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Are TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists) our allies?

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” and all that
>“The enemy of my enemy is my friend”
Most retarded principle ever. The USA financed the communist takeover of half of Europe based on this retardation.
Not until they acknowledge biological race differences at the very least, until that point let them and troons bleed each other white
They are like Jews who call themselves fellow whites post October 7th and conflate dislike of Israel with attacking the West
They agree with woketards on every issue except for transgenders. Most of them are very unfeminine so the trans issue brings up their own insecurities. It's similar to how some of the biggest tranny hating men are unmanly.
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this. I agree that they are right sometimes, and will agree in those instances, but I am not their friend or ally.
No. Feminism is still Jewish. We just happen to both agree that trannies will never be women.
Everyone will be against troonery if we can cut through the insane amount of propaganda out there. Let the TERFs have their say too, we need as many voices as we can get.
>Most retarded principle ever. The USA financed the communist takeover of half of Europe based on this retardation.
It's always funny when they off themselves. I hope in Hell they are gorced to stare at their masculine image in a mirror while surrounded by "chuds" who laugh at them, forever.
No? You only agree with them on one thing (men can't be women) every other issue you 1000% disagree with terfs.
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>They agree with woketards on every issue except for transgenders. Most of them are very unfeminine so the trans issue brings up their own insecurities
Not just that. Transgenders are BETTER than women at most skilled tasks. If a transgender takes a diversity spot that would have otherwise gone to a female, feminists lose power.
Now that I think about it, you pornsick weirdos don't even agree with that. I totally forgot that 4chan is pro trans
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>We just happen to both agree that trannies will never be women.
Tranners are often better than females, at everything other than gestating babies. And feminists are shit at doing even that.

The ultimate woman is a man.
They want to be men, by which I mean, the worst version of what they consider men. It's not a reality and they are essentially just female incels as even regular women avoid them or they can't socialize with women themselves. If they do manage to succeed, they usually get into domestic violence because that's what real men do amirite?
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>I totally forgot that 4chan is pro trans
I'm anti-feminist. Anything that destroys the current system that is empowering females today is a step in the right direction.

There is nothing better than an oldschool tradwife, but they are virtually extinct. The next best thing would be an autistic girl, but they've trooned them out too.
>I hope in Hell they are gorced to stare at their masculine image

there is no hell

you are just as deluded as a tranny
Doesn't really work since Germany wasn't our enemy. We were coerced into fighting them
>Are TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists) our allies?
Fuck no. The trannies are out allies. The trannies are making women sleep in the bed they voted for. Every time I read a news article about a tranny winning a sport event or being caught in the bathroom with some feminist's little princess, I LMAO. Because that is EXACTLY what feminists voted for. The voted for it because they want to see men castrate themselves and they want to dominate men after men spent thousands of years building civilization for their comfort and safety. I say let the women who refuse to submit and obey men reap what they sow.
no you fucking retard. feminists demanded gender equality now they have it and they're acting like you'd expect women to act about it
>The trannies are out allies
Oh well
Well in some issues but not in others. The problem with them that their core-belief-system is fucked up so even when temporarily aligning with our beliefs they are still unquestionably our enemies and we will reconcile on our core beliefs so its not worth even trying to align with them.
lmao no.
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Jewish shill movement
Women who hate trannies are just conservatives, terfs don't actually exist in real life
Not really. Most of them are Zionists. Many of them are fake, too. They've flipped to being ok with *some trans*. They're plants.
Most TERFS are Christian Conservatives, but they're pro-Israel (because they don't know much except men aren't women) and a lot of them are just plants placed by Zio groups.
>Oh well
A loving tranner waifu can be better in every respect than a currentyear female.
>inb4 but muh children
This is exactly the wrong time to be bringing children into the world if you're stuck in a big city and inot superrich.
>Women who hate trannies are just conservatives, terfs don't actually exist in real life
Ever seen JK Rowlings opinions? She hates tranners, hates boys, hates tradwives, hates conservatives, loves diversity, loves replacement migration.
a trans woman who submits to the patriarchy is better than a feminist who tries to destroy it.

