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Watching pajeet shitskins like you try to shill is like watching a retard try to dance. I'm frankly baffled they let you try to shill out of faceberg or plebbit, it must be grim out there in streetshitting land.
Why don't you want Ukraine to win? Explain to me why Ukraine losing slowly is beneficial for Ukraine. Since you are a patriotic supporter of Ukraine, surely you have argument prepared for why the west shouldn't do more? Is it "Muh Escalation?"
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>the pajeet shitskin vpnigger is trying to call me brown.
Wanna post your


for me pajeet shitskin? LMAO
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>surely you have argument
Only brown people argue that the west should not do more to support Ukraine. You just keep deflecting, like a shitskin bad jacket. Does Russia pay you to say that Ukraine doesn't need F-16s?
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>like a shitskin bad jacket.
>bad jacket
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>Chinknadian can't answer my questions, just shits up the thread
Answer the question. Should Ukraine get F-16s? You can't seem to answer this. I wonder why?
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>bad jacket
>bad jacket
>bad jacket
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Reminder that kikeheimer is russian.
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Reminder that the glowniggers don't actually want TZD. They want to convince you that their current actions will lead to TZD, no matter how lackluster. If you call for escalation, they will call you a shill. They will deflect, they will spam. But they will never ever say "The west should do more than they are now to kill all Russians". Because they exist only to defend western decision making.
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>bad jacket
>bad jacket
>bad jacket
Reminder that every single zigger is some kind of BRICS nigger shitskin.
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Absolute nigger tier behaviour going on here
someone posted a zigger youtube video here yesterday and when i opened it, the entire comment section was shitskins exclusively
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Yeah it's not the american mic making the biggest profits off this war, it's picrel.
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Telegram is dead
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he's lost it
The funny part is that when one of them spergs out like this they're only driving the post count of the thread up, in turn driving up the thread count of /uhg/. Being overly concerned with the appearance of popularity for their side you'd think they'd be smarter than that.
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>HaitiANO got buckbroken so hard he just started spamming
Meanwhile I did something productive for 5 hours and now I will nap.

Good night niggers.
time for a daily reminder to refrain from posting your own photos to /b/ or /soc/
Imagine dying like this for monke
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this is an extremely beige man
Beige man just woke up eh
Uh oh, looks like commie shitskin's arse is torn in halves. Did it realize that pidoruzzia is not going to win this war at all?
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More than likely he's still up after a hard night of sucking dicks I mean acquiring weed. No shot that nigger has a normal day/night rhythm.
how much your government funded tranny general gets bumped doesnt matter in the slightest.

It matters only to the people who are starved for any sort of victory.


Trannies are not allowed to post asian cuties.

They are disgusted by you, btw.
Do not speak to me, Russian.
here comes the ankle biters.
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or he's a proxynigger from asia after all
there is a rusnigger on a russian board that larps as extremely retarded Ukraine supported, and he posts from Swedish proxy too
They don't deserve the uppercase. Just russians.
its really pathetic how low you have to go to score points.

Disgusting fucking worm.
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there is no panic in crimea :DDD
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fake american flag

I am russian. its all true.

no matter how much you tell everyone, no one listens to you.

keep up the good work, ankle biter.
thank you very much!

fake ukie flag.
>I am russian. its all true.
Rare moment of honesty from pidor. Did it feel good?
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what is really pathetic is you having to turn on a VPN to post, because you know your word as a russian is as worthless as a nigger

I leave the shameless dishonesty to you guys.

