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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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This is some real Weimar Republic shit bros what the fuck
it's worse unironically
Weimar would be a dream compared to this shitshow.

People had wheelbarrows full of money like fucking badasses. Kites made of money like kings.
You think? Trannies everywhere.
anyone got the webm where the retards there clap for 25th minutes straight like some total freakshow?
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desu my favorite part was when they called him "his excellency"
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Israel shot Trump
Like Trump said, we’re going to win so much we’ll get tired of winning. If Israel wins, we win right guys?
Stalin would have blushed at this shit.
jews own everyone
in other news, water is wet
The real president of the USA.

How else would you address the ruler of the USA?
Their boss is speaking
He's the king of (((America)))
Why does Israel rule the USA again?
I love Israel and I love Trump
Such is life in The United Slaves Of Israel.
>Gays for Gaza
>Chickens for KFC
And everyone applauded! What did Netty mean by this anons?
>room filled with randos to give impression all of congress supports this
Did the congressmen and women pretending to be congressmen drop their pants and let him put his finger in all of their assholes?
You voted for it, Voted for it again and again like a battered women syndrome thing.
The worst part is people like Kamala smiling and shaking hands with him. Her day job is to warn about the dangers of the fascist around the corner. Guns have to be taken away from them. Free speech has to be taken away from them. More money has to be given to AIPAC to fight them. Then a literal dictator dropping 500 lbs bombs on kids for the past year shows up and she's all smiles and giggles. Absolutely deplorable.
Not arresting him when he's wanted by the ICC means they support it.
"Your excellency" is actually the correct form of address for at least a few governors in the United States, though, so it's not that unusual. The governor of Massachusetts, for example, is properly referred to as "your excellency" and always has been.

For that matter it was an accepted form of address for the President of the US until like the 1920s, too.
can you imagine carting around a wheelbarrow of money in modern america? you would be mugged by a junkie or a nigger within 5 mins
Each one clapping means Mossad has shit on him/her.
>and still the polish kike looks the goys in a menacing way

lmao at the mutt retards
I saw how long an ovation we gave him, even calling him his excellency. Real slave mentality there.
This has to be hell because I don't even understand this reality anymore. It just doesn't make any sense.
How exactly is that "real Weimar Republic shit", huh? Netanyahu is a conservative, he defends traditional values both in his country and all over the world. More conservative than 90% of American conservatives.
Kikes aren’t human so your point is invalid
Gb2r, commie troon.
wtf is wrong with burgers?
I mean we ALL cuck to jews but no other country on the planet does it to this extent.
I mean that happens even if you are broke in every major city
Coupled with the content of Netanyahu's speech, they really seem to be living in a dictatorship based on doublethink.
After the fall of the empire, this video will continue to be cited for posterity as the result of a republic oligarchy dominated by finance capitalism and the minorities who manipulate it.
This, along with the Ukraine flag waving from a few months ago. Your post has an acrid, suprahistorical clarity.
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In Russia, again, of course, the Jews are throwing poison down the well.
This has been going on since the days of Imperial Russia, where they always occupied positions on the regime side as part of the bankers and technocrats, reaching the height of their power in the early years of the communist regime.
Then, after being weakened by Stalin's purges, they regained power as part of the oligarchs after the collapse of the USSR.
Russians are given a good patriotic Jewish narrative and they take it for granted
I am not "right wing" or "left wing" and really consider what is happening in the world to go beyond politics. Our government is sponsoring a religious genocide that is killing Christians, it is by definition a holy war. We are exploited for this holy war against our own people in Christ.
The zionists serve a godless ideology and bomb churches, kill Christian civilians. It is a genocide for land, it is the GOP and DNC, you can only vote for zionists.
Burgers are never living this one down. The worst part was when he told them to stop clapping kek.
can someone speed this up another 2x and cut his walk to the podium
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The ideology of zionism was born from faithless people, atheists, a godless and genocidal ideology.
Remind me when Israel was accepted into the Union
Christkikery in America is a special blend. You have to see it in person to understand.
This is how you can tell you've browsed 4chan for almost two decades at least.
This shit is embarrassing on a primordial level
I have to ask do amerisharts ever do this for anything, anyone else?
king kike loves whipping the nigger cattle bet he stormed off to one of his countless private mosad islands for some goy cattle torture
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trump calling for war with iran on truth social
>give speech at a friendly nation
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Expel the jews
conservatives have never conserved anything other than judaism
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If there is any solace it's in the fact that this shit dies with boomers. Millenails and Gen Z don't give a fuck about Isreal
Greatest statesman of our lifetimes.
Are you really surprised?
Call it precisely what it is: a vassal state.
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a speech like that you only see in a place like north korea
She wasn't there.
When you start getting speeches that you'd only hear from an occupying power you just lost a war to. I've heard similar shit here, alas
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Democracy is when your royalty are jews.
>the fact that this shit dies with boomers.
No wonder then that they are crashing the plane with no survivors. they know its over for them and they are going to take everyone else down with them.
Why did they make the decision to eviscerate the soul of our country if we’re a necessary vassal to them? Is it mutually assured suicide?
Israel doesn't care either. Millenials and genz succefully get to rot and intermix in brown sludge of shitskins, low IQ and retarded subversive ideologies, until they are a uniform mass.

