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Massey: I will rebuke you in the name of Jesus
Faggot cop: Huh?
Massey: I will rebuke you in the name of Jesus
Faggot cop: You better fucking not, I'll kill you *pulls sidearm and aims it at her head*
Massey: I'm sorry *crouches for cover*

Yeah, she threw the pot but after being threatened with a gun for literally nothing. Are you fucking retards really defending this kind of behavior? I get it if you're a racist but normal people looking at this thinking the pot of water is where it all started. Nope. That faggot cop probably didn't understand what rebuke meant and took it as a threat. What a fucking retard. I hope he gets raped in prison until he dies.
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>No no no you don't understand
>She HAD to go around throwing boiling water on people
>It was for her mental health purposes!!!!
>sheboon is told to turn off stove for her own good
>she decides to hold the pot instead
>sheboon starts saying the same exact shit an exorcist says before hurling holy water while holding a pot of scalding water
>officer Chad obviously feels threatened
>he informs the schizo sheboon that an exorcism at this time would be a bad idea
>Chad draws his gun to defend himself
>orders the sheboon to put the pot down
>she puts it down on the stove to "surrender"
>1 millisecond after putting it down, she's told to put it down again
This is where the main trantifa copes come in saying this is "confusing" which is bullshit. She only got told to put it down once while not holding it and that was literally milliseconds after putting it down. No reasonable person would interpret that to mean "do the opposite of what I said" in such a tiny time frame.
>(cont) sheboon grabs the full pot off the stove and whips the contents toward the officer
>gets rightfully domed
Does a full pot of scalding hot boiling water warrant a death sentence? I think it does considering the implications; the officers would have been blinded and effectively incapacitated had the boiling water been thrown in their faces as the nigger intended to do, as evidenced by her utterance of the famous line from the exorcist "in the name of jesus..." before being doused in holy water in the movie, clearly showing her intent to throw the boiling water in the officers faces. At this point she would have grabbed one of the officers guns and used it on both of them, she intended to incapacitate them and then murder them with their own service weapon. Niggers ambush police all the time, she tried to distract them and act like she wasn't going to do it but officer chad knew what was about to happen. She attempted to murder those officers
She should have shot him. It would unironically have been justified.
can christians stop worshiping niggers?
Bury the ZOGbot!!!
I watched the whole video of the body cam footage. She was obviously struggling mentally, but what he did was inexcusable. You can tell he knew he overreacted.

His poor partner having to hold her head as she’s dying, and then having a panic attack outside… that was rough to watch.

What did the bible say? We're all his children. Now go fuck yourself, fake Christian.
I see several issues here:

>Retarded american cop
>Nigger lady that is stupid and believes in kike on stick
>American sick society full of schizos and artificial sweeteners, foods
i'm not a nigger loving jew worshiper, you worthless faggot mutt.
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>Yeah, she threw the pot

He's innocent then. Thanks for agreeing with me.
Kill yourself faggot
It's actually poetic how the demon lashed out at the sight of holy water and immediately went into a kill-mode.
all these threads are mass psyop threads
no one cares
stop posting this shit about some random cop
cops kill niggers everyday
this is not relevant or important to my life
fuck jannies
Right, you're even worse. You're a fucking leaf.
After he threatened to kill her. You people are dumber than the niggers you hate LMFAO
Fuck niggers and ZOGbots
This. I accidentally poured a bunch of boiling water on my arm and it didn’t even blister. Shouldn’t be a death sentence but the ole rule of pigs and nigs deserve each other comes to mind
The audacity of a fucking leaf thinking they're better than niggers.
then why the fuck are you in this thread posting, dumb fuck?
nooooooo you must worship the dead nigger because it said the name of my holy rabbi!
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He has stage 3 colon cancer.
And a colostomy
Lmfao he has a bug up his ass. Literally
>call on the name of Jesus

