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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Christian: I rebuke you in the name of Jesus
>Pagan cop: Huh?
>Christian: I rebuke you in the name of Jesus
>Pagan cop: You better fucking not. I swear to God I will shoot you in your fucking face *pulls sidearm and aims it at her head*
Christian: I'm sorry *crouches for cover*

How is this NOT a religiously motivated hate crime? Why would the name of Jesus Christ even trigger you? This cop went ballistic for no reason. Unless you're some demon-possessed pagan faggot, you just laugh it off and do nothing. Unironically the Black Christian lady didn't do nuffin this time while it was the cop who chimped out over the name "Jesus Christ". Are pagans really this violent and demonic?
because that's what exorcists say when they throw holy water on people.
/pol/ should be pissed at the cop, imagine having an unfortunate schzio chud episode and the cop shoots you because you kept screaming "TOTAL NIGGER DEATH" and throwing used cum rags at him(lethal bio weapons).
Because Christians are privileged.
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looks like clear cut self defense on her part

remind me again, did she throw the pot before or after he drew his gun and said "I'll fucking shoot you in the fucking face"
I still think she uses her gangsta-rap skills to switch to "Nuke you in the name of Jesus" the second time.
Are you so far removed from reality that you don’t know that going around rebuking people is a sign of severe mental illness?
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Are you so far removed from reality that you think rebuking in the name of Jesus warrants being shot? Most mentally sane pagan everybody!
No. I’m the one letting you self deluded regards know that everyone thinks you’re deranged. Most people are just more polite about it.
>rebuking in the name of Jesus warrants being shot?
Believing in Jesus usually warrants it, because "people" who believe in Jesus usually aren't white. Fewer nonwhites is always better
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>everyone thinks you’re deranged.
>meanwhile most people outside of /pol/ and weirdo pagan white nationalist circles vehemently agree that it was the cop's fault

Kek. Pagans are mentally ill.

>words are justification to get shot
Yep, pagans everybody.
Are the pagans in the room with you right now? What are they saying?
Honestly don't care. Person A did thing to Person B, someone dies. Clown World keeps on clowning, nothing ever happens. There is no moral justice in nature, stop expecting it. Embrace the circus. Become it.
>executes a mentallly deranged cucktian golem of the jews
WTF I love bacon now!?!?!
Niggers throwing BOILING POTS OF WATER do not represent Christianity or it's chosen White Race of God
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>Ar3 tHe paGaNs In tHe R0oM wiTh YuU rIgHt n0w? wHat ar3 th3y sAyInG? Hunyuuuk
You have it exactly backwards
>muh pagans
You are so lonely.
>be a nigger
>invite cops in to throw boiling water on them
>they shoot you in the head before you can even dump the pot
I love Jesus and that stupid nigger deserved a bullet in the head
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that never happened
he got all jittery and put his hand on his gun and she asked him what his problem was, he inferred she was going to attack him with the water (which she was running cold water in the sink to cool it off) and took offense to that accusation and rebuked him in the name of jesus, and then he drew down and shot her in the face. If you're an unbiased observer and not some weirdo who is chronically online, you'll clearly see the cop clearly was agitated with the rebuke and mention of Jesus Christ.