Thats the game of ankle biters and lowly point scorers.
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Reminder that herr monke wasted his entire stock of USSR era stockpiles on this top kek
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make sure to show everyone.
I mean honestly a Russian shilling for Russia makes sense. He'd probably be mocked less if he posted without a VPN
the shills are waking up

whats the point of having stockpiles if you dont use them?

they also had to make room for all the new shit they are making.
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Don't mind if I do nigger
>He'd probably be mocked less if he posted without a VPN

one of the many delusions trannies hold is that their mockery means something.
nigger you're brown
You niggers never sleep
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I'm still catching up guys, don't spoil it for me
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>still desperately retardation spamming
So when are you going back you fucking coward?
it's hilarious how they think theyre bullying anyone with their cringe posts
hohol supporters have as much self awareness as animals
As I said above, herr monke did not USE the USSR stockpiles, he WASTED them. That's the key distinction. He could have been a smart man and used those to great effect, but luckily for the rest of the world, he is a total idiot who URAAA'd them across the border to get munched on by 10$ drones.
And yes, they do have room for the new shit they are making, the main problem is that they aren't making any desu.
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Not a slav pajeet shitskin
you're a nigger though
not white at all
shitskinned subhuman
island nigger
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>self awareness
>shills wake up
>first thing it does is shill fake casualty figures
yeah yeah russia has suffered almost 600,000 killed and almost 2,000,000 wounded, everyone believes you shills
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Uh oh, the beige nigger has to talk to kikeheimer for engagement lmao. Any kekaroo spam left in ya shitskin?
Hey sistas, another day of trans advancing on the battlefield?
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Uh oh fighterbomber is depressed again, wonder what happened this time lmao, another eternal flight?
Crimea kekaboos?

Looks like the ruskies are moving their AD out of west Crimea and towards the east. Gearing up for arrival of some airpower probably.
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>crimea airfield got smoked, DEPLOY THE DISCORD TROONS
> the charred corpsese on the right in the bag
DNA result; negative
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This is a fine time to remind russniggers that they lost the Naval front to a country with no navy KEKAROOOO
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>Here mama babushka, your child
Looks like they're also losing an airbattle to a country with no airforce too.
trump has already won and is going to cut off aid in a couple of months LELAROOOO
A Russian Mi-28 helicopter crashed in the Kaluga region, resulting in the death of the entire crew. The preliminary cause of the crash is believed to be a technical malfunction. Russian aviation connected channel Fighterbomber is already mourning.
>kyiv in 3days
>Kherson and Kharkiv was a tactical front
>we didn't need 50k men to take Avdiivka
>Trump will save us
lmao nigger
The Russians have deployed about 30 barges to protect the Crimean bridge, but this will not hinder the main objective of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, according to spokesman Serhii Bratchuk. He stated that the bridge will be destroyed in accordance with Ukrainian legislation.
>mearspidorashka needs emotional support from beigenigger
After Trump wins, hohols will not be getting any aid... Instead, Trump will redirect the supplies being sent by the current administration to RUSSIA as punishment. Russia will win easily

After the Ukrainian Armed Forces struck the ferry "Slavyanin," the Russian fleet withdrew from the Sea of Azov, according to Navy spokesperson Dmytro Pletenchuk. Previously, the Russians attempted to base themselves there, but now they have abandoned the area, recognizing it as unsafe. Pletenchuk emphasized that the enemy only understands the language of force.
Every single morning has to be a disaster for every single katsap, moskal and so called ruzzian.
A poo, a poo
I spy a poo
A dirty
ugly nigger
I denounce the talmud and I say kill'em all (russians)
Major Timur Khuziev, artillery unit officer in the Russian 85th Motorized Rifle Division, was killed by a Ukrainian shell during an interview with Russian propagandists from NTV in occupied Horlivka. On June 13, it was reported that NTV operator Vadim Kozhin was killed, and propagandist Aleksey Ivliev was severely injured, losing an arm.
>>Trump will save us

You had better hope Trump saves you.

The true disaster scenario for ukraine is if Kamala wins.
Fuck me, I could be the next Shakespeare, 10/10 me
Did you get your passport back?
Z means zalupa (head of a dick), you stupid inferior indian nigger behind memeflag.
This summer, the 14 Leopard 2A4 tanks that the Netherlands and Denmark purchased for Ukraine will be sent to Ukraine. These battle tanks have been refurbished and tested over the past few months, according to Minister Ruben Brekelmans. The tanks, originally used models, were bought last year and refurbished by the German company Rheinmetall.

how is trump going to cut congressional aid?
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>russia wil win easily
>russia needs trump to save them
A video which reportedly shows the aftermath after a Shahed drone crashed on Romanian territory. An air raid alarm was activated on Romanian territory bordering Ukraine due to the drone attack.

