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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why do I keep seeing the same threads reposted on here? The same Kamala shill threads keep being recycled with literally the same image. And then I'm seeing others.

And threads that are not posted by a bot get slid.
Panic in DC.
It's the DNC share Lue fund, they have to spend it and it's not for biden
>everyone I disagree with is a Jewish bot/shill/troll
Rare wisdom from a meme flag
It's fun triggering the zognald trump supporters who got the tables turned on them

we do it for the lulz
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>Why do I keep seeing the same threads reposted on here?
Because either gook moot and/or the mods were paid by Shareblue type apparatchiks.

Getting their message out ls less than half of the task. More than half of their job is to degrade the quality of the majority of the threads to where quality people will not waste their time here.

This is the REAL reason why twitter has taken over for 4chan as a source of new and actionable information. JDIF/JTRIG/Shareblue/etc CANNOT abide the existence of any platform that they do not have editorial control over.

The would prefer a reddit system of shadowbanning and downvoting which can be a very subtle and covert way of influencing opinion. Twitter spent millions engineering a myriad of everchanging tools to control engagment, increasing it for the "approved" narrative and decreasing it for the "troublesome" users.

4chan by its design (anonymous posters/no upvoting) isn't amenable to that type of influence operation. If they kill 4chan, another one will that is even better will appear. The best they can do is make an ever more painful ordeal to shift through shit.
I swear to God if I see one more "OH NO NO NO BROS" or "HAHAHAHAHA" thread I'm gonna lose it
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true these stupid newfag MIGA cultists dont know what /pol/ really is
They only have like 90 days or something to rehabilitate her image in the public and the shills being paid by actblue are posting here for reason like it will do anything.

Here is something completely different thanks to South Africa this week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7FBh2-GAmk
basically a 45k payment to shareblue
fuck jannies
Immense resources and manpower compared to the normal shilling levels. /pol/ is actually a serious battleground in presidential elections. It's not anywhere near as much of a threat at any other time
They gotta spend all that cash the feds didn't find?
It's been like that for the last 10 years.
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it really isnt anymore, if it ever was, but if you are trying to sell shill consulting, it is a gold mine.
I think you actually do it because you're a massive faggot who unironically wants a woman in charge of America.
Oh? Tell me what /pol/ really is.
>Democracy is a sham maaaaan and like your voice doesn't count maaaan so like I'm not gonna vote, which is the like smart thing to do and the only way we can finally stick it to the jews by letting them get whatever they want anyways!
Those retards get asshurt at discussions concerming the electiom and so they troll. Add to that asshurt Yuros pissed they see too much American politics on am American website and to get this place, a bucket of faet huffing pseud crabs convinced their time as an outsider was because they were actually free from normie conditioning instead of being because they are exhausting joyless cunts nobody wants to be around.
This isn't rehabilitating shit, if anything it makes her look worse.
Find new images, write new text instead of copy pasting your shitty low effort threads.
This place has more bots than people now. It's dying.
Daily trannie, glowie, zoomie, reddit tourist spam. It never stops and never will. Report them. Keep reporting them.
No one is laughing. No one thinks this is funny. We just note your retarded immaturity.
There are other image boards out there, but 4chan is still more alive than any of them. Just feels like the party is over and the few anons left who aren't shills robots are waiting for other anons to leave so they don't feel awkward leaving.
This is all true and sad.
Just watch 10 seconds of her speech in Indianapolis. Truly shocked... By how much of landslide trump is going to win LMFAO
Yean just report them. Mass reports can't be ignored. Use off topic or spamming buttons.
/pol/ isn't about LARPing about caring about the JQ only when Trump gets brought up.
This but unironically
That's it too. People who don't want to participate in politics shouldn't be on here.
That's because the feds also live on this site. Hi Glowies.


because of spam bots/terror "cell-like" networks.

and.... the list go on.

I'd say yes to that.
checked and unironically true
Low budget shilling and A/B testing.
She hasn’t got the support.
We've suffered the same trumptards threads since 2015. You can't understand that because you are an NPC.
I look forward to your suicide when he loses again.
You have to remember, most of them came from plebbit when the Donald got banned.
Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.


nononitlka gersblecrch aberfofodm.

speaking well helps' ;)
Back to the CNN comment section.
You WILL be tortured to death in front of the kids you rape.
>nononitlka gersblecrch aberfofodm.
I'm a Brit on holiday in Vienna.
They are either bots or jeets.
I think you know why lol
Keep coping. All trumptards are Israeli shills.
>This is the new script since they noticed

>Gronk on holidays pfft

buy me 1.

>on holidays
Brought my daughter for a week in Vienna to take her to a Korn concert for her 15th birthday. When she wakes up I'm taking her to Bratislava in Slovakia today to buy her some new shoes.
This is life for most normal people lad. We don't all live in basements and never have sex.
People write computer programs that automate posting. They tweak it every so often so it’s not blatantly obvious. This board is propaganda hell.
>Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a bot
Cope and seethe trumptards.
pfff.... Fasicts.
That’s not what I said. There’s clearly reposting of the same thread over and over. I’ve seen actual screenshots of the code. Fag.
A combination of bots and autism.
>let me use a memeflag, surely that will lend credence to my message!
it reminds me of the ukraine spam in 2022. made everyone hate them.
>I’ve seen actual screenshots of the code.
Of course you have loser. Where did you see them? Behind the furnace in your basement hovel?
You're a spic.
This poster is Canadian.
I'll reply anon. The shills never reply.
No, somebody posted it here.
Or they reply with insults all the time. Not worth even reading.

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