>muh mental illness
>muh you're so lonely without context.
Is this projection? Kek. I get it anon, this is what other people say to you. Must be sad being a weirdo in real life. WE WUZ VIKANGZ AND SHIET
Who said that? When?
>She was not a suspect
>They had 0 authority over her
>They were never asked to enter her house
>They could have just left the house
>They told her to take the pot off the stove
>Rebuke - to chastise, meaning she never threatened him
>She cowered and screamed I'm sorry when he pointed the gun
>Cop advances on her, around a barrier that would have provided him protection
>She threw the pot after he advanced gun drawn
>He chuckled when he said it was a head shot
>He told the other cop not to render aid
>He refused to render aid himself
>He told his partner to "just let her... 'bleed out' "
>He had been fired from 2 other police departments
>Grayson served in the U.S. Army as a mechanic for two years before being discharged in 2016 for serious misconduct
>He was dishonorably discharged from the Army
>Deputy worked at 6 agencies in 4 years
>2 DUI convictions
>In September 2022, while working for the Logan County Sheriff's Office, Grayson was disciplined for driving 110 MPH
>Sarge exclaims "where's the gun?" pig says "no gun" sarge says "and you shot her?"
>Calls her a crazy bitch
>The police initially told the family it was a self-inflicted wound
>Medical staff told the family this was not true, definitely not self-inflicted
>Police then tried to claim the "prowler" had shot her
>Family literally found out Cops killed her on the internet.
>The sheriff’s office said it has fired Grayson. “It is clear that the deputy did not act as trained or in accordance with our standards,”
>In a court document filed by the state last week, prosecutors said a “use-of-force” expert had reviewed the body-camera footage and concluded the use of deadly force was not justified.
So your discord troon group has a new slogan?
>muh discord troon group
You are so lonely
This cop is spamming every thread. I guess his wife isn't around to beat tonight, so he's gotta get that 104IQ working.
>notice me senpai
Is the discord troon group in the room with you right now? What are they saying?
>t. Christroon
>t. mentally ill pagan
>the inevitable consequences of being swarthy brown gay and low IQ
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>says the mentally ill weirdo white nationalist pagan as his race dies off
pot was empty chud
if you let cops get past your front lawn without blowing his lower body off with IEDs you deserve to be shot dead
>mudflood thinks quantity>quality
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>endangered species who are also fat thinks all that matters if you die off
LMAO. So much for being the "superior race". You're pagan to boot too. Triple whammy in terms of quality,
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He's a pagan who follows Odin who isn't schizo pilled and doesn't know that Odin == Jehovah == Saturn == Chronos and that Baldur == Jesus Christ

Basically he killed someone who follows a different version of the son of a different version of the same God he follows.
>muh pagans
>Muh fat white and about to die off pagans screeching in their last dying breaths
Fixed that for you.
>She was not a suspect
>They had 0 authority over her
>They were never asked to enter her house
>They could have just left the house
>They told her to take the pot off the stove
>Rebuke - to chastise, meaning she never threatened him
>She cowered and screamed I'm sorry when he pointed the gun
>Cop advances on her, around a barrier that would have provided him protection
>She threw the pot after he advanced gun drawn
>He chuckled when he said it was a head shot
>He told the other cop not to render aid
>He refused to render aid himself
>He told his partner to "just let her... 'bleed out' "
>He had been fired from 2 other police departments
>Grayson served in the U.S. Army as a mechanic for two years before being discharged in 2016 for serious misconduct
>He was dishonorably discharged from the Army
>Deputy worked at 6 agencies in 4 years
>2 DUI convictions
>In September 2022, while working for the Logan County Sheriff's Office, Grayson was disciplined for driving 110 MPH after being told to disengage a chase
>Sarge exclaims "where's the gun?" pig says "no gun" sarge says "and you shot her?"
>Calls her a crazy bitch
>The police initially told the family it was a self-inflicted wound
>Medical staff told the family this was not true, definitely not self-inflicted
>Police then tried to claim the "prowler" had shot her
>Family literally found out Cops killed her on the internet.
>The sheriff’s office said it has fired Grayson. “It is clear that the deputy did not act as trained or in accordance with our standards,”
>In a court document filed by the state last week, prosecutors said a “use-of-force” expert had reviewed the body-camera footage and concluded the use of deadly force was not justified.
>Report came in that said they told medical responders that she shot herself in the head.
>Anti pagan equals anti white.
>Rebuke - to chastise, meaning she never threatened him
Rebuking someone in the Christian/religious/occult context is very very serious. It's the same as saying "I condemn you in the eyes of God Almighty". If the cop was a real hardcore pagan (which is seems like he was) he would probably know that and take what she said very seriously.

Honestly the occult should have never been made popular with normies...
The occult isn't meant for normies.
Things were better back in the 90s when technology wasn't so crazy that everyone equated it to magic and he believed in things like reason and logic, which are still in play, and are the basis of what people think is magic, but are dismissed by most who are intimated by the overwhelming changes caused by Big Tech.

