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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>She was not a suspect
>They had 0 authority over her
>They were never asked to enter her house
>They could have just left the house
>They told her to take the pot off the stove
>Rebuke - to chastise, meaning she never threatened him
>She cowered and screamed I'm sorry when he pointed the gun
>Cop advances on her, around a barrier that would have provided him protection
>She threw the pot after he advanced gun drawn
>He chuckled when he said it was a head shot
>He told the other cop not to render aid
>He refused to render aid himself
>He told his partner to "just let her... 'bleed out' "
>He had been fired from 2 other police departments
>Grayson served in the U.S. Army as a mechanic for two years before being discharged in 2016 for serious misconduct
>He was dishonorably discharged from the Army
>Deputy worked at 6 agencies in 4 years
>2 DUI convictions
>In September 2022, while working for the Logan County Sheriff's Office, Grayson was disciplined for driving 110 MPH
>Sarge exclaims "where's the gun?" pig says "no gun" sarge says "and you shot her?"
>Calls her a crazy bitch
>The police initially told the family it was a self-inflicted wound
>Medical staff told the family this was not true, definitely not self-inflicted
>Police then tried to claim the "prowler" had shot her
>Family literally found out Cops killed her on the internet.
Faggot trannies worship zogbots when they chop off their dicks
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>She was not a suspect
a Nigger is always a Suspect
>They had 0 authority over her
They were investigating a possible crimescene
>They were never asked to enter her house
Nigger let them in
>They could have just left the house
They wanted to see the Niggers ID
>They told her to take the pot off the stove
Big Mistake, should have never left the nigger get up from the Couch
>Rebuke - to chastise, meaning she never threatened him
Nigger is advancing, holding a Pot of boiling water and talking religious gibberish
>She cowered and screamed I'm sorry when he pointed the gun
Never trust a nigger, they also claim not being able to breathe
>Cop advances on her, around a barrier that would have provided him protection
The nigger could have easily thrown the hot water over the barrier, the Cop advanced to get a better shot on the suspect
>She threw the pot after he advanced gun drawn
Nigger tried to attack them
>He chuckled when he said it was a head shot
it was a good shot
>He told the other cop not to render aid
>He refused to render aid himself
>He told his partner to "just let her... 'bleed out' "
>He had been fired from 2 other police departments
and they keep hiring him because hes good at his job
>Grayson served in the U.S. Army as a mechanic for two years before being discharged in 2016 for serious misconduct
based for sabotaging Zogbots
>He was dishonorably discharged from the Army
who cares
>Deputy worked at 6 agencies in 4 years
So what?
Imagine caring this much about dead black WHO CALLED THE ZOG BOTS ON HERSELF..

Did you cry about Deaths of Despair?
That was millions of people and dead
through very little of their own
>2 DUI convictions
not a felony
>In September 2022, while working for the Logan County Sheriff's Office, Grayson was disciplined for driving 110 MPH
gotta go fast
>Sarge exclaims "where's the gun?" pig says "no gun" sarge says "and you shot her?"
it was clearly self defense, the video is undeniable proof
>Calls her a crazy bitch
the nigger was literally crazy, a schizoid crazy nigger with a boiling pot of water talking gibberish and lives in a pigsty
>The police initially told the family it was a self-inflicted wound
>Medical staff told the family this was not true, definitely not self-inflicted
>Police then tried to claim the "prowler" had shot her
it was suicide by cop
>Family literally found out Cops killed her on the internet.
based, fuck niggers
Every real anon knows, anyone else is just a shill or a faggot baiting
There is lots of nigger lovers/shills here on /pol/ for some reason.

They will also tell you lies how this Nigger was some 90yo grandma despite her being 36 years old.
and other lies such as that she didnt threw the pot when she clearly did and its on video.
nigger lover detected.
do you honestly believe that Niggers are humans?
also would you also relax around a schizo nigger that holds a pot full with boiling water?
In 2023, law enforcement officers killed at least 1,329 people, according to data from Mapping Police Violence. This number highlights an upward trend in police-related fatalities, contrasting with a national decline in homicides and other violent crimes

In 2023, a total of 138 law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty in the United States.

>be schizo who thinks cops are trying to kill you
>call cops about an intruder
>cops show up and refuse to give name or let them look around
>they enter on alert for potential intruder
>make le epic movie reference and throw boiling water at them
Open and shut case.
Literally none of what you said is true, you must be a cop.
are you a nigger or are you white?
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I hate niggers as much as anyone, but I hate cops more. They are worthless in preventing crime and there only there to observe and report(like a common mall cop) for the court to decide.
Are you a jew or a human?
> but I hate cops more
Deputy Sean Grayson actually did his job right, imagine if every Cop did this and killed a nigger as soon as the nigger acts suspicious.
(actually they should kill them on sight).

Also the Deputy probably saved some White Person from this Schizo by taking it out before the Crime happens, who know maybe tomorrow the schizo nigger goes to walmart and stabs some white toddler because demons talked to the nigger.
You can’t compare those numbers, because “in the line of duty” covers everything from getting killed in a car wreck on the way to the donut shop to choking to death on a jelly in the break room.
jews should get the same treatment as the niggers, like the niggers they are also not human.
question is why are you such a cuck for niggers?
> He was dishonorably discharged from the Army
Dis tru? Dishonorable discharge is equivalent to a felony
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also Thread Theme:


In the heart of Illinois, where the Nigger animals roam,
Deputy Sean Grayson, he stands alone,
Got his badge and his gun, ready for a fight
while the Nigger menace is boiling water in the night.

You better fucking not
or I swear to God
I’ll fucking shoot you in the fucking face

Nigger Massey, you think you're tough?
you think you got the guts while you are high on some stuff!
Boiling water pot in hand, you're just a crazy Nigger one headshot is all it takes
Sean's got his firearm, he's ready to ventilate!

[Guitar Solo]

In the Niggers dirty living room,
Planning his ambush, full of fury and fear,
Nigger lunges with the pot, trying to cause third degree burns,
But Sean's not the kind to let a Nigger reign supreme!

