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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Is there even such a thing? Most of them seem like they're just liberal feminists married to right wing guys.
American women are all dumb and fat
all women revert back to leftism when not in the presence of a strong male figure, they need protection in their lives and they either get it from the man theyre with or the gov
all American women are docile, low iq cattle as a result of having had it good for a century and a half. even American niggers live like royalty, mooching off the state. white Americans are completely self destructive.
your best bet is to marry a foreign woman and have a lot of children to naturalize as American, it's what your ancestors did.
Historically, conservatism was always the female position. Females conserve the status-quo and will adjust their morals accordingly.
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>"Oh shit, the fucking shark is attacking me"
>"Well, well, if you wouldn't talk so dismissive of the shark, maybe he wouldn't have attacked you"
Woman logic
Close but not quite. The state has adopted the role of a male figure for the majority of women. They live off of the goverment and they parrot the governments views. Any time you try to court a foid you have to compete with Big State Cock.
>childless cat ladies are proving Vance right
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When it comes to women there is no 'conservative' or 'liberal' she'll follow and flip flop whoever is leading her and giving her the best options. My ex was a DR. virgin with DDD tits that came from a trad conservative family. Super awkward cause she spent all her time in school. I broke her in sexually every which way. Had her dicked down. We would watch church on Sunday, talked about getting married, having kids, etc. Perfect. When she got her residency in SC I went and saw her and she even got us an apartment. I get ready to move and had to wait three weeks to have surgery in Florida and she still fucking cheated. They're all whores and will look for the best opportunity in the moment that benefits them. Simple as.
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Also "conservative women" fucking suck. They are all roasties and whores, with a lot of them legitimately being coalburners. See your "based tradfu" Morgonn in picrel and vidrel https://files.catbox.moe/cemcz9.mp4

You need to find an apolitical woman that you can mold to your liking.
>turn girl into whore
>surprised that she acts like one
Are you retarded?
Part of the problem is christcucks fuckedd up everything the red pill showed people. Christcucks are blue pills who sort of half ass copy the red pills talking points without fully understanding them.
This though. Women can't take anything seriously so their politic opinions should never be taken seriously. That's the real Redpill. They are NOT mentally on the level of men because of genetics.
I didn't turn her into a whore retard. When you are in a relationship with someone you fuck the hell out of them. It's the whole point during the honeymoon phase. Try actually being in a relationship for once. It's just women's nature no matter if she is a trad or a straight up streetwalker. They will always look for the best opportunity.
Exactly. It's biology. They are hardwired to act on their emotions and what benefits them in the moment. They don't think long term. That's why a woman will throw her entire 20 year marriage down the toilet just to get dicked down by some mildly attractive college kid or something.
>mould an apolitical woman
>becomes apolitical + conservative
>she was a virgin before you met
>you fuck everyone you date
>you refer to it as the honeymoon phase
Yeah, you put the cart before the horse because you're a whore, too. You showed her that sex is meaningless and detached from long-term planning. Dating is just pursuing the benefits of marriage without any of the commitment or responsibility. You reap what you say.
>Is there even such a thing?
If she wouldn't vote to repeal the 19th Amendment, she's not "conservative".
Women have always been mostly liberal. Its because they benefit from collectivism, and operate with their emotions.

What they don't understand is the liberalism only helps helps the elites, but the idea of collectivism makes women "feel" good. So, they vote for it anyway despite it not actually helping them, but in fact hurts them financially.
Oh, i forgot to add that this woman is now a "born again virgin" and is ready to settle down and get married. She also berates men and lectures them that they need to stop being lustful. Yeah... enjoy your cuckservatism, lads!
In South Africa whites make all white bush music videos celebrating redneck outdoor culture and politics are not even a thing because there is no politics it's a one party rule since forever ergo people are free to just be themselves and not shill for some leftist cause https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRs6f27GMjY

Democracy is fake and gay and just designed to make everyone turn on each other every 4 years.
Insulting childless, single women is an amateur move. Why make enemies? Plenty of women end up alone, and many are childless due to issues with conceiving a child. Vance is a complete faggot.
issue is structural I think
modern era
basically a broken record now
They feel good because propaganda tell them too
When papers and propaganda were TAKE CARE OF YOUR MAN they were competing to prove who was the best tradwife kek, only that at least they won with the conservative life over literally being poorer, single, lonely and pretend to care for nigger kids
All women try to secure a conservative man
I think it's the brain damage that's the bigger impact. Which also impacts why they're single childless cat ladies. Because the men they want don't want to fuck with the brain damage, and they are repulsed by the men that would stick their dick in crazy.
Women support the lgbt because they use gay men as their personal body guards
I notice women raised in conservative households tend to have conservative views, but once she leaves home and without her father watching over her they turn into massive whores.
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>they turn into massive whores
This is wrong. They always were whores.
Yeah...ok..or maybe she felt like exploring her newfound sexuality on her own since she would be paying for yall anyway..
>ascribing reason to sounds coming from a whore's fuck hole
Yeah you have to grow up bitch. Women are property like cattle. Fuck them rough and beat them every so often. Never give what they say any thought.

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