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>awareness of Project 2025 is spreading
>every week, more Americans are having a negative perception of it
>even pro-Trump Republicans are starting to drop support for it
>Kamala is actually using it in her attack ads and will bring it up in the debate on national television
>it's only July
Did we overplay our hand?
ok pajeet
This was the gayest psyop of the year, nobody heard the words "Project 2025" and took it seriously.
It doesn't help that there's a 920-page manifesto you can download from the Heritage Foundation.
>trump posts about it on social media immediately after it gets reported by cnn
yeah man, nobody heard of it or took it seriously

harris 2024. /our/ girl. stay fat, chuddite
>awareness spreading weekly
your only news medium is newspaper? weekly talkshows?
ever heard of telegraphs?
captch: GAYV
>another project 2025 shill thread
You’re in Australia.
If nobody takes Project 2025 seriously then why did Trump pubically try and disavow it? It obviously hurts him.
Project 2025 is just the leftist version of Qanon.
People literally stopped talking about it after the assassination attempt and Biden stepping down
Here's the problem. Project 2025 wants to fire all federal government voters that have ever registered (D) or didn't vote for Trump (not registered (R). That's 2/3 of them, because 1/3 vote D and 1/3 don't vote. Now you've given a ton of people a major incentive to vote against you that otherwise wouldn't have voted at all.

You don't fuck with job security.

Also, the plan would annihilate military healthcare, retirement benefits, and disability payments. The military was already a 50/50 split according to 2020 and 2022 exit polls. But now it will be solidly against because again you don't fuck with retirement security.

But they also want to eliminate Medicare and Social Security in the plan. The R base skews pretty old and so do independents. Now you've openly said you plan to fuck all those people, which will lose you moderate Rs and basically all independent voters that actually pay attention.

TL;DR people vote where the money is. The economy for 99% of people is not the stock market, it is their job, their pension, and their healthcare. If you openly say you want to take all that away, you make people vote against you.

I say this as someone who is not a liberal and not a Democrat. I stand to lose a lot of what I worked for if Trump wins and while I was planning to vote 3rd party I am now voting for Harris because I'm not gonna sit here and let ya'll fuck me. I can put up with a lot of conservative shit but the idea you'll fire everyone who disagrees with you is too much.

>inb4 reddit spacing
kill yourself bot
>I stand to lose a lot of what I worked for if Trump wins
Can't argue with the digits but if you're smart enough you can get another job in the private sector.
>Did we overplay our hand?
>OUR (You are NOT LIKE US)
No faggot this is a great plan
The thinktank that game up with this retarded shit is going to make kamala president
lol no one believed your dumb bullshit, better luck next time.
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No matter how much you spam this lie, doesn’t make it true. Everyone knows it’s trumps plan.
>Did we overplay our hand?
yes you did glowiefuck, god, you people have no shame, no dignity
That's true, but a lot of private sector jobs are at-will employment and don't offer pensions or the kind of healthcare federal service does. Plus, if you have a choice between finding a new job and going to work as normal, that's an easy choice. The former requires less risk. Further, there are a lot of people who have already put 20 years or more into federal service, and don't have time to start over from scratch. Losing a pension they are only 5 or 10 years away from getting is terribly damaging.

My office has Trump supporters in it and they all decided to vote D over this because they are getting close to their retirement window, or they receive disability for military service. I also know some Republicans in NOAA that are weather forecasters and they all have to vote D now as well because Trump wants to kill NOAA and the national weather service for covering the weather wrong, I guess.

Another important factor is that a lot of private sector jobs rely on government contracts or working relationships with government agencies, all of which are under threat if the Rs start dismantling the government the way they plan to. So for a lot of professional fields, this is very bad for them privately as well. And if the voting records thing expands to contracts, a new R admin may not award contracts if the company owner or employees have D voting records. You could effectively be outlawed from having a job in entire fields if this goes through as written.
I don't even understand how it's such a big deal. it's the same shit that cuckservatives have been trying to accomplish for the last 40 years, but suddenly now they're acting like repubs are planning anudda shoah. this is just a fud boogeyman the democrats have created because they know their voters are too stupid to read what the actual goals are.
Usefulness of work..
Top tier cope, this think tank actually wrote this. Vance openly supports it. Trump spoke positively about it until a month ago. In fact this think tank has written other agendas like this since 1980. The problem is that this time it was total batshit.

