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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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You enjoyed life more when he was president. Life started to go downhill when trump came down those escalators. Maybe not at first... but looking back that's where things really went insane.

Face it /pol/ 9 years and what do you have to show for it... was I really that bad in hindsight?

You know in your heart of hearts if Jeb had won and that was the end of Trump life would be better. That's a damn fact.
no. Obama snuck in on the fruits of the Bush presidency. then Obama proceeded to ruin America with his social terrorism on her golden people.
i've been here for 17 years, the fact cattleniggas are even talking about the jq means i won.
Obama laid the groundwork for the decline. It wouldn't have happened like that if no for the leftist radicals he put into the deep state.
Life 100% was better under Obama than it is now or was under trump. For all the talk about Obama race baiting trump divided the country 100000x more and his style of politics infected everybody and made life suck. Under Obama life was care free and easy.
you don't even know what /news/ was
It has gotten progressively worse ever year since 2001/9/11.
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>That's a damn fact.
yea i do. i remember /new/, it's pre-pol that got taken down a few times for being stormfront lite.

t. 2005 /b/tard

again, it was "better" because that social terrorist Obama got handed a silver platter and it took time to ruin America
Only for niggercattle who needed Trump to show them how fucked everything is. Everyone else knows how much of a dump this place was already.
You were probably a kid and didn’t have to deal with how fucked things were when that guy was president. In fairness, it got worse under Trump and even worse under Biden. So not too hopeful for the future. Come to think of it, as an 80s kid, I don’t things have ever gotten “better” in my lifetime. The 80s were badass. 80s were still pretty cool but not as cool as 80s, and so forth.
uh uh uh when I came along the car was in the uh ditch. I didn't uh build that
based and passed newfag test
good on you oldfag
Obama is the one that started the steeper decline.
Obama was the knife in America's back. if i could take back my vote in 2008 for Obama I would.
It wasn’t awful in the beginning but post 2011-12 ish is when the niggerfication obliterated everything good
Liberal hubris over destiny/end of history
Pro-immigration RINOs in charge of GOP

No thanks
Cope. Obama was a pretty normal president. Trump mind fucked you into think a secret cabal is trying to destroy you and kill you and that's why you're depressed, not because of obama lol
He doubled the deficit. Doubled.

Also, he pioneered drone warfare against civilians.
>hurdur front man for globohomo was normal
kys ywnbaw
Trump was the response to 8 years of Obama social terrorism.

Obama took America's trust and goodwill and stabbed her in the back.
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nope, i used to be politically apathetic until the obama years. thats when liberals started shoving politics into every form of entertainment, it was impossible to escape. And in real life liberals decided they were the new moral police and could dictate how people should act and speak. Culturally music got whittled down to pop and pop rap, movies turned into nothing but cape shit and you werent allowed to be critical of obama because he was black. The media ran cover for the obama admistration and covered up anything bad, comedians became unfunny and refused to make fun of obama. was a total shit show.

Unironically it would have worked out better if liberals didnt alienate white men into becoming politically organized and let white men have their goyslop video games and music and tv and movies

In the end obama was a rank narcist who accomplished nothing but being black

with him out of office things have calmed down, but it took trump winning to snub the noses of libtards and then biden winning and covid to make everything dull again
because it took time for Obama's social terrorism to take fruit.
Vote RFK jr.