Nigger Massey, you think you're tough?
you think you got the guts while you are high on some stuff!
Boiling water pot in hand, you're just a crazy Nigger one headshot is all it takes
Sean's got his firearm, he's ready to ventilate!

With a flick of the wrist, the trigger pulls tight,
A shot in the Niggers head, Nigger lost the fight,
No more boiling pot, no more sneaky schemes,
Just a Deputy legend living out pols dreams!

No More Niggers!

[Guitar Solo]

Nigger Massey, you think you're tough?
you think you got the guts while you are high on some stuff!
Boiling water pot in hand, you're just a crazy Nigger one headshot is all it takes
Sean's got his firearm, he's ready to ventilate!

So here’s to the deputy, keeping the peace,
Against all the Nigger madness that will never decrease.

Total Total Nigger Death!
(Total Total Nigger Death!)
Total Total Nigger Death!
>Deputy Sean Grayson actually did his job right, imagine if every Cop did this and killed a nigger as soon as the nigger acts suspicious.
So yes, you are a jew.
Imagine caring about niggers or ZOGbots.
I'm not a jew, but you are a nigger and a nigger apologist.
>hating blacks is jewish
>I'm not a jew
X doubt
its actually a good example of good policing.
imagine if your Police department was just hundreds of Sean Graysons who just remove useless niggers from society. would be based. so why punish the guy?
post proof you arent a nigger you nigger
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>post proof you arent a nigger you nigger
Post proof you aren't a jew, jew
I denounce the Talmud.
now post a timestamped picture of your hand nigger.
>I denounce the Talmud.
Denounces a book that literally says you are allowed to lie about the book in the book.

Well, I'm convinced.
where is the picture of your hand you dumb nigger cuck?
since when do you have to be jewish to hate subhuman niggers?
go back to africa shitskin nigger
>Demon goes apeshit after hearing the name of Jesus.

Many such cases.
Go back to israel shitskin shepardic
/pol/ is filled to the brim with faggot bootlickers. They don't care about the facts. All they know how to do is hate niggers and suck police dick.

Anyway, I really do hope this cop is raped over and over by a pack of niggers in prison.
seethe more nigger subhuman
why should a nigger be allowed to talk about jesus anyway?
why are christcucks such cucks for niggers?
Imagine my shock
>cop does his job right for once
>dumb nigger rages about it
lmao another nigger
You must be 18 to be on this site.
The amazing part is that the retards on here fail to realize this was done on purpose to draw attention away from the assassination attempt on trump.

Why are masons always interviewed at the site of mass shootings?
Dead nig caged pig. What's the loss?
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Based af
>Castle Rock V Gonzales
Are you too stupid to pay attention to more than one thing at a time, anon?
Not talking about me.

banana republic
Imagine being a bootlicker thinking you're better than a nigger LMFAO
>What's the loss?
the Cop should be on the streets hunting more Nigger animals and put them down with Headshots.
i'm not defending the zogbot, but you are defending the nigger, retarded jew worshiper.
>the Cop should be on the streets hunting more Nigger animals and put them down with Headshots.
Your wife left you for the BBC, i understand now.
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I don't defend pigs or niggers either one, I don't want to be around low IQ fuckers if I don't have to but ONIONS-ciety FORCES niggers and pigs down your throat. Cops protect beat males who can't and won't fight, niggers are a bioweapon to keep the betas in check since they will never fight and take their women back like men. Both pigs and niggers are best avoided whenever possible.
Deputy Sean Grayson is alright for killing a mentally ill nigger, other Cops especially nigger cops are not alright and deserve a bullet too (for protecting niggers and jew pedophiles).
Best would be no Cops so Americans could use their Weapons to exterminate all the useless Niggers.
You're in Germany. Worry about Krautland, faggot. America has nothing to do with you. We fucked you up the ass before and we'll do it again.
He's in Israel, anon
>He was dishonorably discharged from the Army
>Deputy worked at 6 agencies in 4 years
>2 DUI convictions
what a nigger
The first step in fixing Germany is fixing the USA.
all Niggers should hang.
from the little ive seen of this whole thing, the cop was unironically monkeynigger-tier.
Compare that number to how many Whites were killed by niggers.
Im with the cop on this one.
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>oh no not the niggers the poor niggers won't someone think of the niggers
Partner needs to be charged as an accomplice like any other murder would be treated.
Imagine being a christkike niggerlover.
Mutts law
It's not about niggers v cops, it's about a free society vs a standing army of militarized police. Kike.
>There is lots of nigger lovers/shills here on /pol/ for some reason.
I'm usually defending the cops but not in this case.
He's a piece of shit. Non retarded people know not to talk to the police to let them fish for information, let alone allow them to enter their home and give identification. He took advantage of her ignorance and took the opportunity to execute her because he's a little bitch
Police officers in Indiana are speaking out against a new law that gives citizens the right to use deadly force to protect themselves against a public servant who oversteps his authority. Tim Downs, president of the Indiana State Fraternal Order of Police, says the law (signed in March by Gov. Mitch Daniels, but only now getting national attention) might give people the impression that they can shoot police with impunity. "It's just a recipe for disaster," he tells Bloomberg. Here, a brief guide to this controversial legislation:

What exactly does the law say?