>zogbot absolutely loses it
>cops are already agitated (due to proximity to niggers)
>hey bitch go turn off the stove
>ok offisuh
>Nigga you trippin, I rebuke you in Jesus name
totally nothing wrong with this escalation of events
>Massey: I will rebuke you in the name of Jesus
>Faggot cop: Huh?
>Massey: I will rebuke you in the name of Jesus
>Faggot cop: You better fucking not, I'll kill you *pulls sidearm and aims it at her head*
>Massey: I'm sorry *crouches for cover*
She's a crazy Jesus lady, not a threat. He needs to do life imprisonment time.
I'm late to this topic but have but one and only one question. Did she gesture to throw the pot before he shot her, regardless of where or what direction she threw it if she did throw it , and also regardless of how far it or the contents might have gone or how long in milliseconds that presumably took or could take? I just need sequence of events on that one point.
yes or no?
>Does a full pot of scalding hot boiling water warrant a death sentence

Some people just hate niggers, and will cut off their nose (support zogbot state excesses) to spite their face (wonder why their own civil liberties disappeared after allowing the law to steal them from niggers).
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The wrong here was the cop. It's pretty clear the cop was pagan as him and his partner sport pagan tattoos. Pretty clear the demons inside him got riled up when the Christian woman told him, "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ." Then he somehow got mad, pissed and told her, "You better FUCKING NOT! I will shoot you in your fucking face." There's clearly a spiritual aspect in here. Who gets angry when Jesus Christ is mentioned UNLESS you're a demon-possessed pagan?
He killed her because he did not understand what rebuke meant (because he's retarded)

He confirmed that when he talked to the sergeant afterward. He quoted the sentence to justify why he had to kill her.

police are zogbots and almost never help. It's best to minimize contact with them

just speaking to a cop could get you killed, like in this case
Zogbot faggot
>>call on the name of Jesus
>>zogbot absolutely loses it
He was possessed by Israel.
>Who gets angry when Jesus Christ is mentioned UNLESS you're a demon-possessed pagan?
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Nope, he killed her because he's a Christian-hating pagan. This was clearly a religiously motivated hate crime. Cop is either a pagan/satanist and the Christian saying "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus," is what triggered that heathen pig to chimp out. He even said right after the rebuke, "You BETTER FUCKING NOT. I swear to God I'm going to shoot you in your fucking face." No one in their right mind would that statement make you angry unless you're some anti-Christian demon-possessed faggot.
If he's not straight then it's definitely premeditated murder I hope they hang him
it's possible but also hating crazy people and/or black people

>you better fucking not
how do you "not" rebuke someone after you did it twice already? This shows he did not understand what she meant by rebuke
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He knew what it was. The demon inside him was agitated when she said it. She should've NOT said sorry. Christians have authority over demons and the demon didn't want to leave the cop's body. Rebuking in the name of Jesus Christ would mean the demon would need to find another host.
Cop made Springfield a whiter and brighter place.
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whos she to rebuke anyone? fucking bog witch
>your honor, my client would have indeed been cast to hell had he been touched by the water (made holy by invoking Christ's name)
>also the defense moves for a mistrial on the grounds that you are not jewish or a freemason
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>Throw a pot
>Get fucking shot
>In your face
>Fuck your race
He could literally have walked backwards and he's be out of reach.
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More like:
>Black woman says words
>cop's fee fees get hurt
>shoots lady over words
>now has to spend the rest of his life in prison with the possibility of getting his ass gaped by nigger criminals

Such is what awaits violent and demonic pagans. Many such cases.
Did she pour any water out already?

There didn't seem to be much water when she "threw" it. like maybe half a liter
This! But it isn't only that they hate niggers, but, they are obsessed with them, because they ate terrified of them.
>throwing boiling water on people
tipping over boiling water on her kitchen floor =/= throwing it. he didnt even get a single drop on him.
>least nigger loving christcuck
If your religion forces you to aggressively countersignal TND it might be jewish.
looks like clear cut self defense on her part

