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I work with them and their code and doctors suck too
Indians are the devils creation.
They are the devolution of shit itself.
They are a tool for globehomo to destroy nations, religions, economies, working conditions, environments, families, races and humans in general.
Their culture is one which literally revolves around the concept of piss and shit worship.
>it's not the vaxx!
Whites are devil creation
Anyone in the gym for more than an hour is wasting time and that's including cardio. Your normal workout should not take more than 30-40 minutes. Get off your phone, stop listening to gay ass music and just lift.
Why are whites weak ?
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It's ..it's almost like having a ..no...no it...it can't be...the brain??? More important than brawn??? Could....could...could this be why the world isn't run by gorillas and rhinos? Could it? Could it, anon? Could that be why, you fucking train hopping piece of shit.
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>Like you haven't feared us since Indra slayed you brown subhumans since Time Immemorial
Holy fucking cope
so weak they built your trains that mow you little niggers down constantly, nearly a century ago that you still haven’t traded up for with modern chink shit
Imagine being indian. People created a word to equate you with shit. Literally.
Even the most weak white man is still a white man. And an indian will always be a street shitter from a turd world country
>one shitty study means the science is settled
I hate this generation, especially jeets.
why does the elephant have a tranny dick for a nose?
helo sir pls do not redeem sir helo sir may i speak to the business owner
India's a backward ass third world cess pool with a bonkers religeon. They swim in the famous Ganges river.
Same river the locals take a dump in and bury their dead.
A fucking laughing stock of brown niggers
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The poison spreads to everyone


It doesn't even matter if you get the vax or not. It sheds into everyone else & grows in new host

They're finding self replicating vax structures in unvaxxed blood



5 minutes into this Dr C vid they show a vial of vax clot calamari that shows they DO continue to grow, even after removed from body & put in preservative


Scientists find moving tech in vaxxed blood dead for 8 months

>32:00 mark





>antioxidants, alkaline diet, EDTA, high dose Vitamin C, Methylene Blue, Humic & Fulvic Acid, Malic Acid, NAC, DMG

Pyrantel pamoate once a week for 3 weeks, once a year, to clear intestine parasites

Use Zelenko protocol to clear vax

Pray for divine intervention

"Please God clean us all of hydrogel and nanotechnology blood poisons & instead transmute it to the good"

Pray for God to transmute the evil to good, which makes the magnitude of evil not so important. Pray that the more the beast wriggles the faster the divine plan comes to fruition. Pray any & all actions people take ultimately energize the divine plan & it doesn't matter if they have good or bad intentions. Pray to redirect all efforts everywhere & every-when into the divine goal

youtu.be/D5WPfZrKiFM&list=PL-8ppf30fZw8Mhe8WEiPzwfH2cjYSB4Ke (New Discovery Shows How To Pray 10x More Effectively In Half The Time)

Tell me honestly, what does an Indian man think when he looks out onto his local street and sees other Indian men shitting on the street? Or eating the dung of a cow? Mixing street food curry with his bare hands? What are your thoughts on this?
Lol…i think i will risk it
Pretty racist to call Yakuub a devil bro
india is a slave country the chinks tricked them into rock cut architecture or quarrying rocks to build the great wall of china out of, you don’t see any place in china that the chinks scarred to build the great wall, yet there’s plenty in india they tricked pajeets into believing they’re making temples for their gods for
A stupid slave lifting man-made metal
Is it the same for Australians? I guess sun can improve their genetics.
The good ones moved to America and left the difference behind
>and their code and doctors suck
You're just confused that white people can condense the same logic into three lines that would take you 50 if else cases.
Please answer saar
Yeah that's why white people dominate extreme endurance sports like ultra running and mountaineering.

You wish you were white lol that's the whole point of the caste system.
Indians beg to touch my skin and as me to bless them because they know they are inferior shit golems.
Every Indian would give his right hand to be a few shades lighter, and he'd give both hands to have blue eyes as well.