It authorizes people to protect themselves or their property by using deadly force in response to "unlawful intrusion" by a "public servant." The measure is essentially just a public-servant-specific amendment to the state's 2006 so-called Castle Doctrine bill, which allows people to do whatever they have to to stop someone from illegally entering a home or car. Indiana is reportedly the first state to specifically allow the use of force against police. The new rule was passed with a nudge from the National Rifle Association, which has pushed permissive gun laws around the country.
>but but muh beloved niggers
Cops are freemasons.
None of this is my problem
OP btfo'd them.
fukkin based
>a free society
>of hoodrat niggers in chicago
You know this isn't some dichotomy where i have to side witg all cops just because i take joy in one taking out the trash, right?
>You know this isn't some dichotomy where i have to side witg all cops just because i take joy in one taking out the trash, right?
You are a cop.
How the fuck did this dude have a Dishonorable and pass a background check to get a govt issued gun. Lmao.
No. Cops and niggers deserve each other. But a nigger is dead and i am happy.
>national decline in homicides and other violent crimes
You know DAs decide to never charge anyone and withhold crime stats from the FBI, the crime is still happening right? There's still victims.
You're so edgy. Good thing it is summer and you don't have school tomorrow!
He literally did nothing wrong
He is like Jesus Christ
I wouldn't call my grandpa that name for fighting fascists, and law enforcement is necessary to the functioning of society. Corruption and abuse of power is a still a problem, law enforcement needs to be reformed as does the prison system.
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because hes based.
>She was not a suspect
>They had 0 authority over her
>They were never asked to enter her house
>They could have just left the house
>They told her to take the pot off the stove
>Rebuke - to chastise, meaning she never threatened him
>She cowered and screamed I'm sorry when he pointed the gun
>Cop advances on her, around a barrier that would have provided him protection
>She threw the pot after he advanced gun drawn
>He chuckled when he said it was a head shot
>He told the other cop not to render aid
>He refused to render aid himself
>He told his partner to "just let her... 'bleed out' "
>He had been fired from 2 other police departments
>Grayson served in the U.S. Army as a mechanic for two years before being discharged in 2016 for serious misconduct
>He was dishonorably discharged from the Army
>Deputy worked at 6 agencies in 4 years
>2 DUI convictions
>In September 2022, while working for the Logan County Sheriff's Office, Grayson was disciplined for driving 110 MPH
>Sarge exclaims "where's the gun?" pig says "no gun" sarge says "and you shot her?"
>Calls her a crazy bitch
>The police initially told the family it was a self-inflicted wound
>Medical staff told the family this was not true, definitely not self-inflicted
>Police then tried to claim the "prowler" had shot her
>Family literally found out Cops killed her on the internet.
>The sheriff’s office said it has fired Grayson. “It is clear that the deputy did not act as trained or in accordance with our standards,”
Killing a nigger is edgy now? And you're calling me the newfag? Does picrel rustle your jimmies too?
>She was not a suspect
>They had 0 authority over her
>They were never asked to enter her house
>They could have just left the house
>They told her to take the pot off the stove
>Rebuke - to chastise, meaning she never threatened him
>She cowered and screamed I'm sorry when he pointed the gun
>Cop advances on her, around a barrier that would have provided him protection
>She threw the pot after he advanced gun drawn
>He chuckled when he said it was a head shot
>He told the other cop not to render aid
>He refused to render aid himself
>He told his partner to "just let her... 'bleed out' "
>He had been fired from 2 other police departments
>Grayson served in the U.S. Army as a mechanic for two years before being discharged in 2016 for serious misconduct
>He was dishonorably discharged from the Army
>Deputy worked at 6 agencies in 4 years
>2 DUI convictions
>In September 2022, while working for the Logan County Sheriff's Office, Grayson was disciplined for driving 110 MPH
>Sarge exclaims "where's the gun?" pig says "no gun" sarge says "and you shot her?"
>Calls her a crazy bitch
>The police initially told the family it was a self-inflicted wound
>Medical staff told the family this was not true, definitely not self-inflicted
>Police then tried to claim the "prowler" had shot her
>Family literally found out Cops killed her on the internet.
>The sheriff’s office said it has fired Grayson. “It is clear that the deputy did not act as trained or in accordance with our standards,”
>In a court document filed by the state last week, prosecutors said a “use-of-force” expert had reviewed the body-camera footage and concluded the use of deadly force was not justified.
Christian killer

Lmao this dumb nigger butthurt af
>Call the cops for help.
>Get shot.
>I just can't figure out why cops are hated. baka.
And I usually hate cops but in this case it's a completely justified shooting. You can literally see in the video how she reaches behind her head to grab the pot of boiling water.
>It's edgy to say "A nigger is dead and now I'm happy"
Maybe if you're a tourist from some other site. We don't care, killing niggers is just normal here.
The Nigger was clearly trying to ambush the cops.
that whole call was all about this set up and to force them into shooting her.
would explain all her lies, the stalling of the investigation, her being unable to find her ID, the boiling pot of water at 1AM.
it all makes sense.
Deputy Sean Grayson is innocent.
>be a nigger
>in a rare instance get shot by a cop instead of getting shot by another hood nigger
>get defended on a Mongolian basketweaving forum because i was a good girl and dindu nuffin
Why do you keep IP hopping? Consensus cracking is so 2014.
this, also I will never shed a tear over a dead nigger, especially not a mentally schizoid nigger.
always remember niggers murder and steal from innocent white people all the time.

remember that kid that was stabbed by a fat nigger sheboon in a parking lot for no reason?
where was the outrage for that?
every nigger should hang, total nigger death!
Im still here on this IP, niggerlover
No it isn’t. She wasn’t actively attacking anyone and theres no evidence she would have.

They pointed out the water and said something about not wanting a fire and she went and picked it up to move it and the first thing he says is “Ill shoot you in the fucking head”

Its the simon says cop all over again.

The same officer has a dui while being at a different precinct. He is literally more dangerous than her in every way how do you not realize this?
All cops serve kikes. All of them rape, murder, and steal for the state.
yes yes, all very good points, well done anon, well done
he killed a nigger
its a victimless crime
>and she went and picked it up to move it
there was no reason to move the boiling pot of water towards the cops while reciting religious schizo lines.
nigger was clearly in the wrong.
>supporting cops killing niggers means you support cops killing whites
You do realize niggers kill waaaay more whites in america than cops do every year?
but it was a nigger though
Who said I was talking about you?
They told her to move it. Why would they do that if they did not want her to move it.
Obviously. That doesn’t mean I can’t look at individual situations accurately.
just turn off the stove and be done with it.
no need to haul the boiling water around.
She was insane clearly. None of these actions were assault on a police officer or a threat.

