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Cope more
Make another trump thread
Dedicate more time to trump
Dedicate more energy to trump
Discuss trump more
Search and download more trump images
You've almost got him, well done
Spend more of your limited life on trump, you're almost there.
>based trump anon
Vote for trump to win a 3rd time
Total tranny death.
They already HAD the presidential debate, you're not getting another one

You left the big swap way too late, get over it bitch
He wanted to debate his opponent on the shit he did during his Presidency.
Who the fuck wants to debate a slutty career politician with a garbage personality?
>Trump camp
Literally who
He’s not backing out. He’s grand standing to show the light that the dems replaced Biden with someone the people did not vote for. He’ll debate her if they confirm her at the dnc
they just keep lying
zognald trump is afraid
Lol they are going to keep sending people up against Trump and swap them out if they do shitty.
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we got btfo
Who the hell is Cameltoe? Not the official Dem candidate, that's for sure. Why should Trump waste his time debating the whore?
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Trump may as well give up.

Elon also.
>it’s perfectly normal for a candidate to be replaced midway through the race and never be heard from or spoke of ever again
>like, why are you acting like that’s weird

I feel like we’re living through the farcical historical repetition of the fall of the Soviet Union. Regardless of who wins, the government seems like it’s on the verge of completely falling apart at the seams.
Who is he supposed to debate? Last I checked there is no confirmation of a candidate for the democunts. It's literally wasting his time if he debates right now, he might as well debate a local crackhead. At least the crackhead will offer intelligent and constructive arguments. Kamala should stick to sucking Willie Brown off.
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>Trump is old and quite weird?
Hahaha Trumpies btfo
Kamala is going to win and maga is going to shit itself lol poor little maga got fucked hard hahaha trump fucked up so hard
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>1 week in and Trump aready lost
The more they push this narrative, the more people will nag at trump to do the debate. All of a sudden you have people who never would have watched a debate, get over invested in the idea and then when it does happen and trump shits on her they will lose even more voters than they have already.

And honestly Trump should come out like b rabbit and get every single repetitive catch phrase that will be used out of the way from the start.

>I am a convicted felon! I do live with my mom etc etc

she's too powerful...
It's all over.
Yeah the past 8 years of politics proved to everyone how fake the entire process has to be. Normies perpetually lie to each other.
Trump destroyed. It's over, Drumpfies. Looks like mommy Kamala is going to give you a good spank. xD

Kamala needs exposure since she's coming in last minute and Trump's denying it.
poor migas
they wont be able to import all the asian nerds now
> t tranny concern trolls.
>you're not getting another one
He agreed to two with Biden, though. Not one, two. Granted, Biden has pulled out, but why is Trump afraid to debate Harris in Biden's place?
>Fully supports senile retarded candidate
>Not surprisingly, he fails miserably
>Reee we demand a re match he's not fit for office due to his health!!!!

Why is the Democratic party like this? They never use fair or transparent tactics but will screech if you don't like it.
>Who the fuck wants to debate a slutty career politician with a garbage personality?
Someone who wants an easy win. Pulling out suggests that Trump doesn't think it's an easy win.
>have media says strawman thing
>Bash strawman

Trump debated the Democratic nominee who was chosen by the voters, not some establishment puppet who was literally installed as part of an internal coup. Refusing to acknowledge her as a legitimate candidate is based
He doesn't want to be confronted by her about Gaza.
Kek the cope comes rolling in
>>Reee we demand a re match
You do remember that Trump agreed to two debates in the first place, right? Or are we just glossing over this fact?
The poos are hitting the fan
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No use debating when you're beating her in the polls. He only debated Biden because he knew it would be a knockout blow.
trump bros it may be over

even if we're up it'll be close enough of an election for them to rig

gen z is piling onto kamala

we're going to lose the black vote we need to win

our only hope is that they fuck up or we show up and vote en masse or america is toast

