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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Holds Rally at Charlotte, NC 7/24/2024
https://rumble.com/v57r4oc-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-charlotte-north-carolina-72424.html (RSBN)
>JD Vance Speaks at Middletown, OH 7/22/2024
https://youtu.be/cz4clo15uZs (RSBN)
>Pres Trump and JD Vance Rally, Grand Rapids, MI 7/20/2024
https://rumble.com/v577w5d-live-president-trump-and-jd-vance-hold-major-rally-in-grand-rapids-michigan.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Accepts Candidacy at RNC, Milwaukee, WI 7/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v56kkyl-live-day-four-2024-republican-national-convention-in-milwaukee-wisconsin-71.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>475674951
Ultra MAGA.
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Lichtman is 77 years old. He may just be wrong and die.
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https://swampthevoteusa.com -- help old farts vote here
https://trumpforce47.com -- start here if you want to help in a grassroots fashion, but are unsure where to start

shilling in cyberspace can affect headspace which, in turn, then affects behavior in meat(physical)space. there is a very limited window in which the media apparatus can convince the otherwise apolitcal public that their kamala astroturf can compete with recent events. this blatant astroturfing, both here and elsewhere, is probably to force a false consensus that kamala has a chance to begin with, in order to create plausible deniability for fraudulent activities through the illusion of widespread support that, in reality, does not exist.

in other words, i suggest staying on the offensive, since it's already clear that the media will fixate on a 3 year old statement, and won't bring up the fact vance said his heart goes out to those with fertility issues.

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why do they have dicks???
no doc
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Don't know, was trying to meme the orignal piper perri one with kamala on the couch and bing popped that up.
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>Are those even made anymore?

The Rockwell Commander was made from the early 70's up until the early 80's.

Production started up again in the mid 90's through the early 2000's under a different company name.

The 'factory' still exists in OKC if you want to take yours in for some expert maintenance.
I assumed they were strap-ons.
Biden died a long time ago, but in that photo, is the actor portraying Biden standing on a step?
I'm sorry the fbi can just go fuck themselves.
fug is not strong enough of a term.
make a straight version for fuck's sake anon kek
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Trump should just quietly sign an executive order that abolishes the FBI and CIA on day one and not make any fanfare about it, waiting until the employees show up the next day to find the locks changed and their employment ceased.
Fascinating. How do they compare to the other planes you posted? Are they easier to fly?
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Thread theme

>Compunctious L - The MAGA
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notice how the Russian war occurred after Ethereum started to accelerate in price . If you have payed attention you realize that blackrock is officially backing EFTs for Ethereum- that’s basically the cia investment firm + WEF = traitors
sounds good
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>My face can only contain so much smile.
>Thank you :3
You're quite welcome, fren !!

>I watch things fly around all the time
Good man !!
I'm always watching to see what's up in my area.
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do you remember?
remember when Tump posted in /tg/
and proved it with a tweet?
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*** Russian war started after Ethereum started to accelerate in price***
Ukraine / Russian war is a World Economic Forum elitist war over which group of Jewish capitalists gets to profit over the feeding of Africa/ China with the acquired farmland of Ukraine.. so you have jews of america using AIPAC /Israeli lobby to convince / intimidate US congress to keep genociding Muslims for Israel’s “safety”- and then after the wars create millions of non-white third worlder refugees to flood America & Europe — as that is (((their)) ultimate goal: destruction of the white nuclear human family through ORCHESTRATED demographic replacement via third world non-white immigration unchecked —
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This image frustrates bongs so much. kek
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-these Jews of blackrock can give the non-white migrants free housing and free food stamps so they can commit crime against generational Americans in peace- and if they do get caught the SOROS DAs/ lawyers will make sure to free them
__ all this loxist Zionism to destroy the American white nuclear family that fought and died to rid the world of Hitler. What for? To give Israelis the right to commit genocide with the whole world watching ? What have Israelis provided society besides a rigged stock market and the gayest city on earth (Tel Aviv)
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Guess what Wray

I see you.