She ducked and hid when they drew, nowhere near a throwing stance.
You're not looking at this as an individual situation if you're comparing it to another one though, chang.
Report came in that said they told medical responders that she shot herself in the head. But them someone pushed for an investigation and they pulled the video.
>Agents of the government are allowed to kill citizens if I don't like them

/pol/ 2024
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>Her trying to find her ID
No, she was probably just mentally ill. Granted, we really know nothing about her. Everyone is digging into the cop but nobody wants to loot at the mentally ill (probably drug addict) woman.
Nah, killing niggers is normal here. Maybe you should lurk more, maybe you should go to whatever site you came from, here we kill niggers.
It's just much more likely that she was mentally ill and couldn't find her ID because she kept bouncing between the "paperwork" to show them and her ID, which is also a sign of mental illness. People who are schizo / have psychosis will always have big lists of evidence that they just HAVE to show to the police, and the evidence always shows nothing and wastes time.
Now, her taking that long to get to the door could have been her putting a pot of water on to boil, I'd believe that one.
>There's no evidence
You can literally see in the webm, the pot is down on the counter. She puts it down there. She gets on the ground with the potholders in her hand. You can see her pick the pot up.

Lying won't help. No amount of lying will help. She literally reaches her hand behind her head like some kind of nigger spider monkey and gets shot for it. Sorry, lying won't convince me.
>They are more dangerous than her!
She's a nigger so you're objectively wrong, and besides this that's not how you deal with a threat. You don't make yourself as vulnerable as a person who's a threat to you.
Retard. Thats because that is the same circumstance of confusing orders.

It actually relates to this.
>She was not a suspect
>They had 0 authority over her
>They were never asked to enter her house
>They could have just left the house
>They told her to take the pot off the stove
>Rebuke - to chastise, meaning she never threatened him
>She cowered and screamed I'm sorry when he pointed the gun
>Cop advances on her, around a barrier that would have provided him protection
>She threw the pot after he advanced gun drawn
>He chuckled when he said it was a head shot
>He told the other cop not to render aid
>He refused to render aid himself
>He told his partner to "just let her... 'bleed out' "
>He had been fired from 2 other police departments
>Grayson served in the U.S. Army as a mechanic for two years before being discharged in 2016 for serious misconduct
>He was dishonorably discharged from the Army
>Deputy worked at 6 agencies in 4 years
>2 DUI convictions
>In September 2022, while working for the Logan County Sheriff's Office, Grayson was disciplined for driving 110 MPH
>Sarge exclaims "where's the gun?" pig says "no gun" sarge says "and you shot her?"
>Calls her a crazy bitch
>The police initially told the family it was a self-inflicted wound
>Medical staff told the family this was not true, definitely not self-inflicted
>Police then tried to claim the "prowler" had shot her
>Family literally found out Cops killed her on the internet.
>The sheriff’s office said it has fired Grayson. “It is clear that the deputy did not act as trained or in accordance with our standards,”
>In a court document filed by the state last week, prosecutors said a “use-of-force” expert had reviewed the body-camera footage and concluded the use of deadly force was not justified.
>Report came in that said they told medical responders that she shot herself in the head.
You should spam the greentext again, it reminded me of mind broken tumblr cunts back in the day. No one cares about your cherry picked dead nigger, sorry.
I did
You nigger loving christkikes need crucified like your christ. We can see what you're doing here you subversive fucks.
The cop murdered an unarmed person and people justify because muh nig-o's. Yeah, okay, I hope your kids/wife/mother/father gets executed by police similarly so you can learn that it's okay to remove subhumans!
Right. So you compare it to the simon says cop that got off with a pension instead of the many other times (ie always) niggers never obeyed any instructions?
There we go. This is objective truth.
I don't have to 'defend' the cop to be able to see the jogger was crazy
Two things can be true at the same time, you know
Stop pretending to care what the rules are and admit you don’t care because this time its a nigger.

You have no logic or rules to your thoughts.
Based on statistics, that womna was more likely to take actions resulting in more white deaths than the cop. Go off yourself, mutt.
>christkike demands White children be murdered to get #Justice4Nigger
We get it bro, you're jewish
>None of these actions were assault on a police officer or a threat.
>"just relax around the nigger with a boiling pot of water"
what could go wrong?
>dishonorable discharge
Damn son, you really gotta fuck up to get that
They won't because they don't grab a pot of boiling water and then rebuke cops in the name of Jesus and throw the water at their heads, they just shoot them.

Pure nigger moment. Don't ever compare my family's actions to some action of a braindead drug addict nigger.
I already admitted i don't care because it's a nigger. He should have shot her as soon as she opened the door.
>murder a nigger on bodycam after declaring you will shoot her in the head
What could go wrong?
I mean who knows, you can expect anything from a nigger.
niggers are evil
Of course I am and you get on your knees for me and imagine you're sucking my circumcised dick while you pray to me.
They could have drawn, and not fired.

There was no reason for it. A police officer should only fire his weapon to save the life of himself or someone else.

That is inalienable truth and any contrarianism to that basic concept is moot.

They committed an act of murder.


Article title: Sonya Massey's family demands answers after shooting mistakenly called 'self-inflicted' over dispatch and at hospital (you can search for it)

Source: ksdk.com (not far from Springfield, Illinois)
Pigs and nigs deserve each other.
>Edgy level over 9000
nothing went wrong. its the cucked laws that demand his head.
>They could have drawn, and not fired.
if you draw your weapon you must be ready to fire.
>A police officer should only fire his weapon to save the life of himself or someone else.
he saved his own life and the life of his partner by shooting a crazy nigger holding a boiling pot of water.
>They committed an act of murder.
actually they didnt, the other cop also wasnt charged with anything.
I've noticed you don't celebrate hannukah and passover like I did, my son. Is that because you're not a kike like me?
>>475688642 (You)
>>475681955 (OP)

Scanner traffic they played it off as "self-inflicted".

