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This is giving me serious Maui fire vibes.
Normies on FB even speculating and questioning.
Old town of Jasper nearly completely destroyed.
Danielle Smith doing a poor job of crisis acting on TV. Crying without tears.
They will blame climate change and start banning people from owning land outside of major cities. That's my guess.
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WE got those last years in Quebec, they used it to modifiy the emergency event laws here, meaning a mayor can call it and then the town turns into a dictatorial landscape where they make the laws, calls the shots and can do pretty much anything under the cover of 'emergency situation'.

Check your freedoms Alberta!
Why is Canada always like this. The BC floods had years worth of warning about insufficient and unmaintained flood infrastructure too. Our governments just can't even.
thread theme https://youtu.be/_yVEWPcMGd8
Have you had them before in Quebec, or was last year an outlier?
I know Ontario had them last year as well and I never remember them in Ont. previously.
Oh, fuck no. Love that town

Yeah. Elites looking for land to buy up again. Look for blue roofs.
whats the deal with you imbeciles thinking everything is a conspiracy?
is it low IQ?
is it mental illness?
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my view of the Park Fire in CA
Post nose.
Just wait til biblical prophecies start unfolding and the climate cult doubles down ln worshipping creation when the Creator is trying to get their attention
Yeah like 99% of pine trees in Jasper were just dead or dying. They REFUSED to allow logging despite calls from the municpality/province/Indians since it's a national park and managed by the Feds and not the province. There were even companies lined up who could of used the lumber, all in the name of "environmentalism"
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>Man arrested in connection
Why does everybody try to burn you down
Does this mean I can’t finally visit Banff next month? :(
You should have booked in the fall, anon.
Fire season is usually summertime and your views will be negatively affected by the haze.
Why would you want to see that overpriced shithole full of chinks and pajeets?
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They let it happen knowing it would result in massive forest fires they could then use to scare idiots into supporting suicidal climate agendas.
My poor animals, and the people.
I hope for alot of rain, rain rain rain.
Makes me sad af.
That sucks. I’m taking my parents to Banff and Jasper to n Sept.
jews did this
Fucking heartbreaking, especially because it's clear traitors are doing it intentionally for their nworl delusion.

They are having fifteen minute city meetings in municipalities in Alberta... it's all related.

Fucking SCUM.
They will fail.

The animals alone... the damage, forget infrastructure...
>Danielle Smith doing a poor job of crisis acting on TV
Yesterday she put out a half-assed video saying "err good luck!" At least pretend to look busy.
Banff isn't near Jasper and is untouched by fire...so far.
>chinks and pajeets?
It used to be only Japanese.
The trees weren't blue
our government's own research that they publish says that because climate change will cause lots of fires homes will be impossible to insure and people will choose to live in RVs and tents instead.

yeah, letting kindling build up so that people's homes will get burned in wildfires helps jews solve the goyim problem while creating a bigger justification for the environmentalism racket.
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Not my problem
they use fires as more justificiation for funding for the climate change scam. if you remove dead wood from the forest to prevent fires then you have nothing for environmentalists to point to as evidence of climate change.
nobody cares
On the plus side new growth will flourish in the park a few decades down the road. Assuming it remains a park, and doesn't get industrialized
the bible was set in the middle east. they didn't even know about canada.
Works that way here. government is straight negligent about the forest under the best of times and "thin dense stands" by sending in a mexican crew who chainsaws down a bunch of young growth and leave it as pitch-soaked deadwood on the ground
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this terrible forest management shit is why the west coast usa is always on fire too. they dont do anywhere near enough controlled burns or forest clearance to simulate natural forest fires or remove debris and instead let dead shit build up for years and then once it actually does catch fire it burns much fast and hotter than what would naturally occur and destroy fucking everything.

