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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Generation Z and Millennials don't want to work anymore. How do we fix the laziness crisis in America today? And don't say raise wages. We tried that, that's why we have inflation.
>The days are gone where loyalty and hard work pay off
>number of high work ethic anglo/germans goes down
>omg the days of work are gone how could this have happened
Der Boomer
jews be mad
make a middle class life even more expensive and unattainable and keep trotting out conceited hillbilly fucktards like this

oh thats whats happening
look a shitjeet
I hope he is reincarnated into a long, drawn out life where he must actually work a "dirty job" 60 hours a week with no wife or children. Maybe a coal mine would be nice. Or a sewage treatment worker perhaps.
Look, a bot.
Maybe having a closed border and deporting 20 million illegals keeping the wages down would help, huh? Has he ever suggested that?
On top of all the great stuff boomers had, my dad(boomer) told me that after work he used to drive up to the lake and there would be hundreds of (white) people in their 20's hanging out and drinking beer. They'd regularly show up there and hang out. I just couldn't imagine that being a thing anymore. People don't do that anymore.
>that's why we have inflation
Oh, bless your heart…
This faggot is a theater kid that never worked a hard job in his life. He's a grifter that appeals to boomers despite being the kind of person theyd sodomize in the locker room in high school
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stop becoming commies you mutts
hard work is literally a cope for being dumb
yes, you need to be highly motivated and focused from about 14-30
but if you're still having to work hard after 30, you really fucked up
even with a pretty average job, you should have enough passive income by 30 that you can coast to 40 and retire
Valle had a good theory and not enpugh hands to make it work is usefulness of work
20 million? It’s well north of 30 million. Possibly a lot more.
And cutting the H1B and other work visa programs is a must as well.
it forces the boomers to do something loool
Ethics come at a cost that the social contract doesn't pays any more. Only a fool believes this mouth piece and his shaming works .
>be paid non living wages and will never own a home or start families

why should you play a lost game

clueless boomer still thinks its 1960
I want to work just not a shitty mindless job that I have no passion for. Why do rich kids get a pass but I have to be forced to get on the hamster wheel to pay the bills? Europe doesn't have this shit.
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sorry..I tried..did everything right..walked to school everyday through every shitty -40 snow storm and so on and the government and this system fucked me for being a man in my own country..took my kids, my house, my money my livelyhood, you can all fuck right off
It used to be
No work , No eat
It needs to be that way again.
No welfare
That's because niggers would show up, and faggot leftists would let them stay, and then more niggers would show up, and faggot leftists would still let them stay, and then you reach a critical mass, niggers start shooting each other, and White people stop going up to the lake to drink beer and have a good time. What we need to do is start convincing niggers to convert to Judaism and fill their synagogues with black.
Offer them good enough pay to actually live on?
Why aren't you holding up all the values that you hate goy???
Another Jew subverter
“ don’t work hard goyim , it’s for suckers”
Jews do nothing work where they leach off others.
>get a job
>realize you get paid to clean up behind lazy niggers.
>stop doing the extra work so niggers are held accountable.
>be called lazy because employers are scared to hold niggers accountable.
>lazy nigger gets promoted because diversity and makes the workplace shitty because of retard nigger decisions.
>quit job.
I'm literally doing the same shit boomers did and even beyond judging by the baby shit they claim to be proud of having done, and it's not getting me anywhere. Wages have not kept up with inflation and corporate greed is exceeding inflation anyway.
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FPBP. What's the fucking point of work ethic if you get paid less than you need to live on and spend all your time at work being demeaned while doing the jobs of all the diversity hires? Literally, can some dumb cunt boomer explain to me what makes "LE WORK ETHIC XD" a virtue in this scenario? Still waiting for an answer after all these years.
lol, accelerate faggot. I pray every wagie in the country quits. Fuck you boomer
>say the line Mike!
>people dont like to work
>everyone claps
Have you ever owned your own business?
You have to break your back and work long hours to make it.
Lazy Jew
you want me to have a good work ethic give me a good pay check. you pay me like dirt I'll work accordingly. stupid boomers want slaves
I hope he gets reincarnated in China so he gets to be a child sweat factory worker doing 16 hour shifts so westerners can have dildos and iphones. Fuck actors and dramafags.
Sewage treatment is easy work tho anon it just smells
then what are you complaining about faggot? That others don't want to work like you? get rekt dipshit
Work ethic is a virtue so boomers and jews can go on more cruises
corporation are will fire you the first second they are allowed there is no loyalty to any big business, only small businesses where the boss has to see his employees everyday.
stop poisoning them. it weakens them.
>Get paid millions of dollars per year to do a television show about dirty jobs.
>try to do any given job for 5 minutes
>a job that normal people get paid $15-30 per hour to do and excel at
>fail miserably and create a huge mess that actual workers have to clean up
>complain about lack of work ethic
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in all seriousness we really should try to create parallel entities and improve the tragectory of the over-civilizational collective psychosociocultural thoughtform conglomerate
That and you can't drink in public most places anymore
The old timers of his youth said the same thing about him and his generation
Yeah your business not theirs why would they work as hard as you when they don't get shit from it?
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>that's why we have inflation.
Facts love working for a company of three
you know, the big elephant in the room psyop is the systematic demoralization & psychological reduction in agency. i get the sense that the vast majority of younger people really dont believe they can change things about the world. this was done intentionally to this generation using psychology.