The real allies are TIRMs (Trans Inclusionary Radical Misogynist)

Basically trans women are women, and they belong in the kitchen and in their knees serving real men.
Considering that "terf" actually means "normal human being that doesn't play into my delusions, and in this case happens to be a woman", to some extent they are. In so far as they aren't willing to placate retard trannies.
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>The real allies are TIRMs (Trans Inclusionary Radical Misogynist)
I resemble that.
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I demand a cute femboy. Don't want a tranny, just a cute boy in a dress who likes getting bummed.
>to some extent they are. In so far as they aren't willing to placate retard trannies.
No, it's more like:
>I fully support and virtue signal for all the dingbat movments that are destroying society, denegrating boys and men, disempowering whites, destorying our countries, but I'm putting my foot down against things that personally and directly effect MY group in a negative way.

You voted for it sweetie, and you deserve to get it good and fucking hard.

Many tranners are skinnier and hotter than the average foid these days.
>I demand a cute femboy. Don't want a tranny, just a cute boy in a dress who likes getting bummed.
You'd better pick one up while there are still a few available ones left.
she gets it from chad
Whats this squinty look slags get when they agr
It's entirely the opposite. MtF trans are our shock troops that make a mockery of gyno privilege.
based and dick cut off pilled
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>they are still unquestionably our enemies and we will reconcile on our core beliefs
I think a lot of men make the fundamental mistake that females are just males with tits and a cunt.

Human females had a very different evolutionary path than males. Males who "lost" were killed or were castrated and became slaves. So the males today are descendents of the men who fought and prevailed.

Similarly, females gravitate towards males who can provide and protect. Men today are descendents of men who could think and produce surplus food (either by hunting or farming).

Women today are the descendents of the females who were more likely to survive and have surviving offspring. WHO ENABLED THE FEMALES TO SURVIVE?

Here's a thought experiment. Take a thousand White European females, (18-36) pick any ones you want, hand pick them for whatever necessary skill sets you want. Send them out in the bush and they are to have no contact with the outside world for 3 years.

Do the same for men, except pick 1000 RANDOM White European males, with no selection for skill set whatsoever.

Which community will be thriving in 3 years? We've actually done that experiment, with men. Many times. It can't be done with females.
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>MtF trans are our shock troops that make a mockery of gyno privilege.
So long as they aren't BPDemons MTFs can make better, smarter, more loving wives than currentyear divorce raping, false accusing, gold digging, monkey branching females.
>Whats this squinty look slags get when they agr
It's their brain deciding what false allegation they are going to make about you.
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HAHAHAHA anon this has already been done!!!
They made a survivor-season with the theme men vs women hahahahah. It is the most hilarious shit Ive ever watched hahaha

I dont want to spoil for you if you havent seen it but here is a short trailer ... Hint it goes even worse than you would expect!!! HAHAHAA


Any anon reading this you can find the entire season on youtube it will be the most hilarious youve ever watched! Highly recommend!
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>some of the biggest tranny hating men are unmanly.
And yet, every single man who has pronouns in his bio looks like some variant of this
>13 posts by this ID

>I dont want to spoil for you if you havent seen it but here is a short trailer ... Hint it goes even worse than you would expect!!! HAHAHAA
Was this the Dutch Survivor with the males and the females separate at first?

I haven't seen it, but there were some good write ups on her. The real life examples of men going out into the bush and building a civilization would be the European pioneers who first came to North America. France sent Voyageurs first, then came the fur traders. After several years the King of France sent 800 (fallen) women, termed the "King's Daughters" but were really street whores and petty criminals who had a choice of prison or exile.

The men had already build a rudimentary civilization and with those women, the modern Quebecois descended from them.
No, just because they make you laugh and you can agree on one thing doesn't make them allies.
sometimes they're friends, sometimes they're enemy. you can back them when you agree and go against them where you disagree. but since you're american i doubt such nuance is possible for your brainwashed right-left direction brain of absolutes.
>It's similar to how some of the biggest tranny hating men are unmanly.
Trans/homo hating men frequently have inner conflicts, and their hostility towards those groups is a form of virtue signalling/affirmation to themselves and others that they don't share ANY inclinations towards homosexuality or transgenderism.

Great example of this phenomena was the violently homophobic brother in the movie "Shall We Dance?" with Richard Gere and Jennifer Lopez.
Nah man they seem to be american , bear grylls is mentioned .. Anon its fucking HILARIOUS!!!!


I think its this one. Its the whole shit , but if you dont have the time, there are compilations and bests off out there too.....

Let me just put it like this within a couple of days the men have built an entire camp and our hunting small (like 1,5 meters) crocodiles with their fucking hands.

