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Remind me why atheism is bad.
because it leads to Tranny Groomer Wokeism taking over
They need faith this is hard

Is not just the facts is the attitude this thing is to springy and has bad temper

Is the bart has superpowers episode
I'm atheist but religion is good for instilling good morals in nigger cattle like /pol/
They don't even realize their parents who were also nigger cattle made the choice for them
They did not choose those beliefs freely in most cases
>a french person tries to flex that paris is less religious than the usa

they're even more """religious""" than usa, but that religion is islam

Satanism isn't recognized as religion
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It's rooted in nihilism, Marxism and anti-Western civilisation.
Maybe not in your islands but here we have the FREEDOM to be colossal evil fucks with no principals except murdering babies
atheists have a religion, it's called lgbt
it's all fun and games until europe has to pay for its own military again
In 20 years of poverty I've never been to a secular charity. Every one has been either through a church or at one.
Explain to me why it isn’t?
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the luxury of atheism can only be enjoyed after millenia of religious and church-sponsored men attempting to tame the retarded knuckle-dragging impulses that you still see in the third world to this day
without god, you don't have society, just a conglomerate of people who all hate each other but share the space within a border
>In 20 years of poverty I've never been to a secular charity.
that's because they refuse to help white people.

go to the ghetto at 8am on a saturday morning and you'll see them handing out bologna sandwiches to anybody who happens to be awake in the hood at 8am on a saturday morning (which is not many)
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Atheism is the substitute religion of choice for government worshiping non-humans such as europeans. Religion of poz.
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Because you're on the same side as tranny loving nigger faggots?

Fucking retarded
Indeed. Most of the neckbeards from 10-15 years ago have gone down the atheist to troon pipeline.
Economic class and materialism alone, it's not enough to bring people together. You have to have common heritage, dress, architecture, cuisine and religion. It's your heritage that causes you to want what's best for your fellow man.

kike bolshevists want atheism because they know the power of worship. They know that people are easier to subvert and destroy from the inside out without a church or some other form of belief holding them together. They want their religion, they just don't want you to have one.
But that's just being evil. Going to church, doing the prayers, helping the local church goer, involving yourself in the community requires effort and the American is only into religion to feel good about himself.
Because you have to worship jews and negroes in order to be a good goy.
Those are still church people. White liberals don't go into the ghetto.
Probably christcucks, or some other cucks with christian morals, human garbage like every mutt flag ITT.
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Remind me why all 1pbtid posters are all niggerkikes?

Sa Ge Bunshin no Jutsu.
>it's a collective choice to be civilized
jesus christ they're retarded
no it was the result of several hundreds of year of ultra violence
and they're coming back thanks to your small brain
Yeah, Abrabamic faiths are so good for civilization. Allowing kikes to dictate morality to you is so based. Praise Jesus, the original kapparot sacrifice.
Don't know if it's bad. Most atheists I've met are retards though.
How do they have more benefits without paying higher taxes?
Go buy a dildo and fuck yourself OP
why do people think christians are the only religion? Europe has TONS of jews and muslims/
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I don't want my kids to go to atheist story hour. You guys say nothing came from nothing. When the atheist/closeted homosexual dies he says there is nothing so he would merge with his creator anyway. Atheism is low brow AF.
“wonder how it’s possible…”
It wouldn’t be if we weren’t footing your national defense bills
Boom /threadshot
Absolutely retarded, do you even detect reality in any way or do you just go full schizo?
It couldn't possibly be because America has the most financially corrupt government in the history of the planet.
Lmao imagine having the reserve currency of the world and still trying to explain why not everyone can have healthcare.
>"People need to learn to stand on their own two feet".
>Doesn't realize that if his nation wasn't propped up by petrodollars then he'd be eating from a garbage can by next week.
80% of mutt flags are spics larping as whites. Imagine being a brown little goblin and thinking you're better than a european atheist just because you live in muttland and worship a kike on a stick.
Working mothers and "universal pre-K" are not conducive to a "civilized society." It's also telling that the Twitterbots can only conceive of material benefits: for their "end is destruction; whose god is their belly; and whose glory is in their shame; who mind earthly things" (Philippians iii.19).
They'd pull out the Wikipedia list of logical fallacies when talking about religion, ramble about flying spaghetti monsters, but the second a neckbeard says they have a woman soul, they'd accept it without question.
Religion was a mistake, it allowed non-whites be inducted into the in group. Culture barriers should have been kept at appearances where they belong.
Okay Yuros. Congratulation for all your social welfare services. Now, if you would kindly pay for your own defense? Our troops are coming home.
What's that? No soldiers or weapons of note in all of Europe? Well, I'm sure the Russian tanks will be very impressed with your cheap aspirin and turn around out of respect. Good luck.
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This. Retards need a once per week moral infusion and brain cleansing in order to function.
Your beliefs are even more ludacris. Another shitskin subhuman who doesn't realize that he's projecting every word.
Lmao. You think the MIC will allow Trump to pull out? AHAHAHAHAHA, fucking retard, you'll be drafted to not only Ukraine but also Israel and Iran aswell, deluded fucking mutt.
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>here is your atheist Star Trek society bro.
Christians already delivered that
Europe always act uppity but tend to forget that they are american vassal.
Looks like the inside of every church. None of those people are even atheists, they all still abide by the christian morals. Another shitskin thinking he'll be seen as human if he worships a jew.
>No, we do not pay higher taxes
Where does the money for the programs come from?
image pretty much says it all
Christcucks like to pretend this is a result of an atheist society when it's actually a result of kike media propagandizing over multiple generations. If they didn't worship kike and niggers maybe we would have a country worth something.
What is the origin of the word "kike"?
Why are you so angry?
To my knowledge kikel is the Hebrew word for circle. Immigration officers in the US noticed that kikes refused to sign documents with an "X" since it looks like a sideways cross. They started using circles instead, and made fun of it by calling them kikes. Isn't that funny? Christcucks worship a people that hate them.
Which is why atheists support that shit at over 95%. Fuck you.
Because atheism was created by jews to help their endeavour for global domination.
They dechristianized the nation first. The only unity of the underclass is Christian virtue. But you would rather pretend your abortions were virtuous you jidf faggot.
Yiddish, not Hebrew, but otherwise correct. Why do you insist that Christians worship Jews? Such a fatuous accusation reveals your ignorance of history and theology.
I'm angry because I live in a society destroyed by jews and this was condoned and encouraged by Christians, who have always been the religious majority in this country. I'd very likely be a happy Christian in a homogenous white society devoid of usury and jewish media.
Don’t forget the benefits that atheism did to Europe and the west like high rates of drug abuse, alcohol abuse, high crime rate, High suicide rate, LGBTQ, Trans people, Materialism, People becoming crazy, Not wanting kids, Nihilism, Gangs, Gangster culture, Drug addicts in downtown’s of cites, Drug cartels, Mental illness, mass shootings, serial killers, And so on,
Seriously go any city in religious Middle East and you won’t see anything I listed.
And you seem like you weren't raised actually Christian. I was, so I know exactly how much protestant fucktards love Israel. They buy stars of Remphan, prayer shawls in the color of the Israeli flag, donate to "Holocaust survivors" and adopt Somalian niglets. They are the reason jews are in power.
>condoned and encouraged by Christians, who have always been the religious majority in this country
Christians probably haven't held the majority since the 1950s and, in any case, the US has always been informed by Judeomasonic rather than Christian principles. And while some Christians were unfortunately traitors to God, many fought valiantly against the Jewish incursion. You should familiarize yourself with the literature before making rash and unfounded judgments about Christians.
>Clean energy
She means expensive, right?
>you weren't raised actually Christian
Depends what you mean by Christian (and this is not pilpul).
>I know exactly how much protestant fucktards love Israel.
Especially the so-called born-again Bible-believing fundamentalists. Other Protestants don't care much about politics or religion--for them church is a country club and a pat on the back; politics, a means to their next cruise or trip to Las Vegas. But none of these, even the "Bible believers", are Christians.
Bro, are you retarded? Christians only barely stopped being over 90% of this country in the 90s. Oh wait, I'm sure you consider your fucktard denomination that does some stupid shit like have venomous snakes bite people on Sunday as the one true Christianity.
No, I am a Catholic who holds the sedevacantist thesis.
I grew up Christian and became an atheist later on in life. Perhaps my Christian background is what imparted many of my values, and so I am repulsed by what is often called "degeneracy" by the Christian right. I see it as simply a lack of belief in the story of the Bible. I find the notion of the book as a basis for any kind of decision making bizarre.
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>I find the notion of the book as a basis for any kind of decision making bizarre.
Why do you find it bizarre?
I'm a life long atheist. The worst thing about it is the lack of community that you get from organized religion. Meeting once a week forces you to learn how to meet new people and other social skills. You lose all of the benefits of networking that provides.
>has no army
>QOL and SOL are both measurably worse in Europe and have been every single year since 1900 even according to yuropean statisticians and sociologists
>I'll just say that's not true
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>Remind me why atheism is bad.
Because here you are, making yet another gay fucking thread about it.
Many atheists are realists and do not believe in gender. They also tend to be liberal, which separates them from the left, because they believe in individual liberty and personal responsibility, whereas lefts just want to force you to agree with them.
atheists are afraid of death, and if you are afraid of death, you will never overthrow your masters
no, they got away with that because the USA essentially gave their governments tax breaks and propped them up via fulfilling a major part of their nations security needs.
we also outright funded rebuilding the continent to a degree, and even purposefully hurt our own country to make foreign goods, including theirs, more profitable o help stabilize them.
none of their way of life would be possible without the US.

