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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Do they think they can manifest a presidency by lying? Beyond delusional
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She really knocked em dead in the primary.
Of course they think that. It worked last time.

This is BY FAR the most important book you will ever read this year. Caleb Maupin thoroughly dissects the psychology and personality of Kamala Harris and why she is DANGEROUS for America.


This book was pulled from Amazon on Monday without explanation it's that dangerous to the establishment.

The elites who secretly control the American political system wanted Kamala as POTUS from the start for a number of reasons. They knew she stood no chance of being elected into office democratically, so they strategically placed her as Biden's VP knowing Biden was incapable of running the country due to his age and health meaning it would be inevitable that Kamala would take over.

Kamala is a raging psychopath who hates her father and projects her hatred on to every man (especially black man) she encounters. She also has a deeply Malthusian agenda and seeks to do the bidding of the elites by reducing the human population through abortion up to the moment of birth and contraception. She is anti-human to the core and must be stopped.

This book goes over so many details about this demon it's incredible. Everyone needs to read it before the election so you know what kind of monster Kamala Harris has been her entire life.



The left is sick of the right lying all the time, and now we have weaponized lying and disinformation against rightist and we will slaughter them at the poll.
There were no lockdowns, it was a mostly peaceful protest, Biden is sharp as a tack, she was never border czar. They lie to your face and libtards eat it up.
2008 hype + an inflated voterbase?

Absolutely. /pol/ is too scared of this scenario, but can yoi blame us? We can't handle eight more years of a dem leaving the door open for mass illegal immigration. Only this time, africans will come in droves after seeing a new black president social media.
Its over anyway 2030 2/3 hispanic population
I was an adult in ‘08 and this doesn’t come close to a fraction of the Obama momentum
this astroturfing is ridiculous.
Free and independent press.
Kek, fucking kek
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You are right, this is ten times bigger, the moment Obama, Beyonce and Taylor Swift endorse her is over for Drumpf
This is full throttle gaslighting
>lying this much
Repent. Hell is forever.
msm has just become straight up cringe, it's not even very funny anymore.

i did prefer clown world over cringe world
They've done it before with Ukraine.
I'm pretty sure all of those people endorsed Hilary in 16.
She's going to have a well produced and funded propaganda campaign straight out of Hollywood, you can bet on that. But so did Hillary, and we kept that bitch out of the white house.
>all these celebrities shilling for the Democrat candidate!!
First election, huh?
Zero discussion of policy or platform as expected --- just like Hillary, avoiding the press. Nothing but emotions and hate.
Announcing intention of massive fraud? Fake stories of her being popular to make it believable.
Trust in (((institutions))) are at an all-time stupidly low now, like 20% or something similar. It has even affected the far leftists who see the constant Israel worship in the media as "fascist" or whatever the fuck they choose to use.
Obama was legit grass roots. You could tell because the media tried hard as fuck to get Hillary in, given it was "her turn"
Kamala is the single largest astroturfing campaign in American history. It is a desperate hail mary, hoping that they can elongate the honeymoon period til election or fool retards into supporting her.
It could work too, I don't believe it will because the more people learn about her and see her the worse she'll poll, but if it does work it'll change politics forever, and every candidate on both parties will be the fakest gayest shit you've ever seen
She is clearly drunk or high in every public appearance so it's just going to be highly produced performances while she is carted around like Elvis and makes speeches about abortion, Trump is more durable if her campaign in 2020 showed anything it's that even liberals get tired of her. Trump is there for the long haul, he's the #1 figure in American politics this is just some random brown woman they found out of California.
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Came here to say this. There's no way people were more excited to vote for Biden than Obama, and it's definitely not true for Harris no matter how much they claim otherwise.
She’s a fucking dork
Kamala got the most donations a candidate has ever gotten during the 24 hours after starting her campaign though. It's very clear that there's more interest in Kamala than it has ever been in anybody else. Not even Trump gets this many donations.
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>Donations democratically represent the interests of the people
>Doesnt even consider where those donations are coming from

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