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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Can someone explain how someone who was so unpopular in the 2020 elections rise to power and become the President of the United States? Is it solely a diversity thing because she's a woman of color? Why are so many Democrats all rallying around her now?
She's not going to be president
The power of the lugenpresse, and hillary's propaganda department. This change in tone coincides exactly with hillary's 2016 campaign.


Kamala shills on suicide watch. The rest are just in it for an easy pay day, they know it ain't shit.
Because millions of disgruntled young females will register to vote simply to see a woman win against Trump.
Biden was so uninspiring that he made people excited about somebody as incompetent as Kamala.
because everything is fake and gay
now you understand why they fomented that pseudo cultural revolution
the spam divide and conquer since several years
all the woman against man
it's culminating in that election
the fake left and the fake right are going to clash and allow a total tyranny
there's around 4 month left of stability to north america
after that nothing will ever be the same
Did you fall out of a coconut tree? She brat.
>Implying she will win
Shut up faggot
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Fact check true
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>Someone who lost a primary could never go on to become president years later!
is just a weird take. Do you know anything about US electoral history? It just BAFFLES you that a sitting Vice President could receive the Democratic nomination?
it stems from several years of nobody speaking up against these clowns suffering from white guilt. It's gotten so bad they'd rather become unemployed and homeless just avoid getting caught critiquing "her"
>Trust me, I live in CA, people here are beyond a lost cause thanks to the social media metrics that reward virtue signaling.
She's black and was able to skip what filtered every other black candidate except for Obama - the primaries. If blacks bothered to come out and vote during the primaries, then every president from that election forward would be black until the country inevitably collapses. It's been happening in cities for decades. A black mayor is the point of no return.
It's a mix of the most coordinated astroturfing campaign in internet history, one prepared since the debate for multiple potential biden replacements, and the honeymoon period of a new candidate, like the jump in support a candidate gets once they win the primary.
It will wear off within a month, astroturfing works really well to sell video games and movie tickets but it doesn't fare so well when it gets contested, especially for someone with so many skeletons in their closet like Harris. I think the goal they had was to quash those skeletons (border czar, donations to Minnesota freedom fund, being a borderline commie) but the left has little influence over Twitter, which is a nightmare for them with Instagram being borderline dead.
trump is unlikable

a literal shiba inu could run aganst trump and it would be surging in polls
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UP, BROTHER?!!!!!!!!

I'm voting for THE REAL
KAMALA HARRIS this November and
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>so many skeletons
They still fucking hate her, but she’s been chosen for them. So it’s like they’re stuck out in the woods with a piece of shit car and they’re doing everything they can to start it up because it’s their only shot at survival.
>I hate Kamala, so Democrats must too!
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No she won't but HE will.
This November.
Where were you when you decided to vote
For Kamala Harris?
No, not THAT Kamala Harris.
The REAL Kamala Harris.
The Ugandan Giant!
The Beast from the east!
He's back and he won't. Be. Denied.
You heard it here first, /pol/.

Kamala Harris for President

Oh yeah!!!!!!!
Simply put, they shoe'd her in with no democratic process, and every comment on jewtube supporting her on their msm channels are just bots. Democrats don't even support her but they will vote democrat simply to spite Trump. it has nothing to do with her and they don't even care that they have been bamboozled, all democrats are either rich elderly assholes are too well off to suffer any consequence or college students hoping to get their student loans forgiven. that is all
It’s a testament to how fucking despicable Donald Trump is.
She only popular online where mega corps can fake everything, trying to find a supporter of her in real life is almost impossible
What other choice do they have? The DNC decided for them that she would be their nominee... with no vote.
She sucked cock to get the dem backing to take other incumbent DA for San Francisco and the dem backing for the AG primary 6 years later (an election she almost lost to a republican btw, in California), she did horrible as AG but Feinstein was still her biggest backer, giving her a nod to become senator, she had a flimsy record as senator saying a bunch of retarded shit and cackling afterwards (such as laughing about using fraudulent evidence to get people thrown into jail), she ran one of the worst presidential primary campaigns in the party's history going from the 3rd most popular candidate to dropping out pre Iowa, she was chosen as VP solely for her vagina of color, and she did a terrible job with her one job of managing the border.
There's a reason one week ago people were talking about whether it should be Whitmer, Newsom, or Kelly that should be the nominee and no one wanted her, she is somehow a worse candidate than even Hillary was.