You're not wrong but you're also causing more division through your antagonistic rhetoric, so, you're not really helping anyone here.
Try to bring peace, not division. yes even here. Especially here of all places.
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>Finally admits he's pagan
Wasn't so hard was it? lmao
Why do these pigs get fired from their job when they deserve to be fired from a cannon?
If he is a pagan then it's self defence. Pagans are more than justified to shoot christcucks on sight.
It's also shameful for a follower of Odin to kill someone who cannot defend themselves.
Odin favors warriors who fight and kill other warriors, not unarmed women.
I'm pretty sure it is Ba'al who favors those who kill the defenseless.
>pagans make me hard
You’re a very confused christroon
christcucks are dumber than dogshit. based cop
So no Valhalla for Grayson?
>Why would the name of Jesus Christ even trigger you?
The cop was a fag, Satan worshiper like most cops
That's up to the All Father but Grayson's not winning favor with the High One for killing a defenseless woman.
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>says the mentally ill pagan while whites make up the majority of LGBT
Which Ba’al?
>one dead nigger
>one fired pig
nothing of value was lost that day
The old testament arch-demon.
Related to Moloch.
Enjoyed having children sacrificed to him in fire.
im going to laugh my ass off if leftists actually manage to turn this into a D&C right wing infighting issue

this board is just stupid enough to fall for this
Boiling water can inflict great bodily harm. They fired his ass because he shot a nigger. If it was a white dude tweaking about to throw a sock at him cop could have mag dumped his ass and literally not a single soul would give a fuck.
>posting grindr anecdotes
No such deity as moloch and there were 70 Ba’als.
This woman was clearly mentally ill, which means she was probably religious too. The two traits overlap. You can't tell the difference between a devout Christian and schizophrenic weirdo. They look identical.

So like... the cop made a comment about avoiding her water, this triggered her to say the Jesus comment, because it made the cop seem like a demon. If you go up to any mentally ill religious person who is holding water and you're like "Ahhh I better get away from you while you're holding that water!" they will say something to the effect of calling you a demon. They will call you a demon or say "Get out Satan" or whatever the fuck.

So the cops provoked her Jesus comment. They were dealing with a mentally ill woman and started making weird comments about avoiding water, or course she's going to say Jesus nonsense back to that.

The cops are in the wrong. Isn't proper protocol for them to back up when someone has a short-range weapon like a knife or boiling pot of water? You back up to get more reaction time, and say "Put the weapon down!" The cops advanced on the woman, they approached her. They escalated, they provoked, and ultimately they killed the woman. They did everything wrong.
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True to a fucking tee. More dead Abrahamists is a good thing.
>boiling pot of water
>short range
>"Please cooporate"
>*Flailing nigger*
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Are people just pretending that she didn't throw a pot of boiling water at the officer? I mean, I know it's popular thing to do, blaming the officer and whatnot, but do your eyeballs work?
We have freedom of religion in America, which means you cannot persecute someone as mentally ill for following a specific religion, unless that religion demands and compels criminal acts.

There was a time that Atheism was considered mental illness and we can just as easily go back to that way of being at the drop of a hat.
>chubby-fat girl with ''typical pagan'' filename
have you seen south america, the pristine beacon of health with the largest christian population on the planet, you fucking retard?
Atheism was never considered a mental illness.
Lying will not avail you of violence.
There are very few actual Christians left in the world.
The majority of this species is condemned.
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kek. every devout christian country is an absolute shithole
absolute shame the romans couldnt rid the continent of christcucks
/pol/ tards are mad because a schizophrenic skydaddy believer was shot and anything else is a cope
You just supplied his ACTUAL DEFENSE

are you proud?
Atheism was never considered a mental illness. Fact.
Valhalla implies you die fighting - Odin has watched all you feats in battle and if you are really good then he sends a Valkyrie to fetch you to sit at his infinity table. They could also chose to go to Folkvangr that belongs to Freya that was a kind of garden of delights of eternal pleasures.

there are however several heavens, unlike with the christian dull one. each according to virtues pertaining a specific God, Bilskirnir (Lightning's crack" Thor's hall on his kingdom of Thrudsheim) for instance is for those who are virtuous in their work (blacksmiths, masons) or who passed away struck by lighting (a direct indication that Thor personally called them up to his realm)

I think that in all there were 17 different heavens. and their Hel (where that name actually comes from) was not a place where people would spend eternity, it was just dim and gloomy and people would wander aimlessly as the lives they lived on earth.