remind me again, did she throw the pot before or after he drew his gun and said "I'll fucking shoot you in the fucking face"
it was just before she picked it up, after he told her to put it down when she wasn't holding it
Son of Odin vs christcuck. Why do you care so much?
I am in fact a racist but nah, nigger was in the right and I hope the faggot cops got burned
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She threatened him with it before hand.
>What are you doing with that potentially harmful thing?
>Rebuking you in the name of Jesus.
Naturally - he construed it as the threat it was. And as such he approached the threat with defenses up.
Anyways - point stands.
First argument is:
Then, when it's shown that she threw a pot of boiling hot water at the man, the same pot she just threatened him with, she gets shot in the face - as promised.
>Clear cut self defense.
Yes. He should be released. If you disagree, make sure you do so from the middle of a predominantly black, inner-city, urban community.
>36 year old junkie.
>Spun out AF.
>Having a paranoid episode.
Stop being retarded. Get on the home team. Cease your delusions and perceive reality for what it is.
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Fucking moron
Throw boiling water on someone, get shot
It’s a lesson you Jews are about to learn
>What are you doing with that potentially harmful thing?
>Rebuking you in the name of Jesus.

they never said that
She should've told the cop to turn off stove if it was bothering him
Cop created his whole mess by bitching about boiling water
that never happened
he got all jittery and put his hand on his gun and she asked him what his problem was, he inferred she was going to attack him with the water (which she was running cold water in the sink to cool it off) and took offense to that accusation and rebuked him in the name of jesus, and then he drew down and shot her in the face
clearly the cop THOUGHT it was a crazy nigger planning to attack him

yet he acted and talked friendly right up until he engaged murder mode. that's what's so sickening about zogbots. They try to line up the kill.
It literally did. Watch the unedited footage. I don't want to be the daddy you didn't have. Please find it on your own. If you REALLY cannot - I'll post it for you. Faggots.
already watched it, retard
I've watched it multiple times

when you have several unaffiliated strangers independently telling you you're wrong, consider you're the one that got it wrong
cops also lie about conversations all the time

if the other cop wasn't recording, the cop would have lied like that other poster. and all the tards would believe him
>muh heckin zogbot hero! I must trust what he said about it. MIGA!
Shit like this really illustrates how christians are a fifth column. These kikes and shitskins are learning and I'm calling it now. If we ever see mass deportations of beaners here the first time an ICE body cam shows these squatemalan fucks praying to jebus as they're put in handcuffs even the most "racist" christian here will start moderating their tone on deportations. A rabbi could trick these christsuckers in forgiving him if he got on his knees after sucking a baby dick and asking christ to forgive him for it. Never trust a christian.
The warrior cop types are the biggest faggots.
Dumb ass, EVERYTHING you said in your previous post is retarded.
Except he didn't threaten to kill her. He said ,"Drop the pot or I'll shoot you in the fucking head"
She then chose to throw the pot at him. She could have done literally anything else and lived.
both gay both stupid
you want to deal with the pot of water? ok fine just go turn the heat off. Zero need to pick the pot up whatesoever.
You want to be a cop? fine, but don't be a coward bitch nigger
simple as
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>you don't understand: if my client gets raped up the ass in lockup he may DIE
>He said ,"Drop the pot or I'll shoot you in the fucking head"
no he didn't

stop lying about the convo. It's recorded
jew panic defense

>She was not a suspect
>They had 0 authority over her
>They were never asked to enter her house
>They could have just left the house
>They told her to take the pot off the stove
>Rebuke - to chastise, meaning she never threatened him
>She cowered and screamed I'm sorry when he pointed the gun
>Cop advances on her, around a barrier that would have provided him protection
>She threw the pot after he advanced gun drawn
>He chuckled when he said it was a head shot
>He told the other cop not to render aid
>He refused to render aid himself
>He told his partner to "just let her... 'bleed out' "
>He had been fired from 2 other police departments
>Grayson served in the U.S. Army as a mechanic for two years before being discharged in 2016 for serious misconduct
>He was dishonorably discharged from the Army
>Deputy worked at 6 agencies in 4 years
>2 DUI convictions
>In September 2022, while working for the Logan County Sheriff's Office, Grayson was disciplined for driving 110 MPH
>Sarge exclaims "where's the gun?" pig says "no gun" sarge says "and you shot her?"
>Calls her a crazy bitch
>The police initially told the family it was a self-inflicted wound
>Medical staff told the family this was not true, definitely not self-inflicted
>Police then tried to claim the "prowler" had shot her
>Family literally found out Cops killed her on the internet.
>The sheriff’s office said it has fired Grayson. “It is clear that the deputy did not act as trained or in accordance with our standards,”
>In a court document filed by the state last week, prosecutors said a “use-of-force” expert had reviewed the body-camera footage and concluded the use of deadly force was not justified..
>I hope he gets raped in prison
And there it is, the leftwing faggot scum reveals itself
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A corrupt zogbot in jail and a dead unhinged nigger. Sounds like a good day to me.
ok but there was like 34 minutes of video that shows you are wrong about what you said