That was Barron
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Spymaster looks cool,
but you get the speed of a heavy single, with operating costs of a twin
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>muh hospital
the hospital said hella people died of covid when in reality it was a heart attack, stroke, or cancer or whatever else..
>muh diagnosis
>muh ear

it's all leftist style points.. the whole series of events is the left's psyop against america turned on its head.. Finally! Finally for once, Trump is willing to stoop to their level.. Finally! he's willing to get down in the dirt and fucking fight for once.. guy isn't what the america first people thought he was.. in fact, if he's just 5% the tough guy they said he was, i'd be really surprised.
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So…that’s a lie. The hospital didn’t call it a “bullet wound to the ear”, Ex pill dispensary Ronny Jackson did. He’s not currently licensed to practice medicine.
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The FBI is a jewish controlled organized crime cabal.
>How do they compare to the other planes you posted? Are they easier to fly?
Well-built and reliable.
Relatively easy enough to fly.

They are known for being super comfy !!!
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America is sickening its jews have destroyed their own world - spoiled rotten- dual loyalty caananite baal-worshipping jews. You will find your eternal rest to be COCYTUS.
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Unplug your tvs people.
They certainly look it.
Oh nvm you're a brownoid
Ngl I'm feeling blackpilled right now.
Kamala may actually have the meme magic to win. This isn't 8 years ago. Zoomers have gotten more active and more liberal. Plus the decrease in white voters every election. This is literally our last chance.
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Ur psyop sucks
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i think it's funny that the line art oc features trump's lips
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3/10 concern trolling
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>cheri Jacobus
had some 2016 memes of her, but those are gone now
what ever happened to her?
Trump has a cult of personality that revolves around him.
Kamala's personal profile isn't that big, BUT OTHER INFLUENCERS ARE.
You got literal harry Sisson type Tik Tokers getting millions of views with pro Kamala vids
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>Harris economy
It's honestly hilarious that Trump's team connects more authentically than any other politician, and the only ones who even get close are a few fellow GOPers who've hired Trumpian social media staff. Same goes for accounts like RNC Research.
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>They certainly look it.
Most single-engine General Aviation airplanes are quite non-comfy.
You hired him, Trump
You're the one that appointed him.
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Is he on coke?
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Male weirdos are less than cat ladies?
I don't get it. Every cat lady I knew was fucking weird in a bad way..
You are a deluded retard
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speaking of influencers
Checked. BRB.
Don't fuck with my awoos
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Good question
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Awooing in the aweevening
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Damn, they really don't like stolen ancestry in the hills.
Trust Wray
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Karl are you here?
Still have that funny thing to show you.
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not today satan.
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>speaking of influencers
Cattywompus that's how the penthouse suite in Fear and Loathing looked afterwards
>like the ones in D.C. burning American flags and spray painting over our great National Monuments - with zero retribution.
Maybe he should tweet "#Law and Order".
That will show them!
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But of course
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The truth about Kameltoe, in her own words.
just having a good time.
Maybe you should post more.
That will show him!
The Q flag...

>I miss my Q
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awoo to you
>he wasnt even hit by the bullet

You missed
a pinball cabinet on every corner
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Trump literally hid in a bunker while niggers burned down half of the country. If MIGAtards think he's going to deport flag burners, I don't really know what to tell you. You're in an actual cult.
that first one better not be fucking true!
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You fucking missed
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DNC vs a dem delegate (pic rel)
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you're a credulous fucking idiot.
>Buzzwords buzzwords and more buzzwords
now that is inventive.
>You hired him, Trump
Shhh... the MIGA cultists are draining le swamp
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Goodnight frens

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This is the one that will change everyone's mind.
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>Average Trump supporting women

Every hot girl is for Harris. You lost.
watching this reminded me about the trump effect video
who has it?
>Is he on coke?
If he is you know it's the best around.
already deboonked
Trump came out and said this was never even a consideration or thought
Kit, did you know that one of the most impressively awful things about spics is how they make everything they touch into slop?
It's going to be navarro
seethe about it
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wrong guy, herald. and i did know that.
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Anyone here plotting anything?
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Fuck it, here is hoping he sees it, I got stuff I gotta go do.

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Here's how you will finally get the oh so coveted nigger vote!
yes, IQ stats of FBI employees.
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Calling a bank most likely to talk about my fucking overdue tax returns glowie, we all aren't employed by Israel.
sounds like xqc
i'm plotting revenge on muh guitar pedal that died this morning, does that count?
Nuts. But yeah they do it to everything. Their food, their buildings, their genes, and of course even religion. They have mixed african voodoo, their own aztec coonery, and Catholicism and even a few Prot sects. Remarkably terrible group.
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Larry Fink was literally one of Trump's hedge fund managers. The MIGA vote relies on boomers being incredibly low iq. The only other option Trump is considering is Jaime Dimon(d).