Job is done. Competitors are defeated.
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Here’s trump and his best pal- the Zionist saint of Gaza ; Netanyahu in his golden temple to Apollyon; Since when do Christians have temples to Apollyon ? hey doesn’t trump sell Christian bibles?
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What’s wild is Trump has a golden temple to Apollyon, a satanic figure in the Bible; and sells Christian Bible for $60 with free shipping while his wife funds LGBT causes and his son defends trannies of bud light
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Trump’s children are actually Epstein’s children;
Trump’s admin didn’t release Epstein info to protect their pedo Freemason circle of asshats and their human assets
why didn't some crazy walk in there and do a citizens arrest? would have been hilarious

Just like back then in Germany, it needs a grassroot organisation to hunt down and kill AIPAC members and their political dogs.

The empire is lost, america is dead. It's now 100% in the hands of the Jews. Aipac will flood the country with shitskins and encourage them to rape & kill White across the USA
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Trump’s children are actually Epstein’s children;
Trump’s admin didn’t release Epstein info to protect their pedo Freemason circle of asshats and their human assets—-

So Obama’s children aren’t his. And that’s the “Freemason” ‘gotcha’ moment when it’s all lies. Their families , considered to be American royalty almost, are all LIES.
This is what money gets you in DC.
It's like castrating livestock or pets to control undesirable aggressive behavior.
They want obedient slaves who will never disobey them, and for that they feel no pain in their hearts to castrate them or cut the tendons in their legs.
That‘d be a dream
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So your modern human society is governed by a bunch of primitive canaanite psychopathic jewish freaks who still believe in witchcraft - and the trusty Freemasons whom American public believes to be “Christian protectors” made it their mission to secure and protect Israel for the synagogue of satan even going as far as to sign anti first amendment legislation in a foreign country [Desantis in Israel]; because Freemasons worship baal - a canaanite greater demon cow diety of child sacrifice
Ok anon, the bare basics, prostitution we know it exists, we know it has many forms we know boomers can't resist them

We just know trust us on this.
My white veteran friends versus an army of low iq human fragments with no combat experience and language barriers. Good luck to aipac.
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Freemasonry is founded on Jewish mysticism and Babylonian-Egyptian paganism that attempts to hide behind Saturnic astrology. it’s a gnostic cult of luciferians that serve the semitic cult known as judaism/kaballah. The temple of Solomon, which represents freemasonry/judaism as an organized sect, was a child sacrificing cult of BAAL— you see the Freemason architects have taken the scary parts like the bull devil statues and the fire pits of human sacrifice; removed them from public eye; but continue to worship. They kept the boaz and jachin columns on all their Federal govt buildings all around the world ; and then continue to worship their canaanite child sacrifice diety BAAL in the shadows;
This, sadly. Its all the same throughout the west.
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Satanist Crowley parallel to Freemason beliefs : Goetia was a book Crowley wrote about the 72 Babylonian demons. And the G in freemasonry stands for God people say, but it really stands for Goetia
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So the Freemasons collectively take an oath to serve this imminent “moon child” myth prophesied by Aleister Crowley- an occult satanist—- in reality none of the Freemason “knights” would actually humble themselves to such a figure because they are pious, fat bastards
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The so-called "Star of David" (also called "Magen Dovid" or "Shield of David") as a symbol of international
'Organized' jewry. The "Star of David"
which wasn't a popular symbol of Jewry until the 18th c. when it was adopted by the Rothschilds who founded israel and invaded Palestine) is actuallv a hexagram with 6 points, 6 equilateral triangles, forming a 6-sided hexagon interiorly. It is the ancient star of Remphan (Moloch Chiun, or Saturn/Kronos) and Ashtoreth mentioned in Amos 5:26 and Acts 7, and one of the most powerful symbols used in Freemasonry, Satanism, and the occult.
>I mean we ALL cuck to jews
Only western countries cuck to jews
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Saturn worship via freemasonry / hebreic faith

Saturn a Greek God of harvest , which apparently these satanist jews took as meaning to harvest humans . They created creepy secret communist cults filled with geriatric pedophiles and all seem to know butt-fuck about the Bible or a ‘God”, since they seek to serve the satanic canaanite hebrew community before their American sons

Gen Z and Young Millennials will get sent to fight or else you will be sent off to a work camp if you're lucky.
It sounds like a bad strategy for creating a supply of ready, able, and motivated golems to go invade Iran. Shouldn’t they have adopted an attitude of breeding, selecting for strength, agility, and intelligence, rather than one of domestication?
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among the Greeks and Latins there prevailed a mysterious confusion of the “sun” (Greek helios, Latin sol) with the outermost planet (Saturn).
Thus the expression “star of Helios” or “star of Sol” was applied to Saturn wrongly by caananite philosophers (jews)

