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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Looks like the honeymoon wasn't enough, Kameltoe sisters.
Not only is Trump up an average of 2 points nationally across 15 polls, Trump is winning EVERY POLL IN EVERY SWING STATE.
The only places where Kameltoe is even keeping it remotely close are Wisconsin and Michigan.
For now.
And the margins in the other states are just crushing for Trump.
And we all know it's only going to get worse for her from here, as everyone is reminded of what a vapid, Marxist, evil, thoroughly unlikable cunt she is.
It's over.
>2 points
within margin of cheat. It doesn't matter at all
I'm 100% for Trump but just being real with you, no way he is winning Arizona or Wisconsin no matter what polls say (due to rigging).
Not even BLM likes her.
Who cares the Democrats are powerful enough to steal this election too.
Zion Don is going to lose. You can smell it again.
they're going to rig michigan (my state) too. Again.
Trump should highlight that's she's of hindu descent to the Muslims. Muslims hate Hindus.
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I hate election years. The IQ of this board just plummets. Let's all argue about rigged pills for a rigged election between two like puppets.
Rigged polls, two kike puppets. Fuck the phonejews
Are mail in ballots in play this election
Yep. If I've learned anything from watching US politics for 20 years it's that democrat voters are bad people and Republican voters are unintelligent people. The cope is in the air. Now the liberal media is working overtime to make kamala palatable to voters so the polls started at the worst, she's got a few months which is probably going to be enough time.
Muslims don't really give a shit about Hindus unless they're Pakistanis. What they don't like is Israel, and trump has netanyahus penis in his mouth
It's only July. Almost August, and the DNC and whatever Trump "Grab 'em by the pussy" tape is going to drop.

The media with soothe-say people into liking Kamala. They're just looking for their hook.
Your state has a large Muslim population who are all pissed at the Democrats now due to their support for Israel's genocide.
There is a chance.
this is a political board, you fucking retard.
Nobody but you wants to discuss being a tranny.
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These polls are burdened by the past has been. She's going to unburden herself shortly.
Remember when Hillary was destroying Trump in the polls?
Kind of rich coming from someone shilling a confirmed epstein pedophile?
Pretty much this. Why people can't see this obvious plan?
No, they really aren't.
They can't pull the same vote spamming in the same places in the same ways again.
And Kameltoe is going to be crushed so hard that it would take "fixing" too many states even if they had the means.
Kameltoe won't top 170 Electoral votes. Trump will get over 400.
Screencap it.
Vote really hard this time
But enough about Joe Biden.
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just fact checked the NYTimes and it seems you are wrong

>c-h-e-c-k m-a-t-e
>Remember when Hillary was destroying Trump in the polls?
Do you remember how most pollsters bias it heavily for Democrats?
Well, you see... that still happens. That means that Trump is actually far more ahead.
His numbers in key Democrat demographics are killing Kameltoe
If Trump isn't at least 5 points ahead, they're gonna cheat and he will lose. So basically Trump is gonna lose.
Go enjoy your flat earth and tranny threads, cunt.
And hildebeast was destroying Drumpf before he won. Polls don't mean shit.
dialate very hard this time
the media has lost all credibility with the average citizen at this point and they can't magically make kamala a likeable person. they couldn't with hillary and kamala is even less likeable than she was. just listening to her nails-on-chalkboard voice is enough to turn most people off.
Can't they just steal the election again? Nothing makes sense in America. Your so called democracy is a joke why would trump even try if he knows it can be rigged against him.. please someone explain, I'm having fake and gay overload us anything actually real anymore wtf
1, 2, 3, even 7 don't mean shit.
Unless Drumpf wins in an overwhelming landslide, they can and will steal the election. Drumpf is toast.
You don't get it.
Democrats need to be at least 3 pts up to win the EC.
They get all their big national numbers by soloing NY and California.
That doesn't do shit to help them anywhere else.
Keep watching, and remember I was right.
Also remember that memeflag retard faggots like you are pathetic.
>literally the greatest president in the world is +2 points over literally an insane cackling hyena with a 60 IQ taking over from a literal alzheimers skeleton corpse who said he was going to be the candidate until he spontaneously died