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It's probably going to be Jaime Diamon(d).
>Anyone here plotting anything?
lets meet IRL to discuss
Trump literally said that he wasn't considering him for anything
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Trump debunked it himself you fucking retard.
He knows he’s about to be disowned for fucking up the vp selection.
>if Trump said it, it must be true!
He only hires the BEST people
>shills are fucking days behind now
this is getting hilarious
He's everyone's hedge fund manager, he practically has a monopoly.
He's not being considered.
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Always, fren. I got in that thread at like post 295 saying yes I was lurking and I wanted to see the funny thing.
stop noticing things, its rayciss
well then see
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I Wana snitch I know for sure there is this cat that is actively plotting as I text this right now about making tomboys legal posts at 00:00:00 est and we know that for sure because all other time zones suck ass
They're literally a decade behind
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Glad I don't have to spin this. But it is smart. His debate performance looked good next to Biden. She's a younger, former prosecutor. He has not had good luck with black, female prosecutors...
>Former President Trump said Tuesday he has not discussed Jamie Dimon as a potential Treasury secretary if he is reelected, despite saying himself he would consider the JPMorgan Chase CEO for the position.
>“I don’t know who said it, or where it came from, perhaps the Radical Left, but I never discussed, or thought of, Jamie Dimon or Larry Fink for Secretary of the Treasury,” Trump said, also ruling out the BlackRock CEO.
much doubt
Trump is way the fuck more believable than the lying press.
fuck them.
they lied about shooting the damn dude.
They will also lie about what he's been purported to say.
Have a great day!
>>if Trump said it, it must be true
Is trump vaxxed?
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>it was completely made up!
Oh no! I'm falling for Trump's dumb A-B test. I'm such a shill. We know he only hires the best and brightest!
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>If the press said Trump said it, it must be true.

Trump said drink bleach and stick a light up your ass to cure Covid.

I demand better shills. This batch is retarded
obama should always be referred to by his middle name just so people know
Harris is clearly seeing an unsustainable bump right now. Looking at google trends, she spiked into the stratosphere for a bit and is rapidly declining. Trump will be back ahead of her in searches within a week. She wont be able to maintain this media blitz, particularly as we get into September.
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>Their food
mexican food is a spectrum of “literal slop” to “kino because whites got to it”
>their buildings
but they paint them bright colors
>their genes
they hunger for whites for a reason
>and of course even religion
religiosity is considered feminine by spics. do with that what you will
Are you implying Trump is leaking fake press? For what purpose?
shilling has been pathetic since harris took over
totally unbelievable
I am afraid this is the best they have anon. They have nothing left to shill for so they just smear shit on the walls until they get jannied.
>He's everyone's hedge fund manager
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fucking imposters
That’s why you need to demoralize them,
It's no surprise they take to islam like fish to water. They'll find a way to add that to their slop. It'll be easier to get rid of them though.
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I can't find this anywhere.
>fucking imposters
as if that's anything new
Also with more specifics, Harris' searches on google are down 60% in 3 days. This is clearly a sort of fad.
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I've heard 2 of these before, you are a man of exceptional taste as always. Enjoy the vaguething until it's time fot blurtiem
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we are all Carl here
>asked on a single occasion if he may consider him and responds "sure"
>this means he was on the shortlist
how have you heard two of them before?
I made them
checked, you fool the UN will complete the tomboy banishment ritual.
presskikes gonna kike
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I bet it's all been erased I miss the awoo.mpeg video an anon made and it's gone or the awoo video I use to post a lot is gone too fucking buttholes they had gotten. So many views pumped too
no the songs I mean, I know those lyrics. very well done tho.
Bro even in the polls she “leads” she loses…
43% Trump 44% Harris doesn’t ensure victory. 2016 was 45.9% Trump 48.2% Clinton. If Trump eeked out his favorability with 100% while Kamala under performs Clinton overall by 9% Trump would sweep.
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you should run as governor with that attitude. lari’s going to be too busy
it happens, but ive never spelled carl’s name with a k though
always have been
Tick tock, Drumpfies!
Hope you're ready to get Kamala'd!
He has always done the A-B test. This is nothing new. I figured a tried and true MIGA cultist would already be aware of this.
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Go back to your jews satan.
Is that pic suppose to contradict something? Or are you agreeing? I don't think you know what you're doing.
thats the funny part about it, johnny rebel songs but AI generated music to them.
I laughed my ass off for a long time when I first did it.
Maybe I'm the only one that thinks its that funny.
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i don't understand this