Face it, we already won at life by being born white. Everyone knows it, and everything else is cope.
>captcha: TNDM
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Whatever you say buddy
This is a bait thread by some fags that do not seem to have much of a life. But please Ranjeet, do check out the top ten strongest men in the world if you're serious here.
the history of india
>chinks needed slaves to build their castles foundations and city walls, and eventually the great wall
>travel by ship down to australia and bring bushman or abos as slaves
>mix persians that fucked them over as silk road traders and some thai ladyboys with bushman
>now you have pajeets
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Why are indians such stunted like niggers?
Indians have neither, they are 150cm tall and their religion prohibits them from eating protein. They can’t even have eggs lmao
I hate gyms
I like to smoke when I lift
yes, and the vaccine was safe and effective
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Pajeets are really buttmad today, what could have provoked them to organize this forced shitposting raid?
Prideful cowards are doomed to be slaves and servants, it's all too easy
but do you use their toilets?
lol that reminds me of the time I was in India and I had random Indian "males" come up to me and ask me for my autograph because I'm tall, White and blue eyes.
It's like I was some kind of celebrity just not being a brown smelly shit kek.
Indians are hilarious
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Indians kicked off stage for being too muscular in bodybuilding. Pajeets are weak vegetarians who worship weakness!
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go eat cow shit
>Face it, we already won at life by being born white.
I hate jeets and all but I dont think the millions of whites that live as lonely contrarian NEETS with zero future or social connections have "won at life"
Remember a time when every Indian flag post on /paul/ was responded to with only "POO IN LOO"? That made Indians disappear for years. Just saying.
>he unironically believes obvious psyops
winning at life, yet how is that possible when niggers need gibs from whites to feel like they’ve won anything in life
Yes they have, if the alternative is being born Indian and shitting in your own drinking water until a bout of typhus cuts off your miserable days in the worst country on Earth. Piss jug neets live a life that would astonish the average Indian with its luxury and purposefulnesa. India is hell.
Subhumans all know they’re subhuman and don’t even consider achieving anything for themselves. The best they can hope for is to successfully mooch off their betters by getting to live in their countries and take their tax dollars. Absolutely no nigger or jeet aspires to live around other niggers/jeets
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How do the trains do it, bros?
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you have jeets who think the world where all be black, everyone besides india will have mixed with africa and become the dumb slaves while the jeets will finally feel like the “betters”

they are subhuman yet they never practice what they preach about racemixing with niggers, only everyone else that is “poor” with africans while the jeets act like white top shelf pussy is lining up for their jeet dick because they’re just stupid and will think there’s no difference with theirselves or a saudi oil shekh as long as they flex in an audi
Article is from 2017...
blimey, another banger from the daily mail lads. must be true because i can't imagine a misleading headline or a journalist lying for clicks
I hate pajeets so much, its unreal.
2 million of these einsteins a year imported into canada
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Doctors, engineers, physicists and rocket scientists etc.
Highly skilled workers.
>de graaf
they would have japanese levels of cleanliness if they were actually good doctors in india, even japans street food vendors are more trustworthy
You can't convince me otherwise that they worship ancient birth defects
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wow, can't wait until they remake canada in their image. already our beaches are full of human shit, as it should be. thanks india, so based.
>(((de graaf)))
>7.5 hrs
>too much
Chat I’m at 14, am I cooked?
Strongest men in the world are white
stay in the open latrine that is your nation and don't dare to come to white lands pajeet
No, whites are the devil, which is why they are so pale, because they originally lived underground in hell where the sun never shines.
>ppl who do steroids work out 10 hours a week
>muh it’s duh exercise
I could kill 7-10 Pajeets barehanded even if they ganged up on me at the same time with decent coordination. You are a race of small, smelly, tinydicked street shitters that are unable to understand hygiene. I'd probably die of disgust before you laid your ass wiping hand on me.
lol why was this first post?
They did that because they literally thought you were some hollywood guy, because the only exposure Indians have (especially in rural areas) is through hollywood. So they probably thought you were there for a movie shoot, and asked for an autograph while they had the chance and figure out who you are later.
*exposure to whites
Iike your women
The seed spills on sight
>look up study
>it has bullshit data
You people literally eat shit and leaves lmao How many gold medals has India won again? How many strongman competitions have they won? How many slorting events have they won?