And then astronomy had technological developments like telescopes which BTFO the Jewish liars when they realized a bigger planet named Jupiter existed
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You'll notice that the giant pillars used in Masonic lodges are called "Jachin & Boaz". These were the two names of the pillars used at Jerusalem. You'll notice in freemasonry one pillar represents the sun, while the other represents the moon. The space in between is known as the “gate”- a passage of some sorts. Federal buildings like COURThouses have the ability to change the course of your life which makes the GATE understandable . Inside the Gate is the realm of Saturn/ Devil/ Demiurge (hell).
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Freemason lodges, synagogues , and federal buildings are all apart of the “Saturn” BAAL- moloch FREEMASON child sacrificing cult that protects jews from righteous persecution for their witchcraft. King Jehu of the Bible was said to have destroyed baal worship by making baal temples into toilets (public restrooms), killing the baal worshippers and burning the city (2 kings 10.28)
which is best korea :)
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is there a problem anon?
When was the last time we had leaders that looked out for us and took their people's interest to heart?

Is the money that good?
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Freemasonry is a literal cult; It's a way for the Jews to recruit non-Jews, who are thirsty for wealth and power, to do the Jews dirty work. From the jesuits to the freemasons, their symbol means the same, they are the canaanite/Moabite children of Rephaim/ Saturn .they claim to be the Sons of Solomon ; as all Jews proudly do with their six sided star icon/idol
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Freemasons believe the Antichrist to be the supreme God of Babylon/ Moonchild - of which they believe this world to be called “Goetia”— which is what the G in the freemasonry symbol stands for, the God of Goetia
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>that pic
it says "cycles shown through phases of saturn and dates of which"
like the moon has phases, saturn has phases
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*** Russian war started after Ethereum started to accelerate in price***
Ukraine / Russian war is a World Economic Forum elitist war over which group of Jewish capitalists gets to profit over the feeding of Africa/ China with the acquired farmland of Ukraine.. so you have jews of america using AIPAC /Israeli lobby to convince / intimidate US congress to keep genociding Muslims for Israel’s “safety”- and then after the wars create millions of non-white third worlder refugees to flood America & Europe — as that is (((their)) ultimate goal: destruction of the white nuclear human family through ORCHESTRATED demographic replacement via third world non-white immigration unchecked —
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notice how the Russian war occurred after Ethereum started to accelerate in price . If you have payed attention you realize that blackrock is officially backing EFTs for Ethereum- that’s basically the cia investment firm + WEF = traitors
Fucking cattle
Jesus was a jew
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Zionist entities like israel are literally shorting the USD simultaneously while our US congress gives them hundreds of billions in aid/ weapons .— what kind of “greatest ally” shorts it’s ally’s own world currency ?
>his excellency"
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BTC was first being used by Epstein & friends as an anonymous currency for their human trafficking rings, until feds learned how to track BTC. Since then the quest for a currency that deep state israel can use to hide their black market sales (organ trafficking/ human sex trafficking) has been going on.

Conserving jewish supremacy and white genocide
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Israel even did a clone of BTC with their Israeli cryptocurrency kaspa, which reached an all time high during the Oct 7 event; so the question is, are jew “elites” money laundering through crypto for their Zionist war mongering?
Trump unironically believes that jews are on his side

You will do nothing.
>100 million guns
>Jews own your country
>Niggers rape and kill Whites everyday get protected by jews
>Your taxes are being used for your own replacement
>Your women are made feminists by jews
>Your kids are made LGBTQ by jews
You are here, and nobody did something. Beside kvetching on social media. Instead of getting in your car and drive to the AIPAC headquarter and let off.
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SEC refuses to prosecute this jewish monopoly on cryptocurrency industry - all these coins serve to money launder $ for Zionist Israel/ Ukraine ultimately .so the WEF aligns with ETH/ many other “solution” blockchains owned by the WEF-all solutions that fix no problems but they ultimately serve to money launder Zionist terrorism
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Solana is a Jewish Wall Street money laundering mechanism - the jews behind Sam bankman were buying solana tokens for less than $.20… solana is a broken blockchain that has to be reset every other month ; it solves nothing other than Jewish $ needs for the Zionist warfare against white humans
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Ethereum blockchain is a money laundering vesicle for Zionist “elites” whom are a international clique of Jewish pedophiles Organized into what you call the World Economic Forum (WEF)- now even Blackrock has its hand in Ethereum with their ETFs. Our SEC allowed a bunch of jews on yachts to control the future of finance - with an incompetent btoken blockchain that’s needs a million L2s to even be used
Why is Bibi sporting a yellow AIDS pin ?