kamala presidency would really be the end, no recovery after that
As much as you're glossing over the fact that Kamala isn't even the official nominee.
>Trump debated the Democratic nominee who was chosen by the voters
Those voters, when they voted, knew that the rules of the game were that Biden could choose to drop out and give his delegates to someone else. Those were the rules of the game that we played by. Harris is no more illegitimate than, for example, Mike Johnson would be an illegitimate President if something were to happen to Biden and Harris.
Trump isn't orange.
He's yellow.
That is so not Brat and Coconut pilled of Drumpf.
Neither was Biden when Trump debated him.
He made that offer to Biden. Biden took him up on it. Is she mental?
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You know that not a single person takes your threads seriously, right? Might as well be a memeflag.
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I’m voting for Kamala because Israel has openly endorsed Trump and he and JD Vance are already talking about conflicts with “muh Iran”
Who bitch this is?
She kind of has a point. The democrats will have to give back all the money she and Biden brought in to donors if they want to switch to another candidate. Big Mike will have to wait for his shot.
he already debated the nominee
Not his fault if they staged a coup
You’re a disingenuous faggot. When you vote for someone you vote for that person, not that person OR whoever he chooses if he suddenly decides to quit. If Biden just awarded all of his delegates to Ted Cruz does that mean Cruz is the Dem nominee and there shouldn’t be any more voting?
Oh boy we got cope over here
relax sweetie, have a hug instead xD
say bye bye Trumpers HAHAHAH xDDD
Shill bots are not legally permitted to vote.

Not that that's going to stop you.
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>noooo you have to support my zionist cocksucking candidate or else you’re a liberal tranny
No it suggests that the opponent has had 4 years to prep for a debate while he's had a week.
>Neither was Biden when Trump debated him.
Good point! Biden wasn't even President either :)
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You’re going to see more and more retarded Trumptards fearmongering about Iran and sucking Israel’s dick, they’re predictable NPCs who need their daddy Zion Don to tell them what to think
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How can niggers still not know how Trump operates after 8 years? He's making a point. Art of the deal MFers.
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>wahh wahh everything is unfair and rigged unless it benefits Zion Don
Why are MIGAtards so whiny and effeminate?
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RIP if the burgerbros get Kamala Harris as president for 4 years. Though if she does, I want to see her jewish overlords have her bow before that wall. He tune changing on israel will be all the confirmation one needs to know who runs Murrica.
Based. Coupmala was not chosen by Democratic voters, until they get a real nominee he shouldn’t debate anyone except Biden
>When you vote for someone you vote for that person, not that person OR whoever he chooses if he suddenly decides to quit.
Except no, you literally do exactly that, because that's the rules of the DNC.

> If Biden just awarded all of his delegates to Ted Cruz does that mean Cruz is the Dem nominee
Literally, yes, that is exactly how it works.

The US has weird voting rules. It's possible to become President with only 23% of the popular vote or by winning just 14 states. I don't know what to tell you, you should have already known this.

>and there shouldn’t be any more voting?
Well, no, the super delegates still have yet to cast their votes, though with the number of votes Biden secured for himself already (and has since given to Harris) their vote is mostly pomp and circumstance.
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also, refusing to debate a woman?, this makes him look very weak.

goddamn, this isnt looking good for republicucks.
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Mommy is winning
No, he was definitely President. The President is whoever the Electoral College votes for, and they voted for Biden. It was verified by Congress and everything.
Since when has the incumbent president not been basically the default nominee? retard.
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But I thought he wasnt even fit to run for office?
They're presenting a stronger opponent
Isnt that better for trump? to dance around someone much younger than him?
Why should anyone agree to a debate with someone who hasn't been nominated yet?
>Swap candidate at the last minute when you’re losing
>Act like you’re tough shit when your opponent says he won’t debate unless you commit to one fucking person
Fucking hate these faggots so much.
Dems are the biggest goddamn losers.
They’re like the kid who can’t admit he lost a game of tag because he called timeout 0.2 seconds before you got him.
>> If Biden just awarded all of his delegates to Ted Cruz does that mean Cruz is the Dem nominee
>Literally, yes
Kek, almost thought I was gonna have to take you seriously there for a second
The crazy bitch would throw boiling water at him.
>Real men fart and shart and crap their pants MIGA!
These people really are low IQ
>old and weird
this appeals to me as a zoomer
Where is this confirmed? Is he backing out or waiting until she's officially got the nomination so he's not going through a bunch of debates with a musical chairs procession of opponents?
"Presumptive" nominee is not the actual nominee, as we are in fact demonstrating at the moment (and has been previously demonstrated, such as back in '68 when Lyndon Johnson decided not to run).

