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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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She's dumb and fat, like all Americans
She's going to be in debt and strung out on drugs in 2 years or less
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Her milkers are fat and her ass is flat
yeah we are. she looks like she's straight out of a dr. suess book. and let me get one thing straight, if she's not gonna "hawk tuah" on my "thang" (which I feel I am owed) then i dont care about what she has to say.
She‘s cooked
She's literally done with. Now she'll start an Onlyfans to try to stay relevant like that rich whore crazy plane lady.
And she will still make more doing that in a year than anyone here in a lifetime.
Me no like whores.
Mid west mid whore. Total simp.death is the only way lads
If you aren’t psychotic you would agree that I deserve proper explanations for everything and an ending for this infinite loop of pointless bullshit.
But all of you are insane.
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1000% true lel
Every time I see this millhouse pop up I'm reminded of Tony Hawk and boot up THUG 2
Shanin Blakenis the superior fad
>publicly drunk
Vile whore.
all the dogs are shitbulls, put them down
You can see her slightly realize she's a whore lmao. The dad wearing the hat with the slogan sealed the deal for me though. She was probably prostituted by granny.
Also their eyes are black as fuck.
Until she gets old and no one subscribes. Then she realizes she is living a million dollar lifestyle on a thousand dollar budget and can't get a real job because all her bosses will want to fuck her after googling her name. So she'll luck out and marry some beta cuck who will provide but she will hate and be disgusted with and hate herself secretly for marrying such cuck. Many such cases.
Gomez has an of? Kek
Toasty Roasty detected
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Just call her "Spits on Dick". Stop making that faggy sound. Faggot.
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*buzzer sound*

There's your problem, plus jews in your government. Do not interact or transact with jews and/or their loyal boomer cattle. Also avoid niggers.
Not yet but she was posting pics of her in a Alt Right beer bikini and shit on TikTok showing her ass jumping into a lake. Trying to thirst trap to stay relevant.

Andy Warhol had it right
>In the future everyone will be world famous for 15 minutes.
Literally weren't, you low iq rat
i want her to tuah my dick
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>sub-normal, astro-turfed e-celebs
Are we supposed to regard her as an authority on anything besides sucking dick?
Usually the cuck hates those bitches too but he gaslights himself about it (maybe not even this).
Imagine when she hits the wall in two years and balloons out from eating bolgna and white bread
No it's just a tiktok zoomer meme pushed by Chinese algorithms to erode confidence in the US economy. These people don't work.
>media jews propping up the most degenerate retards

stop falling for the psy op
We've been in recession since 2007
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She's going trad
Yeah because he knows its the 'best he can get' lol
>"My girl has taken a 1000 cocks and lets me fuck her once a week after I buy her a purse. Man I am sooo lucky dude. She has that ass though boy and all the men stare when we go out. Arm candy."
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>55% believe the economy is shrinking, and 56% think the US is experiencing a recession, though the broadest measure of the economy, gross domestic product (GDP), has been growing.
>49% believe the S&P 500 stock market index is down for the year, though the index went up about 24% in 2023 and is up more than 12% this year.
>49% believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high, though the unemployment rate has been under 4%, a near 50-year low.

It's time to talk about how badly the media has manipulated us all into thinking the world has been ending for the past 10 years.
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did she hawk tuah on HH?
It's honestly disgusting when you think about it. How she doesn't hesitate at all when the guy asks her a question. She just basically says spit on that cock and slop it up. Wouldn't doubt it if she was a coalburner.
She actually dropped out because she is low iq
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>it has a vagina
Opinion irrelevant. Opinion discarded.
She didn't even know who he was
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would you take a hawk tuah from AOC?
Nah, this kind of coping mechanism doesn’t last for too long.
Grifting cunts
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the recession officially begins once Trump is in office and they let the cards fall
You just…

