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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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So do they sacrifice babies or is it just a summer camp for boomers?
Is very old they may done different things each year
They kill a sheep, you can hear baaaa in that Alex Jones video
If some lurker retard calls the Owl of Minerva "Moloch" one more time, I honestly hope you fucking tax cattle get depopulated.
Are they even relevant anymore? Doesn't seem like it.
It's honestly a summer camp of hedonism and nothing more. It's not even for men in power. They love that you guys think that. Nah, this is where the puppets go to get their fufillment of promises. More back room deals while the real men in power contemplate and set up just a bit more.
Consider any congregation there to be nothing more than an intermission to each chapter.
The burning of the effigy is a transaction with the aspects of Minerva. A toast if you will for the cryptos and shabbos.
It could be Lilith or Jesus, or some local thing instead of either
Or it could be Minerva, the aspect of wisdom, justice, law, victory. Fuck off and lurk more.
All pantheistic idols follow archetypes universal to the human experience. Once you understand the specific esoteric symbology to each aspect of the human condition, it is very easy to connect the dots when you are presented with their exoteric presentation.
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Here is the cremation of care ceremony from this year, it’s only got 160 views you are welcome nigger enjoy the video


Alex joes wishes he had this good of footage
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That video description alone makes me wish the elite well in their depopulation agenda.
Did Dancer delete the video from his channel?
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Here’s the body right here
Did you see the new footage?
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It’s still there
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This isn’t dancer(?) video I’m not sure
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look anons, it's just like freemasonry. We're not dark evil motherfucker jews that want to end you. We're just dorks with forks that want to get away from our horrible wives. We dress up, do some bullshit rituals, shake hands in weird ways and have some beer and ribs. That's basically it. btw 33rd degree Scottish rite freemason. It's not an evil club bent on destroying you. Although it does have some weird Jewish roots, I swear to you all right now it's just a chance for the boys to get together and have some beers and hang out. All masons know this. If you want to believe we're all a secret cabal that rules the world, go nuts, it's not. But if you want to think it is i'm not going to stop you.

They usually sacrifice a woman but it's a woman with no birth certificate. Trafficked from Burundi or something cheap
They moved the baby BBQ and feast to before the owl bond fire. It used to be run as a snack bar afterwards and the lizard people wanted to digest while the fire was blazing and not after.
Petty shit as usual.
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Bullshit I’ve gotten drunk and stoned with a bunch of you at the Owl Tree. I use to be there almost every night. B 1
powerful and not-so powerful people go there. sometimes they talk. i don't think it's bilderberg or wef, policy and dictats and schedules. there's a weird rebirth and renewal festival sometimes. it's just a big campground.
burning man turned into the techbros version of that only more gay. last bm was weird as fuck with all the ukraine "give us your energy and money spiritball" bullshit.
It’s a gay meetup for powerful men
Why the fuck would anyone have to go through all that trouble when Mexico is right there?
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there is a Hebrew letter gimel (ג) in the Bohemian Grove Owl going from its neck down to its feet. Pic related is a breakdown of what that means.
It's pretty gay from what I understand. Given the place isn't really that locked down, I'm guessing no human sacrifice.
I have a picture with Geronimo’s skull. And yes, I’ve been in the tunnel that connects the Moose Lodge to Olympians club to the Bohemian club to the Freemason Museum on California Street from Posta California Street
i can't speak for what you mutts do, tbf. i am a scottish rite freemason from actual scotland. not muttland. Look, maybe there's some dark shit going on, but i'm not privy to it. And i've done royal arch masonry as a christian. If you're like 99.9% of masons, you got roped into it because your dad was, or your grandad or whatever. I despise judaism. I denouce the talmud. I'm a god fearing christian and I have not seen any dark satanic shit. Maybe it exists? I'm not privy to it. We just eat, drink, do our magic dances and go home. It's just a boys club mixed with some basically jewish traditions that I despise.
This, but with a bunch of minors getting raped and beaten and piles of coke.
The actual lineage of the baby sacrificing semites was ended ages ago. The larpers, "Ashkenazi" and other such retards, sure seem to be trying desperately to repeat their fate.
Kike detected.
I literally have no idea what any of that shit is. I've been to UGLE. I've met with grand lodge of emulation. My take on it all is, it's basically a chance to get drunk, pretend that we don't do this for personal gain but actually do, and just have a bit of fun. Does dark shit happen within masonry that i don't know of? quite possibly. But if you're 33 and you don't know, then who fuckin does.
>they stopped baby sacrifice
...except the kikes doing abortions. That doesn't matter though because they're mostly spics and niggers amirite
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You are an ROJ. Take your Shriner shit some where else mirth is calling you clown
No no, I didn't say that. I said the LINEAGE was ended. Their god, the one they sacrificed babies to, clearly did them no favours. Cartago Delende Est and Hadrian was the most based homo ever.

The current baby sacrificing larpers (late term abortion may count as that but I dunno, I think they have to do it for real as a "sacrifice" rather than something some whore doesn't want) are cruising for the same fate as those they emulate.
we don't have shriners here. that's an entirely mutt thing btw. wtf is mirth? is it like Mithra? I joined the masons because i thought it would help my career. it didn't but it's an excuse to get drunk AF and eat meals. ngl i don't enjoy dressing in a suit and carrying around weird shaped breifcases and reciting jewish myth. Kinda thought about leaving lately.
They're practicing druidism, which derived from Simon. If you think Jews are disproportionately represented, don't look behind the green curtain lol.
boys club brah.
Yeah sure.
actually we secretly run your country, and the jews are really gods chosen people. removing your foreskin is actually the best thing ever.
Yeah. And for some reasons anons haven't pointed this out yet, look closely at >>475686711 look familiar? Its the KKK hahahahha. Alright, my lips are sealed now because there's a lot of shitskins on this board.
>Alright, my lips are sealed now
Same, same.

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