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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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More Americans say they were motivated to get a firearm for personal protection than in previous years, a new survey finds.
>However, only about 5% of people who said they carried a gun for protection reported carrying it outside their home.

The implication is that Americans are dumb and fat
That's a lie.
Americans: #1 in larping worldwide
and you shit skins rely on us to protect you, kek
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.
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>Estimates show that 82,880,000 people own at least one firearm in 2023.
5% of that is 4,144,000.
It's not for protection. It's our right to have them, period. We're forced to lie during background checks. It's obvious what the second amendment is for.
glowing post. it is absolutely for protection, against niggers and government. you can't lie on a background check. nice try though. we have guns for faggots like you
>What are the political implications of gun owners all leaving their guns at home?
guns are mostly to protect against home invasion. i recently moved to the country and it's safe as shit because every would-be criminal knows everyone in their home has a gun within a foot of them. carrying a gun to like the grocery store is paranoid and impractical.
You're right. The reality is probably more like 1% carrying outside their homes.
Paranoid, maybe. But how is it impractical? If you can't wear a belt you could always pocket carry something small.
Who would tell a random fucker that they are carrying?
And against tyranny, fag.
What do you expect them to say? They bought them to incite a race war?
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Just finished building another ar15- this time, a 10.5” chrome hammer forged FN barrel with a <redacted> trigger

Europoors nogun faggots gargle my nuts
what? too long 6.5" master race
>Paranoid, maybe. But how is it impractical? If you can't wear a belt you could always pocket carry something small.
it's my understanding that you can't CC in the majority of states without a permit and definitely not in blue states where you would actually need to CC. or say you're open carrying and a cop pulls you over or something, the cops are going to flip out when you tell them you have a gun.
>We at CNN totally talked to MOST American gun owners, and instead of hanging up or telling us to go dilate, they all admitted to never really using them...

Nice fanfic fag. I pocket carry everywhere, especially places that have signs telling people it isn't permitted. The only times I've left it off me were when metal detectors or xrays were involved. I carry to family functions, grocery shopping, and church. I'm always ready for a shitskin to get out of line. I even keep a $150 highpoint wrapped in a bandana in my car incase I need to put it on some nigger's corpse before the cops show up.
>it's my understanding that you can't CC in the majority of states without a permit
WRONG. 27 states have Constitutional Carry no CC permit needed. dont be a fudd nigger
You're 100% justified in using a gun during home invasion. When you're outside, it becomes situation dependent. Firing off a gun even in defense becomes risky if the police arrive on scene late.

Simple as

It feels fucked up to carry a gun around in public, imo, and I'm a big enough guy that nobody ever fucks with me, but I do think it would be good to have something to neutralize a mass shooter with if one started popping off.

My guns stay at home but I hardly ever leave the house anyways, so it doesn't matter. The only time I've had to chamber a round in my 12 gauge was when I heard someone trying to break into my house but it was just a raccoon.
Here is how I ended up being a gun owner: Before I moved into my apartment, the prior tenant was a drug dealer. All of his sleazy ass friends kept showing up at odd hours of the night asking for him so they could buy drugs. They looked sketch as fuck, so I usually had a loaded gun in close proximity. That guy actually got arrested and sent to prison for shooting someone, so it seemed reasonable to keep myself armed. Thank god that nothing bad ever happened.
yeah all the new background checks during the nigger riots
excellent work, cnn
>or say you're open carrying and a cop pulls you over or something, the cops are going to flip out when you tell them you have a gun.
Even here in NY (not NYC) I can CC and according to the law, I have no duty to inform the officer that I'm carrying if I get pulled over for a traffic offense and they aren't legally allowed to ask.
>WRONG. 27 states have Constitutional Carry no CC permit needed. dont be a fudd nigger
either way the chances of being gunned down when you're out and about are extremely low. slightly higher if you're in a major city. when i was living in NYC i kept a gun next to me at all times when i was at home because while i was working from home i would hear niggers trying my door handles. one time i had my door unlocked while i was cooking and didn't have my gun near me and some nigger bitch walked in. i screamed at her and she ran out.
>why do people feel like they need to protect themselves?
the fucking president got shot
>it was just a coon
isn't it always
this nigger thinks he is fate and dictates chances and peace of mind to people and thinks cops are allowed to ask. kek
"big enough guy" doesnt mean shit if someone has a knife
big enough guy doesn't matter at all when they have a gun also.
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>of gun owners all leaving their guns at home?
full retard.
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The very fact they have them makes the criminal enabling left and control freaks seethe. Cross my path and find out if I carry religiously.
I absolutely do not own any guns.
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> not carrying daily in weimerica

You’re size means nothing compared to a slug. I have the barrel of a pistol aiming at my cock as I type this.
I've never even shot a gun. You know why I don't own a gun? Because I don't live in a shit hole
>this nigger thinks he is fate and dictates chances and peace of mind to people and thinks cops are allowed to ask. kek
to be fair, i wouldn't tell the cops i had a gun in the car unless they had to pull me out for some reason. i've watched enough body cam footage to know that cops freak out if you're honest and say there's a gun in the glove box or whatever.
you do know its legal to shoot a cop in self defense right?
Gee it's almost like someone you don't know illegally entering your house is an unavoidable situation and the most acute kind of needing to unalive someone.

Most people perceive the public as you can avoid bad areas and walk away from negative encounters.
When some nigger you don't know is in your house there isn't any room for debate and it would be ridiculous for you to run out of your own home. The correct response is to end the threat.
Ooo, babyhand lib detected. Do the minorities outside of your gated community cause you anxiety? Have you ever actually been outside of your gated community? How much did you donate to Biden's PACs? Also, how many black men fucked your wife/girlfriend last night?
I conceal carry everywhere, Including the grocery store.
>you do know its legal to shoot a cop in self defense right?
i honestly can't imagine a scenario where i would need to shoot a cop. just cooperate and everything is chill. if the cops do some fucked up shit you handle it in court.
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I'm 43 and I've never been jumped, except for once when I was like 25 and living out in California, was younger/skinnier and four black kids ran up on me while I was walking from the BART station at night, one threw a punch at the back of my head and it was literally the softest blow I ever felt; dunno if he botched the shot or what but I turned around, pissed off and annoyed more than anything. They froze in their tracks when they saw I was mad and not scared, but they proceeded to literally jump up and down like chimps and demand I 'empty out my pockets' I angrily told them I didn't have anything and we just stood there in a Mexican standoff for the next couple minutes until I decided to dash for my car to get the tire iron I kept in the center console. They actually thought I was running away from them, but I was excited to fuck them up with that tire iron or just run them over with my car. I peeled off in their direction but they were gone.

There are much easier targets than me, a large, scowling man that looks like he probably has a weapon even when I don't. Anyways, if anybody wants to try I will literally throw myself at them and they better hit the vitals because I literally see no future for myself so they'll just be saving me the trouble of suck-starting my 12-gauge on my own, or I'll literally rip their jaw off and cave their skull in against the concrete. Either way, I don't give a fuck. My life is over and I'm not afraid to kill or be killed.
dude i am about your age and big was an Airborne ranger. your fudd is stupid
I go everywhere with a Glock 19. Legally
I'm also not fat. Or lazy.
Have fun sleeping on your dirt floor fuckface.
>I conceal carry everywhere, Including the grocery store.
go ahead. i moved to a place where i don't need to lock my doors and even leave the keys in the ignition to my truck when i go to the grocery store.
I've done this.
I got it cause guns are a good hobby + a good way to store wealth. Ammo and guns appreciate

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