Destruction of a Russian IFV by the 80th Air Assault Brigade ended in a gigantic explosion, Mar'inka direction.


by creating lawful treaties with Russia that override your tranny ukraine aid.
>how is trump going to cut congressional aid?
These shitskins don't understand US government. The difference between legislative, executive, and judicial are just ESL words to them.
Russia will soon be unable to conduct active assaults on many fronts and will transition to a defensive stance within a month, according to National Guard Commander Pivnenko. He urged the need for the AFU to form units, prepare, and identify weak points.

Radio Svoboda published high-resolution satellite images taken on July 24 showing fire damage at the Russian Aerospace Forces base in Morozovsk, Rostov region, following a Ukrainian drone attack. The images do not show evidence of damaged aircraft or buildings. Russian channels reported that several drones hit a fuel and lubricants warehouse, while Ukrainian sources speculated that Su-34 fighter-bombers and Su-27 fighters might have been damaged.

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And the dumb niggers believe Trump wants to go down in history as the guy who lost to russia. If anything, he would bomb the moskals.
Treaties have to be ratified by congress to be binding, nigger.

Russia already won.

there is no timeline where ukraine wins.

Trump saves ukraine, and europe, not Russia.
Strikes on Russian positions inside the Avdiivka Coke Plant. Work by the Tivaz artillery crew.

>make a treatie
I doubt the senate would give him consent to override congress
Romanian media reported that military personnel found debris from Russian "Shahed" drones near the town of Plauru. These drones entered Romania during an attack on Ukrainian ports. Last night and the night before, Romania declared air alerts and scrambled two F-16 jets.
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Expecting cuckheimer to understand the legislative process is like expecting a nigger to understand basic arithmetic.

no point explaining realities to you.

you wont have long to wait to see for yourself.
>If anything, he would bomb the moskals
Bingo massive BANGO

Trump will offer russia a way out. If they don't take it, then Ukraine is going to get a few hundred HIMARS along with a few hundred (officially ex-US airforce) trained pilots and equipment.
The 3rd Battalion of the 80th Air Assault Brigade destroyed another Russian tank with FPV drones.

ziglet tries to play dead, but drone operator passed the [perception check]
Russian motorized assault, bogged down due to Ukrainian FPV.

did you forget that he already managed to do that
ukraine went months without any us military aid because of trump
Romanian Foreign Minister Luminița Odobescu confirmed that fragments of Russian "Shaheds" were found on Romanian territory. She stated that Russia conducted horrific attacks on Ukrainian civilian infrastructure, and Romania has informed its allies and is coordinating actions with them.

Of course followed by 'condemnations'.
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Uh huh, save your cope for turdie shitskins, they'll eat it up lmao.
Kamala Harris announced that she will participate in the US presidential election and presented her campaign video

are you talking about the javelin fiasco that he was impeached over?
>we will always support ukraine!!! aid to ukraine set up by congress can never change!!

the future isnt going to be kind to you.
What is said to be a Ukrainian jet ski filled with explosives washed ashore near Istanbul, Turkey, according to local media.

You guys will feel real silly when Russia finally allows for peace and annexes eastern Ukraine :)
meds. now.
>What is said to be a Ukrainian jet ski filled with explosives washed ashore near Istanbul, Turkey, according to local media.
Great, now Greece better gear up too.

right on cue, the piggy propagandists begin campaigning for Kamala.

its not going to work out well for you guys when US tax dollars sent to ukraine is used to campaign for political candidates.
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You shitskins repeating the same cope year after year is peak comedy to me. See the start of this bread? I fucking buckbroke beigenigger so hard, he spammed himself into a b& KEKAROOO
British General Roly Walker believes it will take Russia five years to capture the Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions, potentially costing the Russian army 1.8 million soldiers.