Think of it this way. Say I have $100,000 in my bank account. Say that I plan on buying a Ferrari next month, but haven't actually done anything to buy it yet. If I told you *today* that I owned a Ferrari, would that be correct?
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1 post by this ID. This board has become nigh on unusable. This is astroturfing on a whole new level. Media Matters is working overtime. But I am still voting Trump and I talked to a bunch of Mennonites where I live in rural Michigan and they are all voting Trump. Snover, MI reporting in. We're all voting for the Orange Man is all. So we shall see you on the battlefield in November.
Do you think this helps Trump?
I don't know what to tell you, you apparently don't know the rules of the DNC. I do, why don't you?
Her husband is jewish. Her "tune" is fake as fuck to get liberals to vote for her. Pelosi is doing it too
What if Kamala is the crackhead?
Checkmate, Drumpf!
Idc as long as he passes NESARA
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Looks like someone already did
I've got news for you all. Kamala isn't going to be the candidate. Wait for the convention. Trump isn't going to debate her because he won't be running against her.
Kamala the illegitimate candidate
Boomer retard
Trump is literally talking about war with Iran and Israel is supporting him and you’re just here sucking his dick like that’s “America first”
lmao let's see what you look like tranny
>Her husband is jewish

lmao, seriously? I did not know that.
The polls are pretty much a toss up right now
Nothing of importance is discussed here as far as I can tell shame that everything interesting is slid and destroyed or corrupted oh well it's a waste of time unless someone here has tips on new business ventures they'd recommend.

Can I start a maggot farm or do I need a permit?
I was thinking actually of a locust protein farm
Hell no. Right now Harris has an immense amount of initiative, and polls have already shown the race tightening. There is no way that Trump refusing to debate Harris will be interpreted by the voters at large except as Trump being scared to debate her. Any attempts to justify it with "didn't agree to debate Harris", "don't want to legitimize her", etc., will just be seen as cowardice. Because, well, it is.
It was pretty common into the 80s for conventions to not be foregone conclusions and the candidate to be picked at the end of them.
I suppose you'll just gloss over the fact that they all fully supported a clearly demented person, including letting him go into a debate, until it became utterly indefensible?
Why the fuck should he debate anyone until they actually commit to a nominee after that?
I mean Hell he already tried to start a war with Iran when he assassinated a member of its government.
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He also talked about nuking North Korea but did it happen? No? Maybe you should consider the notion that you're fucking retarded.
>This is astroturfing on a whole new level.
I noticed it got really bad once Joe stepped down. Paid shills raiding pol. lmao pathetic
Your autism about muh party rules aside, when you vote for someone you’re voting on the assumption that that person is gonna keep running and not just quit. People weren’t envisioning Biden dropping out and anointing someone else when they cast their ballots for him. You know this as well as I do, stop being obtuse
Grow mushrooms
Harris is the presumptive nominee.
Debate will ensue after it is official.
Right now Harris is basically the Democrats' second coming. A debate with her, if he wins it, would compeltely dash Democrats' hopes and leave them even more demoralized than before ("we couldn't win with Biden, we couldn't win with Harris, who can actually beat Trump?")

By not debating her, though, he looks like a coward.
>Duh, we know he's a liar and what comes out of his mouth is childish nonsense, libtard
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>"I already did ABC, I'm doing fox or nothing."
>"well I don't control fox, so I'm not doing fox."
>"guess we're not doing anything then."
>"wow, lol. Look! He's running from debating hecking coconut girl! He must be so scared!!!"
Oy fucking vey.
They're a party of Karen's.
Yeah, well, that's not how the real world works. I'm sorry you didn't know that.
They just changed the rules to coronate her before the convention, it’s not following convention whatsoever
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Fake news from Kopala Harris. Debates favor trump as this bitch can’t talk.
Because you guys got what you wanted and Biden is retiring after his presidency?
I thought Trump was sharp, smart, and had a mouth on him?
He should just call her Cackling Kamala and call it a day.
You dumb nigger
holy fuck trump btfo
Debate on Fox News after the DNC. Otherwise, no dice you stupid cunt.
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You're not a serious poster interested in any good faith argumentation and everyone sees that. I'll leave you to your retardation.
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He'll absolutely "debate" her, he just wants people to pay more attention to it and make it look like she had to beg him for it. He's still a fucking golem, and when he fails to correct declining EROEI all this bullshit will end. Still voting Trump so when he fails there will be no excuses left.
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Lies only work if they're believable you know.

how to stumpf Him?. Quick, now jimmy..


>inb4 OP

What, so if she bombs terribly and it turns out all her "support" is essentially artificial, they can just choose a different candidate and screech about another debate?

I understand your point but at some point they have to commit to someone. You can't just keep pulling the rug if it doesn't go your way. If they can't commit, why should Trump debate her?
I would agree it would be cowardly if she was actually the nominee.

Until then, all of this is just more bullshit political games.
If the Dems want a debate they can wait until after the DNC since they’ve proven they can’t be trusted when they claim that someone is their presumptive nominee. That’s how the real world works, sorry!
>I feel like we’re living through the farcical historical repetition of the fall of the Soviet Union. Regardless of who wins, the jewish government seems like it’s on the verge of completely falling apart

You're the one making the argument that we shouldn't listen to what Trump says because it doesn't matter
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She’s forcing her own meme.
He literally wasn't, though. Do you not actually know how US elections work?