Oh, right. fucking ZERO lmao
How many doctors and ceo whites have ?
I hate all non-White people. No exceptions.
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This (picrel) is literally the eggfaced bulldyke who wrote this shitpiece, because gymcels overlook her flat borderline retarded looks.

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India is so bad they're constantly trying to kill themselves hoping to be reincarnated as a anything other than a pajeet.
if this thing ever becomes sentient it's going to hate us for the dumb shit we forced it to say
Are whites sentient beings
Europeans AREN'T inferior physically. they are physically superior. we live in a material world and in order to have mastery over space your physical body must have the highest development. that's why europeans conquered the world.
That looks like a girl
>Tfw they rather die than being with poo men
Can't blame them
whites are the same color as the sun because they are sattva predominant with blue eyes and golden hair. they're aryan brahmin race.
I hate your men but love the women
What do
they're only good at bulking and swimming relatively

but even that is mostly a northern variant of the typical truly lankish euro

as if india can talk though
are indians? they don't even know where to shit.
sometimes i wonder
instead of forming a mob at the airports to prevent more indians from flooding our country we just let it happen.
Not bad. My goal is to die when Im 65-70 so I'm not a burden to my kids. Currently I smoke 2 packs of cigarettes per day, eat lots of red meat and processed foods and don't exercise. Maybe I should start exercising.
>study finds
>experts say
>doctors claim
>saars shit in the street
I am not taking council from street shitting DEI discount hires
>10hrs a week in the gym
We are just that good.
Our creator Yakub taught us how to push forward no matter what he grew up orphaned, bullied, and an incel and when we rebelled againsy the black dictatorship we conquered them using only sticks and stones while they were already an advanced civilization. That is how powerful whites are.
We get held down by the world and yet we still win.
7 year old article
poo flag
200 replies
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I could never respect whites. All bark but when push comes to shove they cuck out more than any other race.
>trucker protesters buckbroken
>jan 6 labelled as terrorists
>muh djokovic can't play without le vaxx
>Kikes taking their children, trooning them out and giving all their resources to whichever prostitute they made pregnant
The funniest thing is when they larp as muh superior race.
>as if india can talk though
or you
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Indians have the lowest lean body mass of any race, wow.
Yakub is my favorite timeline
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>we wuz Indianz n shiiiiiit brownboi
If that were the case then you wouldn't get sunburns even from a few minutes of exposure under the sun, and die from skin cancer from regular exposure.
ok, all fair points. but pakistan is a primitive country and everything own in life, your computer, your car, your house, any skyscrapers you might have, the medical devices in your hospitals: it's all just copying what white people invented. without white people you would be living in a cave, literally.
Whites have a nice balance between strength and intellect. Niggers can be physically very fit, but they are literally retarded, while Asians and jews can be very smart but physically inferior.
Whites somehow manage to have both physical and intellectual prowess.
It's really for the best.
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white people are the strongest
>t. pajeet
>mia de graaaaaaf
nederniggers eat fried shit for a living. this is a psyop against self improvement. just like the foreskinless jews that are against it.
this entire planet would still be stuck in the stone age, maaaaaybe the iron age, if it weren't for superior white people uplifting your idiot brown races to modernity and stop pretending otherwise. you owe us EVERYTHING
Without using algorithms, algebra discovered by Muslims you'd still be jeet level. What's your point?
it was for the best.
two less jeets
Charlemagne was 7 feet tall and used his spear like a toy
Knigga swam every day until he died
You did vaxxmaxx right OPjeet?
Look up the giants of Iceland, anon.
So what, is the vaxx gonna make this better or worse?
Evropeans balanced church state and market making their nations more flexible and powerful
>has to go back thousands of years to find an achievement that wasn't white people
>it's something whites would have come up with on their own anyways
you're talking to me on a computer, over the internet, using electricity. all white inventions. tomorrow you'll drive to work using a car, another white invention, to do a job that probably wouldn't exist if white people didn't invent it. look around you, everything in your life was invented by whites. and all you can say is
>muh algebra
cool cool, and what have arabs done since then?
i'm 7ft 2.
it's not as amazing as you think it is.
eh, i dont have much faith in these so-called studies. i exercise all the time and i feel great and thats all i care about. so whoever did this study can suck my dick
you hate the men because they gatekeep you from their women