Either all polls are 99% worthless and rigged or else this is the ultimate blackpill for civilization and nothing matters at all. There's no electable candidate more obviously better than Trump and there's no insane nation-destroying youth-corrupting marxist tool moron worse than Kamala but the black text on white background tells you they're very CLOSE to evenly matched.
They have to be within stealing/cheating range, even Lance Armstrong had to be reasonably good on a pushbike.
There was no stolen election. Trump lost because he was an idiot around that time, but he barely just lost to Biden who people thought was way more qualified than Kamala. That's why Harris will likely get destroyed no matter the astroturfing.
if they don’t even feel comfortable showing kambodia harness winning, she’s probably down by 10 points or more
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This is no surprise. That leaked Trump golf cart footage, he said he knew she'd be dropping out, and that Kamala would be worse. Remember, she didn't get one delegate in 2020. She was picked to make Biden look good by comparison, the same reason that Biden was picked by Obama.
>Attention shills and other forms of degenerate retarded faggot: You're not changing anyone's mind, here of all places. Kamala is not only as unlikeable as Hillary, she's got at best one-quarter of Cankles' intelligence. So kindly fuck the fuck off.
>81 million biden voters

there's no human being on earth who belives that's legit.
only liars and marxists
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>she’s probably down by 10 points or more
Everyone is forgetting that most of these polls are still biased as hell toward Democrats in their sampling, often by 10% or more.
The fact that Trump is leading in almost all of them anyway means the real margin is fucking huge.
I'm not satisfied with either of your answers.
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>Not even BLM likes her.
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>Remember, she didn't get one delegate in 2020.
Kamala didn't even get a single VOTE. She dropped out before they even had their first primary due to polling at about 3%
>Do you remember how most pollsters bias it heavily for Democrats?
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>unnaturally high voter turn out
>unprecedented amount of mail-in ballots
>person that killed the judges family that would have presided over Hillary case used a mail truck
>voting machines were found to be tampered with
wake up, retard
This!! He's actually up eleventy-billion %
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>only liars and marxists

Is there a difference?

lulz. I know. And now this cackling moron is supposed to lead the country.
it bothers me how the entire country doesn't realize how bad the muslim problem is here. In 30 years, they'll have reached any goals about replacing the local population while maintaining enclaves that ignore any state/federal laws.
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>she's got at best one-quarter of Cankles' intelligence.
This is a huge factor.
Kamala is a fucking horrible debater and when she has to speak without notes to surprise questions she's a fucking trainwreck.
She never had to do any real debating or campaigning, and she has absolutely ZERO fucking talent at extemporaneous speaking.
Even when prepared, Kamala can only deliver her famous, vapid word salads.
When she's caught off guard, she's an utter catastrophe and says truly retarded, humiliating things.
As evil as Hildawg is, she's far far smarter than Kameltoe, and Hildawg also made her bones in hardball political shit going all the way back to Nixon's impeachment.
zero chance any poll putting Trump ahead is accurate
>In 30 years
I think the USA will probably have moved from our decades-long cold civil war to an outright shooting war by then
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t. picrelated
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No doubt, anon. Cankles is evil down to her psychopathic core, but Cacklin' Kameltoe is not just evil, she's truly, truly stupid. I can't decide which one would be worse for the country, tho' of Cackles wins, Cankles will be one of her puppet masters, so I guess it's all the same.
30 years is the "let's pretend nothing is happening" timeframe. If anything kinetic happens before then, well, we can argue who is targeted first after traitors. With how small the muslim rot is right now and how large the USA, is, we do have that time still.
Dats right goyim. You give up hope and don't bother voting. It's already over.
B..but muh heck shillorinos just told me Kamallah is gonna beat le ebik Drumpf biggly
Absolutely this. No one would've bought a rigging for Joe again. But people will definitely buy it when they rig for Kamala.
Big caption says Trump vs Harris but the small text says Trump vs Biden. What the fuck kinda hack job is this?
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lol at that pic and checked for Satanic Hildawg
The margin of cheat is built into the poll sampling, or did you miss that?
theyre pumping out a ton of fake polls with oversampled dems/cameltoe supporters so that the dems get the message that this is their nominee
dems learned pretty good with hilldawg how to astroturf fake campaigns
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I wonder how many excited brat girl summer tiktokers will be cutting themselves when it all comes crashing down?
>Republicunts still think they can stop the brat.
Face it, donnie isn't nimble enough to catch the brat. Come voting time, me and my fellow brats are gonna get mischievous as the polls by voting blue.
News flash, Joe has to step down as el presidente so that Kamala can get her name on the ballot in all states, she has to be the sitting prez for this to work.
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>the brat
Yeah, aren't forced memes turned out by publicists just the best???
They always turn out so hilarious and long-lasting, and not at all pathetic like some people say.
yeah, I thought that was only going to apply to Nevada. Not sure.
If so, they might just give up on it because Trump is up huge there anyway
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Like last time? kek

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