Harris will just be Obama 2.0
>Obama was the knife in America's back. if i could take back my vote in 2008 for Obama I would.
i take back what i said there's no way you could be a 2005 /b/tard
kys larper
If I'm not getting paid in dent corn, then that payment is bogus and null/void/ I demand reparations
i AM a 2005 btard. Obama took post Bush America and turned it into jiggaboo clown world.
Vote Ralph Nader
lol. RFK jr is not Nader, isnt Perot.
Daily reminder that Obama is not the first black president but is the first faggot president. Big Mike is probably drilling his anus right now.
You don’t remember how shit the job market was in 2010?
Not really. I had the best years with Trump.
>The fruits of the Bush presidency
I was in junior high and high school during Obama. Of course my life was better than rather as now as an adult
Now I know why dad jeans look so gay. They're cropped way too high, so they look like bitch jeans.
Obuma wasn't even black but a nigger and Indonesian mutt.
This. Things just get worse, forever. I bought a house in summer 2022 when everyone was screaming "bubble", in full confidence that things would just continue to decline, and two years later haven't been proven wrong yet. Gen alpha will be lucky to own a 2BR in their lifetimes.
Yea. All we worried about back then was 9-11 and IRAQ. we didn't know how good it was back then. I dub it the "Entourage Era"
> and Indonesian
Time to stop coping
I enjoyed life more BEFORE he was president. 2008 was the beginning of the end: economic crisis, smartphones, wokism, etc.
>Spent his first term continuing Bush's neocon policy despite saying he was a peacemaker
>Spent his second term dividing people racially.and starting the lgbtq2+ shit
>Nobody was allowed to make fun of him like they did wirh Clinton and Bush because muh racism

The Clinton and Bush years were far comfier even with 911
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obama was the elites pledging tribute to the true face of the republic before pulling the plug on the country

he was your true roman senator before the impending fall from cultures barbarian men that will bring in a new dark age

fuck diversity, make rome great again
* all from cultureless barbarian men that will bring in a new dark age
You know you're currently living under his 3rd term, right?
you voted for a nigger yet posted on /b/
either you're dumb as fuck or you never touched 4chan in 2005

fall from cultures barbarian men that will bring in a new dark age*
kamala is owned by clinton faction, thats why obama didnt endorse, so if she wins it will be a whole diffrent can of worms
Didn’t Obama’s farewell address literally touch on how political correctness and idpol was going too far? lol

fall from cultureless barbarian men that will bring in a new dark age*
yes, i voted for Barack Hussein in 2008. if i could take it back i would.

i saw ALL the /b/ camgirls.

after he ruined America with his social terrorism. that's like spitting on the victim after stabbing them
That’s retarded.
you have to be 18-24

there's no way on god's green earth that someone who was a working adult voter before 2008 can conclude that life was better under Obama

the only way to even disingenuously lie about something like that is to look at trendlines and say "well look at how much worse trendline X is than it was when Obama was president" and conveniently ignore that it all started getting worse in the 80s, became somewhat noticeable in the 00s because of the dot-com crash, and went turbo-overkill suck mode from 2008 onwards

this is like those people who think millennials were lucky because rent was cheaper when millennials were 18 than it is now... yeah, okay, on paper it was cheaper because everything sucks worse than it did in 2000 but it's not like it was better then, it was just less shitty

if I stab you in the gut with a pocket knife today, then stab you in the gut with two pocket knives in 14 years, did you have it better when you were living with a half healed wound to your intestines? no, you didn't, it sucked. It sucks more now, but it sucked then too.

literally the only time in millennials lives that things were improving was between 2016-2020, then the jewdemic was engineered by the WHO and released on orders from the WEF overlords to put us all back in our places (perpetual serfdom)
it was retarded for placing faith in Barrack Hussein, yeah. all he did was promote niggas and cause social chaos through Orwellian social terrorism
the divide started during obamas second term, liberals got too far up their own asses and thought they would be in power forever so they became the new moral police, or social justice warrior, or woke as it is called.

trump wasnt the origin of the divide, he was the reaction, the origin was like stupid 13 year old girls on tumblr thinking there are ten thousand genders and also gamer gate was a big moment that unplugged a lot of people to the corruption of the media and its bias.

You have to understand the obama years were years when buzzfeed or cracked would publish like "top ten reasons white men should check their privilege" listicles. All the while middle america is dying, of outsourcing and fentanyl

thats when trump enters the game.
>news organizations start ragebaiting and gaslighting the cattle endlessly 24/7 once a president they don't like gets elected
>8 years later, 1pbtid shillanon makes a thread to gaslight his enemies
it's all so tiresome
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Nope. Obamanation was the beginning of the end. The magic nigger who stoked the flames of racial division like nobody else. Worst nigger president ever.
He throws like a faggot

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