sounds like a you problem
Everywhere whites go they are received as gods
Don’t get mad at me, get mad at god for making it that way
I'm not talking about a little dork gangly sickoid freak, here. Talking about ye olde Germans who ate milk and drank beef all day and drank pvre Bavarian waters from the Rhine on the Rhone
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as it should be
don't they eat pork and chicken? isn't it only beef that they don't eat
Likely the opposite is true. Exercising more is good for you
Without algebra, you'd still have nothing though. Everything you have is on a foundation built by Muslims. I don't mind stopping use of every white invention if you stop using algebra completely
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Dis nigga Ambrones on da Rhone?
Dis knigga bettah take da BLEACH with him
im 102 kg and about 12% body fat.
again, it's not amazing. imagine ducking down to fit under the doorway. imagine getting told to fuck off from the airforce unless you want a desk job teaching brown zoomies how to do stuff. it's a curse anon. i would much rather be 5ft 11 than 7ft 2. I hate myself.
can you post more of those booba
go back to raping kids u pedo
Charlemagne was bleaching brown zoomies knigga
Knigga died on da throne
For real
Whites dominate every sport that isn't a nigger sport and that is the vast majority of sports. And in the nigger sports, Whites are usually the second most dominant. There are no sports dominated by indians
Nice diversion shill thread. Those VPN services must be really cheap for you kid rapists to use them. Kill yourself, kike!
rookie numbers
Aren't Canadians known for fucking dogs?
I exercise caution around nogs and jews
not enough of them do this
>bleaching brown zoomies
i can't think of anything worse btw.
also if you think women fawn over le tall guys, like 4trans brainwashed you to believe. i can tell you you're wrong.
The breeding out of criminal genes and creating high trust societies.
I've had jobs where I'm working HARD 98% of the time I'm on the clock.
yeah and ur known for raping kids in the forrest
Are you a jeet?
we would have come up with it on our own. but the thing about white people is, we'll take whatever the fuck we find of value from any peoples we come across. the best you could offer is algebra. cool. but there's been fuck all since then. meanwhile your tea kettle, your toaster, your refrigerator, the electricity and plumbing in your house, your car, your computer, your phone EVERYTHING you own, everything you do, your entire life, your entire country, was invented by white people.
>muh algebra
it's just math, we would have come up with it on our own just like we came up with everything else. because we're white, thats what we do.
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Nah I'm saying just he a king just as anyone else. Pippin was known for his strength and small stature, think he was related to Charlemagne as well, I'll have to reread that part.
Ay well, more BLEACHING for me mah knigga
Keep it real
no I hate jeets they rape cows and street dogs
>Pray for divine intervention
>"Please God clean us all of hydrogel and nanotechnology blood poisons & instead transmute it to the good"
Fucking moron.
nigga half of europe is "related to Charlemagne" just as most of us are related to Genghis Kahn too. Seriously, look it up. Anyway, stature is not a factor and i would gladly swap places with one of my shorter brothers. I've been rejected by the air force (not joining the navy or the army fuck that). and i've been rejected by dozens of girls because im not le magic 6ft exactly or something. I curse my genes.
>we would have come up with it on our own
Cope. Then why didn't you? Now that we have a monopoly on algebra, therefore all by products of it are also ours. Any and every invention that you make would literally not be possible if the Muslims had not descended to give you the knowledge of mathematics. As I said, feel free to stop using it and all of the derivatives you have created using algebra. It will regress you further back than the niggers in Africa. You're welcome.
al-Khwarizmi was Persian, had red hair and blue eyes, and was born only 100 years after the moslem conquest of Persia.
Sorry, he was White.
A good attitude and friendship
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>Then why didn't you?
We did though
Algebra has been known since ancient Egyptian times, from there it was transmitted to the Greeks
Muzzies didn't invent shit, they rediscovered Greek ideas and rebranded them
stfu you live on easy mode, try being 5,6 moron.
Happy Opposite Day sir.
>we wuz
i will swap places with you right fucking now.
>'study' doesn't account for diet
>or type of exercise
>no other races tested
>article confuses odd ratios and percent