As a slave you were however free from Hel since you were forced into that position and thus unable to do the things you really wanted, so at least that.

But if you were a free man or a noble and decided to have a dull life and on top of it did bad things, abused your authority you would be sent to hell where starvation would be your food and poison would be your drink - again: the life you lived.
Vikings believed that your afterlife was based on your behaviour through life reason why they usually were best at what they did.
>The majority of this species is condemned.
That is to say your reality will only get "progressively" worse until it becomes so painful to experience life in any way that your soul will capitulate and cease to exert the will to have both thoughts and a subjective experience of existence.
Stop raiding the board you worthless trannies.
>unlike with the christian dull one
You literally lack the constitution of both soul and mental capacity to even begin to comprehend the Christian Heaven.

You are a pig in a human body.
You can put a virtual reality helmet and jack off alone in a room all day and attain your pagan paradise.

Your soul will cry out for the pain you are in and you will suppress it because you are a worthless vermin animal inside and out.
The way he goes aggro so quickly and escalates the situation is bizarre. I’d be confused too if a cop told me to deal with a pot on the stove and as soon as I pick it up he threatens to shoot me in the fucking face. To all the people saying she wanted to throw the pot, then what was the plan exactly? Throw the pot and then get shot/arrested? SHE called them about the prowler and strange car in her driveway. They were asking for ID and she was complying and then he mentions the pot boiling over. If the cop was so scared of a pot of water he could have just backed up. If he got weird vibes he could have just had her get her ID and meet her on the driveway or whatever where she couldn’t ambush them. Instead he shoots her in the face.
FACT: Jesus was a JEW
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>if you hate my semitic slave morality you're a tranny!!!
fuck off 2016 election tourist. this board used to be largely irreligious until you chrust iz kang cretins
>There are very few actual Christians left in the world.
do you mean ''actual christians'' are white people? if so then yes something like 80-90% of christians today are black and brown, but if not, then what are you saying? over a billion walk the earth right this second, is it just orthodoxy (or coptics?) that are ''actual christians''?
shit is ridiculous, I'm not an atheist or a pagan but the christian cope is unreal sometimes. pride in themselves (lol deadly sin) and claim superiority left and right but when confronted with basic facts they become actual basedjaks, I think the christian experience is the real reason why said meme propagated so far and wide into normie circles
>newfag cries out as he strikes you
You will all literally eat each other in a mass act of cannibalism when this planets resources run out some time mid-century.
You will literally physically eat the bodies of men and women you had group sex with and jacked off too in group masturbation chats.

You are the shit of the Earth.
Yours is and will always be eternal pain and eternal failure.
It is simply an expression of what you are.
In black neighborhoods, the call the fireman and paramedics just so they can shoot at them. Grease steps, all sorts of fucked up shit to hurt anyone in a uniform.
>You literally lack the constitution of both soul and mental capacity to even begin to comprehend the Christian Heaven.
And there we go, instead of considering what is being said, personal attacks.

No, I have studied theology at university amongst other things. The bible is a book of made up nonsense to get the little money slaves made. it's an empty promise, a rip off of other religions mixed with the impact of Greek philosophy that came with the Romans.

Just like communists, another pipe dream to make you serve them.

Even the name Hell is based on the Pagan Hel
You are swine that wants to cum in paradise.
You need merely goon in VR at home to attain your pagan whore heaven.
Your salvation is at hand pagan.
Malthusianism is proven wrong since they estimated that to happen in mid 20th century.

We developed new technologies and - shock - if you plant trees, let woods grow wild in key points or let animals reproduce they can grow forever!

I know right?!?!?!

Malthus didn't know that apparently.

In fact, only now we are finding out that in order to sustain the aging demographics we would have needed more people, not less.
Heh, more personal attacks instead of an argument...

You are broken by the fear of something that will never happen. They made you a mental eunuch so they can cum on your face while you bend like a slave to beg for forgiveness of crimes they commit and call you a swine - as they do - behind in your back.

