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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>CCP kick ROC out of mainland China and into Taiwan
>Taiwan becomes a wealthy first world nation
>Despite receiving billions and billions of dollars of aid from the USSR, America and UN China stays a third world shithole
Do you think deep down the mainland Chinese realized they made the wrong choice?
China is middle income, boomer. It's not the 2000's anymore. Anyway, Taiwans entire population is about the same as greater Beijing.
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only in the cities. The countryside is Africa tier
The average income in China is $340 a month
GDP Per capita in Beijing is half of the Taiwan average. Seethe
that photo from SH is from like 10+ years ago. I was on the bund yesterday, gorgeous blue skies. you just can't deal with the fact that china went from the most polluted place on earth to one of the cleanest, and all within a decade.
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Can you at least make a believable lie next time Chink?
even your pic there is from 14 years ago, lmfao

retard, filtered
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Can you make a believable lie next time chink?

This is a glownigger thread. Any anti China or anti Russia thread you see on pol is unironically a glownigger

oy vey post nose
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They're middle income because they dropped they communist economy. Still nowhere near Taiwan's economy either.
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Yes. China definitely fucked up
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Ching Chong
Despite, or because of?
CCP shill lol go back to your 9/9/6 job hauling drinking water in sewage trucks (this is real btw)
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Kys chink. The average monthly salary for a bug is 200 dollars working 6 days a week for 9 hours a day. That is exactly why you fled. I live here. I would know. All this chink cope on /pol/ is nothing but just that.
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Not even in the cities. Maybe some very small areas in a few cities. That's all.
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I'm sorry bro. You believe in reincarnation right? Maybe you will be born in a better country next time.
No, because Taiwan is part of China and if they refuse to rejoin they would be easily beaten and brought in by force. China has 12x the defense budget of China. It would be no contest. China actually has a modern military and is nothing like Russia compared to Ukraine.
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I live here and this is total bullshit. That's why you fled. Keep coping though, Chang.
Pollution can be easily cleaned up with modern green technologies and transition to renewable energy. Factories and industry can't easily be built just ask Americans who are struggling to produce artillery shells.
To be fair smaller countries are easier to govern.
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>can walk around the city at any time of day or night in China
>try to walk around in chicago at 2am and get killed
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Hello, chink with a memeflag. Nice try, but anyone with a brain knows you're just on damage control. End yourself
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The same thing happens in America with child sex offender registries and worse with their FBI and CIA monitoring of everyday public. The only thing with China is that they are transparent with it. America does same thing and will ruin your life if the rich elite choose to do so.
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I'm a white American. I'm just here for business. I shouldn't have gone this route, but it's too late now and have to see it through. I travel back to the USA all the time and it's 10000x better than this bug hive full of chink niggers
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These are homeless people - people without homes. What we have in Canada are ghouls who attempted to kill themselves with drugs and alcohol and are now exist in a state of living death where their mind is gone but their body won't die.
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Lol, the bugs really are on the copium pretty hard today
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Yes. Child sex offenders. That's the difference. Even then we don't put their faces on buses
You will always glow

I have no reason to hate China. And neither does everyone

But the amerikikes do their damnedest to try to make me hate them because they're nervous. Funny how that is.
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Except the fact that it's a satanic third world dystopia with forced abortions, forced bug eating, forced pod living, forced vaccines, forced lockdowns that went on for years, cameras everywhere, you can't post online without your full name and address, ect. Lol Chink
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Dude, there is no way your cleaning up china kek. Every single building is built without letting the foundation settle. "bricks" are painted on fake concrete slabs that splinter up the entire building when the foundation does finally settle causing electrical wires/pioes/ etc to break. That's just the tip of this turd mound here. There's no saving this shit hole unless you level it all and start over. They won't even bother having clean water pipes in ANY building. It just spews lead, metal, and poison constantly. Dumbasses boil that shit and drink it here. There is no saving this shithole. Sorry, Chang.
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>muh what about America
Nothing beats China in degeneracy kek. It's not even close. China numba won
Vid related
Alex, once again evading bans tsk tsk
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Nigger, you have a social credit system that keeps you from taking a train or an airplane based on your opinion. Fuck off
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Nigger, 30 million of you chinks live in caves like it's the ice age. You're trying to compare gold to shit. That's why you won't go back. Because the west is infinitely better. Kys
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It's funny because this chink hides its flag trying to convince /pol/ that I "glow" even when I post time stamps in china and proof that I know exactly what I'm talking about. You will never derail these threads and they will always show the truth when I'm in them. You bugs fear me when I come to a thread.
this is the shanghai bund in 2024

