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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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After Biden withdrew from the race and Harris took the spotlight, millions of dollars in provably fraudulent campaign donations followed within hours of the announcement. Subsequently, a wave of paid shills rapidly infiltrated all online ecosystems...from Reddit to X, to Icelandic Volcanic Rock Collectors' Hubs...all happening literally within hours of the checks clearing. I would be hard-pressed to believe that anyone with an IQ higher than 95 would have trouble noticing these highly concerted efforts to propagandize the masses into believing that the race for the Presidency is, yet again, at close odds. This leads me to believe that whoever is really pulling the levers for this country right now plans on rigging the election. A rigged election is much easier to sell to the general public if they believe it was close to begin with.

However, I'm uncertain, because this time around, if they choose to run Harris as their nominee, the gap between the two in terms of favorability in general public discourse is WAY wider than Biden/Trump and even Hillary/Trump. I don't think that the deep state Democrats have the means and illusory techniques necessary to sell another rigged election to the general public, which leads to my next question:
>What's next?
>Why are they so desperate to drum up artificial support for a candidate that is about to get slaughtered in the general election if they weren't sure of maintaining power some other way?
Another scamdemic perhaps? A false flag domestic terror attack comparable to 9/11 requiring the initiation of martial law? Suspending of the election via other means? This has been on my mind for quite some time now, and I'm interested in reading the opinions of other likeminded schizos.
>By posting in this thread you denounce the Talmud and condemn the Zionist state of Israel to eternal hellfire, with both God and Satan as your witness.
This thread will probably be slid really hard, bumps appreciated.
>propagandize the masses into believing that the race for the Presidency is, yet again, at close odds.
Good point.
God was never on your side.
They're probably gonna TRY and start a race war again. Except this time it's going to fail miserably and go nowhere because Americans are fatter and already chimped out during 2020. Then it's going to get revealed that it was a big psyop. Except, nobody will really care because they're just out of fucks to give and nobody participated.
They will activate the MNRA sequence and initiate order 66
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You're underestimating just how excited most people are to see someone who has a good shot at beating Trump
>highly concerted efforts to propagandize the masses into believing that the race for the Presidency is, yet again, at close odds
This one is very clear on /pol/ for sure. There are probably 20 threads about how Kamala is going to win and a bunch of "polls" saying she's even with Trump

I just wish we had actual jannies who would purge all this bullshit flooding the board
It’s a uniparty you fuckinng midwit
That gay faggit will just keep restarting the poll until Kamala wins.
I think our best defense against this is to just spam Hitler and he extremely dramatic about it
is there a betting market for racial violence?
would go all in on some white police kills black person stories organically appearing this fall
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>This leads me to believe that whoever is really pulling the levers for this country right now plans on rigging the election. A rigged election is much easier to sell to the general public if they believe it was close to begin with.
Yup yup yup, she doesn't need to win. They just need to shill and bot for her enough that the public is able to believe she was capable of winning.

>the gap between the two in terms of favorability in general public discourse is WAY wider than Biden/Trump
I'm not so sure, Biden wasn't particularly well liked even in 2020. The far left was so enveloped in TDS hysteria at the time that they would have voted for anybody. Being somewhat associated with Obama was practically his entire appeal.

Dropping Biden for Kamala gives them a lot of new angles to work with. 1st female president vs another male, """black""" vs white, young vs old fart, etc. Of course to an informed voter these would mean jack shit, but propaganda isn't made for informed people. I believe they have enough ammo to conceivably convince normalfags that Kamala was able to steal the election.
I really don't think so.
Trump will obliterate her in debate.
She will slip her performance mask and revert to high pitched nervous cackles on live tv.
Cat lady versus a man that took a bullet.
>>Why are they so desperate to drum up artificial support
They arent smart. They are quite stupid. But also, they dont actually want kamala to win. They want trump to win, they need young white men in the military. While, also, false hype getting blown to shit come election day will guarantee that the retard left will show up to the riots. Etc and so on.
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Nobody cares about debates. Talk to anyone and you'll find the majority of people have already made their minds up, and no "Ah-hah! Gotcha!" debate moment is going to change that.
Really, so thats how the debate with biden went?
Who the fuck cares it’s all theatre. The last 4 years they shuffled around a corpse and kept things up just fine as far as normies are concerned. You could see sloppy Joe’s dementia in 2020 easily. Why would the normies not accept a brown whore to be president next? They’ve been programmed to hate Zion Don for almost a decade
I mean money talks, does it not?
Anyone elected president will do exactly as the are told. This whole farce is the only thing that actually keeps the country running, the sheer belief that it's real.
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I get how many around here would find a woman's laughter to be the most terrifying sound on Earth, but normal people really don't get hung up on that. Trump gave up trying to appeal to normal people a long time ago and can only turn off swing voters with his disgusting shtick. He'll say something that repulses normal people and not even realize it.
Prosecutor versus Felon.
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>plans on rigging the election. A rigged election is much easier to sell to the general public if they believe it was close to begin with.
this is true but also in life many things are true and many people are wrong
I happen not to always blame this kind of thing as bad even
Fake Kamala support will be ramped up. Fake news will reciprocate. The election will be rigged. You will lose.
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Probably glad I don't know who the fuck that is
What the fuck kind of ESL sentence is that. If that’s AI you’re going to have to try harder
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Soros really astroturfing this whore. Make kikes waste their money. Make riggers have to cheat harder.
Fuck jews, fuck globohomo and fuck Kamala. Fuck Trump too

