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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Two more weeks.
12 more years
>thinking this jewed shitole will even exist in 12 years
Lol lmao even
The convention is already over. The Republicans are stuck with him until November. After Trump loses, he can throw him under the bus like he does everyone else.
Ruined himself with the cat lady comment. Trump was just about to lock up the vaunted Taylor Swift endorsement too, but fat boy blew it.

With Swift and Aniston now backing Kamila, Trump cannot even win with white women.
He's the heir apparent to the republican party. The fear mongering about him is coming from leftyfags like you
Wow. Imagine actually believing that Trump will ever give up control of the party. He will lead the Republicans around by the nose for the rest of his life. If he lives to be 100, he will still be destroying any Republican that looks like they might accidentally become more popular than himself.
vance needs to go asap. wtf was trump thinking when he picked this retarded dough boy?
This completely astroturfed weirdo has no national appeal and is an heir apparent to nothing.

I’m not a leftyfag I want Trump to win. But this VP choice is a major fuckup.
>Thinking Israel will let their favorite golem fall
I shiggy diggy
Trump fuck it up so bad by chosing him. He is ugly, repulsive and retarted.
He should have obviously picked tulsi and mandated that she always wear tight slacks with a bit of spandex in them a size too small
vance was picked to cater to the moderates. he's a vanilla faggot with small dick energy.
tulsi would've been good. she checks a lot of boxes; woman, intelligent, veteran, socially moderate.
Trump will pull a Biden and Vance will become nominee.
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I've noticed the intensity of your shilling has started to slow. Did your masters run out of cash?
He caters neither to moderates nor rustbelters nor midwesterners but to the right-wing version of the online redditoid which is an inconsequential demographic as far as elections go.
I've noticed it in the past 24 hours too. Odd, isn't it? They were going full retard strength overdrive for like a week straight and then suddenly as if a switch were flipped, it all seems to be drying up

Trumps bus wheels are greased by the blood of Christkikes.
Everyone says the same thing, but they're not considering that maybe he did pick her, who's to say she would say yes to attaching her political future to being associated with him.
Did you see the joke he told about Mtn Dew at his last rally? LMFAO.

Nobody in the crowd laughed and he tried to play it off like it was hilarious. He's awkward as fuck. Like worse than some random idiot off the street.

Vance is a fucking disaster.
Warmongering bitch so that lines up with Trumps future policy on Iran.
I get that he's pandering to Peter Thiel, but is Vance really the best retard Thiel could buy?
He's the best at sucking jew dick. Mossad has a list that they verify.
She doesnt have a political future right now, she's just hanging out. I think you can be someones running mate without kissing their ass. I trust she could thread that line fine
>die for Israel without hesitation or you're a shill
Vance is a MESS.
no she's not. she called bullshit on the syria conflict and actually went over there to see wtf was happening then came back and said isis was obama's creation and syria never gassed their own people.
Hillbilly Smellegy
I don't know if she want's one or if she just plans to be a commentator/podcaster at this point.
There's always onlyfans.
Nobody in Ohio voluntarily drinks Diet Mountain Dew
his book is about hillbillies being too stupid and lazy to understand obama
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this faggot couldn't cater to a birthday party
>Trump cannot even win with white women.
>white women are smart enough to vote fro something other than democrat
Two more weeks
True loyalism is a rare commodity.
He serves absolutely no fucking point. There is no purpose for him being on the ticket. Tulsi gabbard was the pic. Trump is a fucking retard. All Trump had to do was pick the most likely fucking vice president and that was Tulsi gabbard but his stupid fucking ass couldn't do one fucking thing right. Even after being handed the debate. Even after literally dodging a fucking bullet and getting the best photo op stage for the world to see handed to him. Tulsi gabbard the one fucking thing he had to do.
No "shilling", no bullshit, he really truly added nothing to the ticket.

>says some "based" things
People who want their politicians to be "based" are already full decided on whether they will vote Trump. They either think Trump is totally based and are voting for him, or think Trump is a fraud and don't give a shit if Vance said something based.

Vance is not a woman nor is he brown, so he is a white male like trump, so he doesn't represent a demographic that Trump doesn't already represent.

His rhetoric turns off moderates/independents, so his appeal is once again to people who already made their decision on trump.
With his nipples protruding
He is crashing it with no survivors
Jeet Titties Vance
What's so bad about him? Why is it just assumed everyone hates him?
Vance is getting replaced with Ben Carson in the next 2 weeks
>muh collapse
As soon as his foreword comes out and tanks Trump even further, forcing Trump to go get a woman vice president not named Noem
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yeah, it's odd really.
>How long does he have left on the ticket?
doesnt matter, BIDING will just steal the election again. if by some glitch DUMP actually wins (he wont), VENCE will just be another pence who will do literally nothing notable for 4 years while waiting to stab DUMP in the back. DUMP is a certified retard for going with this pick
White women are the only demographic with White men to actually get varied results. Every other democrat is solid blue no matter who.

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