why is uncharismatic challenger marked true here? even the most deranged trump haters would admit he's charismatic. and no social unrest?? are they serious??
My point is just that she's getting the kind of bump you generally expect from securing the nomination and that she's clearly going to fall as people stop talking about her again and the hype dies off.
From a political standpoint why would Trump support White supremacists after embarrassing him in Virginia?
i think it's cool that nobody's ever demanded me to put on my tripcode, kek... they only ever ask me to remove it.
Net and YooHoo is meeting with Trump tomorrow. He’s been sending vailed threats to Trump since July 4 2019 (if anyone with twatt account can get a better screen shot that’ll be great) now day before his meeting with Trump he’s doing it again. Alex Jones has warned they might poison him by putting poison on fake hand and when he shakes it he’ll be ded in 10min. I’m worried af now.
Bibi knows he gets to shake Trumps hands tomorrow and SS or his security isn’t going to check anything on Israel’s head of state he’s not some random person. It’s a perfect opportunity imo
Multiple wars and people burning American flags in the streets is what they want.
I also say this as somebody very fond of restricting immigration etc
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Trump loves Larry Fink.
Everything (You) hate, Trump loves.
You are in a cult, and your leader hates you.
You really think Trump is not genuine after all that has transpired?
he is super biased
cant trust him to give good faith interpretation
Trump loves gay faggot nigger shills like you?
These are new shills. They don't know that shilling here is useless as we watched everything from day one.
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>why would Trump support White supremacists
Wtf are you even talking about? He doesn't have to support them. He could just do what he did with the BLM rioters... nothing.
>Trump loves gay faggot nigger
The argument is that his appeal is not bipartisan. Its not factual enough to base the whole election on it though jej
i mean
even while bending the truth she's still at five. their plugging their ears and closing their eyes to the fact that the people can see them funding genocide and are exhibiting clear social unrest very clearly. like in DC. in plain view.
>support White supremacists
why not?
its all bullshit
>no primary contest
against biden, sure. but kamala doesn't have a single vote to her name, and if she isn't being challenged its only because nobody wants to wear a loss

>no third party
uhm, hello, RFK?

>strong economy

>major policy change
fag shit before, fag shit after

>no social unrest
there's pro-palestine protestors defacing monuments right fucking now

>no scandal
probably the most ridiculous one.
-hiding bidens senility till the last moment
-trying to force biden out
-attempted assassination on trump and coverup of same
-actually forcing biden out
-kamala geting the nomination without a single vote
-the campaign finance stuff
lol, just lol

and yea, the uncharismatic challenger is also obviously bullshit
even if it WAS true in a vacuum, certainly the assassination attempt and resulting photographic kino is by itself enough to lose this vs trump.
>doubles down
It's so low effort it's sad.
Found it.
Some Mexican doesn't give a fuck about dmca
Have you seen the new F-15EX doing airshow maneuvers? Crazy shit, better than a Su-35 let alone an F-15C. Makes me wish we had seen Super Tomcats.
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I have a conundrum involving a cute little enbie at work and I'm debating saving her with my penis vs the risks of her chosing to turn me in as a chud if I get close to her and I lose my job. But I'm trying not to let it disturb my comf too much. Hope your are comf and musclemanmaxxing.
>johnny rebel songs but AI generated music to them.
>I laughed my ass off for a long time when I first did it.
>Maybe I'm the only one that thinks its that funny.
No I thought they were excellent, I just forgot they were Jimmy Reb songs. Couldn't place 'em. "They Just Smell That Way" sounded like a comfy FFDP jam.
>always have been
that's why you are fren
Trump on his worst day gets 12% of democrats, 92% of Republicans, and 40% of independents
>who are a mix of dude weeds, young women that are leftoids, and pearl clutching boomers