>how long you got Chug?
>how long does Putin got?, he's a old man already!
>how much longer can Russia take? without food, water, power and money?
why are they so comfortable approaching a bomb lol
Soldiers of the 23rd Separate Battalion of the 63rd Mechanized Brigade used ground kamikaze drones to attack enemy positions in the Lyman direction.


>>475692246 best bit when the dude tries to start it
>potentially costing the Russian army 1.8 million soldiers.
rookie numbers
stalin killed much more in 5 years
The fuel and lubricants warehouse seems to be hit.

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>I fucking buckbroke beigenigger so hard, he spammed himself into a b& KEKAROOO

without going and looking for myself, I already know that no such thing ever occurred, and all you did you run your mouth and annoy the shit out of everyone.

you are one of the most easily cornered trannies here. its too easy to get you back footed and upset.
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It's another case of picrel really, they act like they are talking with their fellow shitskins.
Additional footage shows the downing of a Russian Su-25 aircraft in the Pokrovsk direction. The event happened two days ago.

serious question can flies get aids
>without going and looking for myself, I already know that no such thing ever occurred, and all you did you run your mouth and annoy the shit out of everyone.
>you are one of the most easily cornered trannies here. its too easy to get you back footed and upset.
Russian nigger speaking about trannies
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>, I already know that no such thing ever occurred,
That's right commie nigger, avert your eyes lmao.
The European Commission, following Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba's visit to Beijing, urged China to use its influence to end the war in Ukraine. Spokesperson Nabila Massrali emphasized that, as a UN and Security Council member, China should pressure Russia to cease hostilities.

Russian attempts to land on a Kherson island were thwarted by attacks on their boats.

your file name kinda blows this gambit out of the water.

whatever, not that it matters.
how you see that as me being "buckbroken" and not as me simply mocking you can only be explained with one word
Yesterday night, a few Puccian drones got destroyed near the Danubian port of Ismail. Parts of those drones landed on the Romanian side of the border. This prompted a response from the MApN which resulted in Puccian drones getting downed by the Romanian Gepards as they come near the border.

Source: https://www.monden.ro/video-romania-in-lupta-cu-rusia-romanii-au-doborat-drone-rusesti-o-drona-s-a-prabusit-langa-un-tun-de-artilerie-romanesc-gepard.html

Poland is implementing its 45th military aid package for Ukraine, including a significant amount of ammunition. Previously, Poland provided 44 aid packages worth over $4 billion, including 10 MiG-29 aircraft. They are now exploring additional support for the Ukrainian Air Force with their own aircraft.
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> I buckbroke someone
> ukraine is winning
> men can be women
> We will take tokmak

its endless with you.
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Of course a turdie shitskin would think this is what someone would consider mocking KEKAROO
>you're one of the most easily cornered trannies here
>without going and looking for myself
mearshnigger come on this was in the same post. every accusation is an admission.
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Now now cuckheimer, no need to cope, it's going to be a long night lmao.

no one gives a shit about article 5 anymore.

Article 5 now represents a noose hanging around the neck of europe.
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Zelenskyi's evening speech


I had a very detailed and lengthy conversation with the Minister for Strategic Industries, Oleksandr Kamyshyn. We analysed the work of the ministry and the relevant enterprises of our defence industry - what has been achieved and what is planned. There are good results. There are many different aspects - in terms of our armoured vehicles, drones and artillery.

I am grateful to each and every person who works in our defence companies and our defence industry. It is clear that the industry is becoming completely different - stronger and more efficient. It is very important that foreign funds have finally begun to work in defence production in a real and visible way, and this is a great achievement. Not only state budget funds, but also investments of partners in defence production in Ukraine.

Today, we have also decided on new tasks for Ukroboronprom and our missile specialists. In many areas, we have not only the potential or some results, but also the supply of equipment for the Defence and Security Forces, which is growing. In addition, we are preparing steps to increase the number and quality of our long-range drones. Ukraine will always be able to defend its interests.