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>furiously reports everything in the thread like a good wumad
You niggers think you can stop me?
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You're cleaning*
Fucking chink phone
guess they never really got rid of struggle sessions huh
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Why are there homeless people in China with all the ghost cities? And why don't you go back?
Lol. India isn't on the list. Old list.
>webms from 10 years ago and articles written by jewish geopolitic assets

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>Ching Chong ding dong take the vax!
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>one day when it's clean out of the entire month and the camera is filtered
Kys chinksect, why aren't you living there? I just walked outside and I can't even see the sun through this smog.
Beijing is worse. Anyone that's ever flown into Beijing knows it's a smog trash heap. I don't know why you niggers come here so often to lie about something anyone that's been to China knows is bullshit.
You faggots really are that desperate to make people like china, but here you are in Canada kek
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Nigger, I make new webms all the time with timestamps on the cctv tapes.
Nice cope though.
All these webms are EXACTLY what china looks like now. It's worse really. Nobody knows how bad it truly is here until you've experienced it yourself. It's beyond my wildest dreams bad. It's a shithole
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>take the vax
Lol, they don't have a choice
Vid related
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I can't wait for the moment a darkstar gets to tac nuke the 3 cucks damn and like 400 million chinks die and the rest of the country starves. The best part is they can't even retaliate because their ICBMs don't have any fuel haha. Nukes are fake and gay tho. It's going to be lime taking a water hose to an ant hill. Chinks won't do shit but cope.
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This is the main reason they will never do shit except issue 10000 final warnings
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drink bleach you piece of shit
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It fled to Korea lol
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i'd hate to have your thought patterns.
any chance her back survived?
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>I love my indoctrination!
Kek, it fled to Korea my fucking sides
Kek I read that like 15 million chinks got insta cancer from that and everyone's kids are coming out with watermelon heads. chinks go to mode about everything is cheap, lazy, dumb, and lie. I have a feeling once trump gets back in everyone is going to start dabbing on them again.
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>>CCP kick ROC out of mainland China and into Taiwan
This isn't the reason Taiwan prospered. Taiwan was basically a bandit island completely neglected by the Qing dynasty to the point where they gave it away to the Japanese for how little they cared. Japan came in and built railroads, dockyards, schools, roads, power stations, sewage centers, overhauled their farming practices, and turned it into a developed country. The same exact shit happened in Korea, but instead of embracing their new found 1st world status, they chose to tear down the fancy government buildings "built by their colonizers", but conveniently forgot to tear down all the railroads, dockyards, and factories also built by their colonizers. Manchukuo is another example where they went from some sparsely inhabited plains in northern China to a top 10 economy during WW2. If Japan's vision was realized then mainland China wouldn't look so different from Taiwan.
China is a wealthy first world country now. The US has turned into a third world shithole. My how the turntables
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>4k / day
well i guess it wasnt all that bad after all
Seems a lot cleaner and more orderly and safe than the homeless camps in US cities.
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>Monitoring people who rape kids = Publically shaming people for stating that they dislike a politician.
Good job retard!
I've seen the webm of those dudes getting mashed by the door on a chinky naval ship and it never occurred to me the door was on backwards, I just thought they were fucking negligent
That's impressive how the driver fell out of the truck relatively unharmed
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>china so much better!
>flees to the USA
Sure thing, bug
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How can chinks compete with the US? Transphobic demons !
3 plate girl is cute
Even if your statistic is true, the cost of living there is substantially lower.
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Hahaha what a coward. You do understand every that sees a chink outside of China sees them as a coward right? You only have 2 options, admit that you are a coward or the CCP is bad. It's just like beaners that flee to the USA. You can cope all you want but at the end of the day china is USAs little slave bitch, just like Korea or Japan or any SEA. China is about to get 100% additional tax on all bug cars and to all ur temu cuck shit. Soon it's going to be like the 60s again for chinks. Hahaha
I was born in a White town in the upper Midwest that was hollowed out and shitskinned by globalism. Fuck off vpn glownigger. I’ve watched China become richer and stronger every year whike you faggots lie and say two more weeks. Meanwhile, their cities look like something out of a sci-fi novel
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Garunteed some of those insects are dead and just lying there from starvation. Yeah, so much better since chink land doesn't have government sponsored food and shelter. They shit in the street by the way.
Lol, there's a new primary school stabbing spree every week and a several hundred new stabbings every day here.
Not to mention the executions for wrong think, not just for you but your whole immediate family, and the organ harvesting.
>old webms
>vpn glownigger spamming the thread