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>after all that has transpired?
What has transpired? He got shot be some weirdo with a cleft pallet? What does that have to so with his unwavering support of Israel and his complete indifference to his own race?
msm once again inventing news rather than reporting news
How were the polls today?
well then social unrest. there's plenty of it because of inflation, people getting shot in the face by cops, throwing money at ukraine when nobody gives a shit about them, throwing money at israel and sucking their cocks so they can wipe some people off the face of the earth. i don't get that one in particular
We are in the middle of a bump for kamala and trump is still up 4 in PA and she has never won a poll in the state.
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>implying you’re white
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Who fucking cares about polls
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How does Trump even manage to consume such incredible amounts of jewish semen? It's superhuman!
Trump was the first president since Kennedy to preside over a decline in the foreign born population and it was BEFORE COVID
mfer decaying
Man what happened to the Trump one-sentence quips? It’s just schizo ranting every post now.
Voting for Trump for a third time, but this general fucking blows. It’s full of shills and faggots pretending to be best friends with each other. Get a hobby.
>How were the polls today?
Obviously it varies but still pointing to R+1-2. Not where Kamala wants to be because this is likely the high point of her campaign with all the free media attention that will be gone by next week. There's still not been a single poll showing her winning the electoral college.
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Bro, I haven't even mentioned Peter Theil yet.
>Man what happened to the Trump one-sentence quips? It’s just schizo ranting every post now.
He was doing those quips because twitter used to have a small character limit.
the shills and faggots are best friends with each other anon.
they've come here for 8 years.
they're paid to be here.
he didn’t call you a leftists and in real life most detractors to blimpf would/could be described as “leftists”…
So, what would happen with the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact if Donald Trump wins the popular vote this time around? Will they get cold feet about implementing it?
Nobody is forcing you to be here
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jews are too dumb to operate a firearm.
Too dumb to be on Earth.
You have to go back to your home planet.
Keep in mind with polls, that while national polls usually aren't massively far off the results, state polls usually are. For example, in both 2016 and 2020 Wisconsin was off by like 7 points toward the democrats. So you're better off just ignoring state polls in general.
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youre better than that. i see a trip, i ignore the trip
>I have a conundrum involving a cute little enbie at work and I'm debating saving her with my penis vs the risks of her chosing to turn me in as a chud if I get close to her and I lose my job. But I'm trying not to let it disturb my comf too much.
damn. that seems like its got like a 90% chance of blowing up in your face and ruining your life. but its also a 10% chance of saving a life with your dick, or at least getting her to be a her.
i trust youll choose the right thing and tell us about it if anything funny or based happens
>Hope your are comf and musclemanmaxxing.
comf but i was just not there mentally during the workout today. like the energy was there but i didnt wanna do it. then i remembered i cant let dani speegle mog my shit
>that's why you are fren
you know it
Why though Trump and Kamala and Trump and Biden were always ahead by 0.5%-2.0% or tied. No way Trump would go and win by 8% even on a good day
>random nigger says a thing
>it's so over
shut up retard
i don't think virginia is gonna go red, but i'll do my part. northern virginia is probably gonna blue it up again though
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Trump is a libtard and the GOP is a big tent gay rainbow coalition now.
Anything to win an election. The fake and gay American way!
>$38 for ice cream
If my kids want ice cream I make them make it themselves.
The GOP isn’t a “rainbow tent coalition” most of its voters are married men and women. 86% of “LGBT” voters voted for Boyden in 2020
as you should.
for this go round, its probably irrelevant
if and when it actually goes into effect, there's going to be a very big SC battle, which the compact's states will likely lose.
iirc the SC court has a history of affirming the electoral college and deciding against arguments about popular vote being better.