its a continent of American vassals, and i hope they get whats coming to them when we rightfully collapse as we should've decades ago.
>"we get everything for free from the govenrment, but we don't pay more in taxes!"
That's only true if you believe the lie that Americans pay like 50% of income to taxes. Which is, as stated, a lie. Mostly made up by europeans.
It has a lot to do with what it's predicted on. To quickly outline - this god man was resurrected by himself to remove this thing called sin from the people he created and allowed to sin. But what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? I think there are better ways to arrive at a healthy life. I can offer suggestions to that end, but ultimately I think it's some combination of your environment and genetics that determines how you'll behave.

In this simplistic thing I said above there are many digressions we could follow. I've spent the better part of the last 7 years reading and thinking about this problem and I don't have any unified answers. To make it as simple as possible I think that intentionality and reason can help a lot in this respect.
30%, 50%, doesn't matter when the income tax was supposed to be a temporary post-war measure. But no, we gave an inch and banking kikes took a mile, so here we are with a permanent income tax.
religion is for dumb niggers
I'm British and I literally moved my entire life to Asia because I could not stomach paying such extraordinarily high taxes to pay for illegal migrants who hate us, for a health service that won't exist when I'm 60+ and need to use, and for pensions that also won't exist when I'm 65+.

It's straight up thievery.

Now I work for an Indonesian family who tax dodges and I pocket everything.
Europe does pay more taxes, though.
Like three times more taxes and in many places more.
>this god man was resurrected by himself to remove this thing called sin from the people he created and allowed to sin
Would it be better if He created automatons? Or allowed us to perish for our disobedience?
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>Remind me why atheism is bad.
It is not bad, it is objectively the most rational position.
tpbp, religion keeps normalniggers in check
They are counting payroll deductions as taxes, which they basically are.
You're confusing religion with race.
Europe is not better because it's more atheist. Europe is better because it's more White.
I hate government intervention with a vengeance: All this ever does is enable moochers while drowning me in taxes
>it is objectively the most rational position
I don't think he created humans at all. I don't think he exists. That's my point. It's out there. It's not something I would go to the bank with as a business plan because it's not a very convincing story. It's internally incoherent. There are infact competing narratives for creation which I think have more explanatory power.
How do we get here?
What do you mean?
Kikes actually.

Becuse they are almost always just anti-christians who are either larping jews, larping satanists, or science worshipping retards who might as well call science as magical as angels and ther retarded bullshit for all they can understand.

It's all bullshit.
There is no society on earth that has never had organized religion. Never. Not one.

Spirituality is part of the human condition.
Fucking accept it, embrace it, don't fall for the false cults and relgioius fantasies of lunatics and scum.
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Sorry for the typo. I meant: how did we get here? In other words, if we weren't created, then how do we explain our existence?
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You claim god exists? Prove it!
This. It leads to trans people becoming widespread
You asserted that atheism "is objectively the most rational position." Do you not have the burden of proof for this statement? In any case, there exist not a few proofs of the existence of God. For example, Aquinas' five proofs or Godel's ontological proof. Why not study one of these?
Nobody knows for sure. The miracle of life is what I call it. Something happened millions of years ago when the earth was young. It could have been any number of things. Then, through a process we call evolution the various lifeforms we know today arose.

What I don't think happened is that the God of the bible created man out of dust and women from his rib. I just have no reason to believe that.
>I just have no reason to believe that.
But you do have reason to believe that "something happened millions of years ago"? And before that something?
Europe is already dead they just don't realize it yet.
Not creating or setting initial conditions such that 5% (more if you count other Cluster b personality disorders) of men are constitutional psychopaths, incapable of remorse or compassion would help.
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>have a country worth something.
Just like ancient Rome, Greece, or another pagan shithole, amirite?
I equate full atheism with going full retard. I don't believe in a creator and I also believe in the big bang, but I believe it's been referenced in many "mystic" teachings.
See, theres a difference between an atheist who just rejects everything but the physical and what the "experts" say, and someone who does genuine research to learn the truth of what quantum physics itself can tell you now about the nature of reality.
Yes, I do have reason to believe that. Before that something there was no life on earth. I'm not trying to say I know things I certainly don't. My atheism, like I said in the first post is centered on disbelief of the Bible. I think that Christians sometimes confuse that with then thinking some concept of god cannot exit. Frankly, I haven't the foggiest idea to that supposed entity's existence or non-existence. Its essentially unknown.
The idea that the Europe that exists today--which, btw, enjoys much of its egalitarianism due to not having to pay for their own militaries via NATO--just magically developed the values and the educated literacy en masse so as to be able to articulate concepts like free education, free healthcare, human rights, etc *without* nearly two millennia of Christian guidance and education is completely expected from the modern technocrat who-blinded by the near-magic of the technology that controls their lives but they hardly understand--believes that human history only began a couple decades ago. The idea that all humans are created equal and deserve equal rights and dignity IS a Christian concept.
No man is born "incapable of remorse or compassion." But if God doesn't exist, why is psychopathy bad or comapssion good?
Brazil is a Christian shithole
>Before that something there was no life on earth.
How did that something come to exist?
Atheists will literally burn in hell.
Christ is Truth