Absolutely fucking false and you know it.
you really believe I'd trust the presidency of the US to someone that doesn't even have a doctorate?

not easily, but trump has done it before
You’re overestimating how retarded you think people are.
it's two sentences

Just got out of my very hot first world shower. And I have done some more thinking, I believe:
are the most likely of all considerations that I've read thus far. To be fair I had forgot about the race playbook.
>bot for her enough that the public is able to believe she was capable of winning.
This is what I'm leaning on as well...
I'm beginning to think, given the recent globohomo assassination attempt, that they're loading a full magazine. Race wars (unironically welcomed, but check your optics frens), plandemics, more assassination attempts, deepfake bot campaigns, false flag domestic terrorism... whatever, it's all ready in the magazine, with one in the chamber.
>I believe they have enough ammo to conceivably convince normalfags that Kamala was able to steal the election.
Question is... will it even matter who (((wins))) by then?

Interesting how nobody cared about the Trump / Biden debate either. Really, not a single person saw it. Oh wait.
They'll probably release another bioweapon
I wasn't gonna post but I can't pass up an opportunity to denounce the Talmud before God.
This is true, but do you think they can maintain the 'bread and circus' act long enough, no matter who (((wins)))? The economy is on salt pillars, and with every migrant that crosses the border, another ounce of burden is added to the shoulders of our already crumbling infrastructure. Not to mention the competency crisis...
>No... no, everyone LOVES master! He's the msot beloved figure in American history! All worship at his feet!
Trump's cult has lost the ability to even conceive that someone might legitimately not bend the knee.
every time you respond to them they get 5 rupees deposited to their account
As long as they still live here things will be fine. When they flee it’s time to pay attention.
Now they have a problem with liking a convicted felon?
>this is your brain on telejew
right yeah ofc I ... fuck. got me again
This, I love seeing america's borders overran and inflation going up. Their demise is delicious.
You mean like this?
Kamala's slogan makes sense now
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This is your brain on Trump.
And in Trump, for that matter.
>good shot
You missed.
Well then I've got some bad news: unlike the record high of the stock market, both have gone down drastically
If and when it happens they won’t be printing it in their press
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Thank goodness. It would be so hollow to defeat some goober like, I don't know, Marco Rubio in November. Now we get to take down the Goblin King himself. And it's not an old white guy who will do it, but a woman of color! It's just too good!
So they magically told border patrol to do their jobs? After nearly 4 years of telling them to let everyone through, giving them money at the border, and flying them around?

>source: just trust me
I get it, Google is hard and Alex Jones probably said nothing about this. But yep, 80% reduction.

>kept things up just fine as far as normies are concerned
Biden and Kamala have the lowest approval ratings of any Pres and VP in US history. Normies are pissed off about $4/gal gas and $300 grocery carts.
>Jew York Times
They're gonna try to kill Trump again. Even the CIA is warning they will by floating the idea in the first place.
>lib meme where epstein is an angel
Literally fail at everything

Archive link for anyone who cares to waste their time reading this.
>The good news is that the bleeding stopped when he ran out of blood!
shill here, voting harris
He did everything but call him an angel.
>“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

