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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Trump would probably do something crazy like that
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>Taps sign.
Bet on it.
Iran has state of the art Russian hypersonic missiles now.
Nobody can do shit to them beyond applying more impotent sanctions.
Perhaps a conflict with an Iranian proxy then? Like Hezbollah
Then Iran wins automatically since that war only drains America while accomplishing absolutely nothing. Iran (BRICS, really) can keep funding and arming the proxies forever.
do you ever notice, that every post on every event on pol is a conspiracy? I mean everything, everyone, every aspect. every person in a crowd every article, every piece of paper?

it's almost like some country has been meddling in everything. the country is russia.

I can remember when it was just "hate niggers and jews". now it's conspiracy this and conspiracy that.

it's so bad I have conspiracy burn out. so many "conspiracies" are posted every day that it has become absurd.
I've seen this exact post spammed across many threads today.
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No, we'll be going to war with the real enemy.
Yes anything for Israel he made threatening tweets a day or two ago
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The Iran thing is Trump pandering to Evangelical voters.
Evangelicals have a fetish for Israel, and Israel dislikes Iran.
They know Trump the devil, but as long as he can dangle something they want, they'll hold their nose and take him into their homes.

If Trump actually wins the election, than he got what he wants and will forget all campaign promises like a bad habit. He just wants to grift for money. Nothing he says is real. It's not that he wants war. It's not that he want's to avoid war. He just don't care. If the Republicans or the Heritage Foundation do something, he'll just go with whatever. He really doesn't care if anyone lives or dies.
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Every single time
Its the new fed playbook.
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No, the califate is not the problem. The problem is the Ai. Trump will be forced to go to war against the Ai or he will be put to death.
Why didn't he do it the first time? How many wars did Trump start in his first term?
Yes and this is all very predictable.. in my journal I've written about it. America will be at war with three different fronts, Russia, China, and Iran. Sleeper cells will be activated and the grid will collapse all around the world sending us back to the stone age, figuratively speaking, this is when Whites will go on a huge tear and genocide all non whites until we have our ethnoglobe or at least an ethno empire bringing about a utopia.
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Yeah figures.
I don't know why they'd bring up Russia on a thread about Iran unless they were some kind of fed shill. Putin must live in their heads rent free.
I am American, yet thanks to their lame astroturfing here my support for Russia and Putin is now unbreakable and eternal. Just to spite these faggots. I know how much they hate it. Lick my nuts, fedbois. Hail Russia.



israel staged a shooting at trump (he wasn't hit with a bullet). Then israel and its proxies (glowies in the USA) immediately said the shooter (a fake person) was getting support from Iran. Then trump (who knew all about all of this and isp laying his role), openly and publicly calls for the total annihilation of Iran which WILL result in an extremely HOT war that the USA will NOT WIN. israel is doing all this because the continued long term existence of the state of israel depends on the non-existence of an independent Iran. Topographically and militarily Iran is Afghanistan x50 and it openly is allied with Russia and North Korea who will be sending it supplies.
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That's not how it works. Trump assassinated their top general. And? Nothing. The only question is us bombing their oil fields etc. And that's been talked about for many years. We may have armed conflicts etc but we're never "going to war" with Iran.
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Shills hypnotize themselves to un-remember that Trump was already president for four years.
The reason the oligarchy hates him is because he starves their endless war profiteering
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I have a bad feeling either Kamala will win as she is a Rothschild, or that Trump will win and take the blame for the larp known as World War 3
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but thats the whole idea. drag usa and europe into ww3, have iran usa and europe all get destroyed in one single war. thats literally jewish prophecy



>trump was chosen to be the second goy messiah (first one was cyrus)
>his mission is to serve israel and the jewish messiah
>trump was confirmed as gods servant when he had his ear pierced (assassination attempt), a slave who wants to stay with his master has to have his ear pierced according to talmudic law
>the jewish prophecies must be fulfilled before october 2nd 2027
>trump will redeem the sins that the west have comitted against the jews by building the temple on the temple mount and establishing the jewish kingdom over all of mankind, in jerusalem
>the numeric value of "trump" in hebrew is 424, the same as "messiah"
>trump wasnt chosen to make america great, he was chosen to make israel great
>trump (the esau messiah) will ask the jewish messiah for america to be accepted into a new alliance of countries which accept the leadership of the jewish messiah
>a new united nations will be created and replace the old one, it will be based in jerusalem and led by the jewish messiah, trump and usa will be the first country to join this organization
>jews blew up the uss liberty because it was sending military information to israels enemies
>america was never great because it hasnt supported israel enough
>trump cant make america great because he cant shut up the filthy mouths of antisemites because of the first amendment
>trump has a much greater destiny than making america great
>trumps destiny is to be the butler of the jewish messiah
>trump was chosen to represent western society in greeting the messiah in jerusalem, chosen to bow his head in humility to the jewish moshiach, and to offer americas complete unconditional assistance to completely eradicate all of the enemies of the jews and of god, and in the establishment of the eternal kingdom of the messiah,
No. America won't do shit anymore. No balls. /pol/ fails to realize that decaying empires like America only ever retreat from the world, not expand.
Whoever wins its guaranteed were going to war with Iran.
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>Trump presidency
not happening
Yeah, I’m feeling this, they def faked that shot, water tower man was aiming at the ear
You wont need to invade Iran desert storm style. There are dissidents in Iran that could do most of the fighting internally while the US wipes their hard power projection capabilities

He ordered the hit on Soleimani. The Iranians havent forgotten that
Its wasnt for lack of trying. After he ordered the hit on Soleimani iranians had enough reason escalate but they chose not to
>us military bases all around iran borders rn
It would be a humilliating disaster
All that needs to happen is for a Russian submarine to shoot an underwater unmanned massive nuclear torpedo at the coast of Israel. Doing this would silence Israel forever. There's nothing to gain by attacking Iran. The real action of world war 3 is going to come by the massive buildup and Ukraine by Russian forces and the buildup of Chinese forces in Belarus. It's their intent to completely take Ukraine now and to push as far as they can get in to Poland. The Baltic states might be on the line as well. Everybody's going to be making moves. Now that India has pretty much joined the strategic alliance of Russia China and Iran things are going to get very sketchy. What was looking like a winding down is a ramping up that's going to last at least 5 years. I say we'll have serious military activity either extremely soon like in November or it's going to be pushed out for 3 years.
Nothing is for sure but the deep state does want this war with Iran and Trump being made a martyr and getting to run against Kamala is not a coincidence. They can't drum up war with Iran with Biden/Kamala in office. They need to go the cuckservative route

It didn't before, it won't now.
what was important in that truth post by Trump is him acknowledging it was Iran who did the assassination attempt
he's going to seek revenge no matter what
the exact same will happen with Kamala and peoples who think it's going to be different are kidding themselves
ww3 is happening you're already in it
voting blue or red isn going to change anything about that
you're just choosing the face of who's going to call the boot on your face
America can fund proxies too and with better weapons..i dont think globalist southlings want to play this game

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