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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I was watching some videos made by a Chinese generative video AI, and they're insane, they can even make a cat washing dishes look real (the original video even has sound that matches perfectly with what the cats are doing).

How the fuck are we going to discern from what real and what isn't 2 years from now?

Furthermore, from now on a politician/billionaire can be caught on video raping someone, and no one will believe it.
good. a world in which no one believes anything is better
chat is this real?
fuck journalists and the mass media.
A world without a baseline in reality is a world too easy to manipulate.
what the fuck op, is that video real...?
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let's gooo
chic on the right is hot
chick on the left has skin scales
real talk, best case scenario is that AI leads to the death of representational democracy altogether. if you can't believe what you see and hear from politicians, then there should be no politicians at all. instead, we can implement a direct democracy where you vote directly on issues, not on representatives.
if necessary, citizen councils can be formed temporarily based on a lotto system to deliberate. but much of the bureaucratic processes would likely be done by AI itself. they like to rub it in how AI is going to take your job, but what they don't tell you is that AI can also take their job.
and oligopolies will fail leading to less protection of billionaires when the government can no longer be bought out. AI can't be bribed, and jury-like citizen lottos will mean you can't exploit politics as a career. of course, it will require everybody to be an active participant in politics. but, that is the price of true democracy.
and in the end, people become less easy to manipulate because they are involved directly in politics rather than through a surrogate, and because they cannot trust any reality but the one which they observe.

that's best case. I don't think we will get there without a whole lot of suffering in between, and we will probably see the worst of it before the best. but hey, maybe there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
its not hard to tell its fake lol
OMG that fatty kitty is doing his own dishes!?!?!?!?!
>how do i train my cat to do this??!??!?!
NOW it's not hard. But imagine 2 years from now, and for less obvious things than a cat doing dishes.
And what better way to host that direct democracy than to do it through an app on your phone.
>How the fuck are we going to discern from what real and what isn't 2 years from now?
so it will be just like now?
AI is going to fucking tank the whole internet.
AI content is always dogshit, the more AI posts the more people will leave. It's going to be bots botting bots propping up an enormous bubble of a tech industry. People hate seeing this shit, any time ads start to overtake real content people just bail.
they meet earlier to get the scripts right :D

TURIN, 5 JUNE 2018 - The 66th Bilderberg Meeting to take place from 7 - 10 June 2018 in Turin, Italy.

TURIN, 5 JUNE 2018 –The 66th Bilderberg Meeting is set to take place from 7 - 10 June 2018 in Turin, Italy. As of today, 131 participants from 23 countries have confirmed their attendance. As ever, a diverse group of political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media has been invited. The list of participants is available on www.bilderbergmeetings.org.

The key topics for discussion this year include:

Populism in Europe
The inequality challenge
The future of work
Artificial intelligence
The US before midterms
Free trade
US world leadership
Quantum computing
Saudi Arabia and Iran
The “post-truth” world
Current events
>chic on the right is hot
only when young and skinny. I dated a girl hotter than that years ago then we broke up and didn't see her for a while, when I saw her she was hat ugly fat one plus tattoos.. I would not recommend
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You can no longer rely on photo or video evidence.
We're going to go back to relying on the mouth of two or three witnesses.

How does this make you feel?
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More like two more weeks
cool. now do the merchant and the mutt
They should have kept critical thinking skills in schools. People are fucking stupid and can't tell reality from fiction.
Yep I actually agree for better or for worse.
what a hard working cat. amen
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What happend to that tiffiany dover cunt anyways?
is that real?
NPC's wont be able to, since most can't today.
Exactly. The majority of people are simply lied to by their media anyway. Near total ignorance would be an improvement to their current state.
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Enter the age of Spirit. The ghosts know all.

The AI blockbuster movie psyop is going to suck.
For the first time in my life...
2D > 3D
Why does he have a BBC
I dunno, given how terrible all media seems to be these days I look forward to being able to custom AI make my own entertainment.
This is one of my favorites, but the pump ruins it.

They said AI was almost there in the 80s (neural networks). Not happening in two years.
>everything will be fake and gay
>How the fuck are we going to discern from what real and what isn't 2 years from now?

Why bother? You weren't doing anything about it except complain, anyhow. I'm looking forward to a time where everyone stops pissing and moaning, because that behavior seems to bleed into interpersonal relationships. It's an addiction, darkens the heart, ruins lives.
it wont be any different than today with how quickly people latch on to shit
just stop paying attention to crap that seemingly appears out of nowhere with massive amounts of traction, dont even look at it
The baseline in reality is that, until you win your freedom, you are subject to natural law, which, outside of living in the wilderness, is dominated by units of exchange, the acquisition of which totally preoccupies most folks until they have both feet in the grave.

That is the baseline. Most of your news is trash. If they dominate the information related to current events, then that is perfect, you know how the masses will react and can do your best to ride their coattails.
Exactly. Precisely. Interacting with it disempowers the reader.
This is like what you see in your nightmares
>They said AI was almost there in the 80s (neural networks). Not happening in two years.

And you think progress on such a promising front just ended?

No, it was hidden, as the most precious of treasures are.
>We're 2 years away from AI propaganda being impossible to identify
No we're not. Ai watches us, but doesn't know why we do the things we do and cannot figure it out to finish the job of making something look real.
I would rely on her mouth to alleviate my sexual urges if you know what I mean
propaganda doesn't work on me, because the only thing I base my decisions on is the quality of my immediate surroundings.
everything that is on the media is lies anyway
I predicted this 10 years ago. Have fun becoming a schizo puppet for a literal machine god you fucking niggers cause it's happening. This is what you get for not killing all the jews.
>A cat doing a human's work

Obviously an ai fake.

That is how we distinguish ai propaganda from reality. If it seems fakeband gay, it probably is.
Bilderberg means "mountain of images"
Cultivate prudent incredulity.

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