why lie to defend a murderer online
Were talking about an entire pot of boiling hot water. Not a couple little droppies of wawa. That shit would have given them third-degree burns, you dumb fucking anarkike
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Discord Trannies - you will NEVER be women.
Niggers will NEVER accept you.
Being a faggot nigger-loving apologist on the internet doesn't make you a good person.
I'll pray that you're all blessed to live in a predominantly black, inner-city, urban community. You deserve to know what and how niggers truly act.
>They fucking hate you.
hardly anything comes out of the pot

there's no big wave of water on the floor. it's just some steam rising up
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The only 2 seconds that matter come immediately after you press play. I suggest setting the playback speed to 0.25
>36 year old Junkie
>Having a paranoid schitzo moment
>Due to her drug addiction.
She's a feral junky nigger who literally attacked cops after threatening them. If you don't understand this, go live amongst some niggers.
Or he said, "you better fucking not or I'll shoot you in the fucking head"

It was something along those lines, same meaning, you're being dense.
Anti law enforcement is marxist subversion. When shit goes down whom do you call? Gas niggers. Kill marxists.
>The only 2 seconds that matter
That's what police do. They say they will shoot you and put the gun to your head and then look for an excuse to kill you. Then they lie about the order of events and the convo. That's how they normally get away with it.

But in this case, the other cop had his camera on, so the murder cop is going to prison.

>same meaning
no. he's saying he will shoot her in the face for rebuking him. He says that BEFORE he ever says drop the pot.
Pig with ass cancer gonna get fried
Woosh goes the goalpost
>reality of white zogbot racists killing black people and christians


totally deranged
Finish it... FINISH IT!
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>full pot of scalding hot boiling water
Full pot? It was nearly empty. And she didn't even throw it in the cop's direction.
>murder cop doesn't activate his camera until after he shot her
this should be taken as proof that the zogbot intended to murder

they should be required to turn it on every time they arrive. or be automatic.
>can christians stop worshiping niggers?
I'm the most racist person on 4chan. Zogbot was in the wrong. Anyone defending that violent roidhead savage deserves to have his family shot by one of them.

There is more important things than niggers.
All of this is irrelevant, why are niggers incapable of following fucking orders, he told you to just turn it off and leave it there, why the fuck does your nigger ass have to grab it and move it around?
Bu..b...but she trew da pot of hot wata
The order was to drop the pot when it was sitting on the counter
>Cop sees the stove is on. Asks you to turn it off instead of just turning it off himself.
>Walk to stove, turn it off. Carry pot of water to sink.
>Cop moves away from you. You ask where he is going.
>He basically says he is scared of you.
>You are little offended because he basically says he can't trust you.
>Show your disapproval by saying you "rebuke him in the Jesus" in a soft joking manner(rebuke means criticize/disapprove).
>Roided-out pagan cop thinks you're threatening him so he threatens to shoot you in the face, pulls out his gun and aims it at your face.
>You're in total shock, throw up your hands and drop to the ground.
>Violent white nigger zogbots start yelling at you to "drop the pot" when you're not even holding it.
>Get confused, think they want you to throw the pot on the ground.
>Grab pot, don't stand up, don't move towards the cop, just throw a nearly empty pot on the ground.
>Get shot.
Fuck off nigger. We know what happened.
>defends murder regardless of innocence
fuck off and die, frostback
>He shot her for no reason.
Here is video she threw scolding hot water at him.
>But she was justified!
I just don't understand these retards, amirite?
>be black
>get shot
many such cases
>The order was to drop the pot when it was sitting on the counter
They were yelling at her to drop the pot even after she was already dead. Literal 80-IQ monkeys.
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>I SCALD you in the name of Jesus.