These threads always end up like this
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China is the gayest place on earth Chang. Did you know it? It's true!
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site is dead, I only see 14 unfiltered posts in this thread, 3 of which are mine
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They worship a tranny too!
So not only are they one of the most authoritarian regimes on earth with zero animal protection laws, they are by far the most degenerate somehow too kek!
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Anon I know ur just a lying nigger but over 60 million chinks literally live in caves. Not some carved out hole, but literal caves. In addition to that only about 10% of chinks live a quality of life that an American making 35k a year does in 2024. The only reason they have the "le ebin reddit cyber punk cities" is because they are built like shit. They all break in a few years, banks have scammed every chink. No one has money, everyone is sick, all the woman make western girls look like saints. The only thing the CCP spends money on is making the west think they are more than cucks, and it's not working. Nothing in China works past the day it was made, including the like 300 million unemployed men over the age of 18.
It's not really. And the average is about 200 a month. The only thing that's cheaper is renting apartments. The food is cheaper if you eat nothing but plastic rice, I guess. Even the gutter oil dog is at LEAST 8-10 dollars a plate.
Nice try though Chang. That's why people go without electricity or eating for days here and live in caves.
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>China is middle income, boomer
>actually believing chink propaganda
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Kek, China is a shithole
You're still posting old shit shill
Or cooking oil in diesel tanks.
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filters dont work that way retard
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Sure you were bug! That's why you keep simping for china and so wrong about me, right?
Pic related.
Get shit on

There are no chink VPNs. They don't exist.
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>mutt is seething so hard he started another thread on a different board
another jewish thread, china hate thread, meant to prep westerners for ww3 against china
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Xi Jinping lived in a cave
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Nah, I make new webms all the time. Also, here's proof you're wrong again. As you faggots try this in every thread:>>475690647
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>That's just the tip of this turd mound here
>not "tip of the iceturd"
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We're all laughing at you chink niggers
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OH, it's the sweedchink say the tired old line again
China won't ever do shit
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Reminder that black men are being lusted after in China
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The motherfucker didn't finish middle school also kek
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Granted, nice one
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The china stronk meme is just a psyop to distract dumb chinese goys into thinking china stronk rather than realizing they are getting prepared for their own great replacement
Maybe like thirty years ago. Look it up yourself, average Chinese household income is $4200 a month.
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Charlie with the salt OOOFF
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You know what's funny? This onions tranny cuck can 1v1 the strongest and most manly chink in all of mainland. Chinks cope so hard lmao

Top Tai Chi master renowned in all of China vs random

At this point I think even desTINY could 1v1 chinks ez. Sad!
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>wake up
>crawl out of rubble
>eat a healthy breakfast of painted food deep fried in gutter oil
>try to buy a train ticket to get to work
>bank account exit scammed
>try to pay with cash
>social credit score lowered to stop you from going to the protest for your bank account exit scamming
>stand ontop of manhole cover
>fly to work
>14 hour shift
>can't take it anymore
>jump out of window
>caught by suicide net
>factory collapses on you anyway
just another day in the land of China
Reminder that in China you never see threads like this of Americans. They just have better things to do. Americans are so afraid of being overtaken by China because they know it is inevitable. Chinese people know it too. You guys really should be much nicer to Chinese people going forward. It is really in your best interest for a peaceful transition of superpowers.
>Amerimutts trying to compare 1.4 billion mainland with metal factories with a coastal island of 30 million
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This utter bullshit lol
Even the chinks with the master's degrees in English and technology make 3,000 yuan a month at most which is roughly 400 dollars. They work 9 hours a day, six days a week by the way. I've seen it. Firsthand. That's as high as it gets for the middle class. Everyone is in debt too. Holy shit, you'll never escape the debt here if you borrow anything from the bank it's over.
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Imagine being a bug living in a shithole country like America.
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This a fucking lie kek.
This news is about America 24/7 here.
Everytime I get in a taxi it's more propaganda about the west. You bugs are full of shit kek
China can not stop crying constantly about the west.
It's on random speakers at schools, it's on the news 24/7, it's every other bug post on weibo. Kys
>third world shithole
Second World, actually.
Third World refers to countries that aren't aligned with the West or with Commies.
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>they chose to tear down the fancy government buildings "built by their colonizers", but conveniently forgot to tear down all the railroads, dockyards, and factories also built by their colonizers.
AKA not acting totally retarded like the Africans did.
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I love how it's so easy to see that you faggots have an overall serious lack of spatial awareness from centuries of malnutrition embedded into your DNA. These webms showcase that.
Anyway, so when are you going back to bugland?
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They even have a fake space station kek
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Lmfao I have spent so much time in mainland, you retarded Mongolian rape baby fake HANs are all the same. No one in the USA takes chinks seriously. Your just fun to bully, it's going to be okay kiddo. Foxconn just picked up apple again so maybe you can afford to go hang out with you shamate cuck fag friends when you get kicked out of Canada.
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Xi Jinping had a stroke last week
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Fuck china lol
Anyone ready for the new webms I made?
>what is surface tension