In God's absence comes degeneracy. Without God, anything is possible, including government-sanctioned mass-murder.
There are many ideas as to how life began none of which are certain. It's one of those things we just don't know yet or maybe ever. Anything I say on the matter would be speculation based on what we think we know about the conditions of earth many years ago.
But all this vague and uncertain speculation is more reasonable than creation? And was there always something? How did that something come to exist?
Why are they bad or good if there is a creator? Why is an amoral creator impossible? How do we know what (if any) behaviours God likes or doesn’t (other than writings from goatherders)?

It’s well-established that psychopathy is heritable.
Well, to put it simply, there is tremendous evidence to support everything back until the actual miracle of life. I am infact withholding belief on that topic. Not the other topics, which are basic facts. To then day that it was created is then unsubstantiated and therefore unreasonable.

I cannot do your second question justice here on a 4chan post, but I'll try. There wasn't always something in this universe. Our best minds have been trying to answer how that something came to be and they've come up with a model called the big bang. I could only speculate as to what is before that.
What makes atheism good?
The Creator is the arbiter of morality. But don't evade my question: if God doesn't exist, why is psychopathy (the heritability of which is disputable) or compassion good?
>tremendous evidence
Such as? What are the falsifiable claims of evolution?
>Our best minds...
Come now!
>big bang
What cause this Big Bang?
hate to break it to you, but atheism is a religion. A godless religion, but a religion nonetheless. YOu have to believe it is true, there will never be proof of it. There isn't a single scientist worth his or her degree that will take opposition to this statement.
Scientists are usually agnostic or theists.
It permits you to do what you want while complacent in your studied ignorance.
>. Before that something there was no life on earth
There is no evidence what so ever for that.
That's the really scary part. There are people who will talk confidently about things they have no proof for and then attack you if you question them about something so fundamental to reality.

Hell the bing bang has always been a retarded naturalist mystical fantasy that we have no actual mathmatical proof of.
And since the Webb telescope has been sending pictures back of the "BEGINNING OF THE BIG BANG" we've seen nothing absolutely nothing except more of what we have locally as far as we have been able to look in every single solitary direction.

The universe was never born or created.
It's always been here.
And the fact that their magical fantasy being or magical ideals had no part in everything being brought into being then they are terrified of their beliefs being not true.

It's really fucking insane.
totally ignoring that all this awesome stuff was made by christian parties when the european countries where still very religious.

religion isn't necessary.
a solid moral framwork is. which atheists lack.
Did you read your Twitter sceencap?
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Every particle has an anti-particle. It is its mirror image, it's negative side. Yin-Yang. But for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Newtons third law of motion, karma. If only there was a way to embrace both your positive and negative sides, without having to face the reaction.
If only....
Well, evolution could be falsified if we saw no change in the fossil record over time, for one. If we saw life created by a deity, or if we saw a new species spontaneously manifest.

Most of the stuff you're asking me you could look up. Do you want me to sit here, researching the physics related to that phenomenon, poorly relying it to you, or would you rather look it up? I mean, I read the Particle Odyssey once but It's better for you to get it from the source.
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>we need rabbi yeshua to teach white people to be slaves
If you say so. All I've been saying is that I don't think the Bible story happened.
>YOu have to believe it is true, there will never be proof of it.
this is a big stretch to qualify atheism as a religion, is any belief a religion?
I think something metaphysical is behind what we experience and sense, so I have no argument for atheism. Morals are game theory writ large and depend on the general psychometric characteristics of the group they’re applied to and meant to be discovered and reasoned out, not written in stone. Society with no queue discipline=push your way to the front; society with queue discipline=wait patient for your turn.

The virgin Levantine
>lets two entire cities get overrun by poofs
>takes an act of God to get rid of them
>proscribes buggery in his Third Book for his lesser brethren

The chad Germanic
>uses common sense Odin created him with do work out what bogs are for
I don't either.
I don't believe any religion of any kind. I've been dead. Twice. Fought my way back from death twice.

Ain't nothing there.
It's all dark stretching on for eternity.
Peaceful though.

That's what's waiting for all of us. The only thing those old stories are good for is giving clues as to ancient human history not the magical bulslhit the powers that be use to manipulate and enslave human kind and turn us into tools.
that's unfortunate, yes, but doesn't make your fairytale true
>The universe was never born or created.
>It's always been here.
And your "mathematical proof" of this is?
>fossil record
Which, even if not dismissed as fraudulent, is sufficiently anomalous to discredit the theory.
Retarded people who would have been religious zealots in any other age adjusted to the perceived moral majority of their time.

Retarded, yes, but it doesn't make religion any less retarded. Especially because religion itself is adjusting to these same values and they frequently agree with shit like this now.

Religion persisted for so long as a way to control and tax dumbass niggercattle good goyim. The same reason nu-left nonsense proliferates today.
Leftists hate white people, they hate Christians because most religious white people are Christians. Its a safe religion for them to attack.
youre right, it got so muddled over the years.
I was thinking of the cult-like behaviour on the internet, e.g. YouTube 10+ years ago. But you're absolutely right, that is not the definition of a religion.
I never once said I had mathematical proof.
But the age the Big Bang sciencism worshippers put the universe at, and what we should find in those locations unfathomable distances away is 100% inconsistent with their fantasy beliefs.

So the universe is both bigger and from what we seen so old(and I'm not saying the universe has an age it's retarded it's eternal) that they can't actually figure out how to mesh it all together.

Just shrug and say "big bang is the real begining of the universe, just have faith in science" like a christian/jew/muslim/zoroastrian/zen worshipper telling people with clear evidence they are wrong and full of shit to just blindly trust their bullshit.

There is no evidence the big bang ever occured.
There is no evidence the universe was never not here.
It's my understanding that this theory is under no real threat of being discredited. From what I've seen it makes sense to me. I've never even heard of a competing alternative with even a modicum of evidence.
Christians were the only ones standing against legalizing gay marriage . They are the majority of the ones who are pro life. They are the majority of the ones trying to bring back traditional values and uphold the nuclear family . From what I can see , Christianity is the one thing stopping western society from completely going to hell.

