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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The problem with pro-natal policies in Western countries is that they will benefit non-white families that we don't want reproducing. How can we solve this conundrum?
only applying them to married couples with kids is a start
You fucking imbecile.
>How can we solve this conundrum?
by giving it to White families only. of course ZOG would never allow that ("racism" and such), so I would opt to subsidize abortion while simultaneously reaching out to White communities and encouraging them against such practice
White ppl (atheist) don't have kids
Apartheid dumbass
*the point being to drag the other birthrates under Whites.
boosting White fertility is another issue. a good place to start would be to de-hyper-sexualize the youth so everyone isn't a soulless nymphomaniac
Pro-natal policies always promote dysgenic fertility. There's no fixing it. It's inherently stupid and perverse, like most government policy.
By supporting the side, that wants to chop off dicks, mutilate the retards, abort the niggers, the side of artificial wombs, stem cell research and cloning. Fuck cohenservers.
give white women to darker men

impotent white men should gracefully bow out and pass the torch
Apply different polices. For instance fuck all welfare.
Also When you provide little assistance usually only the rich have kids and they are very often White
that demographic can't possible outbreed the others, or have any impact that is tangible
Poors outbreed those of greater means because the government cucks the rest of society to subsidize their dysgenic breeding. End welfare and public schooling, then the pattern would change.
Improve migration techniques, migrate by color and functional work capacity
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I hope all christcucks just randomly catch fire and die.
Private, rich people should directly reach out to eugenic white families in need.
Just don't tell anyone.
Shit skins breed like roaches no matter how much money or resources they have (or don't have). They're too stupid to control their animalistic urges or understand the consequences of their actions, so they'll continue to breed no matter what happens. All we can do is try to encourage white people to reproduce because unlike the shit skin savages white people won't reproduce unless they can afford to raise their children.
This is not really true if you look at the numbers. The fertility rates of shitskinned immigrants converge to the rate of the native population after 1 - 2 generations. The American homegrown negroid is not that fecund. Their share of the population in the U.S. has been pretty stable for a long time.
>move to the most deranged politically cucked area in the nation with the highest density of marxist terrorists because... JUST BECAUSE, OK?
dixieland would be a much better rendezvous.
>muh niggers
are being pushed out as White laborers move in and increases the cost of living.
>All we can do is try to encourage white people to reproduce
...and gently "encourage" nonwhites to leave the country
Ancaps are one step ahead of you. The Free State Project in NH pulls almost all white people. Freedom culture is in practice a type of white identity.

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