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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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there is no work in america for a young man
You're going to have to work for yourself.
which state?
White men maybe. They're hiring literally every spic and nigger that walks through the door though.
Identify as spic, its the white mans weapon against DEI
You voted against it
Stop whining and get your trucking license.
Work at Walmart or 711
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It is rather simple to head for an employment agency. They are usually flooded with degenerates who wash up onshore or swim across the border. They jump at the chance to place someone who at least seems like they have their shit together. After a set period (something like 3-6 months) the employer has the option to hire directly. Make it a priority to show up on time and do the assigned work correctly and you're usually a shoe-in.

This notion that there are no jobs has given many the idea that it's not worth trying to find work. It's also a myth that white men have no chance anymore. Bullshit. Companies want employees who are going to show up on time and be responsible, not causing fights in the lunchroom or parking lot, not show up drunk or stoned. If you are even mediocre, you have a shot.

Things are also changing now given that it's a virtual certainty that Trump will be taking office in January. You can see many things lining up that show people on all sides are preparing for that eventuality. And the one eventuality that folks are seriously going to see is the mass deportation of tens of millions of shitheels.

They are going to need warm bodies, and the ones they want now are those who won't be snatched up on the way to work by ICE.
Vatos locos forever ese
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Well there is, but nothing that'll will have you wearing a suit.

And pod-dwelling city slickers will look down upon you
Mass deportation isn't logistically viable at this point.
Even if we assume the administration genuinely wanted to and put a shitload of effort into it (They won't but lets assume they did) short of going door to door and gunning people without a US passport down on the spot (Which obviously isn't going to happen and suggesting it is is glownigger honeypot bait), there is simply no realistic way to get rid of 20 million illegal immigrants, they breed faster than you can get rid of them.
>After a set period (something like 3-6 months) the employer has the option to hire directly. Make it a priority to show up on time and do the assigned work correctly and you're usually a shoe-in.

Bullshit nigger. They work you past your "temp date", lay you off, then call you back next week to come back to work and start the clock over. All while they're getting ~$50/hr and giving you $15.

Employment agencies should be fucking illegal and the people that own them hanged.
No work for middle aged men either
There are people working in a local factory that have been there through a "temp agency" for 5 fucking years.
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im just not going to stock shelves at walmart while a 4'6'' 250lb redhead woman screams orders at me
im just not gonna do it.
There's a lot of work in construction. I did that for about a year after the Corps and promised myself I wouldn't lift a finger in labor for another man ever again. I've recently been accepted to law school. You can do it man. There's plenty of different things. You won't be the king of industry, like they like to make it seem, but you can own your own business.
This 1000 times over. They will string youalong and then replace you with another temp if you get uppity.
>just build the free houses truey quarter the invaders in bro
mow lawns, drive a garbage truck, pump septic tanks
sell firewood
Passport Bros
>This post was brought to you by Mike Rowe.
Houses will be built with or without your help. That's not the only thing you can do. You can drive trucks, cut down trees, mine fish.

Just think about it for a little while and you'll think of something.

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