>>475692707 you hide under another flag to confuse and bullshit all day, I want to kill people like that,
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Whatever that guy is trying to do I hope he succeeds. Come on u can do it buddy!
video of last night interception by Romanian AA
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he's trying to say that isn't buckbroken? holy mother of nigger cope ano what the fuck.
An attempt by Hungary and Slovakia to secure the support of the European Union in the latest dispute with Ukraine regarding interruptions in the transit of oil by the Russian company "Lukoil" has failed. https://ft.com/content/ea9ce543-5aca-4b63-a1e3-b12bc0ccc9c1

>They lost
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I think we all know what he's hankering for lmao.
It's a beauty lmao. Although, I've had much better, I rustle shitskin jimmies like you wouldn't believe.
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>>475679623 nice gouping, oops are you all bunched up? what a about the rest of Crimea?

Russian forces are massively moving equipment closer to the Kerch Bridge, according to Ukrainian partisan movement "Atesh." They are relocating surviving air defense systems, aviation, radars, and military facilities from the western part of Crimea towards the strategic crossing. Partisans report that the occupiers can only cover one area of the peninsula due to a critical shortage of air defense systems.

I still maintain that opinion.

After the oinkfensive, ukraine never had the ability to go on the offensive again. nato will never be able to supply ukraine to enable them to go on the offensive.

The rat king recently told everyone he has a fuck ton of soldiers that have no equipment. As in, he cant even field the piggies he kidnaps.

that is the definition of a kursk moment.

You trannies always cap my comments thinking they dont age like wine.

Remember the attack involving 57 armoured pieces of heavy equipment yesterday? Russians launched another attack with 3 tanks and 13 armored fighting vehicles with infantry. The 79th Air Assault Brigade destroyed 1 tank and 1 armored vehicle, and another BMP was destroyed. Artillery and drone operators effectively targeted the dismounted Russian infantry. As a result, 23 Russian soldiers were killed and 29 wounded.

I've seen the retarded beige animal sperg out before but that is next level shit my guy good work.
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Romania said it found Russian drone fragments on its territory on Thursday and NATO said it saw no sign of an intentional attack on the alliance's territory after Moscow troops fired 38 long-range drones into Ukraine overnight.


fake ukie flag.
mearshnigger you're using a vpn right now
eternal blight, fisters ?
>The rat king
no money to spare
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So why are russniggers stuck in Vovchansk? It's gonna be month 4 of their summer copefensive shitskin lmao.
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Meanwhile I am here at home, I just finished updating a Honey Select video with Tohka, Kurumi and Origami dancing in their astral dresses while playing I Swear and wondering if I should make me some ham and cheese sandwiches or smoked sausages, I am not even rich even by thirdie standards and my government is particularly bright, but, life can be fun and good, but no, somehow Putin and his niggers decided 19th century empire building was a good idea and now the monke is scared shitless hiding at the Kremlin and hoping Drumf could give him a way out while all these mobniggers who could have been just enjoying life drinking vodka and chilling at social media with us are dying in agony in the middle of their own shit.
In Kharkiv region, Ukrainian fighters from the 3rd Assault Brigade struck a building filled with Russian ammunition using FPV drones, causing a massive detonation. They also hit several antennas, including the "Incubator" complex.

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SitRep - 25/07/24 - More repelled attacks in the east

An overview of the daily events in Russia's invasion of Ukraine. In the Donetsk region, Russians are pressing, but a lot of mechanized assaults were repelled recently. How much longer can they continue?
saki airfield got rekt by unknown ballistics
missile stockpile went boom along with a few planes (unconfirmed)
Here is the real reason WHY - David Sacks is pushing Russian propaganda 24 - 7 - he is the worst investor in Silicon Valley. The European founder community has avoided him a big time.

VC without a deal-flow = FIRED by founders.
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a little bit of spamming doesnt make you "buckbroken"
but making the exact same post directed at me over 1600 times over the course of 9 months does make you buckbroken LELAROOOO
Russian soldiers in Volchansk drink poorly filtered contaminated water, since they have huge problems with regular water supply.