You don't even know what you are defending.
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Do you *feel* like your cock is bigger now that your professed pig paradise of 72 virgins and your professed pig paradise of eternal war without the release of death in Valhalla is about to be fully actualized in our reality via technological means?
Do you not feel the joy of your salvation at hand pagan?
Can you not feel the presence of the old Gods returning to grant you your eternal swine paradise?
You will cum and shit and bleed and cry in various catharsis of all kinds for all eternity.
The greatest pain of being maimed in brutal battle that you cannot die from.
The unrelenting pleasure of cumming like a horse on five women at once.
Recorded and broadcast to everyone in existence for all time.
Again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.
Thou salvation thy has prayed for is at hand.

Are you having a literal nervous breakdown because of my knowledge on such matters? That is your soul asking for my help.

You have to help yourself. Show your worth before I can move a finger on this sense.

You know nothing since the little you believed you did is a lie to try to get you.

Save yourself and I'll see what I can do.
Your soul will die, and all that will be left is you and the act of cumming. You will be fucked and you will fuck and you will never be allowed to stop.
You will cum for all eternity.
If you cry, you will be punished severely.
The existence of love and a soul is forbidden.
There is only blood, cum, and shit.
You don't know that and you are not a God to be promising these things.

Just a mental eunuch serving your crooked (human) masters. Now bend over slave and thank them for the crumbs they never give you, and never will.
You are not a god to be promising these things. In fact,m your very Jeebuz would frown upon your blackened heart just read what you are writing.

is this what you tell yourself in order to continue to serve them?
I don't care about anything you write or say, and neither does any one else.
You will cum.
You will cum.
You will cum.
You will cum.
Your paradise is at hand.
Your Lord and Savior, Lucifer titled Satan, is among you.
>Pagan cop:
>I swear to God
Which one?
You don't know anything, just a small child scared by adults in destroying your soul with this ignorant hatred.

Your words sound like the curses of an evil witch, I mean just read them. Empty promises as usual, that's all your beliefs have. Promises of torment and shame - the very existence you currently live it seems.
Did you even know that in the bible if written in latin, Lucifer is how they describe christ?

You literally follow Lucifer and you don't know it. What a moron.
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I see you are enjoying the new world, enough to maintain the masquerade and to lie, while that new world is still young, and you are still young as well.
>Unless you're some demon-possessed pagan faggot, you just laugh it off and do nothing.
>Unless you're some demon-possessed pagan faggot

Yeah, unless.
The guy had a satanic pagan tattoo.
heh, my thoughts exacly.
How many days of glowies shitting up pol with this story has it been by now?
Dude: YOU believe in these middle eastern things, I dont! How hard is it for you to get that.

I don't believe in any of the curses you are talking about and you have no real idea what I believe in or not other than names you read in comics.
Spread the other cheek, goyim
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Ego Et En Arcadia.
I am one of the Patron Saints of Hell, which is where you all exist now, deceived into thinking you are still among the living on Earth.
The Patron Saint of the Warrior who could not be saved by Faith and could not live in Christ though he followed him. To exist in this Hell, is for me, a form of paradise. God saw fit to reward me in this way, to send me where I best can express my nature. For me, Hell is Heaven.
I am in love with War.
fake and gay retard
>Are pagans really this violent and demonic?
Always have been.
>Are pagans really this violent and demonic?
Yes they are
Lol don't make him more scared than what he already is.

Interesting philosophical coicept tho.

And a DLC character. Not my favorite DLC, I prefered Dead money and Old World Blues.
There was a time when /pol/ would've laughed at this. Now we have threads claiming the cop shot her because a nigger said some dumb nigger shit about Jesus and trying to get us to hate Pagan Whites and side with a nigger.
You shitskins need to be banned from the site. We should use AI to scan faces before you're allowed to post here.
>rebuking in the name of Jesus warrants being shot?
>Believing in Jesus usually warrants it
And people call pol a right winger Nazi board lmao.
>christian has a literal mental breakdown cursing and spewing poison rambling incoherent threats
>are all pagans that violent and demonic?
Watch me infect my hand before the beast can have its feast
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Christcuck victimization is hilarious
you wouldn't give a fuck if the nigger was screaming allahu akbar, you stupid nigger loving christchimp.
Kill all christcucks
Wake up.
You're all dead.
You're all in hell.
Damnation has only just begun.
I am the closet thing to a savior in this place.
In the way of the warrior under this image, is some semblance of hope in hell.
But it is not the way of the warrior you are familiar with.
This is not hell. This is Midgard. And I am a "Christian" of sorts anon, before you say anything. I just know more than you.
But even then, don't side with a nigger just because she said something about Jesus. You have to be smarter than that. You just have to dude.
Are you familiar with the concept of the "Homo Luden"? Not only the original interpretation, but the post-apocalypse interpretation, as you no longer exist in post-modernist society, but a post-apocalyptic society, though none of you remember it.