Wud breed
I'm a boob man. Ass size is irrelevant.
Stupid cunt whore is trying to back peddle because she brings shame to her family by acting loose on tv.
>rich whore crazy plane lady.
why do you kikes always attack tiffany Gomez she had one interview and completely disappeared what the fuck were you kikes up to on that plane she interrupted something and you have been fucking devastated ever since
dancing baby
>falling for the boob meme
She implies in that song shes spiting on cocks for money to help her grandma
So they definitely aren't nigger cocks
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It really does though. I've seen some of the biggest whores through school and bartending marry some cuck guys and the guys do everything they can to keep her. A girl I was in love with a loooooong time ago back when I was a major simp kicked me to the curb for this cuck who had money. She was addicted to pills and ended up getting pregnant. She married the cuck, the guy sold his landscaping business, they moved to Texas so the kid could have some surgery as it was born messed. He drained ALL his money for the kid. They got divorced a few years later. Turned the kid wasn't his and he knew it the whole time lmao In his and I defense though it didn't help she looked like Kasia to a T. Polish and everything.
Is she loyal to Pookie?
Ass is pointless. Hip clearance for baby skull is the only thing that actually matters and it is within tolerance for most women.
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At least she turned down the porn faggots.
She's still lurking bruh but I will admit. It was me. I'm the muthafucker back there that was not real but if Tiffany wants to get real she can come find me.

Oh okay so she's an escort. Got it. They never fuck niggers lol
I just want a southern gf so fucking much bros ;^( want no other kind of girl

How do I get one? I'm serious.
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I like ass over tits
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>I broadcast
>explains how the boob meme is a meme
>immediately goes for the ass meme
There is something else you're missing, friend.
Probably a sugar baby
It's something more similar to cult programming but i dont want to explain it now.

I'm tired of all those mind games that never get anywhere and they have been going on for years now, but there is redneck bitch involved in something that seems to be relevant.
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don't insult our queen
Go to the south
There really isn’t much difference other than the accent though
That’s cuz ur gay
is this porn?
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Makes sense

I am not. You know how much seed I spilled to that bitch back in the day so you know being young and dumb when I find a girl that looks just like her i'm going to let my dick do all the thinking.
The Weimar Republic seems almost wholesome in comparison to the present world.
I heard she spits dmt elves on your cock
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>I just want a southern gf so fucking much bros

go to Georgia, she's a pureblood
He also said "art is what you can get away with". Nostradamus, that little faggot.
Eggsplain. Bagina doesn't count. You have face, boobs, hips, ass, thighs, feet. The rest are too niche to mention.
Need to meet one so I can get a greencard. Can't go south before I have a greencard.

It's such a Catch-22 trying to find a qt southern gf
Georgia looks like best America in all the shows.
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At least they don't speak German
They are all told it if you are apart of the club. Check out the Lawrence Dunnegan tapes if you can find them. YouTube took them all down. The elites apparently told all these high level doctors back in the 50s what they had planned for now. Everything in that audio tape has come true

>Flood the counties with migrants so no one has culture or identity and can be easily controlled
>Poison the food so people will rely on doctors to give them pharmaceuticals
>Restrict travel through the use of electric cars only to cities within 50 miles.
I dont want eny girl to get the shit from all the way back in her neck on my dick, this whole thing is disgusting.
The problem is you look at women the same way you look at a cow to cut into pieces. There's the holistic perspective that you're unfortunately lacking. You will never understand.

I wonder where it stops.. faggots go viral, trans go viral.. the dumbest motherfucking losers go viral or get allected as president and we have loads of other fucking shit going on, why is everybody so fucking weak????
nigger detected
kenker pussies het is time to wake the fuck up and make this place a better place cus this is looking like the end, europe is fucked, usa is fucked, we all know what is fucked. but still not a single fucking mother fucker is bringing in better fuckings. im fucking out of here, see you tomorrow, fucker.
Did she give her man some of that dick-spit action?
If I understood this mind game correctly (and I probably was misled to understand something else and it was another waste of time), no.
US has been in a recession since Biden took office

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