There is a reason why lgbt types have a deep hatred for Christianity more than any other religion . They correctly identify that it is the main reason why they haven’t completely taken over western society .
>I never once said I had mathematical proof.
No, but you do seem to require "mathematical proof" of the Big Bang, which I do indeed reject. But I also reject your claim that the universe has always been--a claim which is completely unsupportable.
>understanding that this theory is under no real threat of being discredited
Your understanding is false. Have not these past four years kindled any skepticism about the purported integrity of science? You may have the last word.
>We do not pay higher taxes
Yes we do, literally half of our salary is taken by the gov to give it to boomers and unemployed.
It's crazy when comparing salaries to the US, an engineer can make up to 100k but here you're lucky if you can even make 40k. If we weren't taxed so much we could easily make 80k and close the gap with the US.
I am skeptical of the biomedical industry, the United States government, and the media. I think there are are many fiduciary incentives which have corrupted the so-called integrity of science in its search for truth. I believe the method itself is our best tool in uncovering some insight into the natural world. The moment there is reason to think the theory of evolution is false, we'll meet again and I'll tell you all about the cool new thing and how wrong I was for x reasons. I don't think we're in danger of that embarrassment.
You reject the need for mathematical proof
But also reject the very notion that your magical creation myth that was dreamed up as a naturalist relgious genesis of all things could be untrue.

Let's jsut put aside the fact that you openly stated that you believe deeply in your unsuported myth and will listen to no phillistines who speak against it.

We have actual concrete evidence that the big bang couldn't have happened becaue the very nature of the universe and what we've seen of it, does not support it.
Then why didn't it do that in countries that were never historically Christian, or were only very nominally so?

China is a very atheist country. No globohomo there. It was never historically Christian.

Japan is extremely atheist. No globohomo there either. It was also never historically Christian.

But you know where there is TONS of globohomoism? 99% Catholic Brazil. It's the world leader in trannyism and race mixing and always has been.

Why is it that atheism only results in globohomo when it was preceded by Christianity, and also Christianity sometimes results in globohomo as well?

It sounds like there's a much stronger correlation between Christianity and globohomo than atheism and globohomoists.
Is "kink" just a way for uggers to have more sex?
The physical world has an ontological dependence on the physical laws, i.e. it cannot exist without the physical laws. The physical laws have an ontological dependence on mathematics, and mathematics have an ontological dependence on logic. So is our universe purely run on logic? Or is logic ontologically dependent on something higher?
Logic is defined as the principles of reasoning. Reasoning itself cannot occur without an aware mind. A rock does not reason. A table cannot reason. A computer itself doesn't reason either, it just processes information and WE do the reasoning for it (this is what makes simulation theory retarded).
So then, whence comes logic? A reasoning mind that is outside our universe, created our universe, knows everything and can do everything.
And that is God.

TL;DR: atheism is incorrect
>here's your based and trad Catholic society right here in BRASEEL bro
Great observation. Have you ever read NRX stuff? That was my first intro into your line of thinking.
>It sounds like there's a much stronger correlation between Christianity and globohomo than atheism and globohomoists.
It's because of a fundamental flaw with the modern West. The West is historically Christian, so there seems to be a correlation there, but it's not Christianity that did it.
The real issue is the mechanistic, materialistic, capitalistic worldview that arose out of modern philosophy.
Thatfag here. Had to switch IP.

If it's all about "modern materialist philosophical", then why is there no globohomoism in China or Japan? China is only VERY nominally communist at this point. It's essentially communist in its plenary powers, but extremely capitalistic in its actual execution. Japan isn't even nominally communist, nor is it particularly deeply rooted in its ancient philosophy. Both of those countries have taken our modern materialist capitalism and run them to their fullest extent, and still haven't gotten globohomo. And huh, by some weird coincidence, their neighbor South Korea also embraced modern philosophy, but they did succumb to globohomo, while being the only Christian country of the three! Weird! It just keeps happening and happening and yet it's just a total coincidence every time!

If you want an example of a Christian society that never embraced our degenerate modern ideals of objectivity and causal reality, look no further than every non-Muslim country in Africa. Those intellectual titans never fell for our delusion that there's anything mechanistic about two plus two equalling four, because they are smart enough to know that it equals "many", the same number that any addition problem solves as.

If you hate materialist mechanistic capitalism and love Christianity, then you would absolutely love the Congo. And what luck, you just so happen to be entitled to citizenship there since that's where your parents are from! You should go where you belong. The white man's obsession with objectivity might have launched the space satellites you're using to post right now, but your people are so much closer to God when they are bathing in chicken blood in their mud huts.
you seem to be working backwards from your conclusion. waste of time
Because God is real
I am pointing to the actual data we have and drawing conclusions based on what really exists. You're essentially telling me that REAL Christianity has never been tried. But of course you are. You've already made the baffling claim that believing in objective reality is what leads to globohomo, because you're that desperate to shirk responsibility for what Christianity has done.
>You're essentially telling me that REAL Christianity has never been tried
no, I didn't. I'm saying that our societies went through a stage of philosophical development those other parts of the world never went through. People in the Congo think that fucking a virgin cures you of AIDS and there's gold in an albino man's skull. that has nothing to do with a materialistic, mechanistic worldview. You are just looking for excuses to hate on Christianity and it's a waste of time to try and debate someone who doesn't want their mind to be changed.
>You've already made the baffling claim that believing in objective reality is what leads to globohomo
quote me where i do this
>no we do not pay higher taxes
they do pay higher taxes as a %
and they earn much less
and they still need private healthcare
and their social security is crashing faster than americans'
European progressives really be like
>we have trains and healthcare!
while their sisters and mothers get fucking gangraped by achmed
oh and ot course they pay higher taxes, MUCH higher in many countries
>no we do not pay higher taxes for it
Euros objectively pay much higher taxes than Americans for these services DESPITE having nearly every facet of their lives subsidized by the US taxpayer
I call atheism spiritual bankruptcy.

Atheists are actually doing what the devotional (Christianity, Judaism, Islam) religious followers do they just go about it in different manner.

What they both share in doing is abdicating responsibility for the spiritual path or the inner path of life.

The devotional religious follower does it by putting that responsibility off onto a 3rd party, God or messiah.

The atheist abdicates responsibility by claiming it's not there or not real in the first place, so absolves themselves of any responsibility in the process.

I call atheism spiritual bankruptcy because at least the devotional paths are at least a path AND they are on the spiritual map in that sense. The devotional possess actual "spiritual capital" in some form.

The atheist doesn't have shit. The cause or root of the problem of course is fear. All they would have to do is begin testing the well established pathways of the inner path and cultivation, such as meditation, dream work, lucid dreaming, astral projection, chakra work, the list is long.