Is he sick or smthg ?
Ok thanks for outing yourself as a glowie, I can stop reading your posts now.
...so he's admitting the assassination attempt was a setup to force America to go to war with Iran?
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ETH/ Ethereum is communist / globalist whatever you want to call it. It aligns with WEF agenda which is a bunch of mountain jew Jackasses in DAVOS Switzerland . Switzerland is so “neutral”….they just own the banks that start all the Zionist wars. Ethereum blockchain is an international clique of Jewish pedophiles Organized into what you call the World Economic Forum (WEF)
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donald trump released 45,000+ NFTS of himself wearing Halloween costumes on WEF owned ETH blockchain— Trump’s “nationalist” base seems to think Trump is anti-globalist— funny because he produced NFT content with intent to profit into WEF-owned blockchain ETH- the blockchain ran by a CP apologist
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Melania trump released NFTs on wall street owned SOL blockchain. Why would Melania Trump release NFTs on SOL when Sam Bankman and his wall street contacts were buying up SOL for pennies on the dollar (insider trading)

and then Sam Bankman donated laundered $ to DNC campaigns in unity with Soros
So Melania’s investment in SOL align with that of SOROS since Sam bankman was donating hundreds of millions of USD to the DNC just like soros.

You guys cant even make a phamplet with 5 sides about Jewish involvment and them owning all the Cottonplantations, advocate for killing black babies at planned parenthood, crack epidemic, redlining and jim crow.... then drive trough black neighborhoods and throw the phamplets our of your window on their porches, like postmen did back then.
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>National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel "Special Relationship"
So what happens when a competent, white, functional society becomes aware of the existence of a certain parasitic and extremely ethnocentric minority and begins to band together to drive them out?
They very often claim that "Jews can only thrive in a multicultural society."
They don't want to give their slaves weapons, even if it causes them some inconvenience.
Remember that Japan was forbidden to have an army under the Constitution created by the Americans after WW2.
This is a collar on Japan, hidden under the guise of reflection on the war and the beauty of pacifism.
For this, Americans are forced to bear a huge military spending burden, but that is the price for making Japan a loyal vassal state.
Americans are steeped in the perception that they are the victorious nation that rescued the poor Jews from the evil Nazis, and since they could not physically disarm them there, the Jews adopted indirect methods.
You think you are a free country, but everything is cleverly staged to make you believe that, everything.
The vicious trap set by a certain minority to undermine the United States and divide and conquer in peace, and the deep gulf between the foundations of democracy and freedom, appear grotesquely on occasions like this.
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i thought the Trumps stood against globalist efforts/ causes? Is it America first or WEF/ soros interests first, Trump family?

Or perhaps trump is too busy selling bibles and NFTs to care that when American public finds out he is an Israeli-first traitor Freemason ; his felonies will be the least of his FAMILY’s worries________ack
only about 1/3 of those people are actual congressmen/women. Another 1/3 are their AIPAC handlers. The final 1/3 are the AIPAC handlers for the congressmen who boycotted.

I almost wonder if the Dems were told to just not go so that they could cram more AIPAC handlers in there.
I'll remember this event the next time a burger flag tells me israel is america's ally and not its master

Thanks for outing yourself as a White hating, america dispising ugly Jew... i hope you get shot on the streets by a refugee in your beloved JewYork
This is why they continue to push jew cosmology like flat earth. Flat earth is antiwhite.
I legitimately do not understand why American politicians on both sides of the spectrum are enamored with Israel.
If they said, "Oh it's really important for our economic interests to have a friendly territory in the middle east." but they're fanatical about Israel to a psychotic degree.
How can one small country in the middle east be so completely dominant over the spending of supposedly the most powerful nation of earth?
It's confusing and disconcerting. Given recent events, the reception to Israel should at least be somewhat restrained but no, they drop and applaud like seals for Bibi's every word.

What the fuck?
“2021: It’s time to stop counting Jews in the cabinet” fucking kek
look into aipac and the israeli lobby
actually look into jews, the fuck are you even doing here asking these basic bitch questions?
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WEF owns Trump/ Putin/ any pro ukranian sentiment in US govt/ because the Jews know israel is fucked long term and will all collectively immigrate to Ukraine . As designed by the US military funding for Ukraine- which ultimately serves the WEF /Israeli agenda
I know, it’s some kind of ideological possession that goes deeper than just getting paid. This was a spiritual ceremony.
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Didn’t read.
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hey go ahead sacrifice your Jewish kin for baal. Your Lord demands it. Sacrifice your Jewish kin for baal. I demand it.
America traded being a vassal state to the British crown, to being a vassal state to Israel and AIPAC
half of the room was mossad
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sorry deleted the file because it's out of date - here is the new one anon
kim of best korea recieves less standing ovation. hillarious.
Thanks fren for not being an obvious glowie or shill and posting something worthwhile to read and look at.
king of poop
They just make the bills larger

