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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Kam-H was just won the election!

Explain how this is wrong, actblue
Why should he debate someone that isnt even a nominee?
He debated Biden before he was the nominee
He is 100% correct
>reeeee noooo we need time to write a script
cringe. i thought zion don was the king of going off script
>barack hussein obama
Had to include hussein to make him seem more "foreign"? It's very obvious.
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What an absolute turd of a shill post
He was the incumbent presumptive nominee. You disingenuous faggot.
That was before Dems set the precedent that they can just coup any nominee they don’t like out of power after the voters have already spoken. They can’t be trusted anymore until the nomination is official
biden's the president
MAGA is scared as you can see
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Here is a more fitting VP candidate than JD Vance

Really sends the team Trump message to voters I think
how much do they pay you to shill this board? are you even american? nobody talks like that here retard

seriously, where did your life go wrong where your job is to post on social media to engineer trends
Cry more faglord
Every last democrat behind these bot posts is going to be hanged.
I will be back in November to gloat asshole but keep bumping my thread
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Please livestream it
Good morning saar.
Holy shit where did he go? Wonder what kind of shell he used.
true if real and also not
I've been thinking about that too and idk
no idea who
probably go with who has the best degrees
He is foreign. He's Kenyan leftoid. Cope.

All the polls were clear that Biden was the dem's strongest candidate and Kamala is their weakest.

If Kamala bombs in the debate the dems might put someone more competent in instead (ie, almost anyone). That would be bad for Trump.

Biden bombed in the debate and they switched in a weaker candidate. That was good for Trump.

(I know they're pushing some bs pro-kamala polls lately, but before this it was clear Kamala is a terrible candidate.)
hey you should do uh whatever I'm doing with that reddit gay queer stuff I have been double space

double space
>communications Directors
America needs to be destroyed.
Obama will probably show up in a gold suit at the DNC Convention with a cubic Zirconia scepter and crown Kamala to the applause of the media. Obama fully supports Kamala or else he wouldnt have let bandon pick her for VP.
Actually, he's baiting them into putting all of their eggs in the Kamala basket, then he can mop the floor with her witch head knowing they're screwed.
Kamala couldn't beat the faggot, the midwit or the senile retard (Whom Trump beat last week), what makes you think she can beat Trump?
>we can't commit to a debate when the democrats won't even commit to a candidate
Good point desu

kys faggot

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