LMAO now you reject your own beliefs because they are hurting you.
Name one thing in project 2025.
Jewish tricks.

>Fight Fight Fight
-Gabby Giffords, Gun Control advocate.
Etf is this fake shit I never heard of until libs brought it up.
Project 2025 is based and necessary. I hope Trump is lying when he disavows it.
He needs Project 2025 to have a decent Administration (unlike the last shitshow).
>awareness of Project 2025 is spreading
Thats why people are voting for Trump stupid.
>every democrat conspiracy theory we've seen posted here all rolled into one big shitpost being aimed at the right
fuck off niggers
None of that is in project 2025. You've fallen for the leftist talking points (or you're a shill just trying to spread misinformation ). Before you go on, taxing single moms and banning contraceptives is also not part of project 2025.
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it's odd that you are so sure about these plans when the website says otherwise. could it be because you are a dnc concern troll spreading?
Project 2025 decrees that New York will be renamed“Trumpsylvanie” and the Big Apple will become the “Big Asshole”
tfw your policy manifesto is so shit you try to pretend it isnt real
This is just a distraction from un's 2030 plan, they play good cop-bad cop while everything is going according to their plan.
Republicans are in self destruct mode. by design.

when do you think people will start dying en masse?
>My office has Trump supporters in it and they all decided to vote D over this because[...] they receive disability for military service
Then they are retards. Read Chapter 20. It plainly says no veterans benefits will be cut.

t.disabled vet
This is a short but excellent explanation.
>banning contraceptives is also not part of project 2025.
Removing coverage and adding restrictions to contraceptive access is. We don't need to lie or strawman about Project 2025 when defending it against leftists. They're retards but most of them know how to read the document.
because the main objective of 2025 is to staff the Trump administration. there's a long and complex story.

qrd the original "radicals" who got Trump elected were blacklisted from the Trump administration, dooming his presidency to be just another Republicuck administration. these OG "MAGA radicals" who got Trump elected formed project 2025 hoping to prevent republicucks from poisoning yet another Trump administration with shittly republicuck staff.

so the Trump '24 campaign, who is ran by republicucks, coerced him into rejecting 2025 so they can further protect the republicuck establishment

tldr it's an internal power struggle in the Trump camp, and republicucks worked with MSM/lefties to make 2025 a pariah (forcing Trump to denounce them) to protect the republicuck establishment

Trump keeps denouncing it because there's a republicuck campaign manager in his ear telling him he must do it, and the feeble 78 year old is caving under pressure
>qrd the original "radicals" who got Trump elected were blacklisted from the Trump administration, dooming his presidency to be just another Republicuck administration.
Yep. Bannon was going to make sure Trump get this campaign promises.
By 2030 things will be in such a state that people will either stop being sovereign and submit or die in a created famine/war.

Both of those are controlled, food is currently destroyed when it cannot be sold and all farmable land is not being used to feed humanity but rather fulfils a for profit-space instead, while wars are created by politicians and enforced by """law""" by """police""".

Either way, 1984 is here.
>They're retards but most of them know how to read the document.
considering that your concern trolling relies on people not even reading the faq on their website I would be shocked if any democrat has actually read the policy
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>Did we overplay our hand?

Project 2025 was never our hand to begin with. In fact sometime post election, we'll find out for sure it was a leftist boogeyman all along because it is a leftist boogeyman.

While we're on the subject, let me explain something to you moron leftists.

I don't care what Trump does. A video could surface tomorrow, of Trump shooting toddlers with an AK in a Parkland style massacre, and I'd still vote for him.

Show flag you fucking kike.
Think of it like gun laws, every election we hear endlessly that if Democrats win they'll take all the guns and end the 2nd Amendment but that never ends. Multiple Democrat presidents and everybody still has their guns, but we still vote against them because the thought of them actually succeeding in taking away guns is enough for people to get up and vote against the Democrats. It doesn't matter to people if any Project 2025 is a boogeyman or never gonna happen, people are still not gonna give it even the remote chance of being true.
Taxing single moms isn't. Banning any and all contraceptives is. The problem with this, of course, is that there are now a shitton of (predominately white) women with endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome that require contraceptives to treat those conditions. Otherwise they need hysterectomies. The new Supreme Court (selected by the same guys who wrote proj 2025) even said in the Dobbs majority opinion that they were coming after that next.

They want a nationwide porn ban too. Some R governors have already implemented their own, so there is physical proof beyond the words that they will do that.