You know
A 82737392 dollar beel
The muggers would all need their own wheelbarrows too. Everyone would need a wheelbarrow, I should look into become a wheelbarrow merchant in the future.
Shout out to Rome for taking care of this shit.
>delenda eat
>salt the fields and leave no two stones standing together
Fuck I want to read some Plutarch now.
Quite simply, they've been brainwashed that way through a bizarre variant of Christianity that worships Jews and the media that has long been dominated by Jews as managers and financiers.
If you're not familiar with them, it's only natural to find them odd. You are sane, and they are like the inhabitants of a cult-like theocracy.
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welcome fren, we're all in this together against these god damn kikes.
You’re aiming in the right direction, but your posts and images are just jumbles of words that pertain to the topic, in ancient Semitic Baal means lord. Which Baal are you refering to? You know many a god of the multiple pantheons of the near east were referred to as Baal even though they were different entities? Probably El, the bullhead and lord of the sky in Sumer? You realise El means” He” right, that yahweh means “Oh he”? Dont you know that they assimilated religions from their neighbours, changed them a bit, made the head god the only one and the rest angels, referred to them in their language, and then used them as tools of cultural and tribal warfare? Don’t kid yourself that you worship the true creator if you follow any of their psyops, including the Bible. Stop regurgitating things you don’t understand. Any word is a spell, the true creator presents silence, and must be found in the silence, and must be worshiped in silence.
Our elected officials are disgusting. How many of these people have dual-citizenship with Israel? I'm guessing 75%.
AIPAC and Mossad
Do these people not feel even an ounce of shame when doing this?
Perhaps the best thing we have to look forward to is a collapse of the empire and financial system. If not the end of the world.
If you want to get anywhere in Western politics or business you need to be compromised. Most of those guys applauding Netanyahu have done seriously illegal shit, such as raping children, while being filmed by Israeli agents. Epstein, for example, worked for Israel. Most of them probably aren't even into the compromising behaviour, they just do what they need to do if they want to play the game.
This. Even take this notable exception, the autistic chad and junkyard warrior Thomas Massie. He talked about every congress person having an aipac handler and his wife died just a couple of weeks later. He didn’t attend this speech.
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>jews irl
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because Hitler opened up a second front and made a few other unnecessary errors. Then they assassinated JFK when he was going to make them register under FARA and end their nuclear program. Now they run America, but normies eyes are opening in a way I have never seen before. Talking about the JQ is nearly common bar talk now.
This would look weird in 1937 USSR
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He is their excellency. He literally rules this nation, Israel is the Capitol of the USA and we as a nation are Satans (Israel Rothschilds) military
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>weimar-like problems require weimar-era solutions
I can't wait for the time when the videos of these perverts will be treated in the past tense in historical documentaries, like the old documentaries about Weimar Germany and the rise of the Nazis.
The problem is he's too stupid to figure it out.
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I noticed Ted Cruz had a front row seat
The amount of children at these events always shocks me. I worked for a few years at a classical charter school before I got priced out of the economy in that role, and I just think, so I had to suffer through 60 hour weeks teaching them Latin for 35k a year, and our society will just turn them over to pedophiles, castrates, and applauded fragments of humanity anyways?
so many parents refuse to protect their children. society is sick, anon.
This is why voting is pointless, at least right now. Also, I say theres too many (((Christians))) that support Israel because their Bible shares similarities. They consider jews as like one of their own, and don’t get that the jew doesn’t think the same way.
first post saddest but truest post
>Like Trump said, we’re going to win so much we’ll get tired of winning
When Trump says "you" and "we" he means his fellow jews and Israel.
>I am not "right wing" or "left wing" and really consider what is happening in the world to go beyond politics. Our government is sponsoring a religious genocide that is killing Christians, it is by definition a holy war. We are exploited for this holy war against our own people in Christ.
Keep your opinions to your self GOY
>he zionists serve a godless ideology and bomb churches, kill Christian civilians. It is a genocide for land, it is the GOP and DNC, you can only vote for zionists.
As you can see Goy, we can do as we please.; We own you
The Jews main goal is to summon the Moshiach before boomers gracelessly expire
I’m not sure the goyim are worth owning anymore.
checked and keked, satan
>rump calling for war with iran
All of a sudden it's Iran who was planning something. It sound a lot like baby Bush when he went into Iraq " They was goona kill my daddy" Also WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION larp. Didn't all that info come from a foreign ally's spy agency and turned out to be a false.
kek, I need holy water now
And he wants to start war with Iran over it because his noahide donors demand it
Bunch of trained seals
Why are we even having an election, when we clearly already have a new president?
At least in Weimar people had fun or something, yeah because they were all degenerates but still
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I'm in a desert place, under a foreign sky,
I had packed my bags, kissed my love goodbye.
Don't know the reason, don't know why,
But I'm off to die, for my greatest ally

It's the honor of my life, to lay it all down,
For a land far away on their sheer command
Don't ask questions and I don't know
I know is I'm ready to die.
For Israel is my greatest ally.

My boots are on the ground, where the hebrews walked,
In the echoes of history my fate is cucked,
Trouble in Israel is my siren call
I do it for a snickers, no charge at all

It's the honor of my life, to lay it all down,
For a land far away on their sheer command
Don't ask questions and I don't know
I know is I'm ready to die.
For Israel is my greatest ally.