its an accepted delusion though. we do have the capacity to change things, we have open source intelligence, an unfathomable amount of resources available. lets get involved in life guys
KYS kike! The minuscule rise in wages didn’t cause inflation you dumb motherfucker.
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Hey, I'm not the one who opened my country up to the world so everyone's opportunistic and excess men can come here to compete against me on my own soil; WHILE we, the native born sons of our country, are all told we're bigoted and need to accept being pushed aside for diversity because our nation's greatest VIRTUE and identity is that it's a "nation of immigrants".

I'm not the one who decided that our women needed to become like men, forgoing their best childbearing and family-making years, so they could inflate the housing market prices and suppress wages of men.

I'm not the one who destroyed the value of genuine hard work by shipping out production and creating a service economy so women with their meme-degrees can feel like they're men.

I'm not the one who sold our fucking country out to Jews and Globalists, all so they could retire in comfort (kek).

Fuck this society and this country. I don't know whose country it is anymore, but it's been made abundantly clear that it ain't mine anymore.
>Work 40hrs a week straight out of highschool
>Every dollar goes towards monthly expenses
>Can't upskill if I have no time to learn and no money
Pay them a wage where they can afford things. Simple as.
Pay people a fair wage. If your company is making billions of dollars a year, your employees should be getting paid accordingly
maybe they should lower the barrier of entry to "entry level" jobs and provide actual on the job training instead of just filtering out hundreds of thousands of people based on if you have a college degree or not, even though you won't use 95% of what you learned in college at your place of work?
Gee, maybe artificially elevating blacks who have no work ethic and kneecapping whites who have a work ethic would demoralize both and lead to the next generation telling boomers to fuck off and die?
Too many big consolidated employers that don't give a shit about who they hire, and will pay you the same as the guy who's the slug. It's literally You pretend to pay me I'll pretend to work.
Why would I work hard for a heterogeneous society?
How come Mike Rowe never talks about all the mass layoffs?
Media and kikes, corporations will push the boomer BS about just accepting you're a cog in the machine.

I'd rather homestead in a place like New Hampshire or Pennsylvania or something, grow everything I eat and get a little place away from the rat race 9-5 goyim scheme.