>They just changed the rules
No they didn't. The rules were already established and have been for a long time.

You are “girlboss stanning” a literal WOMAN.
Shut up about being effeminate you fucking retarded shill faggot. Trump’s gonna blast Kamala’s ass wide open the moment she’s “legitimate” according the the DNC.
You’re just made that you’re not getting the debate NOW and you want to spin it.
Guess what, if Trump fucks Kamala live on stage and they get another NEW candidate, then you’ll shill for whoever that is too.
Trump is RIGHT not to waste time. Back your horse first, FAGGOT. Then Trump can RAPE it.
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truly the milhouse of politics
>1 post by this id
The jannies should start deleting threads where the OP doesn't post a second time within 10 minutes of making the thread
Texan here. During my morning walk I was passing the cattle yard when I overheard a few ranch hands discussing the election with one of the Old Timers, Larry “Lasso.” Larry was watching the sunrise while sucking on some dip when he turned to face them with a glint in his eye. “Ya know, she ain’t so bad. Jobs ar’ up. ‘Flation goin’ down. I reckon Kam “Bareback” Harris got our best ‘terest ‘n mind.”

I expected a snort, maybe even a guffaw. But as I watched their faces I saw smirks of approval. Tuck “Tumbleweed” was the first to speak. “Ya know, I wa’ thinkin’ tha same thing. Bout time ‘Merica had a Brat in Chief.” Before I knew it they were whooping and hollering so loud Bessie “Backwater” was clanging her pans together to get the boys to settle down. “Settle down y’all. November ain’t fer another few months. Now git in ‘ere n’ ‘ave some breakfast.”

Everybody was laughing, shaking hands, and clapping each other on the back. I swear, even the Angus seemed to nodding their heads. The Rio Grande might be red today, but you can bet your hat it runs blue come November.
Z. )?.//.

if true?


Although the incumbent’s VP isn’t often changed, there is nothing stopping an incumbent from changing their VP. The primary vote is for the person to fill the soon to be open position, not the person + their subordinate. Biden could have swapped VP’s if he wanted

because he has to.

OK. come to my land now.
Are you guys fuckin retarded? Google that shit. They're desperate for a headline. He hasn't OFFICIALLY confirmed the debate because she isn't the nominee yet.
>they can just choose a different candidate and screech about another debate?
Yes, but at that point they *actually* look like sore losers. Right now they just look like a party who is doing exactly what the voters want them to do.

At that point, if Candidate #3 insists on a debate, Trump would absolutely be in his rights to refuse them. "No, I agreed to two debates against one guy. I've done two debates and let you switch candidates between them, which I didn't have to do. There's no reason to indulge you any further."

But right now, if he refuses to debate Harris in time for the second debate? That looks like he's running scared. More to the point it's just a bad idea for him because either he never debates her (he's a coward) or he delays the debate to as late as possible (giving her that much extra time to prepare).

The smart political move is to debate Harris on time, when he was supposed to debate Biden.

who indeed..
lol you chuds left and hid for the last 4 years. Just stay on eight chan
Trump agreed to debate Biden under Biden’s terms. The Dem’s negged that deal. It’s over for you
Except Biden *was* the presumptive nominee at the time. But there's that word "presumptive" in there.

I mean put another way, right now Prince William is the heir apparent to Charles III. If Prince William dies then the heir apparent becomes Prince George, but that doesn't change that William *was* heir apparent.

Seethe and cope faggot. Kamala would kill him in a debate. My toddler would kill trump in a debate. He's fucked
You retards do realize that Trump wanted you to replace dementia joepedo with Kamala right?

Unironically fell for a 2D chess trap.
Oof lol. Everything about the government is a lie, I see.
Exactly. Biden was the presumptive nominee and now he isn’t, so I’m not gonna believe the Dems when they claim Kamala is the presumptive nominee
This. How could this happen? I trusted all the plans and I sucked all the Jewish penises. If only I wasn't such a retard.
I still think it would be Kamala but I want this to happen so fucking much. I see a lot of fucking retards all over the internet that I need to screenshot who said that Trump is too “scared” to debate Kamala. If it’s a different candidate, then I need to rub their fucking smug noses into it.
If it’s Kamala, then Trump will still debate her once she’s actually CONFIRMED. Then I guess I can still rub their fucking smug noses into it.
Stay at home. Leave the nicknames for the big kids
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I wonder what Donnie's excuse will become for not debating after she's officially the nominee.
>2 cents has been deposited into your account.
It's OK, I'm already voting for Trump, you don't have to sell me on him
Do you honestly think that voters will see it that way? Or will they look at how much MAGAts complained that Biden was too old, see that Democrats finally acquiesced to the reality of Biden's age, have replaced him with someone much younger exactly like MAGAts supposedly wanted, and now see that the MAGAt's candidate is too scared to get on stage with a girl twenty years his junior?

