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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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lol, Communism already won. Now, if the Americans give up peacefully, they can offer peace as a negotiation chip.

If Americans want to fight, then they lose all ability to negotiate.
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chinks are doing it too
that part of history should be renamed The Silent Invasion
I will not be illegally immigrating but I am a Indian immigrant to canada and I am going to the usa
the houses in canda are too expensive and even with degree in engineering you can only get a job for minimum wage and half hours
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More of them are going through Mexico
the Hindu religion promotes rape and promotes scamming. There is no concept of morality or right and wrong in Hinduism. It is literally the worst religion and look at what a shithole India is, that is the result of Hinduism.
Why do we pretend to have a government that functions in any capacity?
They claim they turned away 2.5 million. How many did they let through?
Don’t pick on the poor Hindu nuffins. They can’t help that they’re dumber than niggers.
chinese spies
Hindu rape apes see nothing wrong with rape. Their shit religion teaches that women are meant to be raped, and enjoy rape. This is how sick and evil the Hindus are
>destroy india
>mass immigrate to canada
>destroy the rental economy and job market
>mass immigrate to usa
>gee I wonder what's going to happen
kys parasite
Rats always run first

Also way to go pajeets or they win the election or run

Superior migration
As long as they leave Canada.
India is not destroyed
India is the biggest growth country and will be the strongest economy soon
then go back
We'll see

They just wanna dodge the election, they protest and burn their houses if democrats or republicans win, last time there was a coup attempt
companies are importing them by the boatloads here in WA
>that canadian faggot mobile
Jesus Christ.
the entire world is turning into a huge brown person slum
and it's going to get worse when the infrastructure goes below critical White people levels
Stay the fuck away.
You do not want to be here when the racism dam bursts and we've just about had it with you streetshitting scum here.
Don't fucking come here. I'm warning you
Why does anyone want to live here though?
Because it hasn't been completely destroyed by immigration yet due to our sheer size and broad infrastructure. It's only a matter of time
At this point it does not even matter anymore. Americans have long since memory holed the immigration thing entirely. They did not call out Trump for lying about building his wall the first day in office like he promised and ran on. Americans seems to just not care if their leaders are even good for their word at all since most Americans can probably relate to that in a personal way themselves by the looks of things.
pedophilia is also another huge problem in Hinduism, as well as incest. Pretty much every indian girl gets sexually abused by her father, uncle, or brothers. India actually needs feminism because indian women are actually oppressed.
You will be beaten to death by the shitskin hordes whose dicks you constantly suck just the same as everyone else.
then there is the matter of the caste system in Hinduism, which is extremely racist and has oppressed 250 million dalits in India. As a result, no one gives a shit about anyone but themselves and there is no concept of community or civil sense. This is why anywhere indians go, they trash and turn the place into shit. They take their shit indian mentality with them anywhere they go. Indians are not compatible with modern civilization.
So they’re a lot like spics…
Stay away. Nobody in the USA likes Indians (even Indian women).
Everyone thinks you stink, you're creepy, and you're a pain in the ass to do business with.
We're going to nuke Russia and China.
that is one good thing about india, at least. Indian women hate indian men and want to marry white men or men of any other race other than indian. Indian men are so hated that even their own race of women hate them. Even thai prostitutes wont have sex with indian men.
Better than niggers being bussed to the Canadian border by that New York nigger. Seriously, fuck you guys. Get your shit together.
USA. ive already noticed a lot more Indian people lately in public in places like the supermarket.
The abuse of women is very real in India. Women have to fear being gang-raped. Meanwhile spoiled brat white women in the West whine and complain they are "oppressed" because they dont have enough nigger cock to fuck. White women are spoiled little cunts. In India, women are ACTUALLY OPPRESSED FOR REAL.
Not surprisingly, China was selected because it was quicker and cheaper to conduct research without U.S. government entanglements or oversight. Dr. Steven Quay also testified on June 18 and said the Wuhan Institute of Virology is a “level-2 lab,” as opposed to highly secure level-4 labs elsewhere. Moreover, Dr. Fauci et al were able to fund this research because the law was silent. Ebright again:

… in this category of research, which is the most significant in terms of consequences and potentially existential risk there is almost no regulation with force of law. No regulation with force of law for biosafety or any pathogen other than the smallpox virus and no regulation with force of law for bio risk management for any pathogen.

But the U.S. and the world, may have temporarily escaped imminent catastrophe. Consider, according to Dr. Quay, what Wuhan obtained from Canada’s National Microbiology Lab in 2019: “two vials each of 15 strains of virus: seven varieties of Ebola virus, the Hendra virus, and two strains of Nipah virus, Malaysia and Bangladesh.” These virus samples, according to Dr. Steven Quay, are “the top three most deadly human pathogens on the planet.” The samples were obtained under murky circumstances (“described as a possible policy breach”) from a level-4 lab and surreptitiously flown on a commercial flight to Beijing where they were subsequently placed in a level-2 lab overseen by a country with a long history of a disregard for proper safety protocols.
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I saw one video on liveleak or something of an indian dad stabbing and cutting up his teenage daughter because she slept on the couch instead of in her room (at least that was the story relayed online)
they are truly some of the worst scum on the planet. ive only ever been scammed by indians. not saying niggers or mexicans dont have scammers but the ones ive met didnt. but low caste indians seem to live by thieving. they steal from anyone they can
I have been warning about this for years maybe close to a decade. We need two walls. One at mexico is not enough. We desperately need one for the cancerous wart that is Canada, who has been systematically rigging itself to implode and soak the U.S with its absolute filth. This was always the plan. Canada has always been the weakest link in the chain. It's fucking over.
the other day some 12 year old indian girl got gang-raped by two indian men and then they smashed her head with a brick and killed her. Can you even comprehend such a subhuman mentality?
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>and will be the strongest economy soon
2 more defecations
its funny that enough videos exist of this that AI can replicate it quite well
so go back
Border patrol anon do a whole thread about this. “Cab shitter general”. I guess truck loads of them try crossing through Detroit. Jeets, 4 to a truck cab with one license between them. Holes cut into the floors, spraying shit all over our highways. Anon talked about the sassy black border agents making life hell for jeets.
Just passing through? i like it! carry on, fellas!
They’re literally mad max, poo spraying death traps on our highways. One recently killed a hockey team in leaf land.

Beware of the poo trucker
you have to go back
Imagine moving to another country and culture while continuing to brag about the shithole you came from as if it is superior
Why are shitskins like this bros? I just can't understand their subhuman mentality
all of Xi's soldiers that were on the list
I’ve been weary of the trucks with Ontario plates since reading that thread. When I pass one, it’s a jeet every time. I always wonder if he just sprayed my car.
they fell for the memes that the mainland is a shithole (it is still in a lot of ways) and that life the America dream is still around, and they're going to be able to land good paying jobs and an amazing life just by crossing the border.

They're 3 generations too late, and the kikes, Mexicans and niggers got to it first and ruined it already.

just stupid really. they left China to escape being lower class only to find themselves living in nigger-tier poverty with zero English skill. Happens here all the time too.
do mounties really just have gay flags on all their cars?

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