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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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lol, why did he listen to Don Jr?
Don't care.
Because that's his main Achilles heel, listening to his family. Understandable the last few weeks though because he obviously shouldnt trust anyone after they tried to blow his brains out. Other than Steve Bannon he's had exactly zero quality advisors, and he ran him off.
>some astroturfed fake news stories wil cost trump the election
You'd be getting the same shit with any vp he picked. At least JD is based
why did he fuck a couch?
To know how it felt.
mexicans are the reason.. donald trump won't do shit about them
I think after trump was meant to have his head blown off this dude would have been elected president
The absolute hatred of him from corpo media and the oligarchy is exactly why he's the right pick.
You'll be whining about him for the next twelve years.
There are things we have all done that we are not proud of. The difference is we don't write memoirs talking about what a faggot we are and how we like to fuck Meema's couch.
you are a faggot he is the oligarchy and the corpo media on his side
there are a bunch of different ones an they are are all trying to cozy up to each party to hold major power. He is silicon valley tech bro and venture cap finance guy.
I don't think he was announced as Trump's VP pick until after the assassination attempt.

How fucked is America when our choice is between two geriatrics and the backups are a lesbian and a faggot. HOLY FUCK!
You wish

Nothing can stop Trump
i would assume he was forced on trump long before the assassination attempt
Yes I can freely give the illusion of control

Because I don't believe in it, is obvious for people, who watch crap happens everyday
So, not a career politician then?
I’m starting to like him. Fuck the nigger left.
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Lindsay Graham and Mitt Romney wanted Rubio or Desantis or Haley. They both hate Vance.
Why? Lol tons of fake panic threads on /pol/ about this guy and no one ever has a reason aside from allegations that he’s gay and he has an Indian wife, as if I’m supposed to care about any of these
This guy seems like he's a few weeks away from leaving politics and streaming with Keemstar
Why do you think Trump was told to pick him?
why eyeliner
I’ve cummed humping my bed before
It's so sad seeing the left fixate on THIS as their "big win" memo.

lmaao literally noooooobody cares about trump's vp pick
he could pick a dog
a rock
literally no one gives a shit
the VP is the most impotent meaningless irrelevant thing in the world
all Trump voters want is Trump
JD Pants off on the couch
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Mods need to start banning 1 post by ID threads. Clean this fucking board up. Btw still voting Drumpf.
>libs are pretending he's a laughingstock so I must too!
Vance is a legit hillbilly though. Sure you can put his mayo ass through Ivy League and marry him off to some Indian chick and fill his head and mouth with Kevin D. Williamson National Review talking points... but deep down, he is still a wonderbread eating shitheel trailer park punk. No matter what happens, that's his history. That's who he is.

Just like Obama could be anything but a black guy. Oh sure, he could hang out with rappers and smoke weed and marry into Chicago black royalty. But he was always some Kenyan globetrotter motherfucker. Never a slave blood nigger from the hood.

Strip away all the bullshit, and everyone is who they were when they were 6 years old.
I dont know why Trump didn't pick a woman as his running mate like McCain. Its easy to see that his hardest demo to win over is women
This guy brings nothing to the table. I'm still voting Trump but I'm forever going to be mad he didn't pick Tulsi to be his VP
no bitch will ever be president.
He felt female that day and his mamaw said it's okay to suck cocks
He picked Vance because he’s given up on “appeasement”
Literally all he had to do to get the hole vote is to pick a guy who was a 4 or higher, but he picked up this sweaty pig eyed bitter incel dough head. I don't understand
Steve Bannon was a PR consultant for Jeffrey Epstein lmao

All the same, he's a big part of why trump won in the first place. He has no advisors even remotely as competent or attuned to things as Bannon was under trump.
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this nigga's vibes
It's the most alpha thing you can do. Fuck something then sit on top of it post-coom while you watch TV and eat cereal
I can't believe this. The childless comment is a fucking NIGHTMARE. And the Hitler comment is right behind it. Just when abortion was starting to cool down this new shit about how childless people have less of a voice shows up.
And there are probably more and more quotes. DUMP THIS FAGGOT
I unironically think choosing Palin costed McCain that election and it was already an uphill battle.
in terms of hiring, donald trump is the worst judge of character i have ever seen - always picks con-artists, traitors, imbeciles, and creeps, let alone all of the bad choices outside of his family
Bannon doesn't know shit. Pat Buchanan wrote the 2016 Trump script back in the 60s and 70s while he was working for Nixon.
Keep telling yourself that. Vance was chosen very carefully because Trump is focused on another demographic and he will win the election
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>Meemaw, is I gay?
>Do you want to suck dick?
>Yes, Meemaw.
>Well you're still not as gay as OP, little JD.
Why is this place suddenly so desperate to appeal to childless, unmarried, cat ladies? They literally spent the last like 8 years telling you, blue no matter what.
This. The endless seething and slandering is proof positive that he is the right choice.
This. 100% true.
> hole vote
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because, the bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin'
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Because they are retarded.