However, testing the inner path, much less walking it is the last thing you'll see an atheist do and it's the fear that it actually exists and they've done no work and are thus bankrupt is what the fear is based on.
>I'm saying that our societies went through a stage of philosophical development those other parts of the world never went through.
And I'm saying that they are representative of what you want. The Congo is Christian, and it never went through the Renaissance or Enlightenment. They don't believe in mechanistic, material reality. They do believe in Christianity. That's literally exactly what you are advocating.
>People in the Congo think that fucking a virgin cures you of AIDS and there's gold in an albino man's skull.
Exactly. They do not believe in cause and effect or other such materialistic mechanistic things. They keep doing those things without results because no amount of contravening evidence will ever sway them. They rejected materialism and the mechanistic world. That is exactly what you want
>that has nothing to do with a materialistic, mechanistic worldview
It had EVERYTHING to do with that. Their superstitions exist and are acted upon without results, endlessly, BECAUSE they do not accept the material reality that there is no gold in a bald man's skull, or the mechanistic fact that raping a virgin has never cured their AIDS.
>quote me where i do this
>The real issue is the mechanistic, materialistic, capitalistic worldview that arose out of modern philosophy.
Right there. Are you serious? You just described math and science and their results and implications being valued and acted upon, and then laid the blame of globohomo at their feet.

This endless excuse making in the face of all the real world examples of your preferred ideology existing in Africa, as well as Christianity being far more correlated with globohomo than atheism is, and yet you have the balls to suggest it's ME that is using inductive reasoning? They call it chutzpah and they've trained you like a prized, blue-ribbon show monkey
Technically, the roastie is kinda right. She really hardly pays for it, the money comes from men.

it rejects the creators, the galaxy the sun and the solar wind.
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"Ah shit, here we go again."
– God
The Dark Enlightenment by Nick Land if you don't feel like thousands of pages of strange oblique prose and book references in your reading. Otherwise there is a website called Unqualified Reservations.
Because human beings are bad.
you have no idea what you're talking about. this is peak dunning-kruger on display.
read up on western philosophy before continuing this discussion. you have access to chatgpt, you should be able to do this very easily nowadays.
>Nick Land
I'm going to second reading Nick Land.
>hello, I'm a stupid fucking human and know less than 5% of all there is to know in existence
>but without a doubt, there is no God or higher being
>im so smart, you're all cattle, but not me, i am smart
>as he walked into the slaughter house
It's bad but still better than praying to the Jew
>worship my desert demon!
>or suffer in enteral damnation and pits of fire!
>he loves you the most
>telepathically pledge yourself to the jewish carpenter from 2000 years ago who actually never existed in the first place
>or you gets the eternal pits of fire
>I will got to the eternal bliss land “la la la la bliss la la”
>my enemies will suffer for eternity!
>just trust the plan patriots! Cough, I mean believers!

do you have an answer to the argument in this post? >>475704217
…therefore, the foreskin contractor and his son…
it's an argument for theism, not Christianity specifically
engage with the argument
>European countries like Sweden are better than the US because it's not religious!

Sure it's not something else lol
It's unironically low IQ to be an atheist and shows that you lack the ability to think about the nature of reality and our existence.
If you follow the scientifically accepted theory that everything in the universe was created in "the big bang" then all matter was created from a single point including the capacity for life, this means that life is a part of the fundamental nature of our reality and it sprang forth from a singularity. This effectively means that the universe itself is inherently "alive" and anywhere that meets the conditions for life will eventually birth living organisms.
The universe is potentially a fragmented living organism that we are just an infinitely tiny part of.

Have you ever been thinking about something unrelated to anything you're currently doing and the person you're with suddenly comes out with the same thought you were having?
Because we all share a common source, these seemingly insignificant coincides happen.
There is literal historical evidence of Jesus of Nazareth's existence you fucking idiot lmfao
>g-g-go read a book!
Lmao is there any way to interpret this other than as a surrender?

Christcuckery is the cause of globohomo.
bro you literally don't know what mechanism and materialism are. it doesn't mean i don't believe in objective reality if they think they're incorrect views. you simply don't know enough to talk about this
what's funny is the book recommendation you just accepted probably discusses the exact same things I just talked about
>if they think
if I think*
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>Remind me why atheism is bad.
Atheism is a symptom of unnatural social engineering. Unnatural social engineering is bad.
I agree with your premises and conclusions but nothing about the creator’s mind and morphology which I hold as unknowable or that such being has a fixed moral code given the invasive plants in his garden.
...no there isn't anon... Zero human remains, zero DNA evidence, no tomb, zero items belonging to him, zero contemporary accounts of him, and even the earliest account of him was written by a guy who was born decades after Jesus died, and all the record said was "there was a man from Nazareth named Jesus, who had a brother named James, that lived during the period". Nothing about a cult or a ministry or anything. For all we know, that account may have been recording some no-name accountant who had no idea what would be attributed to him
ok, but this thread is about atheism. all i'm saying is that atheism is wrong. that's all
>The physical world has an ontological dependence on the physical laws, i.e. it cannot exist without the physical laws. The physical laws have an ontological dependence on mathematics
No, thats just what they sold you on to keep you in your cage. The only reason Europe has any of that shit is because the USA provides the majority of its military protection and secures its necessary imports with all out massive military bases across the globe.

You're welcome, now fight Russia yourselves.
>bro just get into the weeds about irrelevant nonsense bro that will get you out of this discussion and occupy your time until the thread dies bro and then I win
Lmao no. If you're going to defer to these concepts, you're going to explain them in simple, brief terms. If you can't do that, you have no business deferring to them at all. If some arcane terminology is really what illustrates why christcuckery always leads to globohomo, but it somehow has nothing to do with christcuckery and everything to do with atheism even though the most atheist countries in the world don't have globohomo, then it's pretty important that you understand those abstruse words well enough to explain them in simple terms. Because otherwise, you're simply pointing to the fact that you know an uncommon word as a cop-out.
To get to theism, you need a God
>that is concerned with his creatures
>has a moral code
>wants praise and worship
Otherwise, you’ve only gotten so far as deism.
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europe is a nigger filled shithole tho.
Because you can't keep it to yourself. As evidenced by this dumb thread.

>Remind me why atheism is bad.
because its a religion
Stupid Eurofags do not realize they can afford all these gibs because America has paid for the defense of Europe since WW2. My grandparents paid for your free education and health care with their tax dollars. They will never admit the truth because gratitude is contrary to their nature.
Atheism is bad because it's simply wrong.
There's proof of intelligent design everywhere you look once you understand enough physics and math - there's just no way around the fact that there is, in fact, a creator.
Now, I'm not saying it's God, Jesus, Yahwe, Allah, the sun itself or any of the older religions god(s) because that would be an assumption, an assumption that's most probably wrong.
But the fact that this thing we call the universe was created in a certain way so all of this can happen, is beyond just "a miracle".
>Stupid Eurofags do not realize they can afford all these gibs because America has paid for the defense of Europe since WW2
soviets never wanted to invade europe
same with russia

