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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous thread died, kikes are mad, mods are mad, shills are seething

Every anon should wear a swastika in public like I do. When interacting with wagies and other normalfrens, you act with utmost civility and kindness, positively associating the swastika to pleasant interactions with their own race. If enough of us participate in this endeavor, eventually normies will not recoil so hard when presented with verboten thought or symbols. This weakens the jews' grasp on their hearts and minds, opening the door to redpilling.

Wear the friendship windmill proudly and with dignity! You are a credit to your race, act like it!
>inb4 troon

Wear a swastika! Be kind to your kind!
Wear a swastika! Help Europeans carry their groceries!
Wear a swastika! Hold doors open for Europeans!
Wear a swastika! Bring cookies to wagies at their workplace!
what are your pronouns
Wear a swastika! Help Europeans in everyday tasks!
Wear a swastika! Help your European neighbors with their yardwork!
Wear a swastika! Volunteer for your local fire department!
Wear a swastika! Help old ladies cross the street!
Wear a swastika! Smile and wave at Europeans on the street!
I look forward to seeing your hat in a media photo of a body lying in a pool of blood.
Who knows, you survive and live to "grow up".
>it was a Democrat tranny spamming these threads all along
>democrat tranny
Nigger can't into archives lol

Wear a swastika! Share your umbrella with Europeans when it rains!
Wear a swastika! Support your local European small businesses!
I am convinced there are only 5 real people on pol, you(maybe), me, and few ActBlue employees shilling for Kamala. Everyone else here is a glowie bot, and all the posts and threads are automated.
No I think the shills are bots too
Post hand fren show me you're real
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SStunning and brave!!!
The reason I think there are a few real people mixed in the bots from ActBlue is everyone now and then you will go on their spam posts that is just going to be a 'one post by id' but they will reply to you. But their replies are kinda on a script. They always sound similar and speak in 'board lingo'.
>Wear a swastika, pay taxes
I don’t think this is the party for me
You're all gay you're all fags everyone is gay except me faggots fucking gay fags you are gay and fags faggy gays why are you so gay fag that's gay faggot fucking fag i hate gay fags like you fag fuck you you are gay
Nazism is not meant to be an overt thing. It's meant to be a covert military branch.
idgaf what it is i will never take directive form a woman or a tranny, whichever it is you are.
fuck off
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nah there's like a dozen of us lurking too. half of us are gooning in the same basement though.
Libertarian socialist lurker here, there are more people on the board, take your meds and don’t listen to the swastika lady or w/e their gender is
im real. there are only around 100 real people on pol. rest is automated threads with bot replies (not even gpt generated)
Sorry you’re gay
Tits or GTFO. Up the swas!

Well, it is nice to know real people are here. I will take my meds.
Ironic to use still from a completely pozzed movie. Clint is a cuck of the system. Get over it.
Sorry you’re retarded we’re gonna make a better world for you brother
Unfathomably based
bumping something that might actually ever have an impact irl
i'm real
dont take the meds
sage all your posts it makes jannies seethe
if they ban you just reset your ip/clear cookies
fuck jannies
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Every Nazi should follow the fuhrer's example in all ways. It would be the ultimate expression of kindness
that's a troon
>>475685244 chekd
>what are your pronouns
Gas yourself oven dodger
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all I see is a poser with a tiny swastika on a shitty hat with, for some reason, handwritten /pol/ proof from 3 days ago with atrocious penmanship
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>tiny swastika on gay bucket hat

wow so brave. so powerful. this makes me heil hitler and shit
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Are you a tranny?
All I see is two kikes sitting in a control room. No (you) for you
You will never be a woman
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Are you losers just fat autistic 30 something year old women all along? Is this who I have been posting with the past 8 years?

I don't want to sit with you guys anymore. I'm out
Go to a restaurant while wearing a white pride shirt and leave a generous tip.

Help a kitten out of a tree while giving an impassioned “our struggles” speech.

Help granny pass the street while throwing a Roman salute.

Completely reframe the image of Nazism, make it clear we are the protectors and vanguard of society.
That’s an awful thing to wish, hope you learn to be happy and your day improves.
Maybe you just need a friend buddy. :)
>walks away while smiling and throwing a Roman salute
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>like I do.
Nice one, Moishe
Anyone who shills for Kamala is hardly a real person
Fuck off.
You should just learn to be happy, I challenge you to try.
>being an autist over something completely irrelevant
You are your own worst enemy.
Mood. Some nights I feel like maybe there might be 10 real humans here and 8 of them are feds working graveyard shift. The constant repeat threads and blatant shilling has killed the board.

Came across a similar thread of few days ago.
In theory it could be an excellent idea to reshape the image of the swastika in public
however, some retard taking a picture OOC followed by some local media manipulating the truth for something like
"NatSo are back, be afraid" would hurt the cause more than anything else.

Seems to have more chance of succeeding in a smaller city, that's what I'm planning on doing.
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Hit me up again in November
Wow, isn't it cool how OP appeared with his (YWNBAW BTW) really bizarre writing and posting style that I've literally never seen in any other thread on /pol/ and then he stops and another ID appears using the exact same style and agreeing with OP and then HE disappears and a third user appears and does the exact same thing haha what a wacky coincidence.

>inb4 stop giving the shills advice
If they were oligophrenic enough to do the above, they're too oligophrenic to do better. And shame on any nigger ITT retarded enough to fall for it, by the way.
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I am fren, lets go bowling.
yeh the swasika seems to be one of the most ancient symbols known to humanity. likely prominent symbol of a worldwide pre-flood civilization with a higher form of knowledge and spirituality than the public has access to present day. truly fascinating
this is why the controllers used negative kaballah and basically besmirched it with the nazis so to further occult human history and power from the masses.
Okay fag with painted nails, great idea now I will go to the grocery in a swastika t shirt with a fake smile plastered on my face, nothing bad will come off this
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its really such a shame how informationally and psychologically limited the average person is. especially in western societies. just completely retarded. well hopefully we can make things better soon guys.
>painted nails
>tranny glasses
k goodnight intel & cointel monitors, anons, hope everyone is well
>I want to be like a fictional movie character
You people hate yourselves so much it's insane.
>nazi wannabe
like pottery
I’m glad NatSoc is growing everyday and perhaps one day the people will finally awaken. I want to see Swastikas in 2024.
New sign faggot. That shit is expired.
I have the absolute worst shits today.
Faggots are fucking retarded
^Yes, I know this to be true but it's still funny as fuck
OP posted a thread in /b/ where he posted his neovaginal apparently. Possibly a real vagina. I did not see it tho
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>someone finally starts wearing a swastika in public with a good message
>they're a fucking tranny freak with painted fingernails
Jesus fucking christ can someone who is not a fucking deviant weirdo please do this for ONCE
you will never be a woman

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