Wow, you Americans are just hopeless now. So sad how bad your education system has become. China is going to push out 10x more doctors, engineers, and scientists than America in the next decade. You are a crumbling empire.
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>it's real I swear! I watched him pour it!
lol, explain this video away, chink!
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Shut the fuck up ricecel
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Lmfao if I were you I would be worrying about what meat other thank chink baby I was going to try to eat when you get deported. What is your life going to be like when you get back and the first time you say you miss clean water a black ambulance shows up and you family home filled with 37 people?
>nightmarish technological police state created in a desperate attempt to get their people to behave the way Europeans do effortlessly.
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>outer spess
Pick juan
Why does Chang just stare at the kid instead of picking it up?
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I love this video
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>China is going to push out 10x more doctors, engineers, and scientists than America in the next decade
lol, they will pass ANYONE even if they don't show up for class. So nobody really studies in chink college. That's why, when you go to the doctor in china, they give you antibiotics for a virus kek!That's why china will never innovate shit.That's why anyone with a degree in china is a fucking joke.
The good thing is ur body being in healthy condition from being in the west will feed over 40 chinks at the exploding escalator factor next week.
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>Bug assassination attempt kek
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>average chink height
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that heavily implies a self-awareness that I just don't believe is there. They are forever brainwashed into the commie mindset, they have no souls and strictly there to be ruled by the party in charge.
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>china made this
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CCCP cдoх, cдoхнeт и CCP
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Chink Evs going to rule the market lol!
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*Guitar intro
"Gas! Gas! Gas!"
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Study: Rural Chinese score 88.95 on the Raven’s non-verbal IQ test, over one standard deviation lower than the commonly cited Chinese IQ of 105. Study also finds that IQ was a better predictor of math achievement than all environmental and demographic variables. So, the theory that Chinese average IQ is overinflated due to biased sampling turned out to be true.

Source: https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2022/11/30/race-and-iq-news-new-studies/
go kill yourself
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Tвoи мaшины - кaл eбaный. Poccийcкиe aвтoмoбилиcты в этoм yбeдилиcь. Haдeюcь твoя диктaтypa yмpeт oбoccaвшиcь и oбocpaвшиcь, тaк жe, кaк и coвдeпия.
Based Ruskie
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Very based, please keep Ukraine.
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flying chink goes like
This Canadian knows his stuff. The masons will keep you out of the workforce if they get a whiff that you might know too much, yet are not willing to pledge allegiance
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This is an ant's eventual end in bugland
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>memeflag bug
opinion discarded
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Technically speaking, the PROC is a communist insurgency and Taiwan is the original government.
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>common reminder in chinkland everyone ignores
Why do faggot boomers make these threads? China has already surpassed the USA.
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>the west exposes individuals that assault or attempt to assault children, make life harder and protecting families

>be chink the complains one time in private conversation about how you wish you had consistent electricity throughout the day within reason
>have van drive around all day telling starving people without power that you are literally enemy of the people and if you talk to them you are as well
>move in the 45 million other cave dwellers and eat bugs before 18 hour shift ar foxconn.