Join me, anons
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I'm tired of hearing this shit head.
Organized labor was virtuous, not "work."
Hes right but illegals have pushed down wages.
Find out what skills they have. Give them proper tooling and motivation.
It isn't rocket science.
Compensate trade workers the value they're worth, or live without their services.
You're going back to India subhuman.
Shit is fucked. There's no incentives.
No pussy no work.
No more wagie cagey.
Become superNEET, destroyer of boomer. Don't contribute to social security ponzi and get autism bucks instead. Only take, don't give
To elaborate:
So at my company, everyone has their own personality.
The biggest thing that worked for me, was to provide the tools for their tasks to get their jobs done, and not nitpick or micromanage.
For example:
I have shitloads or stationary and pens, pencils, notepads lying around, you name it.
I have screwdrivers, tools, everything.
It saves so much time so they can actually work.
One of my old jobs: they kept that shit under lock and key.
I can't even begin to describe how many man hours were wasted by looking for basic shit like that.
I have like, these cups filled with pens, box cutters, scissors, highlighters, sharpies, all over.
They take what they need and put them back.
It's such a waste to have your employees look for that crap.
Oh I will work like a dog for boomer salary paid in silver from the 70s.
Ben has the easiest job on the planet of course he doesn't think people should retire
We don't have inflation because of raised wages. Wages rose in response to the paranoid fiasco and subsequent money printing bonanza that was COVID. Don't mistake the symptoms for the sickness.
This problem is known by another name: competence crisis.

People keep talking about the consequences of DEI. They're right to do so. But I see and hear few influential people talking about antecedents to competence -- namely, how people feel and experience modern life in America. That isn't completely surprising, obviously. Legislation and exception, the primary tools of the state, resolve crises and problems by identifying problems and addressing them with estimable solutions. Addressing people's inward, psychic conditions cannot be addressed by way of legislation and the results aren't easily measured, so there's little reason for anyone to talk about such things. The problem, though, is that living in a world where the state is expected to fix our problems means that pervasive issues of an other nature will fester; in this case, to the point of crisis. In plain English, there is no way of reversing this phenomena unless reactions to modernity (nihilism; I regard these as synonyms) become widespread.
>but if you're still having to work hard after 30, you really fucked up
>even with a pretty average job, you should have enough passive income by 30 that you can coast to 40 and retire
Nigger what the fuck kind of delusional reality do you come from?
I just turned 30 this year. I make $165k and have made 6 figures for 4+ years now. My singular debt is my mortgage at 3% interest.
I minimize subscription spending and mostly pirate my entertainment. I even hit it big in crypto and turned $100 into $75,000.
Despite ALL of that, I have maybe $120k in retirements assets, and $200k in home equity, neither of which are or can be used to generate passive income.
I have around $100k in non retirement and non house assets. At 7% that's like what, $600ish a month?
Cool story, bro
I'll break it down to even more plain English:
The retards (or traitors) running our society are willfully ignoring the causes of problems, but are more than eager to provide "solutions". One cannot fix a problem if they're not honest about why it's a problem. It really is pathetic how such an elementary concept has become seemingly taboo now.
Accurately articulated. Screencapped, thanks fren.
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>t. currently ((working)) from home
I disagree. Err, rather, I think my take is a little more cynical than yours. I think that we lack modalities for thinking and acting beyond the scientific method and the state. Sadly, reactionaries and dissidents seem unable to imagine alternatives. It's understandable why they resort to policy-based solutions (e.g. eliminating DEI). But there comes a point when supposedly "practical" solutions which leverage instiutions those very dissidents purportedly stand opposed actually reflects low creativity or laziness.
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In other words, I don't think that "retards (or traitors)" are willfully ignoring problems but rather that they are unequipped to confront problems whose nature is in the realm of that which we know when we see but cannot clearly define, such as inner and psychic malaise.
Does anyone have that article showing how like 90% of jobs went to nonwhites recently. I forget the details
It's crazy how buzzwords evolved into buzzphrases
I don't want to poison the well but inasmuch as anecdotes are evidence it seems like the opposite might be happening. It seems like most of the people struggling to find work right now are H1B visa holders. I have friends who are recruiters. They have told me that Indian nepotism is rampant and that they are beginning to flag anyone with pronouns on their CV's and email signatures. These are just anecdotes but I have noticed changes.
forget that merit in the work place is gone (DEI)
forget that millions of illegal fill up job slots
forget that you will now work until you are 80
forget that you are competing with machines