I mean I'm pretty sure any Democrat or Independent who was watching TV in the early 2000s is gonna have a scene from The West Wing pop into their heads, when Sam Seaborne got his ass verbally handed to him by Ainsley Hayes on live TV.

>"Come quick, Sam's getting beat up by a girl!"
This bitch kept people in prison beyond the span of their sentences and used them for slave labor. She worked to suppress exonerating evidence simply to get wins as a prosecutor. She is a psychopathic authoritarian monster who climbed a stairway made of the broken bodies of thousands to get where she is.
I don't think you understand what "presumptive" means.
>Duh, we knew Brandon was senile all along!
magasissiesbros... it's over
Its so corny that some of you guys still chalk everything up to “4d chess”
The funnies thing is that she's actually the exact type all these agencies that like puppets should be afraid of. If she becomes President, they're all disposable. Israel is totally disposable to Harris. She has a record. She will do anything to get what she wants and once she has that power fuck everyone.
Bitch I do it for free.

Trump is a coward.
Why do faggot pinkos think "Drumpf" is an insult?
1) you sound racist saying it, nigger
2) it sounds more badass than Trump anyway
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Ah, the good old days for you. I understand why you wouldn't want to dwell on your present electoral circumstances. If only it were still Joe. If only...
>Biden is going to be our nominee
>whoops no he isn’t, but trust us, HARRIS will be
Nah. You can wait until after the convention for your little debate.
He never agreed to debate kamala. He will do kt, just not on that niggers time.
>make it look like she had to beg him for it
Exactly. Kamala wants to be a brat? She'll have to be corrected by daddy.
I can’t wait for Trump to win so that this bullshit
>errrm that’s the real world chud
facade breaks and you start crying like a faggot about the end of our democracy or whatever.
You don't even live in the US, memeflag
Replacing Joe with Kamala wasn't 4D chess. It was 2D
Because of the context behind it. He insulted John Stewart for changing ihs last name when he went into show business so that it would sound less Jewish and stating that John should be proud of his heritage like he is, apparently ignorant of the fact that his own grandfather changed his family's name to sound less German but Trump has given no indication of wanting to change it back to Drumpf in order to be proud of his own heritage.
Yeah, you definitely don't know what "presumptive" means.

Excellent, give her more time to prepare and more time to build momentum.
Trump himself didn't change his name, that's a stupid argument.
I'd wager at this point Trumps team would be the ones that just need more time to prepare. I think he will end up debating her regardless. But they had expected Joe until recently and were preparing for him.

The democrats probably had a whole bunch of things lined up about Trump for Joe to go over but he was literally too braindead to deliver it during the debate. And honestly his whole admin team was definitely aware of his degeneration and put him forward anyway. It's disgraceful and cruel.
Except this isn’t about death, this is after a failed debate and a failed assassination attempt.
Idle question: do you think that the President should be able to order the CIA to hire mercenaries to kill people, topple governments, etc.?
Biden was the presumptive candidate and actually received the votes. She's simply being selected, maybe. No point saying shit until after the convention. Enjoy the momentum as normies actually find out about that psycho bitch who can't think.
Nobody gives a fuck
She didnt even write this tweet rtard
>we were wrong about who we told everyone would be running for us in November so people shouldn’t trust us this time when we make the same claim
Very simple concept you can’t seem to grasp. I’m not banging my head against the wall of your retardation anymore, we’re done here
>Excellent, give her more time to prepare and more time to build momentum.
Her base is 90% old cat ladies, young women on head meds, and faggots
The circumstances are a little fucking different.
You don’t have to agree to an endless slew of debates
>no I was just kidding, i pick this one
>no okay that didn’t work, I meant this one
>ok ok ok best out of 3, I pick this one
>nah nah nah that wasn’t fair I meant this one, for realz this time
Dems set the fucking precedent that they will just chuck out the presumptive nominee. We get to rub their nose in their own piss now.
Pick a candidate and stick with it, faggot.
Why would he debate somebody who isn’t even the nominee yet?
To be completely honest I didn't think Biden was bad in the debate. He answered all questions promptly. He didn't meander right out of the gates the way Trump did.