and its also important to point out, that as the limit gets closer and closer, the likelihood of more states joining becomes smaller
at the start of it, when the goal was very distant, joining was a very easy way to win some political capital by being all pro-democracy and shit, without being in danger of actually having to change anything
but for the last states to join, who see the goal getting closer and closer, its much less of a symbolic gesture, and much more of a "holy shit, this is for real" thing.
so, now that its close, i fully expect that shit to slow right the fuck down.
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>damn. that seems like its got like a 90% chance of blowing up in your face and ruining your life. but its also a 10% chance of saving a life with your dick, or at least getting her to be a her.
>i trust youll choose the right thing and tell us about it if anything funny or based happens
I feel like I have the wisdom of age now but she's 20 and tight bodied and I have a horrendous track record of thinking with my dick
>comf but i was just not there mentally during the workout today. like the energy was there but i didnt wanna do it. then i remembered i cant let dani speegle mog my shit
just remember: they're biologically inferior. but I still couldn't get "five foot two with an attitude" out of my head all day, unless I blow it out wit a bullet.
>the assassination attempt and resulting photographic kino is by itself enough to lose this vs trump.
Already memory holed, also most people just outright hate Trump and hope he was killed they will vote who ever against him.
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troll or tranny?
Why not both?
So what's your position, accelerationist?
this just isn’t true and the hate for Trump has really died out besides from Partisan democrats
Just because their strategy isn't working doesn't mean its not their strategy.
I don't know what this means, but it's ominous and checked.
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>Already memory holed
> Trump bad
> We should let Harris win
I don't compute it
And a new baker is now needed. Have a good Kamala is still FUGGING UGLY Groyper night.
that shit is going to be shown on every TV and every internet ad in every swing state 100 times a day as the election comes closer
Regardless of this election, dems are fucked long term. The shifts in hispanic and black vote are going to utterly fuck them within a few elections. Generally we're seeing their advantage with hispanics falling to around 10 and black vote falling to around 55 in polls. Compare this to 2012 where the hispanic vote was +61 and the black vote was +80 and you can see that this is becoming a massive issue for them. The only thing keeping them in the game is that the white share of the electorate is declining, but this isn't gonna matter when their black advantage evaporates and we actually start winning hispanics.
>2 retards spoke at the RNC
Is this your magnum opus? You think some delegate from Missouri, or American Samoa, knows a Sikh prayer. Hell that was probably because it was supposed to be a Nikki Haley coronation
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>government issued megaphones with big FBI stickers on them!
MIGAtards are literally brain dead
>kamala was never a liberal senator
>kamala was never border czar
>kamala never donated to antifa organizations and helped get then out of jail
>all this shit less than 5 years old written by the actual same people who initially said those things
Not even King Nigger could dream of this level of open lying.
WOW, Crooks really was a terrible shooter. What a LOSER.
True, but it'd be funny if they did hit the threshold to activate it, only for the GOP to win the popular vote in the next election but lose the EC. Given that all the NPVIC states are blue or swing, it'd be rich to see the Dems try to wiggle out of it post-election in order to keep the EC win. See, e.g., how Kerry could've won the EC while losing the popular vote to Bush in 2004 had Kerry won Ohio.

That's called an echo chamber bucko, your kind had to offer up destiny as a sacrifice to divert attention for your complete failure of morality. Social media was scanned and saved however.
The Black vote in 2012 was D+87% not just D+80% that was 2016 lol. Hispanics were D+35% in 2016 and D+19% in 2020 but I don’t know 2012. I know McCain won non Black voters by 11% in 2008 and still lost
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are they just calling the same people every 2 hours

margin of error?
>Kamala's one job was the border
>Border a complete mess
>Kamala replaces Biden

So what was she in charge of?
Yes. It's better than putting a band aid on the festering, pustulating neovaginal wound that is America.
just proving its an unreliable poll
Cops are pussys
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>>2 retards spoke at the RNC
Give it a try
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We don't even need Michigan anon. Both Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are much more conservative and we win with either of them. It's an irrelvant state.
They really have to bring the candidates down to even get a tiny lead over blimpf. Lmao Kamala has an uphill battle
nicely done frens
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What % of the Black vote did Trump get in MI in 2020?
Trump lost
There is no way you are legitimately this stupid, it has to an act.
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>oh no not 10 percent of the poulation that doesnt even vote anyways
Look at Texas. The cities are getting bluer but literally everywhere else, including the once-blue border counties, are getting redder. It's literally a case of importing white liberals to Austin while the Latinos turn red. Wild stuff, and the trend can be seen in the 2016 and 2020 maps and can be seen continuing in the 2022 midterm map.
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the midnighters
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hey now


pretty good
yea, it would be amusing to watch such a clusterfuck unfold, but i really expect the SC to shut it right the fuck down if its ever activated.