Threatening to assault a white police officer carrying out his lawful duty is a crime.
Assaulting a white police officer carrying out his lawful duty is a crime.
The nigra is a criminal agent of Satan.

That nigra threw the pot at him.
After being directly ordered not to.
That is intentional assault.
The nigra premeditatedly let water boil for over half an hour and wasted taxpayer dime on a bogus call.

Leviticus tells us not to cause permanent bodily injuries.
The african nigra was obviously setting them up to maim them "white devils".
The crazy nigra bitch set it all up.
She was such a demented nigra she was doing the devil's work while calling on Jesus.
Sheep's clothing for sure.
That nigra was possessed by a demon.
The devil would call himself Christ to mislead goyim.
>You shall know them by their works.
That insane nigra threw the pot at him trying to cause permanent bodily injury.
She could have just turned the stove off, but it was a set up suicide by cop from the start.
Except she wouldn't have done it at all if nigs showed up and probably would've kept bogus calling until whites did.

Nigs are all hell spawn.
No matter how much a nig claims to go on about the Lord, inwardly their cursed blood can only serve the Babelian Devil.

Also, I get the government being lazy and giving up on stopping nigs from fucking non-nigras.
But why does it stop the rest us of us from stopping it?
Most every time I go to the store there is some embarrased satanic niggered mudshark trash.
Why can't I just pull the trigger on the shits right there and then?
Why do I have to wait on the inevitable DNA genocide instead of taking care of the problem immediately myself?
The only reason I don't do it is because my life is infinitely more valuable than all those niggers and coalburners put together and I wouldn't want to go to jail and waste it like that.

Just let me do it and I can start to clean it up.
It's ridiculous.
>Throw boiling water at cop
>Get shot
Simple as. Nothing else you say matters. Nothing you say will justify the niggers actions.
>Throw boiling water at cop
Watch the video retard >>475690348

The pot was moving sideways towards the wall, not towards the cop.
Oh, like they have done just moments before?????? He was basically pressed to the wall at that point.

Also the water splashes about 1m short of them, a step more and the guy would have been scorched. That wasn't a splash from dropping or tipping something, that was from it being poured.
LOL I've watched it a hundred times.
>I will rebuke you in the name of Jesus
>You better fucking not, I'll kill you
wow, that's a bad response.
Brass tacks:
Dead nigger good.
Dead niggerfactory gooder.
could've just used a taser, more money needs to go into properly training police and not using a fucking gun as the answer to everything.
But then there would still be one more nigger, anon. This way is better.

The cop took 2 steps TOWARD her before shooting her. That is why he is going to jail. He moved forward toward danger instead of back. If he had moved backwards he may have had a chance.
>I rebuke you in the name of Jesus!
>I rebuke you foul demon warped entity in the name of JESUS!
>Baptizes foul demonic jew in holy water
>be American
>get shot
Hitler would unironically be ashamed of you.
Your video is shit and constantly freezes and zooms in so you can't see the motion. Watch my video nigger so you can actually see the motion.

The angle she was throwing the pot was not towards the cop. She basically picked it up and chunked it sideways over her head towards the wall.

If she was actually throwing the pot at the cop, she would have stood up and pushed the pot forward. Basically, her motion doesn't match someone trying to throw water on a cop. Nor do her prior actions match someone trying to throw water at a cop.

The cop was at least six feet away from where the pot was going, and the woman wasn't even looking in the cop's direction when she threw the pot.
What is the taste of that boot in your mouth, grass, dirt or bullshit?
Whites have a far higher percentage of being mentally ill, how many times have they been shot and killed under similar circumstances.
Basically, she was confused and terrified because a cop pulled out a gun and threatened to shoot her for no reason, then yelled at her to drop a pot she wasn't even holding.
OP is a nigger loving faggot
if a cop can decide to kill you for having a water pot, they can do it for almost anything. That's why they love the "split second decision" argument
>walk in front of your car
>shoot you
>walk up to you while you're cutting vegetables
>shoot you
etc. And without a camera, they can always lie about how you behaved or what you said.
I'm racist but I'm also racist against people with tattoos. No one with tattoos should be allowed any authority in society. Not even over thier own body.

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