Yeah man you meme flags know it all huh
>ve vill outrun Eron Mu-AAAAAACK!
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You are a chink, willingly living in a western country because you know it's better than being stuck in china.
You come from a country that has been race mixed into oblivion after never having won a war against any foreign invaders, yet dare to call others mutts. Even America has less racial admixture than china.
Your countrymen eat every single living organism they can find, and yet your apex predators are industrial machinery and escalators.
The only thing your country is known for is issuing endless "final warnings" and pushing out more propaganda than Soviet Russia. You greatest accomplishment is manipulating markets by devaluing your own currency. Your greatest export, besides shitty cheap plastic goods is liveleak videos.
You have absolutely nothing that could make even the weakest beta male in the west feel emasculated. Everything about china, including you, is widely and correctly perceived as a complete joke.
Your attempts at projected insults are laughable, you will never be taken seriously, and you will never be seen as a real human.

lol, call me when they have clean running water anywhere
Original Chinese were blond Aryans you woke retard
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Based thread making the bugs seethe
Only 3 types of people in this thread, white dudes that have been to mainland, chinks that fled to the west but are still brainwashed, and soi cucks that are too retarded for critical thinking.
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you could cry and spam memes all you want kike, but you know hes right deep down
Wrong nigger, the original government is the Imperial Dragon Throne. Japan tried to restore the legitimate government of China and got nuked for it. The ROC was a leftist terrorist insurgency only slightly to the right of mao
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Where do they get the children's faces?
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end your life
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>the west exposes individuals that assault or attempt to assault children, make life harder and protecting families
You say that while you let pedos and these occult societies that need children, to run your country. Isn't that quite ironic?
Seethe ching chong
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you will never be a man
What the fuck are these manmade horrors beyond conprehension
this is perfect description of the asian soul
It fled to korea my sides lol
What is wrong with China?
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Lol, china numba won
China is a dystopian nightmare.
bUt mY wHaTaBoUtIsM aMeRiCa cope....
No, China is MUCH worse.
Ever hear how the USA media can talk about Michael Jackson kiddie didling, Epstein, or how bad Chicago is and that California
has a homeless problem? Of course!
Have you ever heard of the Chinese Epstein Song Shanmu that held a children's brothel where he raped anything that
moved (4years in prison only), organ harvesting of Falun dafa, 7 million Chinese living in caves, China's definition
of "out of poverty" is making 423 dollars a year, China's authoritarian covid measures where people are welded into their houses without
food and starve to death, no animal rights violations, housing bubble popped and it's propped up by government loans? And the list goes on.
No you haven't. Why? Because that shit gets swept under the rug, you nigger. You can't find any information on it in China and if you
share the proof you found with a VPN, you are detained in a metal chair until you give a confession of guilt and pay hefty fines.
The truth is, nobody thinks China is better than the US. It's just cope.
All those webms you see? That's the real China.
>kikerat wants to divert attention away from israel and to china

nobody cares about china or east asia. REEE CHINA THIS REEE CHINA THAT. we dont care
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>you will never be a man
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Pure projection
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>random caps with the phrase whataboutism tossed in
You are from r*ddit
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Ok, bug but real Americans and anyone with a brain should care.
Here's why:
China is the new model country moving forward, this was always the plan.Elevate China, then destroy the USA with it's pesky antiquated laws like due process of law, right to bear arms, freedom of speech and press etc. The new model is China with it's technocratic draconian laws.

How chinks and kikes work together to destroy the west:
BIG NOSE TIME https://youtu.be/acZXridt7wM?t=228

China spends BILLIONS on CRT and BLM organizations in the west
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Sure thing r/sino faggot
Did you know china owns preddit?
Oh you mean the dozens of active pedo hunter groups making money off beating the shit out of meme flag tranny faggots like you? They even got that old jew in Hollywood jammed up. Cope Chang. The only one doing the diddling is your uncle everytime he's around children.
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I could go on and on
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>by utilizing political will and expending money
>as a bottom of the barrel labor market
>that will be undercut by other antiuons willing to pollute for that sweet money
lol, I thought indians were supposed to be smart...
>the accusation projection
Holy fuck youre a retarded nigger
Chyna anon has a thread here every other week, know your poster by posting style
Hahaha chink faggot, you know how many slant eye chink girls let me bust inside them. I drunkenly elevated at least 20 chink woman by giving them part white children.
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Man for a homeless encampment that's not bad
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It's so easy here
pic related
Mainlanders are not permitted to have opinions.
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Frank yangs from taiwan afaik, and hes more american
>real Americans and anyone with a brain should care.