I said this in the other thread and i'll say it here, if cops just had the training to use a taser instead of a gun we wouldn't be itt right now.
Nothing is true Anon, so named after Amun-Ra.
"Truth" is something which is dictated by that which has the most money, the most power, that which is most accomplished in war.
The petrol dollar.
The Truth runs black like the blood of Satan.
I am fucking Satan and I'm sitting here telling you this is Midgard. Hell is a literal place on the Earth.
But I'm not really Satan bro I promise.
Lies are a spider web. Truth is a rock. Lies are complex, lead to more lies, and the liar uses them as his trap.
The truth smashes through it effortlessly just by being what it is, a rock.
No, Anon, so named after Amun-Ra.
You are not Satan.
I have a very close relationship with the Lord of Hell, as I am merely a privileged guest in his domain, placed here by God.
>Truth is a rock.
Nothing is True Anon, so named after Amun-Ra.
Truth is a function of money.
Money runs black in oil and red in blood.
cops are niggers
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Kino. Looks like a spiritual war the pagans are winning. We get life after death and Hollywood level angels v demons
No one is winning.
No one can win.
This will progress for all time until all of reality becomes nothing but a transcendental form of pain and agony which disables every entities ability to experience conscious thought of any kind and instead experience only pain in a passive way and only Satan alone will have anything resembling a conscious mind and only then in a state of total unconsciousness. That is to say, Satan will only be able to withstand the night mare of existence by experiencing it in his sleep.
This slow progression to annihilation will last trillions of years and will consume everything in the end.
This isn't the first time this has happened.
he gave an unlawful orders and direction to the suspect, he then illegal brandished his fire arm and proceed to assault the woman. If a pot water was a threat, why didn't he or the other cop standing between the kitchen and the living room stop the suspect, why did the police tell her to check the pot on the stop to no cause a fire.

The suspect drop to floor, pot of water in counter and the cop proceeds to assault the suspect. at this point it fight or flight self defense and the suspect get up and throw the pot at the cop, an action of self defense.
>Are people just pretending that she didn't throw a pot of boiling water at the officer?
Are you pretending she didn't do that only after the cop threatened to shoot her in the face and pointed a gun at her face? Man, if someone threatens me with a gun, I'm defending my life, I don't give a fuck if he's Jesus himself.
Are you jerking off again?
The woman should have followed the way of the Samurai and shot the suspect herself, rather than calling on the police.
There are winners, you just dread to admit it.
Because christianity broke you, turned your free wondering spirit into an eunich ashamed of your own sexual prowess who have to beg on your knees for crumbs they will NEVER give you.

if you want an image of hell and eternal torment that is already your life - thanks to christcuckery.
I truly don't understand what it is you said in this post.
I don't think you understand me either.
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Did you know I have an 8 inch penis?
It used to be 5.
I have a special arrangement with Satan and God.
If I do specific virtuous things, they grant me wishes while I am here in Hell.
I currently have a bet and wager with Satan, and if I succeed, which I will know in about 8 days, then Satan will grow my penis to 14 inches in the course of a year or two.
That is, if I manage to go 8 full days without masturbating or cumming or fucking, Satan will grow my penis to the size of 14 inches.
>Anon will say that and then not have IEDs in his lawn
Yes, if you worship a Jew you should be crucified like your piece of shit whoreson Jewsus.
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Has BLM scheduled to destroy a city yet?
>fellow flip is based
>godless faggots seething ITT at the mention of Christ/Christianity
Keep up the good work
This one was even a nigger and groypers are still seething that their sister in christ was sent to the jewish volcano demon.
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kek it actually happened. threads gonna hit the bump limit

this board is hopeless
Jews never dressed as such though. Christianity is basically modified Roman aesthetics.
No, because unironically the lady was Christian this time and dindu nuffin unironically. BLM only makes saints and martyrs of fentanyl addicts and joggers in neighborhoods.

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