The Star of David, my legs are mangled
Til my last drop of blood I kneel to AIPAC
In the heat of the battle, in the still of the night, I'll fight for Israel, for the Heebs, greatest ally
>this shit dies with boomers
But when??? Boomer niggercattle pieces of shit just won't die, they are determined to live forever
Is my country really this fucking subservient to a Jew?
oh yeah i remember when those israelis came to the reichstag and cucked everyone and commies or nazis had to rise to power
I've been off the whitoid train for 8 years idc. Fucking retarded goys
Did you think we were memeing with the whole zog thing?
It's not that. They are all fucking terrified of "Havana Syndrome". Gangstalking, targeted individuals, all mass shooters conveniently "hearing voices". It's all related and these people are fucking terrified of it and rightfully so. I get the baby gangstalking. The annoying v2k that plays on repeat 7 days a week, stings and itches, the occasional dream manipulation. The v2k alone is fucking soul crushing. I can't even imagine what this shit can do when unleashed to its full potential and I would bet my life everyone in that room clapping like a loon is well aware of what it can really do.
Yes. Were you living under a rock somewhere or something?
I haven't watched it yet. The idea of sitting through so much applause after whatever bullshit he has to say sounds like torture
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sorry for the delays in the latest


bit of a 'rush job' but we did what we could.
The Dude, His Dudeness, Duder, or El Duderino.
With this tweet Trump really illustrated that he has a bloodlust for Israel's enemies.

Your anchestors would be ashmed who got killed during the judeo-bolshewik terror years when they killed nichollos II you zoomer russian twink
So now mossad can kill him and blame iran, orange retard just painted a bullseye on his fat ass
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I kind of live rural and come here for banter and just to read about what fucked up stuff is going on where. I actually didn't know it was this bad.
newfag lurk moar
I've been a bit taken aback by it myself. The GOP is fully back to it's Bush era ways. No more talks of stopping endless wars, now it's "peace through strength"
It's okay, it's not like knowing any of this stuff is useful when we're powerless to do anything about it
Kek very true. He’s never been much of a chess player.
Why his biggest goyim slave not wearing ribbon?
They never stopped being the Bush GOP.
Literal ZOG, holy fuck
this pic rel is based af
Lol mutts have nothing to be proud of
They unironically all have AIPAC "babysitters" or handlers to tell them what to do. Look up the Tucker Carlson interview with Thomas Massie (the only Republican who protested the visit and didn't show up).
does israel still selling weapons to china? cuz theyve been doing that for literally decades
Jews aren't human
I was right to make my home in the middle of nowhere. Always knew I would be proven right one day.
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>Slideshow : Jews & Communism & China
>This. Even take this notable exception, the autistic chad and junkyard warrior Thomas Massie. He talked about every congress person having an aipac handler and his wife died just a couple of weeks later. He didn’t attend this speech.
It's just a coincidence nothing to see here
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Jews are anti human, just like niggers.
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we've got a fucking jew out here larping as robert deniro in casino forcing people to call him royalty

lmfao, Americabros is this what it's come to?
Nice talent
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seen low level dem politicians complain about the same thing. it's like your 'welcome to congress' package. they approach with money and talking points. forget which black congresswoman it was.
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even i noticed it and went wtf are they on.
anyway goys, get ready for one day going to sleep in your bed and waking up in a bootcamp.
for Israel !!!!!
This, you fucking wish you were the Weimar Republic.
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This is an awesome photo. Ty
The fuck was the ovation even for? Israel aren't the underdogs in their war against Palestine, not even close. People didn't clap for 30 minutes for Dubya after 9/11
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reminder that he banned kanye
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I'm glad there are still anons sharing quality posts.
uss liberty 2.0 soon
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prolly we are well overdue I think
hoyl fuck I'm watching this right now and this is the most banal empty speech I have ever seen.
What the fuck? It's just a series of buzz lines.
I know. You’re welcome fren
Some mutts try to divert attention to the chinks because they don't want their beloved jews to be criticized, but jews are serious sociopaths and they're selling out US technology for shkel to the chinks with impunity.
This is their greatest ally. Brainwashing has gone so far that it's almost comedic.
How DARE SHE miss this critically important American event?
>curse of the eighth decade
Looking forward to greater Palestine.
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i wonder what Trump said about this, sucked that jew cock ?
that's why boomers like Trump/Trump VP and Biden want WW3, after boomers die, nobody will suport Israel
It's like when Kim Jong Un gives a speech.
What did the kike rat say?
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Need to start paying attention to her
>Brainwashing has gone so far that it's almost comedic.
Journalists and the MSM are allowed to lie with impunity that's the problem
the EU/UN issuing arrest warrants is step one of making Israel the 51st state of the USA, calling Nethanyahu his excellency, is step two… now the EU/UN can’t arrest an American governor
The politician children will become politician again and kikes will have blackmail on them again or will just use similar strategy to control them using pressure and control over who becomes politician etc. If mutts don't do a new revolution and destroy AIPAC and anyone linked to it and all other jewish organizations then nothing will change. They hold money and media and weapons.
How will mutts ever recover.
Based goblina will die of suicide with shots behind her back.