and thats where youre wrong. most problems in the west is caused by their own governments rather than eastern countries (besides israel). any attempt to blame things on china and russia is by the kikes and MSA, and their NPC followers. no smart person gives a FUCK about china
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I love how it's so easy to see that you faggots have an overall serious lack of spatial awareness from centuries of malnutrition embedded into your DNA. These webms showcase that.
Anyway, so when are you going back to bugland?
vid related
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kys bug
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But bro they sometimes have construction fraud...
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Fun fact:
There is 20,000kms worth of unsafe TPS (Thermal Plastic Sheathed) electrical wiring installed in Australia, that was imported between c.2006 and 2012. I used to get spammed by electrical ombudsman warnings about how if I'd installed something using this wire (serials provided), between certain dates, I could be liable for damages and/or criminal charges where death or injuries were incurred; and that all costs of refitting it were on the installer... lelzies
>TPS should be rated for 20+ years at nominal temps.
>chink wire doesn't last a decade

The kicker is that those who installed this into buildings, can never "remove" it (assuming they're even around any more) -- doing so would require tearing places down; to say nothing of prohibitive cost and imposition (analogy: compensating and de-vaxxing vaxcattle). So, thousands of death traps remain in Oz -- not even factoring in flammable cladding on buildings, or any of the other untold chink materials imported over the years -- that were built from c.2006 (likely most of those flat-roofed, grey / gun metal / charcoal "stack coffin" 'homes', comprised of 90% plaster board) -- all ready to go up like tinderboxes... As I can guarantee you that there is no way that bulk of that 20,000kms worth of cable was removed.
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>"i don't think anything could be here" it thought. "I've been here before and I didn't hit anything!" The 40 horsepower microcar sped down the newly paved road. "I'm late and that is bad" they thought. A generic top 40's song played quietly off of their premium phone app. Their car's audio subscription paid for by a good credit score and financing. Their 20 dollar chicken and rice ball turned gently in their tiny stomach and fortified them against inefficient selfless acts as they ran over a pedestrian. "With a car, I will never be late, this road can take me anywhere!" They said to themselves, out loud.
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I'm Danish
your a fag who posts traffic accidents as proof of china being bad
you people have been doing this for years
you'll spam anything
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>Because a pederast and someone who talked shit about a local CCP chieftain is the same thing
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this could be grower, so in efect mode it's possible it's 7-10cm. it should be enough to get a woman pregnant unless she's a whore
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>I'm really a chink
>he posted maybe 3 car wrecks where the chink does dumb shit nobody in the west would ever do in a million years because chinks are bugs
>says nothing about the executions, organ harvesting, authoritarian dystopian bullshit itt, just the 3 car wrecks
ok, chang. You're danish I'm sure lol
>durr if someone shills here all the time they couldn’t possibly be from r*ddit
>it’s china’s fault that western companies only buy the cheapest possible garbage-tier products for their wagecucks and refuse to inspect any of it.
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>it's a grower!
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>it's not china's fault when you buy something from china and get a load of trash you can't return
>oh no, a fuck china thread! i know...uhhh..r*ddit!
china owns preddit, kys
Last time I was in Shenzhen, the majority of people just shit and piss everywhere, right next to street food vendors, everyone is drunk and high. Everyone and everything smells like shit. Literal dead kids on the road for days, everyone steals, rapes, murders. That's life for the middle class in China. Only about 10% of China makes more than 35k usd a year. The middle class (350 million) make 4800 usd a year. Everyone else is in extream poverty. Things are cheaper in China but it's all shit, all the food is fake. Infact no chink mother can even trust mainland China baby fournula because they were cutting it with ground drywall for years.
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>china bad! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
wonder who's behind these slide threads
I recognised this footage, that's from the Beirut explosion. Not China
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I denounce the talmud and all forms of jewish worship in all ways. Crazy how even above Xi is a jew. Toss away 5000 years of history for a jew, and you call Christians crazy kek.
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>t. memeflag chink
chinkstan is the most kike """nation""" imaginable
Why is it that that countries like japan and Korea can easily source higher quality products from China and can actually double check the QC and return defective shit before they fucking install it? China makes what the customer asks for and the US wants cheap barely functional trash for their wage slave goyims. The US doesn’t want good products
Kek cope, china can't even make good steel
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If her hip hit first she may have only had fractured vertebrae
If it hit dead on, nah she ain't walking again partner
She is. And a deft move to shimmy out all crustaceans in hand.
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Now that's some chutzpah

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