Trump will still bulldoze cameltits though, watch and learn, women

Just kidding the women won’t learn anything
he wanted the incel audience
You can take the billy out of the hills but you can't take the hills out of the billy.
What's wrong with tech bros? Peter Thiel got Trump elected in 2016. Are you retarded or were you not even old enough to vote in 2016?
Other than what he said about cat ladies, why are we supposed to hate him?
-Major zionist warhawk that despises iran (meaning he has no issue supporting WW3 and sending plebs to die for jews)
-Touched the jew wall
-Wears eyeliner
-Fucks furniture with his botched circumcision
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because he's creepy. simple as, nudge nudge, wink wink
Anyone in politics at his level will be pro Jew. On the Republican or Democrat side.
This time around the conservatives especially are acting like militant freaks about supporting israel much more than usual.
It’s over bros. Who’s idea was it to have a never trump that said he is Americas hitler be the vp nominee? How does that make any fucken sense?
I thought he was a middle of the road, okay, pros-and-cons pick.

Then I saw the ferocity of the paid shilled campaign against him, so I guess he's actually more based than I thought? Why else would the bots be crying so hard?
the real issue with the childless thing is that it implicitly gives niggers and spics 10x more votes than white people by fact of nature.
it makes no sense and is the sort of thing a pray the gay away overcorrecting faggot would say
You’re supposed to care that he is going to let in a gorilion “legal immigrants” you fucking Boomer
>Botched circumcision
Amazing he is still pro Israel after the jews ruined his dick. Total cuck.
Peter Thiel is a psycho that needs to scapegoat himself
Look at his campaign staff, not even a token woman
>D Vance is going to cost Trump the election
correct. DUMP is an absolute retard for associating with this degenerate
Jews perform magic rituals to prevent the goyim from realizing circumcision is evil
Great news the last thing you faggots need is a president who can't suck enough Israeli cock
The media doesnt hate him lol.
Fox has been nothing but glazing this FAS fuck israeli spy.
>Complains about US allies not rearming
>One of the only foreign policies the GOP is united on (besides dying for Israel) is that China is a major threat
>Goes on a schizophrenic rant about the dangers of Japanese rearmament on Dec 7 last year.
Yeah I'd rather not have some retard who acts like US interests are better served licking kike boots than in the Pacific. There are other reasons not to like her too like her acting like she was some battlehardened veteran with a CMB when she spent her entire deployment in a comfy support battalion and likely never fired a single shot.
Political neophytes usually make a big fuss about things that don't matter.
One of them is the vice pick. More than half of voters don't even know the name of the vice for their presidential candidate.
Keep wasting your time with irrelevant shilling, mongoloid.
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But you’re a democrat, OP
Why the fuck do you care?
>inb4 1pbtid
>what wrong with supporting glownigger privatization.
Can someone explain to me what is so controversial about the childless cat lady comment? I usually can at least understand the hysteria, but I don’t even understand the angle here. How can anyone give a fuck about that
It's increasingly difficult for women to balance career and childbirth nowadays, freezing eggs is more common than ever now due to how nearly impossible it is to do both, so someone attacking them for it is received very poorly. Women vote is also necessary to win the election, attacks on a whole gender are just strategically dumb generally
>bweeeh they call me racist for drinking mountain dew... please clap
I'm surprised /pol/ doesn't like him, he's just like you
America's voters getting a lot browner during Biden's term and Trump losing a lot of boomers to covid cost him the election.
I was just thinking it referred to a specific brand of harpy, but I guess I understand. It’d be like Kamala saying that unfuckable incels run the government
Texas was white when Trump was elected. Now, not so much.

>Hispanics officially make up the biggest share of Texas’ population, new census numbers show


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