The future of warfare is here as a Russian custom-made turtle tank returns from a combat mission.

>no money to spare

A helicopter of a new Russian anti-drone unit crashed in the Kaluga region. Due to a technical malfunction, the Mi-28 crashed in a deserted place, there were no casualties or damage on the ground. The entire crew died.

The helicopter was returning from a combat mission in the Bryansk region.
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>1600 times
LMFAO gee I wonder why he would do that
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send pidors home
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Laughing at shitskin niggers like you is an /uhg/ tradition commie faggot
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>but making the exact same post directed at me over 1600 times
But you always insist it's not you though
Send them to hell.
>no money to spare

State Duma deputy Viktor Sobolev calls on parliament to tighten the rules for cowards and traitors, and “ruthlessly exterminate them.” According to him, it is necessary to introduce the same disciplinary rules as during the Second World War.

74-year-old Sobolev is a career orc who has spent his entire life serving either the Soviet or Putin regimes.


>the bread and circuses are coming to a end and the sugar coating is coming off, may the empire fall and caesar tzar meet his fate
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Russian soldiers drinking straight from a puddle.

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Stinky beige beggar, when will you rope yourself?
This will never not be funny.


trannies dont carry, practice or adhere to traditions, they destroy them.
>no money to spare
Looks like the Russians have a new way of luring undear Russians to sign a death contract. Now some regions advertise not a lump sum first payment, but a total amount for the first year of service to make the figure seem higher. As such, in Krasnodar they offer as much as 4.17 million rubles (£38,000) for the first year of service. Let’s not upset undear Russians by the fact that such unaffordable sums are slightly higher than the average annual salary in some Western European countries.

>Looks like the Russians have a new way of luring undear Russians to sign a death contract. Now some regions advertise not a lump sum first payment, but a total amount for the first year of service to make the figure seem higher. As such, in Krasnodar they offer as much as 4.17 million rubles (£38,000) for the first year of service

no one cares about an airfield in crimea.

it will be repaired by this time tomorrow.

ukraine will still get its shit pushed in.
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>Let’s not upset undear Russians by the fact that such unaffordable sums are slightly higher than the average annual salary in some Western European countries
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>no one cares about an airfield in crimea.
>w-we didn't need that airfield anyways
>it will be repaired by this time tomorrow.
We will simply die from lack of water, both cattle and people, - residents of Russias Stavropol region have been denied water supplies because there is no money for it. They appealed to Putin V1
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Hey Sergey, by many accounts Kyiv is among the oldest cities in Europe and was founded in 482, while Moscow was founded in 1147, nearly 700 years later. Which has no history or culture?
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>no one cares about an airfield in crimea
just like no one cared about the blacksea fleet
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Host Sergey Karnaukhov claims that Ukraine doesn't exist and has no history or culture. He says, this is why Russia was so surprised when Ukraine fought back. It's hard for genocidal propagandists to imagine why Russia's former colonies want to be free.

they don't seem to understand yet: they are the cattle
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At the end of this we will see "Ukraine never mattered"
>>w-we didn't need that airfield anyways

there are other airfields

the loss of one airfield does not move the needle whatsoever.

none of the bullshit your squeal about has ever mattered.

that is likely the strongest pattern in uhg, you squeal over inconsequential bullshit.
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“There is no history of Ukraine. It does not exist & it cannot exist…By the way, this pertains to many other countries that were newly-formed, like Azerbaijan.”

~ Sergey Karnaukhov

Ukraine exists, Azerbaijan exists, the USSR does not.

not cattle, worst, Serf's!
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you guys are putting in so much work on this.

you always fail in everything you do.
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I'm counting on it
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When a dude says, “I have no questions, I understand everything” chances are high he understands very little.
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this is work to you? I'm laughing at how dumb you are little mearshnigger no effort posting on my end.
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>the loss of one airfield does not move the needle whatsoever.
We will simply die from lack of water, both cattle and people, - residents of Russias Stavropol region have been denied water supplies because there is no money for it. They appealed to Putin V2
>this is work to you?

its far more effort than I ever put into talking shit here.