This misunderstanding of the scientific process is what companies who hire h1b are getting.
No wonder boeing is failing.
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Sorry bro, you're just a retarded street shitter who doesn't know basic history
Using letters for variables in formulae isn't mind blowing, the entire bronze age world had variations of it
The best part about dating indian women is banging the rest of their family. Especially the husband.
you've been humiliated. you copied the greeks and took it as your own. even the things we graciously pretend you invented, you didn't actually invent. without whites you would be in the stone age and deep down you know it and thats why you hate us. whites are a constant reminder of your own races inferiority. when you finally succeed in replacing us, with the help of jews, all of human civilization will collapse without us and likely the species will go extinct. you are nothing without us and you know it, YOU KNOW ITS TRUE
Oh so you're a jeet. Should've just said that.
The percentage of people who work out 7.5+ hours per week(90 minutes per weekday) while not taking any heart-harming substances is <50%.
I'm sure one of your friends has a shrine to me in his living room that he prays to and squirts lemon juice on while covering himself in cow shit
The retard jeet OP thinks that this is because I'm physically inferior kek
Projection at it's finest. Fact of the matter is that you were busy shitting on the streets like jeets and existing in some form of serfdom or the other until the Muslims helped kick off the renaissance. Not to mention, most modern white inventions like the puberty blockers and philosophical movements like bug chasing are inventions I can do without.
That's why jeets keep coming to white countries? To live in the world created by the devils creation.
>hates whites
>just can't stop coming to their lands
Every fucking time.
nigger jeet, most of the companies in the US have White people running them. Just because jews have chosen jeets to run microshit and google doesn't mean you are superior.
I work with your kind all day, you are lazy, incompetent, and stupid. If it weren't for you taking credit for the work that Whites do, you would be nowhere. Our good will keeps your ineptitude from being discovered by the few people you still have fooled.
good at colonizing
>What do
make trains video
those are jewish inventions
>muslims helped kick off the renaissance
using inventions the greeks gave them. meanwhile who is shitting on the street today? not white people, look in the mirror streetshitter
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i ended up on wrong youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpXrHjPmDs4
the mental gymnastics required to pretend white people aren't objectively superior is hilarious and only possible because how low the brown iq is
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Sure, I'm a street shitter for calling you a street shitter
You're both the same, both your countries are open sewers
>jewish inventions
You're both the same shit.
Then why are you using jeet captioned memes as if they have any basis in reality. Ok instead of unsourced text saying that pakis are raping putrid decaying corpses beneath cemented graves somehow, show me proof of it. Secondly, we literally had functioning toilet system before your race even existed
You will not besmirch Yakub, street shitter.
>show me proof
look outside lol
every aspect of your country that isn't compete shit was invented by whites. the rest is mud huts and superstitions
we should have never uplifted the lesser races, they only show anger and jealousy because we have rubbed our superiority in their faces by gifting them locomotives and nuclear power plants
>looks outside
Better views in Pakistan than anything in Canada. Best view you get is uberjeets shitting on the road and when you go to politely stop you get ACKed. Just lol.
Not sure about elsewhere but blacks and browns have higher risks of heart disease in the US.
Those are some beautiful mountains you guys built. Good job, Poohammad.
hate to tell you this bud but we can't actually tell the difference between pakis and jeets, you both look and smell the same
Good if I die faster that's a godsend given they way the world is.
That study was proven to be bullshit.
Now kys you literal sex pest.
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why do saars keep trying to claim to be white?
At least there's a visual difference between pakis and jeets. What's the difference between whites and kikes? Look exactly the same, same degeneracies.
There is exercise and there's pushing your body to the limit. Humans and cars share a common ancestor.
Look at India
Now look at the average European country