False. Trump is extremely popular. KAMALA is way behind in the polls.
how did a 2bit cock sucker that spent her whore life fucking brown willies on her back get this close to presidency?
I don't know about any of you all but I'm on board with this super cool anon who posted about the real Kamala Harris.
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So utter nonsense that, even if it were true, would only matter to the most die hard Trump cultist anyway? You guys are seriously screwed if you have zero capability to look into the minds of normal voters like this.
No shithead, recent polls prior to her anointment have shown the majority of democrats do not like her.
I hope you get a real job that pays more than 20 cents a post, I imagine it's hard for you to afford rent
2020? She was unpopular a month ago. Her June approval ratings were the lowest for a VP in modern history.
They feel they can cheat it again and they know she is the most corrupt. The Jew overlords have groomed her for the last 4 years. Simple
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>rise to power
Because it was a coup inside the democratic party. Enough people with money called for biden to get out, so he was borderline forced out. And once he was, all that withheld cash poured in from mysterious "grassroots" places.
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This. The Jewish power structure you're not supposed to notice.
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Sure but does Donald Trump have a super awesome action figure? Because Kamala Harris has a super awesome action figure.
Yeah. So. There's that.
its like a flag. its not her , its whatever placeholder they put there, she's just it right now
Both are Globohomo jew candidates
Trump will be enthusiastically pro-jew
Kamala will be low key pro-jew, while pretending to love shitskins
#VoteBlueNoMatterWho. People would rally behind a turd if it meant going against Trump
I can't believe the patrons of GayFrogVax.ru would turn against her in a poll like that

Sam Hyde what are you doing there
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I hope your orange calf gets a job someday other than "silver spooner" or "failed businessman" and stops trying to inflict his pathetic neuroses on the American people. And I hope you stop licking his boots for free.
This I'm still riding with Biden
women are fucking stupid and will vote for her just because she's a woman and "it's time we had a woman president". Hillary was just extremely unlikable . So is Harris but she doesn't have decades of exposure making everyone hate her and comes off as an HR bossgirl that zoomer and millennial women aspire to be.
I'm just gonna keep stacking silver, gold and lead and wait for the inevitable collapse. Women should never have been given voting rights.
She is, she has been chosen.
Honestly I thought they were going to oust Biden sooner giving her 8+ years.
But it will be VERY obvious she didn't "win" yet will still hold the office.
This is intentional. It is hoped that her appointment will cause people to do violence.
This is so they can justify even more draconian measures. We are very likely headed for a civil war, also what they want.
A civil war will utterly destroy this nation.
Our only hope is a revolution.
Absolutely this.
And she's going to win.
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Me too ! You are so right. Kamaka Harris all the way !
Say it with me
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>she's going to win.
Heard that one before
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>Why are so many Democrats all rallying around her now?
Because a contested convention doesn't tend to go well for the party that suffers it, and Democrats have something called "intelligence" and "foresight". The best possible thing for the country is for us to quickly rally around a single candidate.
Because Democrats are just that desperate. They're stuck with her because Biden decided to choose this absolute retard for whatever reason. Now they're undergoing a humiliation ritual in which they're forced to shill for someone who makes Hillary look authentic and relatable.
There's no fucking way this laughing moron will win office. Hillary had a better chance back then, and look how that turned out. The botched assassination looks BAD for the democratic party, and they had to accelerate their plan to have Biden withdraw his bid. The party is in shambles, and they have no good reps currently.
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* Kamala *
Woo Wooo!
Because this wild man
See you in 2024 Punks
Woo Woooo!
Not even the infamous
Kim Chee himself,
could stop him!
See you at the battle box, bitches!!!!!!!
>forced to
Ha ha no
I mean Clinton did get 3 million more votes overall, and only lost due to about 80,000 votes across the swing states (i.e., less than the seating capacity of a typical NFL stadium), in an election that had only 60.1% turnout.