Women after 3 days faceplanted on the beach dying of starvation hahahahha. Its so fucking hilarious.
>We are strong and independent
Put to the test - Crying and dying within a fucking week hahaahaahha
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>We just happen to both agree that trannies will never be women.
Tranners will never be xx females, but they most certainly can be lovely ladies.
Yeah but question is if we should back them since their core-beliefs literally is that men are evil suppressors and they are strong bla bla bla .. So in the end letting them fight it out with the trannies by themselves is probably a wiser cause of action. Let the enemies eat each other. Sit back and watch!
JK Rowling has had an Israeli talent manager for decades. Mossad just called in the favor
>Put to the test - Crying and dying within a fucking week hahaahaahha
WHITE Female character would improve if they had more lessons teaching them that they are only alive because we care for them.

This is not the same in Africa. The males do nothing other than regularly fertilize the females and fight other males to guard their harem. Lazy like male lions.

In Northern Europe, there arent seasonal fruits falling off the trea year round, or easy to catch small animal bushmeat for the taking. Surviving the harsh winter takes a low time preference brain, impulse control, cooperative and trust relationships with other men. Women just hang around offering pussy and squeezing out babies.

I should mention there were times when women were much more honorable than the females of today. Google "Shieldmaidens".
TERFs are the gender equivalent of leftists who fight for open borders while living in an all-white gated community. I don't like trannies but they're a consequence of feminism, and feminists should have their faces rubbed in it at every opportunity.
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>JK Rowling has had an Israeli talent manager for decades. Mossad just called in the favor
Someone we might know?

Thomas Massie said that EVERY congressman/senator (except himself) has an Israeli/Aipac "minder".

I wonder if they do the same thing for every celebrity as well?
Yes I totally agree! Im at the point where Im literally arguing for segregation between men and women... Maybe just for a couple of years ... But something needs to be done in order for ta accept reality. As it currently is they are both unable AND unwilling.

Harsher methods needs to be applied. They should be left to fend for themselves for a while so they remember why they need us to begin with.
This shit that our world has come to now its just aint working.
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> our

Fuck Tradcuck, I consider you a nonentity not worthy of breathing.

But at the same time, I am against the agenda.

And I'm NOT a centrist

In principle, you won’t even be able to guess what “political” views I have (because I don’t have them), because my vision is beyond the bounds of your bestial social pyramid.

I've been on this board for many years. And don’t you dare say OUR, asshole...because there are a lot of people here with a huge number of views, but for some reason the traditional brutes have privatized all the opinions only for themselves.
>I don't like trannies but they're a consequence of feminism
Transgender, like homosexuality is a natural background phenomena that has existed in every culture and every era. Woke trans propaganda has created a trans epidemic out of confused, often autistic kids who in most cases would never have become trans in a normal society.

Xth wave feminism has pushed ALL the society destroying problems up to maximum volume, and the unintended for White females are starting to become apparent:
-getting pushed out of sports
-getting pushed out of tech jobs

The feminists never realized that most female sports are a joke, and that biological males easily smoke world ranked females.
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>Yes I totally agree! Im at the point where Im literally arguing for segregation between men and women.
Starting with the educational system. Integrating the classes is the worst thing to happen because it completely transformed the curriculum from education, to a female empowerment credentialling machine.

>Harsher methods needs to be applied. They should be left to fend for themselves for a while so they remember why they need us to begin with.
That's why I'm promoting that single guys without prospects should take the "trap-pill". Find a MTF who is at least as sane as the average female, (pretty low bar) who wants to be a tradwife. Unlike a female, a tranner wife is actually capable of love, empathy, loyalty and may actually be able to learn homemaking and cooking skills. There are lots of cuties out there who would make much better partners than the typical female of today.
Well each to his own , I personally just prefer to be alone rather than taking that pill.

Also when I say segregation I mean we build a giant fucking wall. Throw the females over on one of the sides and lock the fucking gates to our side!

Leave em be for 10 years and then we go and see if those who survived without us still want to be strong and independent feminists or if they are ready to return to the kitchen and the bedroom keep their fucking mouths shut and actually be of any fucking value to us and society.

If not. Then we slam the door and lock it again and we come back in another 10 years. (there is literally no scenario where this will happen). Worst case scenario none of them survives that long without us and we end up loosing them. But as it stands now. There is literally no fucking loss.