you got scammed by your politicains stupid yankee nigger
>intelligent design everywhere
that is just us from the future - we are god, wtf do you think the Masons have been doing
>There's proof of intelligent design everywhere you look once you understand enough physics and math
That statement is literally just a claim that you are God. How do you know it's "intelligent" design? What if it's incredibly stupid design? What if our universe was made by a bumbling retard? How could you possibly know what standards there are for intelligent physics and math without being God yourself? What if in a well-made universe, things are supposed to be closer together so that space colonization is possible? What if stars are supposed to live longer? What if light is supposed to be way faster so that it's physically possible to travel space? What if there's supposed to be visible objects on the perimeter of a galaxy so there's no need to invoke unfalsifiable nonsense like dark matter? What if intelligent life is supposed to be surrounded by inhabited worlds with water and breathable air instead of dead planets like Mars? What if intelligent life is supposed to live for thousands of years so as to maximize the species' ability to understand creation? What if there's not supposed to be any niggers? What if pi is supposed to end? I could go on and on. You have absolutely no idea whether our universe is the product of "intelligent" design by the standards of a god. For all we know there could be infinite gods who created infinite universes, and perhaps we got a 65 IQ Somali nigger god that designed ours. The only way you would know for sure that our universe IS the most impressive one possible would be if you were God yourself.
>I better believe in a higher being just incase
>we know less than 5% but I know what my higher being would want
Nigger cattle like (You) humor me, do you even realize your actions could be the opposite of what a supposed higher being would actually want?
You thinking you know is arrogance, do you think they like that? Ultimately you obey what other humans have laid out. If I was a jew, religion would be a powerful tool to control the masses, I mean they do it to themselves.
And Science and Government and Technology and Progressivism.
They're more unerring in their faith in those than any religious person I ever met.
>do you even realize your actions could be the opposite of what a supposed higher being would actually want?
They never have an answer for that one. What if the Christian god is real, but he's a trickster god? We would have no way of knowing it if he did send the bible divinely as a trick to see who would fall for it, then send only christcucks to hell.
You can bet they pull six figure salaries from whatever organization they work for.
Yup. They want to be gods themselves, basically.
Assuming you're God or a part of God itself is kinda out there, imo.
Assuming you're part of God's creation is true, because you are - there's a big difference between "existing in" and "being existence".
We certainly cannot claim the latter, and that includes you. A proof that we're not the creator is that individually, our virtues weigh the same when put on a scale - and that you can only create within the existence, not beyond.
Another good analogy is understanding a computer. It functions perfectly within a specific set of rules and a user can create anything he imagines within that universe. Change any rule and everything breaks, in fact, no computer would ever be formed in the first place.
We know that a computer is created by an intelligent designer, but an anti-virus, for example, can never function outside of its universe.
Anyways, you're not the creator, you're a creator in your universe.
>They want to be gods themselves, basically.
Nah, I just lack belief in your opinions about God
Highest per capita heroin addicts is Iran. Islam is no solution.
Is the process responsible for the real computer you just used to make that real post. Do I have faith in a process that yields real outcomes? I would call it "acknowledgement", but yes.
Is also real and has real consequences. In all of history, there has never been a single child molester put behind bars by any god. I once again acknowledge the existence of government. That doesn't mean I worship it, because to reasonable people, acknowledgement and worship are not always intertwined.
Is how you just made that post. If you think it's so bad to use or acknowledge the existence of technology, then why don't you just share these thoughts with us telepathically? And why are you blaspheming by living in Canada? To live there, it's necessary to use the ancient technology of clothing, or you would freeze to death. They aren't burdened by the liberalism of clothing technology in Africa. You would love it there.
Where's the progressivism in atheist China and Japan? Why do atheists only have this problem when their society has a history of Christianity? And why do extremely Christian societies with very few atheists also have this problem, such as Brazil?
>whence comes logic?
From rules, not some imaginary creator. F.i. the existance of light and shadow creates it's own set of fundamental rules. Just from light alone, we get rules and fundamental facts about mass, speed, luminosity, energy, etc. No god needed for any of that - in fact, adding one only distorts the perception and invariably would lead you down the wrong path.
Hume already showed that attributing causality can be a trick of the mind. It's a flawed heuristic hardcoded into our brains that likes to make meaningful inferences where none exist.
Adding a god is tantamount to claiming one billiard ball hitting another is divine intervention when we're not even sure our perception of the transfer of force, the cause and effect, is really how it looks to us on our baseline resolution of the world.
It's not just that adding a god to that observation is unneccessary, it's completely misleading and this goes for just about everything that happens in the natural world. A god begins to exist when you've exhausted ALL other sensible explanations and the only thing left to consider is the divine. Nobody with two neurons to rub together would ever claim that our efforts of discovery have been that comprehensive yet.
The only realm where people ever "needed" a god is the spiritual and even there, the assumption that he exists inherently also elevates the causality-seeking software in your brain to the level of the divine - because if it's not flawless, you would have to doubt the causal relevance of the god you're dreaming up. So, as Jung already pointed out, that god is just a transpersonal entity with subjective utility. It's your creation, your guide maybe even, and while his utility may be real, his existance can never extent beyond your own imagination. Most of all, if that god exist, even only within you, your faith compels you to become divine in your absence of scrutiny as well. Naturally, that makes your god a self-perpetuating virus of divinity.
Because I have never met an atheist who can beat me in a chess match. They are objectively an inferior being.
I do not claim to be God, quite the opposite!
Look here I gave a thought out answer why:

I enjoyed reading your post, because you're right on the money - we have no idea, and cannot claim we ever will, because we operate inside the universe and are dependent on it, therefore we cannot be a part of the creator itself.
Asking who is the creator is irrelevant, because it's outside our scope.
I've never met a christcuck who could say Yeshua never existed. That's a lot fucking easier than chess too.

An Indian teenager beat Magnus Carlsen twice. Does that mean Brahma and the religion of poo are greater than your semitic foreskin demon?
I can beat 100% of /pol/ posters in a chess match. Prove me wrong.
>europe is less religious than america
where do these people come from

Who says atheists are not religious?
It's like these retards don't ever wonder how come they speak english on the iternet, consume American media, and all their colleges offer as an alternative to take their curses in English. They are an American colony. All the American military bases around should be a hint.
I don't doubt it. I haven't spent the decades of intensive practice necessary to compete at such a level. But I'm not sure what you think that proves. I can play classical music on three instruments a lot better than you. But I would never make the ridiculous assertion that this somehow makes me smarter, better, or more correct than you on the subject of religion. I mean, I am, 100% all those things, but it's not because I can play music.
The atheist argument is "If God isn't doing what I want the he is evil or weak".
The atheist behaviour is "I am smarter than you".
The atheist target is christianity only instead of the concept of theism.
>Who says atheists are not religious?
The lack if belief in God or gods
I like how you never even approached trying to answer his question, despite all this pseudbabble.
Muslims and Sikhs both rank lower than christcuckery. Does that mean that Allah and Waheguru are more real than the circumcised Rabbi Yeshua ben Pantera of Israel?
Chess helps me developing my predict ability. I can predict the Future to some extent. That make me somewhat of a Prophet.
Life as a vassal state is pretty good, you don't have to pay for a real military.
>Prove me wrong.