Like, everyone was so focused on Biden being an old man, but nothing in the debate convinced me that Trump would be a better President than Biden. I'm not looking for energy, I'm looking for integrity. And anyway I legitimately think that the country would be better off if the oval office was left vacant for the next 4 years than if Trump was in it.
Prove that Biden has integrity.
What kinda gay fucking 3 strikes rule is this?
>No no no okay, let us have just like oooooooonnne more
Fuck off nigger. No one thinks he’s “scared” except the disingenuous faggots like you who hated him anyway.
Trump accepted the terms to debate Biden.

Biden dropped out.

Kamala doesn't get to suddenly slot in just because she's the presumptive nominee. Trump now gets a chance to renegotiate.
Give this man the the biggest faggot on /pol/ award. He earned it.
yeah, the leaf is right. "you didn't change the name your grandpa chose" isn't hypocrisy lmao
You're missing the point, Anon. "Presumptive". As in "presumption". As in, "an idea that is taken as true but is not known for certain".

Biden was indeepd the *presumptive* nominee at the time. It was taken to be true that he would be the nominee but it was not certain. Harris, right now, is the presumptive nominee, because all evidence points in that direction.

Pretty sure the most common clip over the next month is gonna be that time she made Kavanaugh cry.

And yet that's enough to move the polls from a slight Trump edge to a tossup, and that's just within a few days of her becoming the presumptive nominee.

No one is saying Trump should agree to an endless slew of debates, just the two that he said he'd do. Plus as Harris points out, he's the one who claimed "any time, any place" when he thought his opponent was an old man who was going senile. What, Trump can't stand up to a girl?
What’s your excuse gonna be when he does debate her and kicks her brown ass?
Gonna post some smug Kamala gifs and lie that she won because the media is trying to manufacture that consensus?
>Any time, any place with Biden
What purpose would it serve? He has nothing to gain.
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It's not a 3 strike rule, dipshit. It's Trump showing that he's not afraid of Harris by sticking to the debate schedule that he had already agreed to with Biden (which would make Trump look gracious), making it plain that it doesn't matter who the Democrats choose, and making it plain that even this last minute switcharoo on their part doesn't actually mean anything for his chances.

But by backing out, he looks like an old man who's scared of a girl twenty years his junior.
the government is wasting your tax dollars on these shitty psyop astroturfing campaigns
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You pathetic nigger
And yet I'm right. Trump is running scared from a girl 20 years younger than him.
If you say so schizo
No one cares about your faggot millennial goy show. Go back to Twitter where you can facefag next to a take that’s this retarded.
>Trump: "Any time, any place!" [ha ha, an old senile man, this'll be easy]
>Harris: "Okay."
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In that event, I'll congratulate the doctor on the first successful brain transplant and be excited about what it means for all of Trump's followers
>No one cares about your faggot millennial goy show.
That's not what the polls are showing~~~!
I hope he just dodged her entirely that would be funny kek, hes still gunne win
Because she isn't the official candidate yet. Debating her stupid ass would legitimize her false claims. The lugenpresse is gonna talk shit regardless.
If only the swap worked!
that was literally a bitch move for no reason. he shouldn't have said anything
haha you want a debate youre going to have to beg for it
No it signifies Chlamydia isn't worthy of a debate because she isn't the official nominee. Chlamydia and her stupid simps will heavily imply otherwise.
those two have 100% cooked meth before.
Now post all of the disgusting Demonrats nigger
>the government seems like it’s on the verge of completely falling apart at the seams.
one could only hope anon, but surely since this nation is blessed and protected by God that he will deliver us......right? I mean we all know that God is partial to this nation and the 336,795,327 citizens residing here and literally to hell with the other billions of people on earth. but in other news, christians are delusional individuals with a huge ego and small brain. fuck this gay ass world and the jewish horse they rode in on. if anything the US is and always has been the whore of Babylon.
He literally said he would do that with Biden, nigger
By this time in 5 years your glownigger Eglin AFB pig asses are going to be skinned alive and dipped in boiling saltwater by your own pet niggers spics and mongrels, after you cause the country to collapse and force them into cannibalism...
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>federal government falls apart
I can only get so hard anon
>But by backing out, he looks like an old man who's scared of a girl twenty years his junior.