<< PICREL <<
>nothing went wrong. its the cucked laws that demand his head.
So cops should be allowed to just kill anyone?
Not yet. But at least the officer who fired will be.

Either way I’m not going to argue about what the police have the authority to do or not do with someone who isn’t law enforcement.
I personally have had more contact with a crazy person with a similar condition than anyone else in this thread.
They just can't find their shit. It constantly goes missing. I was moving furniture and she needed a code to get into one of those storage lots, she lost her code, then called the manager to get it again, then mistyped it about 20 times, then called to get someone to open it for her because she thought the code she was given was wrong.

They literally are that mentally ill. They bounce between doing multiple things multiple times, she wanted to show them her paperwork and they wanted her ID. This was where the problem was for this part, she wanted to show them the paperwork and wasn't interested in showing her ID, they just wanted to see her ID.
just niggers.
niggers should be shot on sight.
Just the brown ones
I accept your surrender
Jesus, they're getting out of hand, maybe you should post the greentext again, that will show them.
so the question is why is a mentally ill schizoid nigger that is completely unaware of his surrounding allowed to roam free in society?
>She was not a suspect
>They had 0 authority over her
>They were never asked to enter her house
>They could have just left the house
>They told her to take the pot off the stove
>Rebuke - to chastise, meaning she never threatened him
>She cowered and screamed I'm sorry when he pointed the gun
>Cop advances on her, around a barrier that would have provided him protection
>She threw the pot after he advanced gun drawn
>He chuckled when he said it was a head shot
>He told the other cop not to render aid
>He refused to render aid himself
>He told his partner to "just let her... 'bleed out' "
>He had been fired from 2 other police departments
>Grayson served in the U.S. Army as a mechanic for two years before being discharged in 2016 for serious misconduct
>He was dishonorably discharged from the Army
>Deputy worked at 6 agencies in 4 years
>2 DUI convictions
>In September 2022, while working for the Logan County Sheriff's Office, Grayson was disciplined for driving 110 MPH after being told to disengage a chase
>Sarge exclaims "where's the gun?" pig says "no gun" sarge says "and you shot her?"
>Calls her a crazy bitch
>The police initially told the family it was a self-inflicted wound
>Medical staff told the family this was not true, definitely not self-inflicted
>Police then tried to claim the "prowler" had shot her
>Family literally found out Cops killed her on the internet.
>The sheriff’s office said it has fired Grayson. “It is clear that the deputy did not act as trained or in accordance with our standards,”
>In a court document filed by the state last week, prosecutors said a “use-of-force” expert had reviewed the body-camera footage and concluded the use of deadly force was not justified.
>Report came in that said they told medical responders that she shot herself in the head.
>nigger loving christkike shitskins are still making threads about this dead coon as if she didn’t deserve a bullet because she believed god is a rabbi
When glassy eyed brown subhumans die, God cheers and hollers
>if you draw your weapon you must be ready to fire.

It wasn't life threatening. They were behind a counter with piles of stuff on it and could have retreated and tazed her if she came from behind the counter. Even if she pulled out a gun they could have gone around the side an shot her through the kitchen window while they took cover. They were never in any life-threatening danger. They play acted the situation up.

That is why they tried to spin the story that she killed herself. See KSDK article ^ .
>She was not a suspect
>They had 0 authority over her
>They were never asked to enter her house
>They could have just left the house
>They told her to take the pot off the stove
>Rebuke - to chastise, meaning she never threatened him
>She cowered and screamed I'm sorry when he pointed the gun
>Cop advances on her, around a barrier that would have provided him protection
>She threw the pot after he advanced gun drawn
>He chuckled when he said it was a head shot
>He told the other cop not to render aid
>He refused to render aid himself
>He told his partner to "just let her... 'bleed out' "
>He had been fired from 2 other police departments
>Grayson served in the U.S. Army as a mechanic for two years before being discharged in 2016 for serious misconduct
>He was dishonorably discharged from the Army
>Deputy worked at 6 agencies in 4 years
>2 DUI convictions
>In September 2022, while working for the Logan County Sheriff's Office, Grayson was disciplined for driving 110 MPH after being told to disengage a chase
>Sarge exclaims "where's the gun?" pig says "no gun" sarge says "and you shot her?"
>Calls her a crazy bitch
>The police initially told the family it was a self-inflicted wound
>Medical staff told the family this was not true, definitely not self-inflicted
>Police then tried to claim the "prowler" had shot her
>Family literally found out Cops killed her on the internet.
>The sheriff’s office said it has fired Grayson. “It is clear that the deputy did not act as trained or in accordance with our standards,”
>In a court document filed by the state last week, prosecutors said a “use-of-force” expert had reviewed the body-camera footage and concluded the use of deadly force was not justified.
>Report came in that said they told medical responders that she shot herself in the head.
>Officer tried to played it off as "self-inflicted" on scanner traffic
>It wasn't life threatening
getting boiling water in your face and leave you permanently disfigured and blind is a threat to your life tho
I accept your admission of arrogance.

You are out of your element and you do not understand use of force.
Just the ones that don't belong here
are you a nigger lover?
You don't belong here tho
>Even if she pulled out a gun they could have gone around the side an shot her through the kitchen window while they took cover.
Bullets do not actually care about your latest rainbow 6 hi-light.
Probably because so many niggers are like this that you can't lock them up, you either let them roam free or kill them. We all know the ideal solution but we have niggerlovers so it's never gonna happen.