And Im not even an incel. Ive had it good when it comes to getting prime pussy. I am arguing this out of a societal standpoint. This is not working!
Quote of the week:

Women, when left to their own devices, will always self-destruct.
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If they agree with the whole host of destructive leftist wokeshit and just don't like trannies molesting them in the bathroom then I hate them.
Why? I like when tranny wackos go into womens only spaces and fuck with them. Not like there are any mens only spaces anymore.
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>Leave em be for 10 years and then we go and see if those who survived without us still want to be strong and independent feminists or if they are ready to return to the kitchen and the bedroom keep their fucking mouths shut and actually be of any fucking value to us and society.
Some of the women WILL survive. They may not be "conventionally" pretty. Unless you started them very young, the survivors would be too old and barren from the harsh conditions, so there would be no evolutionary benefit.

Picrel is what the survivor (right) may look like.
Hmmm Agreed. Well lets make it 3 years then. That should be sufficient.

But in all honesty, I am just arguing for this solution because I no longer see any other way. Catering to them doesnt work. Reasoning with them doesnt work. We have to show them reality by presenting it to them and make them confront it. Alone. So they learn exactly how strong and independent they are.
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>If they agree with the whole host of destructive leftist wokeshit and just don't like trannies molesting them in the bathroom then I hate them.
It's not the bathrooms, it's the gold medals. Females are MORE than happy to sacrifice young girls and boys to rapefugees and migrant killers.

Take away their sports podium, and let the kvetching begin. When have you heard any TERF feminist complaining about girls being raped and murdered by illegals/migrants? J.K. Rowling doesn't give a fuck about a million victims of the Rotherham grooming gangs.

What ever your opinion of females is, it isn't low enough.

Based. WW2 should have been the Allies, Nazi Germany and friends, and the USSR having a 3-way war. Sadly Jews had too much power in the West and USSR.
Yes once again! Build the fucking wall! It would actually be good for the women to only have other women around so they finally may realize why they are fucking problematic!
Nah, most of them are deranged unironic misandrist pro-vaxxers. The very definition of a radical feminist is that they boil everything down to sexism. Radical feminism is like critical race theory but with gender. If a woman walking down a hallways by herself in her own apartment stubs her toe, it's oppression by the patriarchy. They are totally committed to being irrational and playing victim and being crybullies. I'm 99% sure they are just another globohomo controlled opposition psyop.
Source: Lurking on ovarit.
No, and no one should help them when troons and their fanbois go after them. They started this mess by tearing down the protections placed on them by men so they should face the full consequences of the monsters they created.
>Reasoning with them doesnt work.
Most women (and many men) cannot reason.

>We have to show them reality by presenting it to them and make them confront it. Alone.
Agreed. Men need to go on strike. For some men, it will be celibacy, or taking the "Monk Pill".

Sometimes a loving cat or dog can give one enough affection to make the lonliness of solitude bearable.

A cute girly tranner who likes cuddles and who has a need to be frequently bred might be an option for a high sex drive male who is secure and confident in his own sexuality.
You honestly think a random single mum became a billionaire writing fantasy novels without joining the big club?
They don't hate trannies because they're degenerate, they hate them because they're men.
No. It is more like having 2 rabid dogs. They foam at the mouth and growl and snarl at everyone. The fact that they also target each other makes for a good dog fight that is all.
are they killing jews ?
TERFs are women who are so ugly they feel threatened by crossdressing tranny faggots.
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>It would actually be good for the women to only have other women around so they finally may realize why they are fucking problematic!
Have you heard of CAIS?

These are XY males who, due to a genetic defect, are completely immune to testosterone. Because the default state of a human fetus is female, these "boys" pop out of the oven looking just like little newborn girls, and tend to grow up into strong, attractive looking females.

They have male brains however. The usually have fully formed vaginas, but instead of ovaries, they have testes. Many of them don't realize they are male until they get a genetic test.

Jamie Lee Curtis is rumored to be CAIS. There was an episode of the medical drama "House" on the topic.

The other option for a biological female with a non pathological brain would be to find a high functioning, high IQ autistic girl.
>The very definition of a radical feminist is that they boil everything down to sexism. Radical feminism is like critical race theory but with gender. If a woman walking down a hallways by herself in her own apartment stubs her toe, it's oppression by the patriarchy
Nailed it.
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>They started this mess by tearing down the protections placed on them by men so they should face the full consequences of the monsters they created.
They should be forced to live amongst the migrants and illegals they voted to allow into their countries.
>Captcha: MSMAM
terf here. yes
Im trans and racist, Trans Women get attacked by niggers every other week. Plus I'm sick of getting harassed by illegals.

