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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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How does it feels to be replaced by invasive foreigners?
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>How does it feels to be replaced by invasive foreigners?
Ironically that's exactly what that Italian man in your image did when he LARP'd as a Native American and took film roles which should have went to real Natives instead.
Took out the part about them "stealing your land" this time huh? Faggot I wrecked your shit last time didn't I!?
Whites were in North America before these chang-indeo mongrels.
He did for the natives more than any of you anglo-beaner-mutts
Crying Indian was a wop.
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>Why didn't our sticks and stones work against the white man???
The absolute state of brown cope

Also that Native American is clearly descended from Whites who dominated the world in ancient times just like they do now
not kidding, crying indian was a pasta nigger.
>feather in his hair
what a fucking faggot
/pol/s great replacement has been depressing for sure. Turns out every self-loathing shitskin who hates the white race could just put on an SS uniform and fool 90% of this board. And now that old board is gone.
I am not an italian noodle washer, I dont feel replaced by IQ80 retards.
They were not native or American.. The oldest human remain found in North America are 14,000 years old and were of a Caucasian 14 year old. The Navaho will not turn her remains over but it was already sampled and tested.
That's a scotsman
I’m 50% Indian. My engine name is Whiite Man with Big Cock.
The race war hasn't even started yet. We'll kill all you niggers when it comes down to it
Ahh Canadian
You’re Indian name shall be Yellow Man with Little Cock
I am numb to it. I don't like niggers and all but even though I am White, white people have not exactly ever been nice to me either. One of the reasons I knew all that (((White Nationalism))) bullshit was phony-baloney was while they were honest about white achievements they refused to ever talk about inner-White problems that we really need to work on, like snitch-they-white-neighbor out and other things like pettiness, etc. it was only ever about antagonizing the coloreds who can't even feed themselves without whiteys handouts. Who ever came up with the (((WN))) crap did not know much about white people at all really.
Stop being racist. You’re going to offend people with feelings, hopes, and dreams.
I don't pay nor do I ever plan on paying taxes, so, ball's in your court federal government
They’ll just take your casino and liquor license away, Man Who Rolls in Shit
if I was an injun i'd probably be diddling my daughterwife and not posting here
live by the sword die by the sword
It feels like all these federal agencies exist only to jab white people with a stick every now and then. Seriously like half the economy is federal agents what the hell do these people actually do to earn their paycheck?
Me no like niggers.
That’s not an indian, he’s Italian.
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)
No one notice if they look the same
it feels like you'll have to fight jeets to get your land back instead of white men.
Uh I'd hurry to cause they like to shit everywhere and you don't wanna clean that up red man.
Why are you up at this time?
It makes me think america is weak
listen you spegehitti nigger, we objectively made the indigenous people's lives better and there are literally more of them now then have ever existed in all of human history.
yes, mass immigration destroys the native civilization. thats why i'm against it.
>He did for the natives more than any of you anglo-beaner-mutts
My appropriating their culture and lying about it?

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