Based man. Nobody else thinks about the animals.
Seems absolutely retarded that in this day and age we can't even keep a ring of clean forest around our towns to prevent them burning
>especially because it's clear traitors are doing it intentionally for their nworl delusion.
It's not even delusion, it's just pure evil.
Issues are being purposely neglected so they can blame man made climate change as a way to usher us into 15 minute cities
Fire is a natural process of forest health i wish people understood this. Small plannrd ignitions coyld have prevrnted this and nationak parks has there own firefighters and normal wildland firefighters arent permitted to help eithout being requested byt of course they never do mainly because of pride. The national park firefighters are a silly idea this should have been handled by bc and alberta wildfire, not a understaffed underfunded third party with no experience. T. wildland firefigher
how are there any trees left after last year's "wild" fires?
Because governments around the world including here have been hollowing themselves out since the 80s in favour of the "private sector" and the "free market" which are supposed to automatically ensure the best social outcomes through the "invisible hand". When in reality, a properly functioning state entity is the only thing that can have both the ability and the motivation to take care of things like this.

Capitalism, especially neoliberalism, is fucking evil and its proponents are either rich vampires, or credulous retards living in a fantasy world.
Trees don't burn through in one go
Trees killed by the last fires are standing deads now,
Tipis superior for boreal forest tinder box

Weve been trying communism in secret for over 100 years
Time to give it bqck to the monarch
>Tipis superior
Encase anything in leather and it'll be better against fire than previous
nah the government has to cripple and underfund forest management then when there are massive forest fires they use climate change as an excuse even though these forests have had naturally occuring forest fires for millions of years, its literally how some of the trees with serotinous cones germinate. this all gets fucked up when you let the understory get built up with debris for years and the fires burn fast and extremely hot instead of slow and low to naturally clear out the understory and groundcover.
Except most central banks are no longer run by the state, they're privatized. That's not exactly what Lenin had in mind. He is referring to the fact that capitalist development expands and concentrates the forces of production, so that when a socialist revolution happens, the workers can take control of highly consolidated and integrated industries. In this case, he meant that once the capitalists centralize banking, it will be easier to take over when the revolution occurs (easier to seize one big bank than a thousand small ones).
The public sector has grown exponentially here in Canada over the last 5 years.
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How much more will burn for Castro's vanity...
>Capitalism bad
>Communism bad
It's a little more subtle than that.
The ruling class can use either system towards their end goal of Feudalism.
The problem is your average person is lazy and ignorant.
So they don't even know that there is a ruling class anymore.
Which mean they would never come together to protect their own interests.
it wouldn't be rome if it wasn't on fire.
He's just a puppet.
He's there to deflect all your anger and hatred.
He's your Emmanuel Goldstein.
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no one cares about your propaganda, faggot.
history has shown your ideology results in genocide and slavery and other untold misery.
commie rat.
>Except most central banks are no longer run by the state,
Our Central Bank use to provide Interest free loans to our country.
Pierre Trudeau ended that when he signed us over to the Bank for International Settlements in 1974.
A condition of joining the Bank for International Settlements is ending Interest free loans.
Canada's debt and interest payments have sky rocketed since then.
he's a puppet but he was chosen because he's essentially royal lineage since his dad Castro successfully wrecked cuba and turned it into an impoverished island of poor niggers. for jews such a "win" essentially makes you jewish royalty
Bullshit, you dumb nigger, it's that way because leftists trying to prove climate change are committing arson.
how is the fire spreading in Canadialand when it's covered in snow/ice then, frostback?
its summer time, retardo
They are so far apart kek. You shouldn't visit anyway, since there are nothing but pajeets there nowadays. I missed it when it used to be just japanese girls walking around.
>They will blame climate change
How can you deniers still keep it up with so much evidence in the very air you breathe?

We need to ban meat, cars, air travel, and rewild all rural land.