That could be due to toxicity (i.e. poison) that doesn't mean they are actually crazy. How can be some people be so dumb and uneducated and such shallow surface-knowers when they have entire libraries available via the Internet? "Someone is behaving odd oh no it cant because of the 105F fucking degrees outside oh no it couldnt be because of a heart attack no they must be PSYCHOOO *call the policessesss*" fkkin idiocy.
I care for all people until they become a threat.
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Wanna say that again, niggerlover?
>Bullets do not actually care about your latest rainbow 6 hi-light.
They tell you about use of force in security, police and sheriff training. Your fee fees mean so much to you because you have no learnings. Hiring people to be cops by having job fairs at the gay biker bar probably isn't a good idea.
>you can't lock them up
why not?
there should be concentration camps for niggers, somewhere out in the desert in Nevada.
>im gonna wait around until niggers become a threat
You haven't spent 30 seconds around a nigger, have you?
I can say whatever I like, kike. My forefathers made sure of it.
so you care for niggers?
these niggers would have no problem in murdering you and your family just because the color of your skin is white.
>That might not be that they're crazy
>It could be this made up imaginary situation in my head instead of the most likely thing, a nigger being crazy
OK but bullets do not care about how you would personally make a plan with your buddy on how to win this rainbow 6 match.
Because there's such an overwhelmingly huge number of them that are crazy. The resources needed would be insane and you couldn't find enough ypipo to babysit them.
>Bullets do not actually care about your latest rainbow 6 hi-light.
If your head was outside of your rectum you would understand that they have no excuse to have shot her on the basis that she could potentially pose a danger to the public due to a shootout or a standoff with them outside because she could have easily taken down from the side. However, she did not pose that threat--they are more in the wrong. I don't play vidya games like you. I had to even remember what Rainbow 6 is --Clancy novel yes i recall then oh yes vidya game.
you dont need to babysit them in the desert.
automatic gun turrets, minefields and razorwire should do the trick.
Some of my closest colleagues are “niggers” and care more for this country than anyone else I’ve met.

You always have to be prepared for violence from anyone in this line of work. It is a waste of time to walk around categorizing people in your head by appearance.

You will fail to spot danger coming jumping at shadows.
Kek look at this retarded fucking nu-goy. Cool judeo-masonic revolution bro. It really made kikes seethe lmao.
Ah yes. Your forefathers that owned slaves. That never saw niggers as humans. That would totally love the country as it is today.
You know more about shitty fps video games than me being that I dont play them. clearly you love running your mouth more than thinking or reading or listening.
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Cops are only there to enforce the laws of the rich none of which apply to the rich. They're traitors to their own people, and they're the first people we'll have to ____ if we ever decide to take back our civilization from the wealthy.
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no one is defending this faggot cop, its astroturfed by nigger faggots like yourself.
I'm thinking hit them with the greentext
Very expensive. Too much logistics.
Once again your r6 plans are not a valid argument, no, I do not care how you would use the counter for cover if she had a gun and put on your armor and dodge her bullets, it simply isn't an argument.
>Some of my closest colleagues are “niggers” and care more for this country than anyone else I’ve met.
they dont care about white people, they are niggers.
they also shouldnt be allowed to work in the police at all, a nigger should never have any authority over a White person.
you agree?
>Very expensive.
its super cheap actually.
>Too much logistics.
No. You have no authority over how the government and police operate past a vote.

Thats it.
The religions of the signers of the declaration of independence is actually known.

KEK, almost screenshot worthy. Actual non-racist niggerlovers who care for all of the negro races.
You have to feed them and water them and make sure niggerlovers don't free them.
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>>All cops serve kikes. All of them rape, murder, and steal for the state.
Dude, dead niggers=a good thing.
>inb4 shill or whatever else
I will never side with a nigger over a White man. I will never say that a dead nigger is a bad thing. I want them stripped of all rights, I want them to wish they were in fucking Africa if they stay here among us. I want them to have no freedoms at all, I even want their fucking internet monitored. They're destroying our country so they should be viewed as a minority that just doesn't fit in, and quite obviously isn't even the same species as us. So fuck off with your nigger loving shit anon. I don't want to hear it.
Kek pls don't encourage him he'll really do it
Half those dudes were masons and were doing the work of jews like Alexander Hamilton and Haim Solomon.
>You have no authority over how the government and police operate past a vote.
I'd nominate Deputy Sean Grayson and the late Derek Chauvin to decide the Nigger policy in the US.
>You have to feed them and water them
no you dont.
>niggerlovers don't free them.
automatic gun turrets and minefields would prevent this. also the remote location.


Im not watching any of that
It is not an argument. It has to do with them having zero justification for not leaving the house.
This is the internet version of ignoring a crackhead and continuing down the street.

