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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Let's answer the old question. Who's better?
Same fucking thing
Neither but if I had to choose I'd go indian just because I don't want to get decapitated or suicide bombed by a goat fucker
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I think poos are slightly better. They say a lot of shit, but they are less violent
They are literally the fucking same. Both subhumans who need to stay out of civilized countries. They turned their own countries into hellscapes with their low IQs and retarded head bobbles, what makes you think they’ll improve ours?

(OP) Fuck off back to your own country paki. There is literally nothing different between you and the jeets, it is a political distinction at best.
I look at it from a different angle, I can shoot them in self defense
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The pakis, at least they learnt to wash their hands from the koran. The Indians drink and wash in cow urine and eat cow shit
Pakistan, because basically all that is worthwhile in the Indian subcontinent was given to them by Turkic Muslims or the British.
What’s better, Ebola or anal cancer?
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it's hard to say
IME pakis don't smell as bad as poos
other than that not much difference, so I pick pakis

I am acquainted with one guy from Sikkim, and he seems fairly different from your average poo
bangladeshis are also the same as poos as far as I can tell, except their language sounds nicer
Same shit, different holy book
The less stinkier one. The one that shits in a loo.
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There's a reason for that. None of them are real countries. They're all "Indian" and they're also all the same bunch of squabbling tribal monkeys that were there before the Raj.
Same shit, different street

why do all mayos claim that we indians and pakistani's hate each other ??? its only the religious extremists from both sides who hate each other, i have been good friends with plenty of punjabi pakistanis as an punjabi indian.............
At least there's a visual difference between pakis and jeets. What's the difference between a white and a kike? You guys are literally indistinguishable. The only difference is one cuts off only the foreskin while the other removes the whole penis.
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.
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Sikkimese are not poos
Yeah I'm sure you people care about your shitty little tribes. It's a shitty little tribal thing, just like the yids. You're all Indians to the white man, "Indian" meaning "funny little swarthy guy from somewhere they don't have plumbing". We could just call you niggers, darkies or wogs instead if we weren't trying to be as specific as we can be bothered to.
Pakis had plumbing before your race even existed for your knowledge
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Somebody might've had an irrigation ditch to shit in, they weren't pakis though.
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China would win a war against India.

I'm sure China would accuse India of biological warfare when China invades the heart of India but it's actually just how disgusting Indians are.
>mutt education
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Hey look up the Hunza people of Pakistan. Descendants of Alexander The Great's soldiers.

Pakistan's white people still exist after 2000+ years. India's white people from 4000+ years ago are all muds now.
Pakistanis if they can leave islam. Sadly that will not happen so neither.
Sikkim is a rightful Nepalese clay.
Fucking hell, funny but at same time pathetic.
Indians = whites
p*kis = jews
What's wrong with islam?
Its not even a competition at this point against those beggars.
It creates failed states like yours.
Ur flag makes ur comment pointless pajeet.
pakis, slightly
>cutting off foreskin at birth
>beheading "non believers"
>pray to allah for 5 times a day or else you will burn in hell
>we are peaceful but we will kill you if you insult my god
there are million other reasons. Point is islam is just fucking retarded cult which turn people into retarded cattle
Not that I am defending hinduism either, it is equally retarded and even more so because at least you poo in loo. Hindus don't. ie. their religion don't care about hygiene at all.
Indians are better, they have a caste system.
Both are liars, cheaters and rapists.

One tries to patrol your streets, and the other shits on it.

Also, neither could play cricket.
Nepal is rightful Hindu clay.
>cutting off foreskins
How does that affect you personally? Do you want to suck paki foreskins or something?
>Behead non believers
So you're taking kike agents like ISIS as what Muslims are supposed to do? Show me where it says that Muslims are required to behead anyone.
>pray to Allah
Now prayer is bad? What kind of retard logic is that?
>we will kill you if you insult my god
That's literally just the Pathans. And you shouldn't be going around insulting other people's gods or holy figures. For example, it would be so easy for me to make fun of your Hindu gods but I won't because there's a thing called manners.