Which one resembles hell more? The one where literal shit is on every street and corpses are floating freely in the river or the other one?
there really isn't. there's not much of an olfactory difference either
>there really isn't
Cope away
more then half the jews look arab. its the ashkenazi jews that are white looking but they're a minority of jews.
Hellenic Greece was more advanced than anything the arab/muslim world created more than a 1000 years later
Pythagoras proved whites understood mathematics in engineering massive temples
Yeah 7 foot 2 is too much
But at 6’5 I’m living nice
this statistic is based on people on steroids. Do you know how gymbro culture is prevalant and how steroids is prevalent in those who spend most of their time off at the gym?
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Pakistan speaks
Whites haven't gatekept their women since 1920s lmao
you meme but most white women wont marry people of foreign race. they might date and have sex, some might accidentally have kids, but long term no majority of white women don't want anything to do with people of other races
A brown man has NEVER won the Worlds Strongest Man contest EVER, you shitty ass Poo.
Were intellectuals
your entire religion is literally:

> Whites = GODS
> Dark skins = LOW KARMA ANIMALS

Indians are literally an entire subcontinent of brown incels simping for whites
You're a subhuman that shits in the street. Submit to your superiors nigger poo
Its obvious that it was already known in some form by the Ancient Greeks and/or Egyptians.

Hell the Pyramids encode the fucking speed of light. Meanwhile Arabs have not a single successful technological industry in any of their countries. The fact is, only Whites, East Asians, Jews and a tiny number of high caste Indians have the brainpower necessary to have tech and manufacturing companies staffed entirely by their own native populations.
Safe and effective
How is this news? Marathon runners frequently poop their pants when participating in marathons and professional marathon runners all look like extremely toned skeletons.
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White girls naturally hate shitskins, despite 50 years of nonstop racemixing propaganda. kys brown bitch
Daily a "It's not the vax" cope article
It is about the plateau effect, you fecal muncher.
Fat burning effects of cardio can be achieved after literal 1minute of intense sprint and one does not need hours to do a few sets of weights, the most time going to warm the muscles, ligaments and such.
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>don't eat red meat
>don't eat eggs
>don't eat dairy
>don't work out
>shower with cold water only
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I'd like to share a revelation during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you pajeets do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Pajeets are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague.
>professional marathon runners all look like extremely toned skeletons.
That is unironically the ultimate fitness in human even though media doesn't portray it as such.
Humans evolved to do two thing when hunting, run and chuck rocks and later spears.
Rotating shoulder evolved to chuck rock hard to hunt.
We also evolved to run, not fast but for a long time, that is why we evolved the insanely OP ability of sweating to cool our bodies down.
That is how the ancient humans used to hunt, run behind it until it was exhausted almost dying of exhaustion and then chuck rocks at it to kill it.
It's called endurance hunting, and humans have the most endurance of anything in animal kingdom.
Sure the majority of large animals can win humans on a short run, but none of them can win a human on a long one.
There is no other animal on Earth than can run 40 km straight except the human.
>I am not taking council from street shitting DEI discount hires
you have to go back
In due time they will be all exterminated
Studies consistently show that white men have higher grip strength and net androgenic status than EVERY OTHER RACE OF MEN.