you know what would be amazing kino? per cgp grey, texas has in its constitution the right to split itself into 5 smaller states (northwest/south/east and austin). im assuming that 4 of those would be red, right? and only austin possibly blue? and ofc, per the constitution, each state gets a senator and min 3 electoral votes, plus however many more from its population, lol.
that would be a major win for the GOP right there, and im not sure the SC would, or even could, stop it from happening.
I love 9pm posting. Also, Trump is going to lose.
Pennsylvania has voter ID.
i got it
I hate shitlibs as much as you. The media are now stop talking about Trump assassination and keep spewing KAMALA IS BRAT SOOO KWEEEELLLLLL 24/7.
They are trying to memory hole it and it IS working.
>Before February 2019 - August 2019 >>475687479
Central American surge
>After Surge
> U.S. authorities apprehended 29,200 people at the border in January, an 11 percent decrease from December, according to preliminary Customs and Border Protection (CBP) numbers obtained by The Hill.
based best coaster, but the antichrist is going to win. god wills it.
Dunno but here is Milwaukee
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Is he going to debate
Trump beat Hilary with almost no black support relative to typical Dem support.
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delete that webm
>I feel like I have the wisdom of age now but she's 20 and tight bodied and I have a horrendous track record of thinking with my dick
yes but you see you’re AWARE of that now. the demon trickster penis has less power over you once you know his lies
(the preceding statement is a lie)
a man’s got to know his limitations
>just remember: they're biologically inferior. but I still couldn't get "five foot two with an attitude" out of my head all day, unless I blow it out wit a bullet.
yeah but i see a literal 5’2 chick lift fucking heavy and it just seems right to me. if she can lift me she can sustain a relationship with me
now blur time
(it just wasnt going to let me post this before midnight)
ty buddy
ty coral, mind the complex longreply above and remember penis is not to be trusted
ty bruce
kek, ty fren
ty frendo
nn all frens, stay comf
Basically for Harris to win she needs to win 2 of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona.
All the other states in the country are irrelevant.

So if you want to suggest she's going to win you need to explain which 2 of those she's going to win and how. Because right now she's down on average like 4 in all of them.
It would be unlikely he would be tied and Harris would only be at 41.6% if she had 82% of nigger support and Trump had 0%. What were the demographics of people polled? Was it all of metro Detroit?
he'll let you know once the democrats get done anointing their candidate
Ben Garrison Based Again!
Joe Biden is the worst president in the history of the USA ever!
Kamala Harris is the worst candidate in the history of the USA ever!
She's not even black, she's more Hindu, while Obama is more black, but that's all the democrat gang. And she is Killary Clinton 2.0. The only way to destroy this evil is to vote for Donald Trump and no more of these villains! Stop this madness!
Zyklon Ben Based Again!
MAGA 2024
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Also I wonder how many Arabs in Michigan know VP Harris is married to a jew.
(This is very unusual for a negress or a pajeeta)
Oh you're just jewish, that makes more sense
You guys are underestimate how many brainwashed retards hate Trump and the power of the media.
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>penis is not to be trusted
extremely wise words, I'll let you know how the chess game between me and him goes
ga and az are much harder to flip, at least per the betting sites
the closest ones are wi/mi/pa, and she needs all 3 to win.
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There's no logical reason for Trump to give Kamala a debate. He's ahead by about 4-5 points in all the key swing states. Why take a risk? He doesn't owe her a debate. He set up 2 debates with biden not his fault they shanked him in the ass.
Magical thinking, or superstitious thinking, is the belief that unrelated events are causally connected despite the absence of any plausible causal link between them, particularly as a result of supernatural effects
Of course they're trying, but it's literally unforgettable.
Who's the Democrat's candidate? Last time he debated their candidate that guy stopped being their candidate 3 weeks later.
I don't know anything about the poll, just answering the question about 2020 results
holy checkem
I actually think Pennsylvania is probably the most conservative of the 4 right now, and will be the hardest for her to flip. Polling usually underestimates R in the rust belt so the fact she's already polling down 4 is a problem.
Anon, explain to what the problem with shitskin kikes killing shitskin mudslimes is? How does this impact or matter to you as a White man?
nigga I ain't pointing my camera at that
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good job boys

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