You still have not shown me one thing about islam specifically which is bad instead of your preconceived notions about pakis. I wonder why that is? Let's Google and see. Oh... Nevermind carry on
At this point all you have to do is declare it to the world and it will be yours. You already control everything. lol
And this is another reason as to why muslims are hated all over the world.
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Paki is a failed state while we are 5th biggest economy, go figure.
>At this point all you have to do is declare it to the world and it will be yours
Never said Indian. I said Hindu.
5th Economy but largest population? that means you're 5 times less efficient than the top economy. That's nothing to brag about you retarded train suicide loving street shitter IT nigger.
You are truly pathetic to hate your own ancestors so that you can look impartial in front of a paki subhuman.
>muslims are hated all over the world.
That's just kike propaganda at play, which has obviously worked like a charm on your. But also, only women and children care what other people think about them. So what if some 42.99 iq retard hates me? Excuse me while I go wipe my tears lol get a load of this retard
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No, because resources on the earth is limited and population plays against development.
Also its 5th largest for now. We are the fastest growing economy too, thanks to MahaVishnu.
Hindu dinduism has failed our society. As I said there are lots of retarded shits in hinduism.
I am a newar. We are not hindus. Our ancestors were not hindus. Hindus came from India and colonized us.
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white is an american term. Jews are just heavily mixed within the communities they have lived in. Ashkenazis are basically a minority in Israel, most jews come from the middle-east and both tend to have curly hair and larger noses. Same type of difference that we can see with poo and paki.
>kike propaganda
Kikes deserve the real holocaust but so do muslims.
Ok and why do Muslims deserves to get holocausted?
>Hindu dinduism has failed our society. As I said there are lots of retarded shits in hinduism.
Communism failed your society. You would have been 1st world by now if you followed Hinduism properly.
Fancy way of saying Indo tibetan mutt. Anyways, Newari are Hindu as well.
>Communism failed your society
>1st world
>8.2% Growth Rate.
>Only 4.8% inflation
>Removed 450 million people from extreme poverty in just a decade
>Defense exports increased by 31 times in last 10 years
>ODF status achieved from being a nation with 42% population defecating openly in just 8 years
>Have one of the best space program
Our society is far from being failed
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>I am newar
>doesn't know its prakrit term for the sanskrit word nepal
You are unbelievably dumb.
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>from street shitters to space shitters
>pic rel when jeets run out of oxygen in space
>our investment in Kashmir $12 bn
>beggar pooki's relief package $3 bn
We invest 4 times more than you beg. Even your allah is laughing at you.
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Okay live in fairy la la land and continue to eat cow shit. If you're the 5th largest economy but the most populated it means you've got bigger issues coming that will prevent you from being great.

You can't be great while having a large portion of your nation live in such squalor, significant portion illiterate and the educated fleeing en masse to any other nation out there.
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You can have all the money in the world. You can sit on all the riches in the universe. But you will always be a jeet. Lolz
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Only thing that can prevent us from being great is unruly muslims voting retarded parties and their outdated retarded book.
India's success is undeniable otherwise.
this right here
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Maybe we should recycle food like you do?
You will be a muttjeet which is worse.
As for being Jeet, I love it and I am proud of it.
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Maybe you should stop worshipping allah and actually use brains to produce food and improve your society
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>3rd law
I know you wish you were like us. Very desperately.
>You wish you were like us
Why would I want to be a subhuman beggar whose mom got raped by a pack of feral central asians?
Is that Ayesha and Mohammed? Ngl mohammed is rocking that blue garland.
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You would have been great before the muslims then... and you weren't and before you mention anything before 1000BC we know it was the Scythians coming in from the Steppes.

You should ask yourself "How come we took a huge break from being great?".

Just like the ancient Greeks. After the racial integration with the arabs Greece hasn't been great since. Take hints from this example.
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Picrel after we kill all the Muslims in Indian subcontinent
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>you would have been great before muslims
We were, read about the Mauryas, the Guptas, the Palas, the Rashtrakutas, so on and so forth. You not knowing history doesn't mean we were irrelevant.
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Based Bantai
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Triggered the hive kek.
>meanwhile your mom circa 2024
Your kind rapes and beheads, you are the most likely to cause problems in public and harass others etc. You are a nuisance and a plague in this world.
Poos are disgusting, but they are much less likely to rape and kill compared to muslim subhuman trash. Your ilk is so hated that people from my part of the world are indifferent to mudslimes dying or are straight up rooting for jews to exterminate as many muslims as possible in gaza. That's how much your ilk has pissed off the poeple in EU, they are rooting for jews to kill your kind (at least in northern EU).
You are exactly the same
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka: literally all the same subhuman shitskins
If India militarily took on Pakistan and China I'd be impressed. You'd definitely be great.
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China would easily defeat India and it basically already has. Pajeets would lose a war against China in under a week, with or without nukes.
Economically, culturally and militarily China just mogs India. Even though they are souless bug people at least some of their females are attractive and according to statistics chinks have bigger dicks than Pajeets.
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>>ODF status achieved
This is a lie. Facts state otherwise.
11% of the population of India still practices open defecation.
Don't know where you got your info from but here take the review of white women visiting pk
India and Pakistan descend from caste societies. There are smart pakis and indians, but they are the minority and definetly not on this board. Not all of them are shit eaters and goatfuckers.
Mooslimes are worse than anything on this planet. (Except communists maybe.)
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>that's a lie
We are literally going for ODF Plus status in every district now.
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The reason why you will always remain a shithole is that you will never acknowledge your drawbacks and work on it. All you will do is cope and make things worse.
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So a thread with the Pindia Challenge expired before I could post my picture.