I do my reading, maybe you should too. I'm not a troll and I wish I got paid to post here. The can claim what they like in this little excerpt but they will cut. Look how they spend the entire section spewing about VA reform.

What they have said they will do, is eliminate concurrent payments for disability and retirement. The way it works now is that if you are 50% or more disabled, you get a tax free disability check on top of your retirement pay. If it is less than 50, you get that much tax free off your retirement check. Also, they plan on eliminating the tax free status of disability payments. So while they haven't "technically" made a cut, they actually have. They also want to "streamline" the disability claims process by eliminating almost all disability categories so it is impossible to qualify for a percentage.

Also, their VA reform mostly consists of "fuck it privatize everything and cut off service entirely."

I don't watch MSM and I hate the DNC. I have read their document and I have watched a lot of the talks done by the authors of this shit and these are the things they say.
>not even reading the faq on their website
You can read it in the document itself. If there's a contradiction, the original document takes precedence.
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Is that what CNN told you? KYS.
>Everyone knows it’s trumps plan.
Trump didn't know about it at all, he just installed a bunch of people who want to implement it because those were the people who sucked his dick the hardest. This is what happens when you operate off of cronyism.
kek lmao who watches that trash?
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>Banning any and all contraceptives is.

ok shill tell me where in the document any of this shit that you are claiming is. underline the sentence where it says they're going to ban contraceptives.
what am I looking at. image is cropped like shit
Well since "Project 2025" is definitely a real thing and not some schizoshit, surely someone here could definitively tell me what the fuck it is. No, I don't want a link to the Heritage Project, I have no idea who those niggers are.
>Prove to me that 2+2 equals 4, and no I don't want to see the math behind it
>underline the sentence where it says they're going to ban contraceptives
I never said that. I said they're removing coverage and adding restrictions to contraceptive access, which they talk about on pages 483-485. No go work on your reading comprehension before you think about making any more arguments, assuming you're not just a leftist shill trying to embarrass actual conservatives.
So in other words, some nigger wrote something on some website somewhere and now it's OVER FOR BLUMPH. Okay, thank you.
never says any of this, work on your reading comprehension nigger.
it says it wants to remove federal subsidies for abortions. not once does it mention a ban on abortion, state or federal
Less than 90 days, this has been quite a ride
Some of the people from the Heritage Project who wrote P2025 are on Trump's team. That's why people keep linking Trump to them, because the connection is plain as day. It's not just some fanfiction, it's something that people want Trump or any Republican President to due assuming a win.
>never says any of this
Yes, it says they will allow employers to remove contraceptive coverage from healthcare plans, and also remove the week-after pill and condoms from the HRSA's contraceptive mandate. It's right there in the the pages I showed. You can try using Google Translate into Hebrew if you're having trouble understanding basic English.
Of course it isn't going to say that. The won't officially ban it. They'll just make one impossible to get.

Also, the Hyde Amendment already blocks any and all federal funds from being used for abortions. A handful of states do use state funds, but that's up to those states. So why would the paper say they are going to do something that was already done over 40 years ago?

What it will actually do is ban all abortion medications nationwide. Then it will prevent medical practitioners from performing them by codifying in law that personhood starts at conception. The document says that directly. So it won't be a "ban" but you won't be able to get one, so it is effectively a ban.

Fuck bro you play around with words like some sort of libtard.
Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.
Only retards think this and KH47 are real things. Literally no one knew what these things were until rando boomers started bringing them up on Facebook. Fake and gay.
>"it LITERALLY say is bro"
>"ok is literally doesn't say it but like pretend with me"
Bannon's whiteboard at the White House which was how he was planning to implement Trump's campaign promises.
>it says they will allow employers to remove contraceptive coverage from healthcare plans, and also remove the week-after pill and condoms from the HRSA's contraceptive mandate.
So. Fucking. What?
Anyone who doesn't admit that Project 2025 is Trump-affiliated is a retard.
I hate this fucking site. You’re all such enormous faggots.
Least popular vp in history, your niggerkike isn't going to win
kamla had 25 people at her last rally
we're goyna get PROJEET 2024 if kumallah wins...it's fookin ovuh i am demoralized
>coworker at work says if Trump wins there will never be any more US elections and to look up project 2025

Sounds like a lefty conspiracy theory to me
He's an Australian, what did you expected? Aussies are the biggest subhuman basedboy cattle there is.

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