He's not backing out from anything. He never agreed to debate Kamala in the first place. She's the one pretending that the terms he set for a trump v biden debate would automatically apply to her after Biden dropped out. That was never agreed upon. Trump hasn't even said he won't debate her. Both him and Kamala have to negotiate a new set of rules for a new set of debates.
The democrats still haven't officially decided their nominee.
Why don't they do that first.
What does that have to do with anything? You think Madame Kamala wouldn’t do that shit?
because she isn't the President, she should be calling out JD Vance
Guarantee Harris didn't write that tweet.
She’s not going to be the nominee
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>To be completely honest I didn't think Biden was bad in the debate.
Dumb nigger award
This is the single most important period for the trump campaign. This astroturfing is part of the kamala coup, she needs to convince her party and the drones that she can compete and win before dems have their convention.

Trump not going 100% balls out to crush their astroturfing attempt is going to go down as the biggest political blunder of the election. His enemy is at her weakest and he literally pulled back and is letting them consolidate. Its completely retarded.
That's what your second penis is for, idiot.
>he doesn't have two
>What happened to "anytime, anyplace"?
Because when Kamala says it, people just know.
What Trump should do. In the final debate he agrees to debate Kamala just before the election.

Then as the debate is about to start he doesnt show up and calls in on video link while playing golf saying ooooh the debate with Kamala im so sorry! Good luck im gunne keep playing with a smug look on his face and then just end the call
Why would he debate a person who just performed a coup against the voter chosen democratic representative. Biden was just cheated like trump was in 2020
>Muh “presumptive” semantics
How’s high school debate, champ?
>Muh two debates
>muh any time anywhere
If you agree to buy my steak and I shit on your plate THEN YOU HAVE TO EAT IT
Just about anyone they put in would be a better choice than her.
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>he knows
Ingmi indeed
You push hard enough and we get the 25th and kamala becomes president next week, greatly boosting her campaign. Thats the threat for pointing that out.
That's a statistical toss up in every poll except Arizona
If the DNC selects her, he will debate her (and likely attack her on the fact that she was selected).
If the DNC selects someone else, then you shills get to go drown your sorrows over the loss of your girl boss queen’s turn on the throne by imbibing copious amounts of cheap red wine.
You're just coping r n
>If the Dems want a debate they can wait until after the DNC since they’ve proven they can’t be trusted when they claim that someone is their presumptive nominee
This a moot point because the second debate wasn't going to happen until the fall anyway. I'm not sure why Kamala would change the script any time soon by bringing Trump back into the media limelight. Betwen now and the DNC all the attention is on her. It's crazy how quickly people forgot about the assassination attempt.
We’ve been raping your ass this whole thread, actually.
absolutely coping and crying
The fact you think we're shills because we're not voting for your weird lunatic tells me you're due for a huge wake up come November
A retort fit for a retarded roastie with 34 abortions under her belt.
I don’t think you’re that though, you’re clearly a tranny instead
You're right you're voting for the female pick that's why your country will be destroyed just like all democracies eventually
Are the niggerbitch4prasidint shills all paid jeets or what? Everyone knows she stands even less of a chance than Biden did.

what don’t you fucking understand?!
says increasingly nervous man
I now understand the 1PBTID anons
Women voters in democracies are naturally submissive thats why they give their countries away to immigrants and focus on other countries instead of their own power due to wanting to be naturally submissive. They want to be conquered and owned instincitively and will support all decisions that make this a reality on a subconicous level.

That's why Russia and China is now toppling americas hegemony.

Trump is a person that could put them in their place.

Either way, either Trump wins and we get fun strong america.

Or he loses and we get fun strong Xi Ping and Putin :D
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be careful what you wish for cunt. I for one look forward to your bloodbath, metaphorically speaking.
>I reckon Kam “Bareback” Harris
Even though I bet this post was written unironically, it still reads like shitty bait.
You’re shills for being disingenuous faggots who are here to spread inorganic talking points. There is a MEASURABLE difference between the posters that were here before and after Joe dropped out.
>Refusing to acknowledge her as a legitimate candidate is based
Agreed. I don't think he should waste his time with the cackling bitch either.
Memeflag detected, opinion rejected.
Oh did you just mean to reply to me, dumb bot?
>Deep state tries to kill trump
>He’s shaken up obviously
>Says for the time being no more debates after their scumbaggery
>”Heh what happened to any place any time?”
wtf kamala kinda based
its the same people who thought they coud make ukraine win the war by twatterposting
ducking out of a debate just like your candidate rumao
no, but really, what happened to the "any time, any place"? that's a legitimate question
Why should he waste his time arguing with a woman.
People think you're shills because you suddenly popped up out of no where to support a candidate that was forced upon you.
the election was won when Trump raised his fist and that picture became US history

this is just cope at this point
I'm sure he's still willing to debate Biden any time and any place. Biden is chicken and dropped out though.
But But, Trump said mean things on twitter...
Trump lost
Trump is legitimately scary now. Too much political capital now. Thiel's proxy as vp. War with Iran. I'm kacklin' with kamala.
The dead giveaway from his post was calling Trump a “weird lunatic.” I can tell that’s not an organic /pol/anon.
I can’t find it for the life of me, but there was literally a thread on Twitter by some cunt who was like was like
>Hey, what if we just started calling Trump and the rightwingers weird?
It was a fairly big thread, and the lib replies were all
>omg so trueuuueeeeee!! Haha they’re weird, haha this feels good to say!