I certainly dont litter my hard drives with your tranny babble.
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cuckheimer, you're starting to sound dangerously close to trufaggot, LMAO

I saw it the first time you posted it, propaganarchist.
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Why don't you post your kikehimer links anymore commie faggot? LmAO
demonstrably false you hit the enter key atl east 3 times a post. waaaaay more effort than most people here retard.
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It's what his handlers taught 'em, all the commie faggots do it, like romanivpnigger lmao. Soon as I see it, I already know.
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>You see the Harris talk/hate is Russhit VPN's don't you, they were given order to shit on Harris and love Drump-t, stupid NPC's

Russian propagandists are getting worried about Donald Trump's chances of beating Kamala Harris, as they remark about simplistic tactics & sexist language embraced by Republicans. One pundit complained that Russian state TV is always talking about America.


>>475695060 different video nigger, but typical of you niggers, you don't care about anyone or anything but yourself, not even when other Russhits are suffering due to monke's actions, and then you come out "that you love Russia" a turd like you loves northing but yourself and money Kike
it's reddit spacing. his old job was probably posting niggers on reddit.
>no money to spare
Russian media report that a Mi-28 military aircraft has crashed in Kaluga region of Russia. "Technical malfunction" was named as the reason for the crash, the crew died.

Its cost is about $18 million.

: for illustrative purposes
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Oh I know, they just keep it in every space because of "readability" lmao.
Instead of a thousand words.

A new intern has arrived at the positions of our Defenders.

: sp1lb3rg
Tomorrow, the 2024 Olympics will start.

140 athletes will represent Ukraine.

487 Ukrainian athletes will never again be able to compete - they died since the start of the full-scale invasion.

Over 4,000 more Ukrainian athletes are defending Ukraine today.

: Suspilne

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there is non-zero chance that beigger will rope because he can't take the heat
imagine writing real time ads for pennies
All Russian warships have left the Sea of Azov, – speaker of the Ukrainian Navy Dmytro Pletenchuk.

"This was caused primarily by the damage to the railway ferry ("Slavyanin" - Ed.). They took a map and a compass and decided that it was probably not very safe to stay there. This is the only language our enemy understands - the language of power," he added.

A detonation of a Russian armored infantry vehicle, carried out by Ukrainian drone operators from the 80th brigade.

Powerful stuff.

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Probably an easier gig than scamming pensioners
I don't think so those where attention cuts.
Russian propagandists seem to have been given instructions to speak as negatively as possible against Kamala Harris.

In this clip, Russian propagandist Markov says:
"We're going to directly warn Americans that she's an evil puppet that's going to be imposed. You have to fight for American democracy. We've known America for 200 years. It has been the leader of democracy."

>they care about American democracy LMAO!!
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Finally some dead niggers
Putin met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Moscow. Reportedly, they discussed the peaceful settlement of the situation in Syria, as well as the direction of trade and economic relations.

The situation in the Middle East tends to worsen, including in Syria, Putin said.

According to Assad, relations between Russia and Syria have maintained "a trusting level for all decades."

Russia has waged a military campaign in Syria since September 2015, teaming up with Iran to allow Assad's government to fight armed opposition groups and reclaim control over most of the country. Russia has maintained its military foothold in Syria and kept warplanes and troops at its bases there.

>The situation in the Middle East tends to worsen, including in Syria,
>Monke Help!
>no money to spare
probably makes enough doing it to keep what ever he's addicted to in his system. it's a simple mearshnigger life.
>Russian propagandists seem to have been given instructions to speak as negatively as possible against Kamala Harris.

meanwhile, you have been given orders to kiss her ass and promote her at every turn.

furthermore, Russia would 100% love to have President Kamala Harris. That is the dream scenario for Russia.

Kamala can never raise an army. No one, aside from mercenaries, will fight for her administration.
Ukrainian Defenders of the 79th Separate Tavrian Air Assault Brigade fought against one of the largest Russian assaults in the entire period of the full-scale war in the Kurakhove direction.