If you'd rather be allies with niggers, feminists and immigrants cause you hate trannies be my guest, I'm still voting Trump. TERFs are way more liberal than the average tranny.

If I have to detransition and just be a Femboy, that's still better than dealing with Immigrants.
>Feminists) our allies
you are an experiment gone wrong
It's a mentality used by short sighted, low IQ subhumans, scum of this world needing to be purged.
It's the fucking OPPOSITE. We Nazi pagans and atheists believe in the gods of our forebears from Europe, and don't believe in their cunt g-d for the same fucking reasons as they don't believe in the tooth fairy. People are tired of you uneducated and ingorant christcuck's intolerance and bigotry against ethnic minorities (Jews, etc), religious minorities (Muslims, etc), sexual minorities etc. Many if not most of christcuck threads and other threads exposing the fake and fucked up "white traditionalism" threads are made by us. Soon we will have a coalition of atheist and pagan zoomers to match and maybe even be larger than the spic FBI agent and christuck movement Fuentes groypers. Get out of the fucking dark ages groypers! You fucking destroyed Europe for 2000 years. And regarding trannies...I'm pretty sure conservatard christcuck larpers have also fucked hard a girl hard when drunk and then later found out she was a tranny. Christcucks destroy everything. During the Roman Empire and the time when we worshiped our forebears and the gods of our forebears, we had sexual freedom and we didn't even need the term for sexual minority, cuz everyone did whatever he wanted sexually and could do as much as drugs as he wanted, cuz nobody cared! It was fucking PARADISE ON EARTH but then the fucking christcucks came and ruined it all!!! If you want to get informed how it all happened, then watch Adam Green and LEARN something!

I hate christucks so much its unreal. Slava Ukraini, Slava Perun, Heill Óðinn, Sire!
Nigger Your probably a fat ugly women who's mad cause Trannies are skinnier than the average women who can't put down the McDonald's and Ice cream. Why are all the terfs ugly AF.

I'm 104lbs, good luck finding a real women who's trad who's under 200 lbs
>terf here. yes
Sorry, tranners are the new wives of the future. Lobotomized females will be used for breeding purposes, as they tend to make superior gestators. (fewer bad habits)

Don't worry, the lobotomy procedure is safe, less painful than a circumcision, and greatly improves quality of life for the female.

The lobotomy won the Nobel prize in medicine.
Clue is in the name.
I don't know about ally but women are harmless compared to trannies. It's man who gave her the right to vote, it's man who submitted to her, it's man who holds all the power.
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>Im trans and racist,
You're my kind of t-girl. You will always be cherished and respected in my ethnostate.
>you are an experiment gone wrong
Cool it Satan. Your place in hell is secure.
That study is because when they see gay sex it agitates them increasing blood flow in a similar way to arousal. They aren't actually aroused just because there's more bloodflow in the penis.
>We Nazi pagans and atheists believe in the gods of our forebears from Europe
How do you feel about stacking?
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>They aren't actually aroused just because there's more bloodflow in the penis.
kek. It was a rage boner...

Reminder, many animals use same sex "mounting" as a method of establishing dominance. The first time I saw a female toy poodle mounting and humping (actual hip thrusting) a female rotweiler was shocking.
The tranny shill squad is flooding in here i see
not with all these freaks ending up here
I disagree most men can be reasoned with at the levels we as men now completely fails to reason with women.
Men: Yes. I understand!
Women: You cant tell me what to do
>pulls pin
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>not with all these freaks ending up here
What do you bring to the table aside from your ovaries and sense of entitlement?

Are you even capable of loving anything other than yourself? (and possibly your offspring)

How many times have you made false accusations against a man? How many times have you CONSIDERED doing so? Currentyear females are all risk, no reward proposition. Better to rent a pro when the itch needs scratching than to put oneself at the mercy of a corrupt criminal/civil (in)justice system.
>I disagree most men can be reasoned with at the levels we as men now completely fails to reason with women.
Yes. because it is an evolved survival trait. Men do battle, but also have to negotiate peace. Most White Euro males have an instinctive sense of justice and fairplay.