Hate it when kikes add their stupid fucking retard words into sentences.
>They hold money and media and weapons.
So does your country but I don't see them helping anyone ;
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Call her an ugly roastie or whatever you want, but hats off to her and she isn’t as viscerally disgusting as the smug faces of those traitors around her.
Hail to the Chief, lord and master of the burgers
Hail to the Chief, we are all but dumb goyim
Hail to the Chief, enabler of our third world merger
Israel please take my money and also my foreskin
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I was a bit disappointed with the lack of proofs this time. No Iran ticking time bombs, and no cabinetsof cds and Staples folders stolen from Dr Evils top secret lab (also in Iran).
If he had shown the 40 beheaded babies photo I too would have applauded for twenty minutes.
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that's why they're trying to genocide the population.
>transsexualism & vaccines (sterilization)
>anti-humanism & environmentalism (convincing the next generation not to breed)
>importing low IQ shitskins to replace them
>kill off white males/right wingers with endless wars (like they already did with Ukraine and the incoming world war starting with Iran)
it all makes perfect sense once you look at the big picture
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Uss liberty 2.0 has been canceled and the kike that was pushing for it has been decapitated twice
jews do oral circumcisions
Wooden doors cant melt steel beams despite making up 13% of the mass of the uss liberty.
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also forgot
>the future is female (feminizing the population because like shitskins they are easily controlled and low IQ)
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>Wooden doors cant melt steel beams despite making up 13% of the mass of the uss liberty.
kekkkkkk. not even a resurrcted george washington would get an ovation this intense.
america is not a monarc--
standing & clap for a paycheck
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nice work anon
I cant believe I got those digits. Kek is with us.
I only ate half a carrot today. Stop making fun of us 99yo holocaust survivors...

We deserve big macs!
Just accept the America is dead dude. I’m voting Trump out of pure spite.
Blessed quints
So Bibi is at the top of the hierarchy or there is someone above?
Because the money was more or less worthless due to inflation. That wheelbarrow of money was probably just to pay for a loaf of bread.
By 1923 1 dollar was worth 4,210,500,000,000. In 1921 dollar was worth 320 marks.
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I wonder how long they're going to keep this up.
Are we going to have holocaust survivors still in 50 years?
Does getting born in the gas chamber count as surviving the holohoax?
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Important to understand it that Palestine is neither Muslim nor Judean land.
Palestinian Christians are the rightful owners of that land, Jews and Arabs are both invaders.
The modern Jews are not the same as ancient Israelites they claim to be, the Palestinian Christians are. Modern Jews are descendants of Canaanites (basically roaming gypsies that worshipped Moloch).

I have a solution that will fix Palestine for good and stop the conflict and war.
- Send Jews to the Jewish Autonomous Oblast
- Send Muslim Arabs to Jordan
- Send Christian Arabs to Lebabnon
- Leave non-Arab Palestinian Christians, the descendants of Israelites to their own lands in Palestine/Israel

Also of course send all the Jews and Muslims from White Christian lands to home too.
Problems solved.
Kamala is the spite vote, nobody wants her except kikes. If Trump wins half the country will be happy as pigs in shit.
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hey look /pol/ i don't want to alarm you or anything but i don't see how any of this ends without washington among other places being nuked into a fucking pool of glass
I’m still a fan of the Madagascar plan myself. Or even, and surely the leafs will agree with me, a deport them all to India plan.
So how difficult was it to get within 6 blocks of Capitol Hill today?
No DEI hires today, I bet they brought out the supersoldiers for this one.
Holy kek.
>2050: “meet Moshe Greenstein, he was born out of an egg that was miraculously frozen for 20 years in Treblinka. He survived the holocaust.”
Look on the bright side, enough nerve gas would also do the trick. Or napalm.
She and Biden met him the day after
They had tighter security for mileikowsky then they do for both presidential candidates combined. They know who owns them even if most american voters are retarded progressives without a clue.
Fucking kek
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The thing is Madagascar is full of niggers now, they probably don't want the Jews there.
India could work, they are very similar and could scam each other.
But the thing is that would need additional work / setup, while the Jewish Autonomous Oblast WELCOMES all Jews.
So they could simply just pack up their bags and go, NOTHING is stopping them from doing that.
There is plenty of space in the JAO too, they wouldn't be displacing anyone or settling in the homes of other peoples.
They even have special privileges there as Jews always do like being designated as a FEZ, and the autonomy of the JAO is guaranteed by the Russian Constitution since the Jews wrote it.

Lenin and Trotsky - both Jews - instigated the Judeo-Bolshevik Resolution to create USSR and to give them a special privileged area inside it, a homeland for the Jews.
That still exists today.
Then they demanded to have Israel too claiming they don't have homelands even though they already did.


Is there some kind of database to cross reference to expose fake holocaust survivors?
fuck hamas an death to palestein
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USA used to be a White country - in fact it was founded as a White country, for "free white persons of good moral character" and all.
Guess who destroyed the White America policies? Jews.

USA restricted immigration to Americans, meaning Northern and Western Europeans, from 1776 to 1965, for 189 years.
What happened in 1965?
Well, a certain Jew by the name of Emanuel Celler, had infiltrated their government and repealed the race-based National Origins Formula (White America policy), and installed the Hart-Cellert Act of 1965 in it's place which removed the race restrictions and replaced them with restrictions for migrants of European origin, effectively creating a policy of Non-White America.
When the act was introduced, it immediately decreased the amount of people coming from Northern and Western European races and opened the floodgates for everyone else, including Jews themselves.