Literally the same sensation. Have a good night “sir”.
Its not some video game world idea that you live and breathe. It is simple that they did not have a reason to kill her just thinking she might have a gun. He imagined that she said "shoot" when she said "rebuke". I know your hillybilly braincell can't handle thought and loves arguments and stupid quips so you are dismissed so it can rest.
>they had to stay to make sure the nigger was dead
Easy, theres your justification
Kill yourself nigger-lover.
Nah, your original argument was that even if she had a gun they were 100% safe and couldn't of been threatened by her. I realize now that you're just brown so maybe you can't think that far back but that's what you said.
>Even if she pulled out a gun they could have gone around the side an shot her through the kitchen window while they took cover
This is you describing your epic rainbow 6 play of how you would outplay her and increase your ELO.
Yup. It's not some video game so your epic rainbow six plan with your squad isn't gonna work and isn't an arugment.
Maybe one day you will be literate beyond the level required to shop at Costco and navigate your way down a dirt road?
lets hope a nigger shoots you or someone you care about so you learn your lesson you traitor
You being black makes me not care about your posts.
>calls White American hillbilly
>defends niggers
Post hand, brownoid
yeah that's fucked, cop deserves prison time immediately
>just posted youtube links instead of typing out an argument
>31 posts
Funny how much you hate niggers when you write like one.
How many escalation of force shootings have you been a part of?
>42 post
Holy shit.
We have a subject matter expert ITT.
>dumb nigger cant even count
Stick to eating scat while masturbating, Hans.
Its what you're good at.
>Funny how much you hate niggers when you write like one.
I notice that you're not speaking to him in German, pussy. Go ahead, say everything you just did in German. Let's see who the nigger is here.
Hopefully some of your nigger cop buddies hop the border so anon can shoot them.
cops need personal insurance and claims are paid by insurance not tax payers
state leadership should suffer when cops do bad things
brady list should be a ban list
We live in the era of Google translate, that's not a good nigger test anymore. But I like your effort.
I'm not black. That doesn't change the fact that you present yourself to be a feral and illiterate hive creature.
Well you're certainly not white, which makes you a nigger.
Who the fuck are you?
Does he need his internet daddy fighting his fights for him?
Why would I speak that disgusting language?
He can't answer my question either because he's never carried a duty weapon and neither have you.
Jewgle translate fucks up pretty egregiously quite often. Germanon would probably laugh at whatever it churned out.
I'm not defending you at all.
>muh nigger word
You write like a fucking retard.
Go read a book.
Can you prove it?
>Don't post nigger on my board!
You aren't welcome here.
lmao look at this enraged nigger lover
Why are you so fragile when someone disagrees with you.
True, but you can usually reverse the translations and fix whatever it fucked up by changing a few words. That's what I used to do when I had a long distance relationship with an Italian girl and I shit you not anon she thought I was fluent in Italian. Whenever we video chatted I spoke English to "help her practice her English" and she never caught on.
I dont want nigger lovers to speak my language tho.
>I'm the nigger here
Concession accepted. Anyway I was a DoD game warden for several years you dumb fuck lmao. Went through LMPT at FLETC in Glynco. What are your creds, nigger?
/pol/ is a racist board and always has been. If you aren't racist you don't belong here.
She definitely knew but didn’t care because she was into you dummy.
You are projecting like most of you types. You hate the n-word being applied to whites because emphasis on appearance allows you to hide your true nature. I don't trust anyone based on skin color.. Maybe you will mature one day. You want me and others to trust you and open arms to you only because of your skin color so that you can remain feral and hide it and blend in without question.
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That's cute, sweaty.
Sounds like POG shit.
You've never carried a duty weapon.
Could be. But she never said anything and I just like the idea of pulling that off kek.
Low verbal IQ is a mental disability.
Post a place and time to meet, I'll kill you effortlessly.
you gotta be the OP and just changed your IP. I bet you did it because you had 37 post, so you would look just as bad. you should spam the greentext like you were doing, that will show him.
being a nigger is a disability
nigger imbecile
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OH NO the internet tough guy has arrived.
Do you have your EMT certs?
Can you triage your own GSW?
I'm not gonna fucking help you.
>pussy is afraid
What's wrong, you used to only shooting women and kids?
>nigger lovers
If your serious and don’t want to look like a pussy tell him where you live.

You already said you could kill him effortlessly. Whats the holdup?
>Alexander Hamilton
If you studied the history on both sides of the Atlantic you'll see that monied Europeans were always planning to perpetrate a hijack and that occultists had their eyes on a building a "New Atlantis". Shay's Rebellion and similar events were staged from EUROPE to flex power under the 1787 centralized government which actual founding fathers like Pat Henry opposed. Patrick Henry's "i smell a dirty rat" comment was in response to the 1787 constitutional convention.
Look at this ESL pull string doll.
You can say like five phrases alll of them including nigger.
Spit the dookie out of your mouth before you talk to me.
Don't give a shit, still 1 less nigger on the Earth. Wouldn't care if it was the most kike loving kike of all kikes who killed her
TND by any means possible
On the porch the same officer said "We're done here now".
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You're brown. You're a nigger. You don't belong here.

It's crazy how /pol/ universally hates niggers and calls for TND but once these nigger-lover threads pop up we have tons of anons who actually aren't racist and love niggers but hate the N-word.
It's not natural, sorry, no matter how many posts you all spam it won't be natural and it will never stick.

On this board we hate niggers.
This is an example of a perfectly normal /pol/ post. No matter how many anti-racist posts are made on this site we will always hate niggers. TND.
Someone should do the same to him. Guy has no compassion.
I just call you a nigger
compassion for a nigger is a waste
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Afraid of someone posting under
>Yeshua "rabbi" ben Yosef
You aren't even real.
I might as well be playing with ChatGPT.
>You can say like five phrases alll of them including nigger.
Holy based, potentially the most based /pol/ poster of all time.
You will literally never convince anyone here that saying nigger is LE BAD or whatever you're trying to do, it won't work.
I’m gonna start thinking about it like that. Its apt.
If you defend the cop you are literally retarded. Its simple as that.
Germans are getting nigger fatigue lole you wouldn’t believe
And can you imagine, only like 10 years ago they didn’t even know the word “nigger”
Trash meme.
You embarrass yourself.
>50 pbtid
>nothing of substance
kys immediately retard
File deleted.
He's a pussy. You're a pussy. None of you will ever do shit except worship jews and niggers. 411 Craighead St. Danville, VA.
>more pussytalk
I can't understand you, pussy.
>t. nigger who can't read cursive
No it just sucked and wasn't funny.
Kek wrong screenshot
You wouldn't actually feel hungry but you are subhuman 20iq who thinks everybody is hungry in the morning because you can only think about your own fatass
>wrong screenshot
broke faggot retard please never have children
>12 post by this ID
Jesus get a life loser
Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquify niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana
Are you doxxing yourself?
POG mad.
Keep going, retard.
Incel post.
You won't do shit lmao.
Not reading all that drivel, nigger lover. It threw a pot of boiling water at them and you're still trying to defend the monkey. The 6 pointed sheriff star dates back to the 1800s before Americans even knew what a Jew was.
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Got you squealing like a bitch wanting to fight me IRL.
Clowning on you ITT seems to be working just fine.
No but a certain chitwoodesque situation is now brewing. Its of your own making.