Degrowth is the only solution.
>I missed it when it used to be just japanese girls walking around.
I ran into a group of them there and they were all looking at me giggling. After a while I realized they just wanted to take a photo with me, and were egging each other on as to who would approach me to ask. I walked up, introduced myself, they were very sweet, got their "white boy selfies" and then we all parted.
Yes we got some forest fires usually, but it's side news, since they're controlled rapidly, those large ones where suspicious to say the least.
I can't find the gif, but numerous fires were started at the same time, distant from each others by hundreds of kilometers, in the middle of the forests.
That's already starting. But basically to defeat climate change, we need to all move into tiny houses, import 10 million more jeets and 20 million Africans, use public transport and defeat Putin. Then, and only then will the fires stop.
Their mannerisms are super cute. Thanks for sharing the story, anon.
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He served his purpose willingly ...
This is punishment for Alberta telling him to fuck off.
He will get on telly and cry about it to raise more carbon taxes now... after the fucks set the fire.
Im going to guess most started near a gravel road near some rez as well.... cohencidence.>>475682079
There's a smaller fire east of Banff. Who knows what areas will be aflame by the time anon makes his trip.
we'll also live in tents since climate change will make it impossible to insure houses.
They have beem grifting the money into some ESG bs or an army of paper pushing do nothings.
should i become a wildland firefighter through in BC? they say you dont need experience ot enter their training and once done you get in as a type 3 i think?
Yes. Also destroy every human property in the 'wild'. Cabins and hunting camps were drestroyed 'by the fire' yet one they showed (I've yet to retrace the article) there were green trees all around said burned cabin that was decades of memories gone up in flames, but not the forest around it.
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The whole thing was probably started from another women-only fire training session. My firefighter buddy was telling me how everyone was just shaking their head how dei is fucking over their fire department now that the city picks who gets to be firefighters.
>forest fires happen every year
>every year /pol/ goes schizo about some conspiracy over it
Curiously, the fires will never damage 15 minute cities.
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Fortunately, the trees beside it and the grass survived the 'wildfire'
Jasper has been there since 1813. Of course there have always been fires, but never quite like this.
It's gotten much worse the past decade.
We get huge wildfires that cast smoke clouds over large portions of B.C./Alberta
I never remember it happening when I was a kid but it has happened to varying degrees the past decade.
>We need to ban meat, cars, air travel, and rewild all rural land.
Billions must die
This. It's so bad it's been ruining every summer in Washington State for three years straight. Last year we had WORSE air quality than Bejing for a week.
Thanks, Son of Castro.
>blame man made climate change
I believe it's a new religion created so that people accept their coming serfdom.
"You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy."
The ruling class has waged a class war for decades and we are nearing the ending stages of that war.
With this new religion in place the average person can feel good about their serfdom because they are "saving" the planet.
He's only one piece of the problem.
remind me why people aren't going to kill trudeau in minecraft since he WAITED to give aid.
somebody threw a rock at him a while back and every cuckservative condemned the "violence"
The fires are 100% man made and the first thought I had was this was Maui 2.0. It's absolutely disgusting that these Satanic elites are trying to burn our cities down with hellfire in the name of climate change. May God save us all
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The damage is top down and focused...
Not bottom up and radial like fire ...
it's all so tiresome.
It's both, desu.
its unbelievable but its true (and a coincidence)
These have been happening since I was a kid, it's nothing new
we're just burning off all the methane from the jeet shit
governments will never do anything to ensure the people are safe. look at lytton they gave those people a fucking 20 minute warning before the town was completely burned down this was 3 years ago now and nothing has been done to reduce the chances of it happening again. the fact other provinces need to experience their own fires before they even look at it is pathetic
Usually when the pack leader dies, the rest panic and disperse.
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This, canada was first world tier before the userers invaded though big oil
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No canadas central bank is PUBLIC one of like 8 (prolly 5 now) in the world.

Suicide rates and impoverishment will continue until we start acting on mackenzie kings warning, fuck all other noise, build tesla tech
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Trudeau would rather give Ukraine money instantly and let Alberta burn

this is the end of him, but seriously
>This is giving me serious Maui fire vibes.

You're not alone. The old evacuate and arson gentrification technique sings are there.
and you chuds still think climate change isnt real.
>lets set fire to an ancient native gathering site

Pottery, if the trees dont grow there dont fuck with it
>genocide and slavery
I thought you loved those things, bro
Mountain forest NEEDS fire. The pine cones dont open until a blaze is around, and the trees have built in planned obsolence, they grow they rot/get beatled, and then they burn and they reseed and the cycle repeats. If anything ypur claim of kncreased fires means a more rejuvination and a positive.