Female grenade training fails...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA you bring out real evidence HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I was just trying to make an over-obvious point! I underestimated the front-holes again!!!! HAHAHAHAHA
The ancient druids used to tie homosexuals up and drown them in bogs, because it was believed that this method of execution would trap the soul and prevent them from ever reincarnating. Christians were far more lenient because they believed that homosexuality could be cured or forgiven.
>you bring out real evidence
I watch YT videos for educational purposes, and almost all of those videos feature men, but there are a few non-male people I watch, and it's likely not a coincidence that they probably have (or had) a penis. Four examples:
Lyn Alden

Cryto Casey:

Sarah -n- Tuned

Evelyn (picrel) is also trans.
>Christians were far more lenient because they believed that homosexuality could be cured or forgiven.
I'm sure the priests cured a lot of the altar boys of the sin of lust. It didn't work on Milo Y. though.

Maybe it only works with Orthodox Priests.
>Most TERFS are Christian Conservatives
how little do you think of me?
>Are TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists) our allies?
They statements are clearly anti-man, so they don't even want to ally with us
>“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” and all that
They don't want us as their allies, by their own statements.
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>how little do you think of me?
Females are very unimpressive. They are (in most cases) morally ambivalent creatures whose only guiding principle is their own personal short term comfort and amusement. They are not deep, profound, or in many cases, even useful. There are outliers, however.

Our society has empowered females with powerful tools that are abused everyday to destroy the lives of decent husbands and fathers.

I find it very telling that although the majority of educational YT videos I watch feature males, a small number don't, but non-male videos all seem to have something in common. I cannot put my finger on it.
Lyn Alden

Cryto Casey:

Sarah -n- Tuned
Doesn't always apply. Sometimes the enemy of my enemy is also my enemy: mudslimes
okay dickless freak, go get raped by some friendly niggers, just like in your fantasies
Enemy of your enemy is NOT always your friend.
Same for muslimes. Their hatred for jews does not make them our friends. They are also our enemy.
They hate trannies because trannies are men. That's all you have in common, they probably hate regular men more than trannies
>okay dickless freak, go get raped by some friendly niggers, just like in your fantasies
You really are a female. I'm a male, you're supposed to call me an ugly incell who will never get a woman who probably has a small penis.

Did I miss anything? Thank you for letting me know which points you're really senstive about. I will refine and distill them to a pure essence to use whenever dealing with problematic foid.

Remember, relief for your mental discomfort is only one tiny, painless surgical procedure away.
feminists are arguably worse than trannies, they are much more damaging to society given how many more of them there are
TERFs are quite literally the "man-hating radical feminists" you chuds are always calling EVERY feminist
The reason they hate trans is because they think they're either men or traitors to their gender
And they fucking hate men like you cannot believe
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>That's all you have in common, they probably hate regular men more than trannies
They didn't hate tranners until they started humiliating them in sporting events, (mid level former male lapping top female swimmers) and stealing hot men.
dont forget that you are all that, and a cum loving faggot
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>dont forget that you are all that, and a cum loving faggot
I don't love cum, but I do love ejaculating and inseminating, and since I onlly like feminine, I'm not much of a faggot.

Since you have the devil vagina magic why are you so upset? I've only told you the truth.
That's a man
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That's just fucking bullshit. You have a fake translation from latin, homosexuality is NOT mentioned and homosexuality was a CAPITAL PUNISHMENT for us in the sexual minority community before the French Revolution IN FUCKING WHOLE EUROPE YOU FAKE PAGAN AND LIAR!
NOT capital punishment if any at all in pagan Europe and DEATH penalty for the sexual minority community in FUCKING OPPRESSIVE CHRISTCÛCK EUROPE!!!
>ejaculating and inseminating
you mean getting ejaculating and inseminating by a big black bull
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>you mean getting ejaculating and inseminating by a big black bull
Don't project your personal fantasies on others. I only make sweet, sweet love to feminine cuties that I truly care for, and they are typically very white.
Those are Navy SEAL candidates on the left
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>Those are Navy SEAL candidates on the left
I know, I was just pointing out that women who can survive years on their own without men might look like the one on the right.
feminine cuties with a giant dick. ftfy
how about you stop selfinserting as the girl in porn?