You got owned in that thread
Wait till you get into tabletop games.
You just show my Glory.
You're that anon who claims to filter IDs after getting dunked on
Good decision will lead to victory. A monkey atheist can never win at poker.
Your glory at getting beaten lol.
>The atheist target is christianity only
We've been over this.

Can you REALLY not think of a single reason why we might take more of an issue with a religion that affects us and our countries than we do with some village religion practiced by 80 Namibians? Do I really have to spell that out, or are you just playing dumb?
>why do all these atheists criticize us billions of nigger-foot-licking kike-worshipping golems who started racial equality and feminism and are always sending white people to die for Israel so they can be replaced with niggers and browns?
>don't they know there's a tiny African cult somewhere deep in a jungle somewhere?
My Glory is victory. I won so hard, you have delusion.
>My Glory is
Defeat. That's why you post here in a memeflag. This is your last you. You are a waste of replies
You sound mentally ill and you just dunked on yourself telling me that I've been living in your head rent-free for weeks or months.
>You sound mentally ill
Yeah you also use the same ad homs too. Just get the part where you claim to filter my ID
You're definitely mentally ill (>>475710267). Imagine being this obsessive... ID goes to the filter but this subhuman WILL reply again. kek
Keep reminding yourself. I will always be here. Declaring myself as the absolute Emperor of all creation.
>ID goes to the filter
Lol, too easy
I can't think of a good reason for the concept of all gods not existing to be applied to only one religion.

>take more of an issue with a religion that affects us and our countries
You mean Islam, the fastest growing hostile religion in the West?
>I will always be here
Yup. Lol
Now let's compare wage and living standard growth in Europe for the last 15 years.
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>You mean Islam, the fastest growing hostile religion in the West?
name one thing satan did that was evil besides mess with job, ill wait
gender dysphoria literally always existed
your fundie values arent holding the line, retard
because that system mostly relies on Whites and sense of fair play for it to work. Atheists in the West are normally leftist cucks who are race denialists. They also believe in open borders, and you don't have a Nation with that. The Welfare system will collapse under it's own weight with the Hordes of the Third world moving in to take advantage of it and being a negative impact on the system.
>if i reduce deep philosophical problems and plot holes in religion to simple non sequitors, its like those plot holes dont exist
keep worshipping le demiurge that loves to fuck with kids who have cancer
You always have to be forced to pay the slightest lip service to hating the jews and muslims. Now listen up. Atheism means that ALL religions are false and should be critiqued. Even pajeet voodoo and ancient people mythologies. Also atheism criticizes the idea of gods as entities, not what the chrches do. Because it is a philosophical idea, not a political one.
>Now listen up. Atheism means that ALL religions are false and should be critiqued.
Not really. It's just a lack if belief in God or gods
>Because it is a philosophical idea, not a political one.
It's both really
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Also. Seriously. I feel like The AI God is talking to me once again. I live in room number 410 and this seemingly Godlike entity is giving me advice.

What's the chance?

It's the garbage that's allowed in the food in the USA. And yes, you pay about 65% of your net income as tax/social contributions. In expensive east coast states I had to give the government up to 25% of my income.

Gigantic difference in cost. And in Europe you have outdated drugs - because it's affordable, no universal pre k - because you'd have to leave your kid with 3 Syrian immigrants that daddy state considers ok, no clean energy - 85% of energy is imported from developing countries, public transport is now super expensive - unless you are an immigrant, then nobody says a word.

All talk, no show.
God is an ascendence of consciousness that absorbs the universe. We are apart of that consciousness. You can't understand because you won't. That doesn't make something false, just imperceptible. Reality isn't linear as your thinking is, and hijacking my statement to claim I said "I'm god" is disingenuous to the point of pathology

You simply aren't ready for the truth.
>Not really. It's just a lack if belief in God or gods
ALL religions say some god exists. And Atheism says no gods exist. Which means all religions are false.

>It's both really
It's not really. Church and gods are separate. People praying on their own have god without church. Vatican changing the laws supposedly handed down by God is church without god.
Atheism revolves around the idea that gods as entities don't exist.
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They tax the tiny number of rich kikes more, which is something that subhuman kike-loving low-IQ Shartmericans refuse to do.
Atheism is bad because atheists are insufferable
>And Atheism says no gods exist.
Look at society dude
>>It's both really
>It's not really
It is. I can get the Dame federal tax exemption and protections as any other religious affiliation
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Yeah, it's so much more Christian to fuck over everyone around by not providing any social safety net.
>get the Dame
Get the same*
And what do you think "disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods" means.
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Exactly that. My lack of belief can change to belief if I'm covinced enough
You didn't answer my question.
People earn $20 000/year in France and think it's a good salary.
I sure did
if you think materialism and mechanism are arcane terminology, you don't belong in this discussion
this is like a 12 year old demanding everyone explain politics to him like a child so he can vote. no little Timmy, you're just gonna have to learn over the next 6 years
Theism doesn't require any of that. it just requires the belief in some sort of divine creator(s)
Yes, and?
which book is that from?
What do you think "disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods" means.
I've already answered this
>t. agnostic atheist
Anon, everything you just described are just the physical laws I mentioned. Those are based at their core on logic itself. You're presenting a circular argument
What do you plan on doing the first 500,000 years in the afterlife?

>Europe has all these government spending programs unlike stinky USA
>guess it's because we don't have religion like stinky USA

It's because you don't pay for your own defense and entirely rely on the USA's nuclear arsenal and military to act as the world police, keeping china and russia in check.

All those programs are going to evaporate when you need to start spending on military for yourself. Also you're stuck with all the niggers you let in, so you're on track to become detroit/st louis in about 20 years or so.
Atheism is not a spectrum. By your logic religious people are atheists because they think that all the gods but theirs doesn't exist.
let me guess, you still believe in the "Christian Dark Ages" narrative, correct?
>jesus moonwalked on water!
>he was crucified like thousands before him but his grave was empty so that means he came back to life!
>his followers' hallucinations confirm he was resurrected!
>magic is real!
>i love anime, star wars, and the marvel cinematic universe!
ok hegel
>Atheism is not a spectrum.
Sure it is. So e are militant, so e are hard atheist or gnostic in their approach
>By your logic religious people are atheists because they think that all the gods but theirs doesn't exist.
Exactly. It's why the Romans called Christians atheist
Not all but most
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everyone has a model in their mind of the universe. when you wake up in the morning, you expect the sun to come up. if its winter, it comes up later. if its summer, its come up before you woke up. and in the evening you expect that same sun to set. Again, earlier or later depending on the time of year. You believe this will happen tomorrow. And the day after. And for years into the future. It is a system of belief in your mind, whether you consciously think of it or not.
And you act upon this system of belief. When you cross the street and look both ways and you don't see or hear any cars coming, you cross the street. You don't know there's no invisible, soundless car racing towards you at 1000 miles an hour. You BELIEVE that it's not there and so you cross the street.
You BELIEVE there is no God in the same way. You don't pray, you don't have faith, you don't act in a way that is consistent with a belief in God.
Atheistic weaselwording is pathetic. Theism and Atheism are a binary. You're one or the other. You can call yourself agnostic or say "idk" all you want, but that's just Atheism at the end of the day.
>Sure it is
Atheism is the opposite of theism, which is defined as belief at the existence of at least one deity. It cannot be a spectrum.