Its only your mortgaged cuckshed thats the problem
Why would I?
>No canadas central bank is PUBLIC one of like 8 (prolly 5 now) in the world.
The Bank of Canada is one of 63 member banks of the Bank for International Settlements.
A condition of joining was ending the practice of interest free loans that the Bank of Canada used to provide.
forests need fire or forest management where loggers cut out the dead trees. my dad owns hundreds of acres of forest in his rural properties and goes out every summer and cuts the rotting dead trees into firewood and never has dealt with forest fires. forest fires are a symptom of poorly managed forests.
Liar. If what you say were true, there would be no such things as old growth forests.
Forest fires, the ones we're seeing now, are intentionally set. Faggot.
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Yes, in BOC vs COMER galati attests that trudeau senior, without parliamentary, or provemcial approval violated the bank of canada act in doing so. And that by each successive PM failing to rectify the situation has failed to exercise judicial jurisprudence on the act.

Hell, we even payed a fee for the "privilage" of forgoing our soverign right and to have to pay foreign bankers interest on our money.

And what has it acconplished?

We are poorer in gold valued terms
Our infrastucture (built on these loans) is crumbling
We lost avro arrow
Our birth rates are in the shitter
Weve become an internationalist factions pvp server and investment fraud scheme
Weve become medical experiments for big pharma in violation of the international law we were dragged in to die for
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But yeah boc vs comer was rejected by the supreme court and they took a token diversity and inclusion case instead

They have no mandate of heaven, their con is mathematically almost over, and they have no business asking us to take bullets for them again
Because they built the modern capitalist system that you cling to while believing in Cold War bogeyman propaganda about communism, fuckin chump.
If you go by number of jobs or by amount of capital in circulation, the public sector is still dwarfed by the private sector. The shrinkage in public wealth over the past 40 years was intense, and any recent increases both do not come close to undoing the shrinkage and are also largely in the form of publically funded, privately run organizations (public-private partnerships etc)
>the ruling class' end goal is feudalism
They already had that bro. They invented capitalism to replace feudalism because feudalism entails hard limits on surplus value accumulation
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Our nation is held captive by a parasitical ruling class.
One of the first steps was getting us off of sound money when we abandoned the Silver Standard in 1967.
Then abandoning Interest free loans in 1974.
This allows the parasite ruling class to play financial games to enslave the rest of society.
First by charging interest on money it creates from thin air.
Then it can also expand and contract the money supply.
As well as loosening and tightening the credit supply through interest rates.
You can do things like print money and give it to those you choose, who can then buy assets.
While the rest of society pays for it through inflation and interest.
You can play word games like GDP is going up, bigger number good.
While if inflation exceeds wage growth, the average standard of living is going down not up.
It's coming back to Feudalism though because they want more control.
They want you to back to being serfs working the land you live on and not leaving.
They don't want to see you when they go on vacation.
They don't want to share the economic benefits of your labor with you.
They want it all.
It's not climate change. It's horrible forest management.
They have just as much control now, it is just obfuscated. Grow up man. If you actually study more about historical feudalism you will realize that they extract far MORE of our labour value now than they did then. Especially on a global scale, but even within the wealthier countries like ours. Not saying feudalism was all piss and rainbows obviously, but capitalism was an innovation on it in terms of exploitative intensity.
Stop sending aids to fatten up niggers in Africa.
Stop offshoring manufacturing to India to raise their prosperity.
Stop promoting the proliferation of the untermensch who are destroying the world.
In fairness, your guess is stupid, because you are stupid.
Do you have any idea how large our landmass actually is?

Fuck people are stupid. How are you this dumb when we actually have a solid educational system?
>we actually have a solid educational system?
Dude take your uneducated ass to an American topic. Adults are talking, and you fuckers are so dumb you go bankrupt from cancer and cheer the government who allows it because they let you have semi-auto rifles (while chanting “shall not be infringed” and still infringing on most of the good options like fully automatic rifles). How retarded can you get?
Lytton was a 15 minute city. It burned down.
They don't and they didn't.
This is about complete and total control.
We were allowed to share in the economic benefits of our labor.
We were allowed social mobility
We were allowed to travel,
They want to take that all away.
are you jewish?
I said fuck off with your Jewish lies. I love how you fuckers never explain the existence of trees that are hundreds of years old.
Fuck you.
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Here's the real kicker
If you want to rebuild you have to spend $50k on an archaeological dig to make sure there aren't any arrowheads or petrified turds first lmao

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