I thought to myself;
>Where is the financial capital of India
Not the actual Capital, but the place where the majority of the money is and as such, where it should be the most clean and the most well built, with the greatest infrastructure.
>Surely these people are cherry picking, surely these threads shitting on Indians aren't true, surely it's just a meme
So of course, I chose to place my Pin inside of Mumbai. According to my research that is the financial capital, both Google said as much, as well as the two different business journals and the Indian Times itself said as much.
Of course, I can't know exactly where the good places in Mumbai are, but it's still the capital. The richest places in Australia look fantastic no matter where I put the pin, so surely this is a good idea. Of course, I could still give an educated guess, so I zoomed in exceptionally close so I could place it closer to the center.
Boy... Was I wrong.
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>exports his fine culcha to the west
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I don't trust your scammer statistics. I'll use the WHO/UNICEF data, thanks.
>t. Epidemiologist, Master of Public Health.
I can smell this picture
What is the context here? It’s horrifyingly disgusting.
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How long till you start playing food fight in the west too? Lolz
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>Indian cuisine
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>Shows a 2022 report which takes data from Mills JE, Cumming O. The impact of water, sanitation and hygiene on key health and social outcomes. Sanitation and Hygiene Applied Research for Equity (SHARE) and UNICEF. 2016;112 for open defecation stats
I am showing you real time 2024 data which is constantly monitored and updated.
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Gypsy here, fuck all your shitters it's why we left that shithole in the firstplace. Would rather fuck around with the greeks and spanish than your dog asses.
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From a biased, non reputable source.
Like I said, I'll take the WHO/UNICEF data.
11% Open defecation it is.
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His devotion is pretty based don't see what part you are trying to make fun off.
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Even IF you stop shitting on the streets (you won't), you're still lighting up turds inside the house.
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You probably worship old man dick and balls so your definition of "based" is very skewed.
>From a biased, non reputable source.
Literal ground reporting is non reputable now.
>Like I said, I'll take the WHO/UNICEF data.
11% Open defecation it is.
Now post the source from which they reached that conclusion.
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They actually worship CIRCUMCISED dicks and judging by the side, it's definitely across a certain border. Hmmmmm....
>Lighting up turd
Its eco friendly. Pooki villages do that as well.
Buisness is booming braadar, where is the next begging spot
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>worship dick and balls
He is worshipping the shrine in front of the Sadhu
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You worship and perform oral sex with a rock vagina.
>Literal ground reporting is non reputable now.
In India it is. You are a nation of scammers.
>using cow shit as fuel is the same as lighting it as incense
Jeet logic, ladies gentlemen's and trannies. Anyways I'm off. Later nerds
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What about this guy? Is he worshipping the shrine too? Oh wait, there is no shrine.
Still haven't posted the source for your WHO data.
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Prostration in front of naga sadhu not worshipping his dick.
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Pooki please
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The source is the Joint Monitoring Program for WASH data which is administered by the WHO and UNICEF. They're the source. You can click on the dataset on the website, open it up in excel and view it for yourself.
If you were smarter (you aren't) you'd use that data to 3rd law onto Africans who have a higher prevalence of OD.
Why does he have to prostrate himself where the penis is?
What about this? Is this worshipping cock and balls?
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The photographer took the photo in that angle, you can clearly see he is holding his head and not his dick.
Indians and Hindus by a large margin.
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crazy idea but indians could stay in india and pakis can stay in pakiland. i know i know its a bold idea but possible. then whitey wont have to babysit brownoids
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What does that have to do with the penis worship, Pajeet?
For reference I am a white Australian and an atheist. I don't have a religion so attacking mudshits for being goatfucking pedophiles doesn't rebut my statements.
Penis worship is a staple in ancient religions. China have a temple dedicated to Penis.
See was it that hard to admit?
You could have done without the 2nd law and just said
>Yes saar, we worship the cock and balls saar
without trying to deflect onto China.
indians only if they stop scamming, scamming is british culture.
>2nd law
>hard to admit
What are you on about. The videos you shared previously had no cock worship.
Look Pajeet. Just admit you like to go to the temple and bow to the old man cock and balls. Maybe touch them, give them a kiss.
Nothing to be ashamed of.
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>you like to go to the temple and bow to the old man cock and balls. Maybe touch them, give them a kiss
Never done anything of it. I worship real Gods who are based.
I don't believe you. You have zero proof that you haven't worshipped the cock and balls.
whatever you say shitskin poo
why this retarded mountain pajeet salty like his shithole is any better than rest of south asia,pajeet dont you sell your minoir sister to poos for some rupee.
You can change your names, you can change your flags, you can create castes, at the end of the day shit is shit. They are the same thing. Shit.
>this thread
lol, lmao even
They're the same.
Pakis are slightly worse because Islam makes them more violent, but I just want them to destroy each other with nuclear war.
>The source is the Joint Monitoring Program for WASH data which is administered by the WHO and UNICEF.
That is not a source. Dataset on the website is secondary and taken from the official (aka government data) of the respective nations.
To further prove my point
>The JMP estimates for WASH in households are based on information collected through national data from a wide range of different data sources, censuses and surveys, as well as secondary sources in the absence of primary data.
its called lingam worship and yes they do it
>So you're taking kike agents like ISIS as what Muslims are supposed to do? Show me where it says that Muslims are required to behead anyone.
Sharia law? Sandniggers and pisslam displaced an entire race of capable people (the Persians) over their satanic form of low IQ arianism
which part of shariah law says that anyone has to be beheaded?
Two turds from the same asshole. OP is a pedophile
Im the furthest thing from white and i hate you too. Its not just whites who hate you, dirty stinky nigger.
>Im the furthest thing from white
we already knew LaMarion Tyrese Emanuel Lopez
I was actually born in Thailand you stinky nigger.. And even then, Being a US born citizen is a lot better than being known internationally for shit, dog fucking, and rape. Who cares what you have to say anyways? You're poor.
>ladyboy has an opinion
>Shit eating child rapist thinks he has a say in anything.
Anything is better than being a poo. I'd shake hands with a slithering kike before yourself, dirty poo. At least they don't typically have shit on theirs like yours.
did you get the bolt on tits or the expensive kind?
Why does your prophet rape little girls? Why do you worship pedophilia? You're no better than your shit eating hindu brothers.
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kek the world's brothel seething mad. whats wrong did your pimp not pay you for the night? i dont think any other race has taken as much jeet jizz as yours. damn
This. There is barely any difference
I... Have zero clue nor care of what happens in water nigger paradise. I moved to the US when i was two, kek. The pedophile worshipper is seething. Mohammad was a nigger rapist you jeet.
>i moved to the US...
did anyone ask? lonely thai tranny looking for some company it seems like.
No matter what you say, you hold zero weight in anything. You worship a pedophile & you're poor. You will always be the weird seething indian kid till you die.
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ok and still better than being a ladyboy
Nothing is worse than being a poop person like yourself. you aren't even people lol. In fact, I'd trust a trannynigger before any poo. You guys rape, poop on, and scam everything in sight.
>I'd trust a trannynigger
of course you'd trust your own kind kek
>Nothing is worse than being a poop person like yourself. you aren't even people lol.
As i said.
You rape kids. You are indian. Seethe.
odd how you had to say completely out of the blue that you'd trust a trannynigger. trust it with what? you cant just make a claim like that and not elaborate on it
Nigger, frylock is more of a human being than you. What are you?
poos and pakis are identical in nearly every way but poos dont blow them selves up so thats an advantage
Indians rape in their own country and make money in ours, muslims do the opposite.