It was VERY bizarre. I think it was botted or paid for on Twitter. Regardless, it’s definitely astroturfed on here. We’re clearly not the only ones noticing. I’ve seen the bots mentioned in every single thread and honestly they’re infesting every single thread too.
So he is running from anyone with a pulse then
yeah those people are the few reamaining giga copers
You said nothing of substance, faggot. I’m mocking you.
He's not running from anyone. He never said he wouldn't debate Kamala.
sounds like a bunch of femcels drinking wine coping about life and why chad is now fucking a different woman
>chosen by the voters
I thought ya niggas said the election was stolen???
Trump won in 2016 and in 2020.
Trump will win in 2024, and the winning will be beyond the cheating margin, nigger.
Now tell your programmers to update your code beyond the 2021 protocol.
whatever helps you sleep at night buddy :)
I saw their profile pictures and yeah, I’m inclined to agree.
You faggots really need to go back. Nobody is buying your astroturfed cuck logic.
like you have been sleeping :D

its over
Trump lost in 2020 because he didn't deliver for working class White people in the midwest and he will lose again in 2024 because he is focused on niggas 4 Trump instead of appealing a bit more to White people which are 80%+ of voters in the rust belt
The Dem primary for 2024.
Funnily enough it was stolen by Kamala now so you retards can’t say shit about “democracy” anymore.
Your mother will take the edge off.
No one wants Trump to be pro-White more than I do.
But you’re wrong. I’m not retarded enough to forget the leaky water pipes, covered up ballot boxes, and 3 am vote dumps.
Yes Kamala will win its over for Trump, now go to bed sweety =) you need to look pretty in the morning remember your instagram photos!
>there's an edge to take off
confirmed mad, thanks
>Trump is too focused on niggers
>and his voters hate niggers
>so they'll vote for a nigger
lmfao, why are they sending retarded jeets to shill this?
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You guys beat Biden too early and COCKED IT UP!!!!
Then why is Biden still in office?
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Imagine my shock
Cumala has the uphill battle. She needs as much air time as possible and the best thing for trump to do is just ignore her lmao. She is the one who needs the debate not him.
I’m only mad that your mother produced such a faggot excuse for a son. Don’t worry nigger, I’ll give you brothers that mog you.
Kamala will never win or any other candidate at this point.

Before Trump got shot it was a 50/50 toss but now its just over

Im not sure if the remaining shills actually even believe themselves or if theyre just mad and mining salt against easy picks on 4chan, whoever gets upset at their shitposting, i guess the copium is the last thing that leaves you :D
it's amazing that so many people across the world have nothing better to do than T D S hahahahaha
>I’m only mad
I know.
but ur just mining him ur even more mad than him :D
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Honestly. Trump should be TERRIFIED.

I was over at my dads house today helping with some household chores. He lives in a very rural area of a very red state. At the end of the work we went to one of the nearby country bars. It’s the kind of place that farmers, truckers, legit cowboy boot wearers and the working class go to unwind with a cold one.

Vice President Harris was on the TV and the local gun store owner said to his auto mechanic (friends since high school),

“You know what? She ain’t so bad. The economy is recovering, nobody’s rioting, and we’re standing up on the world stage again. Can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ Oakland Kam’s got my vote this year.” I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yes sir” and “Damn Straight” from the men around me. Even saw the lonely ball cap wearing farmer in the corner raise his drink with a nod.
I fuck your mom better when I’m mad. I get mad on purpose to dick her down with the will of a thousand bulls.
Trump will win! Not a shill!
and then everyone clapped
were so close
mad and delusional, I guess ducking debates isn't the only thing you have in common with donnie. I'll let you have the last word so you can get back to your fantasies.
oh look he already lost it kek
He really does live in their head rent free. They are gunna AstroTurf the asshairs off themselves
Your mom tries to duck my massive shlong. Still ends up slapping her face anyway.
97% of this board is nothing but shill spam
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Too much garbage on the catalog.
So true.
He’d shoot her in her fucking face. https://vocaroo.com/1cH3n7id4V1E
go back

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