I want this faggot to dig ditches for 2 years. Just two. Then I will listen to his "work till dead" faggotry.
This is precisely what I was referring to here: >>475695943
We had one guy at work who was a superstar. Probably the most hard working guy I ever met, He was doing the job of like five people.
He loved to pick up any extra work he could find, so much so he would do side jobs on evenings and weekends.
So after 15 years with the company they found one of his side jobs violated policy and shit canned him on the spot. This is what hard work will get you.
I like to hear things like this

Hopefully another Crowdstrike or two snaps everybody the fuck out of it and we get back to hiring people based on merit 100% of the time

>t. software dev
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Yeats... because it is so kewl to take advantage of. Seriously, I have seen good work ethic be punished so severely one could not even believe one was an "employee" of the other.
Seethe poorfag
Just offering a little demoralization, if you’re under 40 I’m not so sure you’re guaranteed to work until you’re 80. A collapse is built into the trajectory of our financial system, along with a Soviet style collapse of the empire. Whatever follows from that remains to be seen.
I don't really care I just want the article
ima not care about money until 30, nowse 45, nettawortha isa sixe times the mediana, imagina ima started earlier richirich ima coulda bese joba nota payse good, ima livin lika simplalala man witha womana oha lova pussshhy
>Kike Blow says the days are gone where work ethic used to be a virtue
Because the days are gone where hard work was rewarded.

No job pays enough: inflation is out of control, and businesses are shorting their workers to try and stay slightly ahead of the crash. Men are treated like trash, the scum of the earth. They have no rights, are given no respect or consideration. It's a world of crying Jews, crying niggers, and crying women. Hard workers are not rewarded by their bosses or valued by their companies. Your reward for hard work is other people being fired and you being given their jobs with no raise. And the only way to get promoted in the workforce now is to quit and get rehired at another company. It has been proven that if you aren't quitting your job and jumping ship to a new position every two years now, that you're actively hurting yourself.

The irony is that Rowe, a fake faggot celebrity pretending to be a working class man, could have never existed as a personality in the world he pretends to lament the loss of. He himself is a meta-example of the cancer he bemoans.

Men will work again when we own the country and are treated with respect. Until then, Mike needs to be asking the niggers, jews, and women why they aren't stepping up and hoisting their bootstraps. Isn't it their world, now? Sounds like a them problem.
>Destroy literally fucking everything about traditional society
>Why are men buying 7900 XTX and 4090 gaming PCs and becoming NEETs?
Maybe if the chaos wasn't so heavy then humans could be functional again. Maybe if there was less courruption then the business of life could proceed.
>Generation Z and Millennials don't want to work anymore.

Because inflation has destroyed their wages.
Beautiful full house, kek
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Based Bruce.
And how did this retard arrive at this feeling? If you don't bend over backwards for an employer, you're fired, end of story, unless you have some nepotistic connection. Disconnected rich idiot projecting his delusion, once again.
it is almost like your country only survived off of slaves and killstealing wars.
Another bot with reading comprehension problems.
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If the draft happens it will be a good thing for the zoomers. Military service builds character, teaches you to value work, and teaches you new skills and trades. That’s why I’m voting TRUMP! MAGA!
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>Import Mexicans and Jeets
>Seethe about Mexican and Jeet work ethics
Stay mad bitch
Has Mike Rowe even wageslaved in the last decade? People would kill for those "dirty jobs" he kept visiting.
Mike Rowe is a Koch cuck. Lmfao, Fuck off faggot.
Lol you think those weak wristed little faggots are going to last 5 seconds in training you are sorely mistaken.
Lmao exactly.
Comedy gold.
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>How do we fix
get rid of Jews worldwide.
You're not gonna convince anyone here to do anything. They'll just accuse you of being a fed, and drown your posts with spam.
they've devalued labor by allowing a gazillion ignorant illegals across the border. it was similar with african slaves back in the day. democrats are responsible for both
does anyone still give a fuck what this trustfund nepobaby says
>democrats are responsible for both
LMAO, but not your heckin' republicans, they would never devalue your labor by importing millions of cheap slaves!
The USD also used to be a virtue, you alright there big guy?

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