Not really a genuine comparison outside of the minds of shills and muslims.
("why shills?" you might ask? Because the establishment didn't like India remaining neutral/friendly with Russia, the anti Indian spam originates from that and got amplified by the muslim infestation here)
I'd trust anybody, even a nigger, beaner, faggot, kike, tranny, waternigger, or bogan before a poo. Hell, i'd trust a black in the middle of a chimpout before i'd ever trust a jeet You arent human.
and yet you are thirsty for my attention. sounds a lot like an inferiority complex. ladyboy
You're the one who replied to me first. Stop replying then you nigger. kek. Holy sub 80 IQ
nope you replied to me first here >>475710989
so very desperate for my precious paki attention. have some crumbs tranny lol
If you're seething and you know it give me a (You)

If you're a jeeter and you loathe it give me a (you)
(clap your hands, suckdeep)
>multiple replies
>visibly perturbed
>desperate to make the last post because that's the only victory he can conceive in his life
isnt it time you go and dilate before the wound heals up?
HEY! EVERYBODY! if you're a seething nigger jeeter, you're worse than even beaners, take a shower, and wash your ass and give me a (you)
*clap clap*
damn how triggered are you lol? i mean i'd be pissed at life too if i was born a thai quite honestly. amusing though
Encore?? If you're seething and you know it give me a (You)
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take a chill pill friendo lol
If you're a jeeter and you loathe it give me a (you)

Whistles and cheers blowing from the crowd, "SING THAT SHIT NIGGER"
Trick question, the answer is neither.
animal rituals
Jeets are better because at least there are a couple of smart ones.

Muslims are completely irredeemable subhumans that need to be glassed off the planet, there isnt a single good one, they are all nigger animals
They both stank of curry and goat meat.
If I could trade all the pakis here for indians I would. No doubt.
Pakistan because there's less of them in the world compared to pajeets.
They are one and the same retarded nigger.

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