Clinton's loss was a serious wakeup call to Democrats, that we can't afford to just sit out elections or presume that the average voter has reasonable intelligence and won't vote for someone who is manifestly incapable. I doubt you'll see low Democratic turnout in elections for at least a generation, the Trump years were seriously that traumatic for us.
Im not talking about conspiracy bullshit. I'm referring to the secret service director being a democratic party shill pick, who was utterly incompetent at her job and effectively made the US look vulnerable on the world stage. That's why she got her ass chewed out during that investigation this past week
Zoomers. Everyone who was 14 in 2020 is now 18.
The current thing is being supported because our democracy is at stake.
My boomer mom won't vote for her because she sucked big willies cock kek.
Using the Kamala transition to disguise the fraud
And I'm talking about the fact that he was shot by a registered Republican whose classmates said was ultra conservative. Being incompetent isn't a conspiracy. The Secret Service deserves to be chewed out.
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he has anti republican rants on social media his account was found
Again, I'm not talking about a conspiracy or some bullshit about some Dem hit squad. I'm telling you the Democratic Party looks bad because Ms. Cheatle, a dem pick for head of the secret service, has exposed herself as an utterly incompetent director that has made VIPs and the US look weak for future stunts like this. Country and Congress isn't having it. So now the Dems are trying to roast her ass in an effort to look good, and they know they're fucked this election
But muh holesome heckin shillorinos wouldn’t lie to me
She’s gonna win, they said so
>Can someone explain how someone who was so unpopular in the 2020 elections rise to power and become the President of the United States?
She can't.
> Is it solely a diversity thing because she's a woman of color?
That is how she got as far as she did.
>Why are so many Democrats all rallying around her now?
Because she can speak in complete sentences, which is an improvement over what they had before.
Also due to massive astroturfing.
This book which was BANNED FROM AMAZON explains why the elites always wanted Kamala in the White House:

Are you implying she didn't suck willy brown's cock? Or that my mom doesn't know she did?
Turns out his classmates lied and none of them knew the bullied kid very well. What a shocker. You also forget that one of his Trump supporter classmates said he angrily derided him for supporting Trump. His social media accounts were uncovered today and he was very clearly a Dem.
Its because no one has summoned the courage to exterminate media. Yet.
Nobody on Earth likes that bitch.
>effectively made the US look vulnerable on the world stage.
Because we are. We have already hit a point in DEI where they people are too incompetent to know they're incompetent
>ur a conspiracy theorist
somebody posts the actual terrible things kamala has done
>well, uh, even if they are true, only a trump supporter would care, anyway
convincing stuff.
text your supervisor and tell xim to give you a raise. on fleek
It's literally just fake. Even niggers hate her because she went after them like her name was Klanala K. K. Harris.
Because Republicans are jews
You explain it to yourself any way that gives you comfort Chuckles.
You are a cuck who believes in non-violence. Shut the fuck up. You'd get murdered in any ghetto. You ain't built for these streets, 'cuh.
It's because people actually hate Trump that much. Any alternative is better. No-one actually votes FOR Biden or Harris. They vote AGAINST Trump.
That would surge in any poll
Bot post
>Why are so many Democrats all rallying around her now?
They aren't but they don't have anyone else to sacrifice. They're setting her up to fall on the sword and wipe their hands clean of the Biden-Harris administration.
I will watch the video tomorrow but can you give us a qrd?
>great economy
>national pride
>no wars
>the world respected us
>record boom for minorities

Traumatic. So traumatic. Stop posting here, you’re late on your dilation.

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