Russian invaders simultaneously used 11 tanks, 45 armored personnel carriers and 1 Terminator tank support vehicle. The Russians also attacked on motorcycles - 12 “racers” were sent.

Aerial reconnaissance of the 79th Brigade detected the Russian equipment far away on the outskirts. Our artillery immediately started working on the occupiers' battle lines. A lot of enemy equipment exploded on mines.

As a result of the battle, our Warriors destroyed 6 tanks and 7 armored personnel carriers with infantry. All 12 motorcycles were burned. The Russians suffered huge losses in manpower.

After the first tanks and armored vehicles were destroyed, the rest of the equipment fled the battlefield.

Glory to our Defenders!

: 79th Separate Tavrian Air Assault Brigade

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speaking of russian propagandists vpn posting is also effort.
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Isn't it fun to watch commie niggers think that the head of state is all-powerful and can make decisions on a whim? You realize these monkeys see the entire World through their distorted lens. Shits hilarious to witness
>Russia would 100% love to have President Kamala Harris. That is the dream scenario for Russia
KEK, it's over for you, don't try it lie, we all know you Russhits thought you could get a second bite of the apple, but you forgot (how quicky) that Drump-t was retarded back then (it was clear to see) and he's only gotten worst
it's like someone from the bronze age being unable to understand not having a king.
A 60-ton railroad bridge was stolen in Skopin in Ryazan region of Russia. Local residents sold it for scrap metal, Russian media report.

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what isnt real is the notion that F-16's will be "given" to ukraine.
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Haha, that's exactly it. Holy shit, what an apt way to put it. God damn niggers.
article 4 at best
Putin and Lukashenko met up at Valaam monastery. (It is known that Putin has a residence close by).

Two murderers and criminals in a church.
"Russia is generally open to the negotiation process. But first, we need to understand how ready the Ukrainian side is for this and whether the Ukrainian side has, let's say, permission for this from its curators" - Peskov

By "negotiations," this hypocrite means Ukrainian surrender and giving up our territories with the people who are now in Russian occupation.

Ukrainian position has always been quite clear: we want just, lasting and sustainable peace. Putin wants the opposite. Word play by his minions means nothing.
Identification of Russian war criminals: Ukrainian intelligence officers identify those who are shelling Kharkiv and Sumy regions with Iskander missiles.

Investigators and analysts of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine identified 30 commanders of the 112th Missile Brigade (military unit 03333) of the 1st Tank Army of the Moscow Military District of the Russian Armed Forces who are directly involved in the missile strikes on Sumy and Kharkiv regions.

It concerns the use of Iskander operational and tactical systems against Ukrainian civilians. The Iskander missile system strikes with ballistic and cruise missiles at a range of more than 500 kilometers.

Russians use these weapons, in particular, to attack Sumy and Kharkiv regions of Ukraine. For example, on July 24, 2024, an Iskander-M missile hit a civilian infrastructure facility in Kharkiv.

◾ The permanent location of the war criminals of the 112th Missile Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces is located in Shuya, Ivanovo region.

◾ The brigade consists of 1 missile technical division and 3 missile divisions, which include 9 batteries with 12 Iskander launchers.

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>Identification of Russian war criminals: Ukrainian intelligence officers identify those who are shelling Kharkiv and Sumy regions with Iskander missiles.
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Beautiful, KEEKAROOO
bout time NATO grew a spine about their borders. Fuckng Russians have been trolling NATO for 2.5 years now.
>we want them to be eager
yeah, sounds like they need to lose another dozen factories.
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bake please
this is why russia must be destroyed because this is the kind of shit they propagate and spread. tzd is the only way forward.
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It's pretty clear at this point, you have to be mentally ill to support Russia after learning just how fucked up they are. Any relatively sane supporters Russia had, most of them fucked away when Bilohirovka crossing happened. You just can't support a failed regime which doesn't think twice about sacrificing people and equipment because some higher up said so.
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now that's embarassing
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that's what I said THOUGH

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