>The National Origins Formula had been established in the 1920s to preserve American homogeneity by promoting immigration from Western and Northern Europe. During the 1960s, at the height of the (((civil rights movement))), this approach increasingly came under attack for being racially discriminatory.
>The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 created a seven-category preference system that gives priority to [...], and refugees.
>The law abolished the National Origins Formula, which had been the basis of U.S. immigration policy since the 1920s. The act formally removed de facto discrimination against Southern and Eastern Europeans as well as Asians, in addition to other non-Western and Northern European ethnicities from the immigration policy of the United States.
>Prior to the Act, the U.S. was 85% White, with Black people (most of whom were descendants of slaves) making up 11%, while Latinos made up less than 4%.


So maybe it's Sanchez that supports Jews and fights for Israel?
>Guns have to be taken away from them. Free speech has to be taken away from them.
ty it shitbrain i want you to actually try. fuck you
Trump would jail Washington for terrorism and breaking the law.
What the fug does Iran have to do with ANYTHING?
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Bibi did 9/11
And he’s treated like a fucking king.
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bibi and dick cheney were both major players in 9/11 frfr
self-inflicted nuclear terrorism motherfuckers
Why the fuck are they clapping. We really are americlaps
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The most retarded niggerfaggoty timeline

Over the years, the Israeli leader has developed a reputation among the staff at the U.S. president’s guesthouse for bringing special cargo on his trips to Washington: bags and suitcases full of dirty laundry, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

The clothes are cleaned for the prime minister free of charge by the U.S. staff, a perk that is available to all foreign leaders but sparingly taken advantage of given the short stays of busy heads of state.

“The Netanyahus are the only ones who bring actual suitcases of dirty laundry for us to clean,” said one U.S. official, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the details of a foreign leader’s visits. “After multiple trips, it became clear this was intentional.”

Israeli officials denied that Netanyahu overuses his American hosts’ laundry services, calling the allegations “absurd,” but they acknowledged that he has been the target of laundry-related accusations in the past.

In 2016, Netanyahu sued his own office and Israel’s attorney general in an effort to prevent the release of his laundry bills under the country’s freedom of information act. The judge sided with Netanyahu, and the details of his laundry bills remain secret pending an appeal in the Supreme Court.
This is JD Vance’s America
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>i wonder what Trump said about this, sucked that jew cock ?
Bibi recently greenlighted his election, pic related.
This is so wild.
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That's AOC
There's nothing left for me in this country
Dude, I couldn't even bring myself to watch a short version of this POS kike's 'speech'...I would have died of cringing or boiling blood.

So, how many standing ovations did this scumbag get from the well trained puppies in your Congress?
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christcucks handed their transnational private jewish bank unrestricted, unlimited and unaccountable access to the money printer so now our government has to take out a loan for every dollar printed with usurious interest. thats why your taxes dont get put to use. it all goes straight to the debt.

every country with christcucks will aim for power, then like they do every single time, proceed to hand that power to jews.
33 trillion compounding debt? let the brown people have it lol
>dirty laundry
Buterin is a small-time crook who keeps promising to solve the halting problem
somehow, nobody notices
>And he wants to start war with Iran over it because his noahide donors demand it

While I can't stand muslims any more than jews, I hope Iran drops some nasty chemical weapons on Israel before nukes fly.

Everyone knows Israel has been shown to be nothing but a paper tiger in the last 9 months since the 7th of october. They can't do shit against Iran without US help and even with that, they can only harm Iran in a meaningful way if they use nukes.
>British crown
Is there still time to go back? Sounds dope.
They look like toys.
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Kikes are so strange creatures.
They will go out of their way to always do the wrong thing, no matter how small and petty a thing is.
From making other peoples to do your laundry to making them bomb civilians for you, that is the kike mind.
When are people going to wake up to the fact the WE DO NOT NEED THE JEWS FOR ANYTHING.
We are perfectly capable of sustaining our civilizations without them, in fact we are much better off without them.
It's not like you ever see a bunch of Jews building a highway or farming food for people to eat, but you will find them demanding families to pay their rent checks or in case of a nonwhite family, the White taxpayer pay it to them.
Jews have literally been usurers and money lenders since the days of Ancient Rome, and in 3000 years they have NEVER done honest work.
They are detriment to every society they infest, parasitic leeches that subvert nations for their own benefit.
yeah I wouldn't count on it
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What happens to Thomas Massie's End the Fed act will be interesting to see
Have to remember that last guys that tried to put their Central Banks to state control and pry it from the Jewish hands were Caesar, Napoleon and Hitler, and look at what happened to all of them.

Then again, it of course won't pass because the Congress is full of traitors that have been installed by the Jews.

In pic related there is 10 Congressmen that aren't in Jewish control, against the 412 who are.
I’m afraid that his wife might have been killed for talking about aipac.
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