I think you've failed in your choice of idol.
You can thank the central banking system for that. Politicians don’t do anything they’re not told to do by the noses who pay to install them. Normies will do what the talmudvision and social media tell them to do. Nobody lifted a finger to save Zion Don when they rigged it for the thousandth time like they do all around the world. Even if that specific wall kisser did win nothing important would change. The pendulum on the Jewish clock just swings right and left
LOL you think Mexico ran out of Mexicans?
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That's crazy, because he also cooperated completely with the prosecution of Epstein, more than anyone else, in fact, and banned him from his resort. What kind of buddy bans his friend from his resort? You're a colossal piece of shit, but have you ever been BANNED from a resort?
As demicrats become more desperate they become more violent. There will be terror attacks and itll be blamed on maga repiblicans. They got the money in the bank and we all know it.
All of you kikes should be killed.
Do you think EVERY Mexican must compulsively emigrate to the USA? Not everyone is a dumb, programmed drone like you, bro.
You drew him as an angel and then saved it to your computer, you didn’t have to do that. WHY? Every other meme showing someone who died saving trump never gave him angel wings! You could have just made it the ghost of epstein or a demon, but you didn’t. Why are you so frustratingly stupid!?
Don't forget about that cop that who shot a black lady in her own home. I think the reason why it's not going viral is because people have already seen it before.
> Nigger getting mistreated and killed by the cops.
What else is new at 6?
I think there's a market for a race war but I also think that people are just fucking tired and drained. The reason why 2020 worked is because we had a pretty good economy and people were honestly fucking bored. Might as well go riot for a bit in the name of social justice. We've been hit with a race war, a pandemic, aliens, and actual war since. No more fucks to give and this astroturf won't grow.
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i dont think it will be any more complicated than niggers changing ballots and throwing out republican votes and other blatant egregious cheating. it will be documented and proven with lots of evidence backing up the whole thing, and they will STILL win the election
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America is a failed state.
Waiting for the rest of the world to refer to us as such.
I found nothing on polymarket
Absolutely this. The public response to an elderly black woman getting domed in her own kitchen by a WHITE BVLL is rather extremely tepid compared to a drug dealing, arrest-resisting negro that died under the knee of some unassuming patrolman just trying to do his job, when the latter sparked months of national chimp outs.
>Assassination failed
>Palace coup
>Race war initiation failed

This. If we give into the illusion the omniparty wins. American politics is fake and gay.
heres the opinion of some silly aussie cunt
they knew biden was gonna lose to trump big time, not just the election but the house and the senate as well
dems bring kamala in with all the fake hype they can manage in hopes of at least saving the house, that way the can still fuck trump him around like last time, with bullshit hearings and impeachments..
>>Why are they so desperate to drum up artificial support for a candidate that is about to get slaughtered

I have a theory about this although its a stretch. If hypothetically Trump was officially made the President tomorrow, Democrats would revolt immediately. It would be George Floyd riots 2.0.

So why prop up a candidate that is guaranteed to lose? To give Democrats hope and burn their energy and resources so by the time Trump wins the election in November the Democrats are expended of energy and mental will to the point of accepting the status quo. Then they will soften the blow by saying "Kamala wasnt gonna win anyway, lmao".

Or if this isnt psychological trickery then people in the DNC are really power hungry and going off script.
When the USA becomes majority non-white, no conservative will ever win. Whites have a lot of liberals and almost all minorities are easily convinced to vote for liberals. So soon it will be OVER.
All the ”conservative minorities” stayed in their homelands and sent the ”liberals”, aka welfare leeches to USA. ITS TOTALLY OVER.
Still won't clap
The shills are just because ZOG grifters have convinced party aparatchiks that massive organized troll/shill campaigns are a great way to spend campaignbux because they have the lowest capital costs and can therefore afford to launder the most money for them

there's no grand manufacturing of consent going on, they're literally just going to cheat openly, blatently, and without the slightest concern- just like they did in 2020. Because they straight up don't give a fuck. They're gonna cheat with all their cards on the table and then stare you in the lies and tell you you're delusional. Know what?

Because what the fuck are you gonna do about it?
>Nobody lifted a finger to save Zion Don when they rigged it
This worries me. They pretend the 'insurrection' scared the shit out of them but are probably thinking just some old boomers came out, nbd. And they have worked on those boomers through the brainwash tube not to do it again. They have gone so extreme that showing up at a right wing protest like Charlottesville or Jan 6 will get one attacked, even shot, and prison even solitary confinement or life sentence. America is a leftwing liberal experiment from the beginning but it acts like a virus, and took over the world. We have 2 parties that compete who is the more liberal, one being more classical 18th century, the other more 1850s marx. Trump is a lifelong Democrat, he is populist protect worker policies. But the deep state is willing to go all out, have every agency say he colluded with Russia, invent felonies to charge him with, try to assassinate him, rig elections. Because Trump isn't full steam ahead neoliberal enough? It's insane and they know their plans are a conspiracy against the people. We can know this because they are pulling all tricks to forge ahead while they have a window to sneak their agenda forward
We really live in a world of lies.
Neither Trump nor the poor bastard that runs in 2028 stands a chance against Harris.

It's over, /pol/. We lost. It's time to book it.
Least popular vp in history, your niggerkike is not suddenly popular
>i really don't like the results of that poll, they didn't align with the narrative i want
>let's do it again and see if we can get different results
polling in a nutshell
Look how the kamalacucks rush to shoot down the idea that Trump will dominate in the debate.
Demonstrably untrue.
You faggots actually think she is going to win


no she won’t

No one can afford fucking anything
We are on the verge of war with three different nations and the public doesn’t support any of them

The country is a single dead nigger From race rioting

The country is a single gunshot away from full social collapse

She will not win

You are not allowed to win when you shit the bed this hard.
Fpbp. They need to keep their little WWE match interesting and keep everyone on their toes because democracy or something

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