White men are over represented in a number of sports across the globe. These sports are usually something related to extreme endurance (stuff longer than marathons), strength and power, and intelligence.

This is because white men are the highest IQ on average in addition to being the strongest on average by far and the most powerful too.

Generally black boys are only overrepresented in speed related sports and underrepresented in almost all others. Asians have some representation in strength and power sports but few of them are overrrepresntative.

White men have the largest penises, are the physically largest, strongest, most powerful, most long form enduring, and smartest wholistic race.

This post is completely retarded.
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another jeet cope thread by a seething brownoid
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so noble!
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white women JUST LOVE indians
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damn indians are SOOOOO healthy
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>being a bulking/roiding gym rat doubles your risk of heart disease
no way
the vaxx doubles your risk of heart disease
ouch, he got redeemed
>Gymcels take steroids
>Steroids cause heart attacks
>"omg guys exercise kills you"

Btw all lifters are fags, it's a nice side-exercise but putting all your training into "muh big arms" that have 0 purpose and not being able to run 3 kilometers makes you a fag, not a strong man. Learn to be swift, to have endurance and to be strong in all instances, don't admire the fag nigger culture of "I need to have arms as big as possible with veins popping out of it at all times", it makes you a dysgenic freak.
Average Polish woman has higher grip strength than average indian male
> 2017
The antivax comprehension level.
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jew spotted*

Other kikes tunes in as fellow Whites.
The state of pol these days. lel.
Finally someone speaks the truth
Kek’d and checked, those polwamen death grip on meh dick
The article is not wrong. Most of ultra wealthy like Biden,Trump or kang of UK, don't exercise and live long lives.

Trump never lifted weight his entire life xDD
good morning saar please to the redeem for license for antivirus saar vishnu kratna girash malsha for ganges great river saar
Everyone always compares blacks to fantasy orcs, but pajeets are much closer to Tolkien's originals:
>physically weak
>Cowardly, only gaining a semblance of courage when in very high numbers
>treacherous, but also grovelling brown-nosers
>always dominated by superiors
>incredibly numerous
>misshapen, bow-legged and small, the only way to create one that approaches a human is to cross-breed
>(partially) descended from superior beings, twisted and tortured into their current form
>spread filth and defilement

The main difference is that Tolkien's orcs don't like feces
Oh and
>worship the devil
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> 2017
Go worship midwit academic titles some more.

>200 replies, not one reading the baseless bullshit the article is based on.
I clapped
Let me guess they selected people who are morbidly obese and were trying to Exercice and compared them to slim man who only did cardio?
Because 300+ years ago that wasn't the case.
Look what the eugenics of slavery did to African Americans in only 200 years.
Whites had it too good for the past 300 years and it made them dysgenic and weak. There was a time they truly were the master race.
>Strong and white is bad.
Translation: It is good.
Lifting isn't bad for you except it's a homo erotic thing and most women don't like big muscles.
I do believe lots of cardio is bad. I'm pretty sure we have a finite number of heartbeats and if you use them all up you die.
I cant remember the exact numbers so im gonna pull them out my ass for the purpose of this example. A mouse has let's say 100 heart beats per minute and an elephant has say 10. But an elephant lives 10 times longer.
It's funny seeing indians ping pong back and forth between desperately trying to associate themselves with the ancient Aryans and trying to argue its totally historic revisionism and whites are evil or something.
Ohh nooooo I might go to heaven earlier :'(
This "research" is total bullshit, what they do is they keep track of people who goto the gym and lift weights and see they have a higher occurrence of heart disease. This is true, but it's because of steroid use. If you don't use those, it's obviously not going to apply.

They know this, but the research is propaganda.
Shut the fuck up Pajeet lmfao you’re fooling no one
Poop clown.

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