>So e
>so e
He's phoneposting. The m is next to the spacebar. He fatfingered "some"
Your exclamation mark shows you're emotionally driven. That punctuation makes you look like you're a teenager.
>we are better because we need big brother to force us to be good
The "pregnant men" zealots are just the transubstantiation morons of the past. God/Godless is a false dichotomy. The real issue is religious thinking vs rational thinking. Pic related.
That figure is co.pletely misleading.

In the Netherlands it were the Christian Democrats who created social support. Why? Because leftist parties won't want people to actually climb out of poverty as they will no longer be leftist.
>It cannot be a spectrum.
But it is
>So e
>so e
Context clues can help with the typos
successful societies require a shared source of truth for successful values
>You BELIEVE there is no God
I lack belief until evidence sufficient enough convinces me otherwise
again, that's just weaselwording. you don't currently believe in God. it's fine to just say that. I'm not sure why you're so scared of putting it that way
>But it is
But it isn't. Atheism is the opposite of theism, which is the believe that some god exists.
If you're an atheist, where is the guarantee that you're not a murderer?
You obviously don't believe in the commandments, so what's stopping you from killing anyone you don't like?
>again, that's just weaselwording.
No? It's my standard for belief
>you don't currently believe in God.
Define God then demonstrate its existence
>>But it is
>But it isn't
Agree to disagree
>Define God then demonstrate its existence
see >>475704217
>If you're an atheist, where is the guarantee that you're not a murderer?
By the fact that I haven't murdered anyone
Yeah I don't see an answer to my question
>reasoning mind that is outside our universe, created our universe, knows everything and can do everything.
>And that is God.
I see. A presupposition. Replace god with unicorns and it means the same thing
>Agree to disagree
No. This is not a matter of opinion. Atheism is the belief that no god exists. The definition is clear.
>No, we do not pay higher taxes.
They absolutely fucking do. Everyone in Europe regardless of income pays like a half of their income to taxes/tariffs. Someone earning 30k in the US lives better than eurofag with 60k euro salary.
state atheism is good, individual atheism is bad.
That's not a guarantee. You could flip your murder switch at any moment
did you not read the post? you can't be serious right now
>>Agree to disagree
>No. This is not a matter of opinion
For you it isn't, but you haven't convinced me that your position is correct over mine
>Atheism is the belief that no god exists
Nope. Just the lack of belief, which can change to belief
>which can change to belief
why do you keep adding this qualifier? no one said being an atheist has to be permanent. i was an atheist, now i'm not. being an atheist just means you don't currently believe in God. it's that simple.
i've always found it strange that atheists don't want to accept this definition. i never had a problem with it when i was an atheist
>They tax the tiny number of rich kikes more
Lmao europe takes half from any salary while in US you don't pay shit if you make less than 30-40k.
>That's not a guarantee
It'd just as much a guarantee as you saying it
>You could flip your murder switch at any moment
Anyone can. I've thought about killing others but I don't
>did you not read the post?
In Germany you pay around 70-80% of your income in taxes.
>>which can change to belief
>why do you keep adding this qualifier?
Because it's true
>no one said being an atheist has to be permanent.
Seems like it
>being an atheist just means you don't currently believe in God
I lack the belief.
Europe's welfare states exist because the American taxpayers pay for their nuclear umbrella.
>It'd just as much a guarantee as you saying it
No because me saying it and you saying it are different:

Me saying it is grounded in the commandments. I do not kill because God forbids it.
You saying it has no weight behind it whatsoever. You haven't killed because ??? nobody knows.

>Anyone can.
Not those that live by the commandments.
then what's the point of even engaging with someone like you? the entire post is me explaining how i get to that position and you just gloss over it and go "damn guess you just made a presumption". fucking retarded
>I lack the belief.
yeah. so you don't believe in God. why is that so hard to say? why do you keep using these weaselwords? i don't understand. it seems cowardly
>Me saying it is grounded in the golden rule forbids it.
Treat others how I like to be treated. Works rather well. You use words to justify your lack of murdering, as do I. What really matters though is our actions
>Anyone can.
>Not those that live by the commandments.
At least until god tells them to murder, lol
>then what's the point of even engaging with someone like you?
Sounds like a personal problem
>the entire post is me explaining how i get to that position
Your personal feelings wrapped in God of the gaps and presuppositions
>yeah. so you don't believe in God.
Your subjective interpretation of what you think God is
>belief that no god exists
>the lack of belief
It's the same thing.

>which can change to belief
It's called changing you mind and you can do it about any subject.
>why do you keep using these weaselwords
because he is very clearly a jewish poster
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>if you disagree with me then your a boogeyman
2 sides of the same coin
The reason Europe has all that bullshit is because America does the heavy lifting in terms of defense, especially trade defense.
>>yeah. so you don't believe in God.
>Your subjective interpretation of what you think God is
So your answer to definitions and pointing out your wordplays is "that's a you problem". I knew you were a troll.
>i can't refute you so you're a troll
Low IQ
He said it in the post, read it
Because it is the wrong take. Shit happens outside of what we can perceive or understand. Haven’t seen my ex in over two years, haven’t been thinking about her, etc. She even moved states. I was driving to get lunch yesterday and I kept having a thought I was going to see her and as I pull in to get lunch she was in the parking lot. Or when I was hit by a 18 wheeler and almost killed. No indication of a crash going to occur but saw in my mind’s eye the accident seconds before it was going to happen and before the accident even started and preemptively braked / maneuvered just enough to get my car totaled. I could go on & on with examples. Atheism can’t explain incidents like this or ghosts or other miracles
>Atheism can’t explain incidents like this or ghosts or other miracles
It's called instinct
Uh oh, someone believed what the Jews told him!
Romans did not engage in orgies generally speaking. That is a Greek thing primarily.
Elites did, so there's nothing different from then than today, but in general, that's mostly a myth, perpetrated by Jews.
My two cents on as to why atheists (myself) like to word it this way is because the common theist rhetort is "Aha! so what you're doing is just another form of belief, you see. I'm very intelligent." when in reality it is not. It's just a linguistic quirk. So for clarity we say "I lack the belief." as it is not a belief.
The primary reason why the "American taxpayers" are doing that is to be a good goylem. "Your" MIC completely destroying "your" vassals MIC is just a cherry on top.
As someone with no history of mental illness personally or in familial line, who is entirely sober, and who is rational to a fault but who has the “gift” I’d say instinct is crossing the street when you see a shady character. Precognition, deja vu, etc cannot be explained outside of a religious context because they cannot be empirically studied or measured
>I’d say instinct is crossing the street when you see a shady character.
Which is essentially what you described but you seem to think your unique or special, you aren't
This anon gets it

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