No weapons when you answer the door. Im being serious its for your own good.
kys niggerlover
Yeah he should have a pot of boiling water, at most
Who's defending this faggot? The weird dumbass woman was either too fucked up or too much of a nigger to know how to talk to cops and kept skeeving them out with weird behavior, but it's obviously the cop's fault and he went from 0-11 out of nowhere like a psycho. The important thing here is that this incident, like all others where the cop is clearly at fault murdering a black person who for once wasn't trying to resist legitimate arrest or attack them, isn't going to cause another BLM summer, which is absolute proof of how manufactured the st floyd incident was. Not that anyone here needs proof, it's just something that can be pointed out to the news consumers in your life.
Scat fetishism is why Germans suck at fighting.
You're certainly a nigger with that wording
>I'm calling the cops!
Lmao funny how the nigger lovers kvetching about how police treat them are the first to go crying to cops.
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Why is just posting "nigger" so effective when you go on these niggerlover threads? It's like all you have to do is post it and they all flow out of the woodwork. Literally half of the thread is seething about the nigger word.
because they're all niggers. only niggers are dumb enough to actually argue with someone saying TND
Listening to amerimutt field niggers and cooning yellows and browns try to defend massa's guard dogs is the most pathetic and hilarious shit on earth.

Wonder how many of the people here are cops or the pr department of that police station trying to defend themselves and police and prevent cops from being found mysteriously missing or randomly shot by angry ne'er dowells.

I'm washing my hands of it and basically doing everything to distance myself from the states executioners and guard dogs and get weapons to protect myself.

They and the whitefield nigger slaves desperate to show how good they can pick massa cotton and shuck and jive guud are untrustworthy.
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Dumping some images for all you niggerlovers, since your beloved niggers kill way more Whites than cops do every year.
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Revealing your low verbal IQ makes me smile.
I don't have to do shit, all I have to do is talk shit and you shit yourself.
You've done all the work for me.
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>dead niggers hurt my vagina
Need a higher flow tampon?
>listen here POG this blue cord means I'm afraid of fighting and doxxing myself
Lmao so CIB = pussy badge. Got it.
jewish rats pushing for civil war in order to pass mass surveilance at the hands of vance,,,

>They were investigating a possible crimescene
the already finished their invesitagation faggot they didn't see anything they asked no one anything but the women they shot to show an id.

cope did an illegal move and she self defended

I don’t have to call them. I can use my credentials to file a report. Meaning it will actually be seen by an American officer.

The public defenders office next door is open at 8:30am.
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>I don't have to do shit, all I have to do is talk shit and you shit yourself
you should say shit again, I don't think 3 was enough.
>All made by the same fed desperate to keep the snowniggers from turning on their guard dogs.
Have fun with that.
Lol ok lil guy.
>another textbook psychopath drawn to law enforcement
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Don't give a fuck what you think.
No deployments, no balls.
Go do some real work, POG.
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>reeee you side with cops if you hate niggers
Nobody believes your false dichotomy, chaim
I wasn't even military you illiterate shitstain lmao. Why are you so afraid though. CIB = pussy badge.
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Do you understand it is a federal offence to transmit death threats?
How would you know anything about a CIB if you don't have one?
you are such a low IQ nigger you cant even write "investigation" right.
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Lil guy is still going lmao. You're a fucking dork, kiddo.
Pussy badge says what?
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>how would you know anything about the sun if you've never been there
nigger IQ really churning out quality questions.
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Wow imagine if the USA wasn't enriched by such amazing "people"
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>pussy badge
At least I know what a close range gun fight with ISIS feels like.
You will never know the feeling because you were a coward when it was time to saddle up and fight.
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Kys massive faggot nobody cares. Not your blog.
Uh oh, you shot at CIA assets. They'll come for you eventually.
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>why doesn't somebody think of the poor niggers
dial it back, you're trying too hard. sounds like a gay version of the gorilla warfare pasta
Whatever keeps you talking. Id bet your too afraid to threaten me.

Do it.

5 Duplex Cres
Toronto ON M5P 1J1
Cool story, faggot.
Get a life and maybe you'll understand someday.
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stop inviting us to blow dogs at your apartment
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Where'd all you niggerlovers go? No one else wants to accuse me of bootlicking?
Thanks for the address though :^)
Pussy badge says what?
Cul de sac. Sac. Lol.

Your invited to drain my cul de sac.
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All ypu niggerlovers have the audacity to call them "people"
No threats? Why is that.
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Why is it when anonymity is out the window do you quiet down.
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why are you a nigger lover?
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he looks to much of a superhero to have done anything wrong
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Why are you such a pussy? I'm screenshotting these so I can make a thread making fun of you from time to time to remind you that you won't do shit. The cops will completely ignore your snitch ass too lmao.
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Nope. Its mandatory. They will have to follow up.
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I simply won't believe anyone defending the nog believes what they say until they burn off their eyes and lips with boiling water.
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Ok well tell them to show up to 411 Craighead St. heavily armed and wearing level IV plates lmao
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I hate niggers
Whats the matter? You are too afraid to threaten me.

Why not? Nobody will follow up. Your probably right. So why not?
i will kill you nigger

5 Duplex Cres
Toronto ON M5P 1J1

now call the police and seethe!
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>imagine defending a nigger
What is American culture centered around?
The truth sounds like lies to weak hearted cowards like you.
Your locks aren't enough, kiddo. See you soon :^)
Thats not a threat
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Gimme something realistic. You can’t take guns over the border easily so how will you do it. Give me some specifics.
Dead nig, caged pig. What exactly are we arguing about here? This was the best outcome of this situation. Niggers need to be killed indiscriminately, because when niggers are scared, thats when white folks are safe. Its also a good thing that this kill crazy pig is behind bars, before his "ptsd" and alcoholism lead to him killing a white person.
Your government doesn’t care and neither do I but thanks for contributing.
>when you go into a thread to kvetch about police killing niggers and instantly turn into a bootlicking snitch
This is hilarious.
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>i hate cops
>btw im sending the cops to your door if you make a thrrat
>pls make a threat
>i love niggers
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Why would I hate the police?
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nigger lover
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Why do you love niggers?
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hes a noodlearmed cuck that bows down for niggers. lets hope a nigger murders him and his family while they sleep.
also thanks for posting all of these pics. doing Gods work.
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