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>feminine cuties with a giant dick. ftfy
I wouldn't know, I've never encountered one, and they're tiny little vestigal things on the well estrogenized sweeties that I know and love. I used to fuck foids and I've bumped into a few cervices, but never seen one either.
They're a statistical nonentity and they're 100% mentally deranged.
That was the goal though. US involvement in Europe during WWII was driven by Jews.
>are feminists our allies
No, retard.
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Poor guy. They took advantage of a guy going through tough times and groomed him into a humiliation ritual.
>“The enemy of my enemy is my friend”

The enemy of my enemy gets the second bullet.
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>That was the goal though. US involvement in Europe during WWII was driven by Jews.
Israel is trying to start war between US and Iran.
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>feminists are my enemy
lmao what are you 12 or something
>TERFs are the gender equivalent of leftists who fight for open borders while living in an all-white gated community
>I don't like trannies but they're a consequence of feminism
Also true
absolutely revolting
>gone wrong
It went exactly as intended, you silly goy
kys faggot. WYNBAW
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>absolutely revolting
I should tell you about the feminist foid that sexually liked it up the ass, but politically felt that getting sodomized was degrading to women, so she was terribly conflicted.

She had to go talk to her brother about it.
>MFW, her brother was best friends with my boss.
>kys faggot. WYNBAW
You'll come out of the closet and learn to love yourself some day.
not even close to how revolted i am at you
>not even close to how revolted i am at you
You're making my day.
Anyone who tells you Machiavelli was smart is a dumb dumb. Dude accomplished almost nothing in his life in comparison to far more virtuous individuals
>The enemy of my enemy is my friend
Dumbest shit ever written
Fuck no, this is a mess THEY enabled for clout and ego, this is something they need to deal with, not us. We tried and were demonized by the same one being shat on now. They can go deal with it all.
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>YWNBAW, fag
At least you spelled it right Hungry, not like the Burger. Maybe you two should get together, Mr. Hungry, meat Mr. Burger.

You two seem like a perfect match, two closeted homos. It's not gay if your balls don't touch.
look at you posting selfies
>our allies?
No. They hate everything. Stand back and watch them until they're finished "Biden their pants".
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If there was some way to make them believe the greatest accomplishment for women is to be a mother and wife they would be men's greatest ally
You're going back into the closet, fag. And this time we'll lock it from the outside.
Fuck them too
>look at you posting selfies
Not my cat. I'm not an asian girl. Is that the best insult that a butthurt pussyfart like you can make. I thought whamen were smarter than the boys.

Report me to the moderator for sexism or something, Karen.
They are not the friend of anyone who isn’t a feminist. These are the same women who want to eliminate men from society wholesale, and use us only for hard labor and to fuel fertility clinics.

>>“The enemy of my enemy is my friend”
This quote, I think, has been taken out of context and used for many nefarious purposes. I’d like to imagine it was conjured up in times when going along with someone you didn’t necessarily trust meant the difference between life and death.

The quote does not apply to people with diametrically opposed sociopolitical ideologies.

pic on the left is a utility pole; weighs about 500lbs.
pic on the right is likely a softwood log that’ll be used for firewood, and weighs ~60lbs. There’s a difference.
Solid meme though.
>You're going back into the closet, fag. And this time we'll lock it from the outside.
First you'll have to give me your definition of fag Hungry. Then we'll see if it applies. If you get it wrong, you'll face the wall.
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>These are the same women who want to eliminate men from society wholesale
We need to go on strike. We can live without them. We've done it many times in history. When they come back begging to be let in from the cold and given food, we'll need to get some new rules in order first.
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>pic on the left is a utility pole; weighs about 500lbs.
>pic on the right is likely a softwood log that’ll be used for firewood, and weighs ~60lbs.
I know. I wasn't using it to slag the lads.
>If there was some way to make them believe the greatest accomplishment for women is to be a mother and wife they would be men's greatest ally
Jew psyops leveraged and weaponized female innate hubris, vanity and narcissim into a tool to destroy western civilization.

The damage won't stop until men teach women their proper place. The tool to do that job is to completely withdraw any support, material, spiritual, technical or economic from females.

They want to be fat, stupid and fuck Tyrone, let them get money to feed little baby deShawn by having Tyrones friends take turns on their holes. Good luck getting welfare when white males go on strike and don't pay any income taxes.
Eat Hot Chip And Lie

Not bashing him, but holy shit, that is pretty damned close to what that meme is.
>Not bashing him, but holy shit, that is pretty damned close to what that meme is
Stereotypes are one of the most validated aspects of sociology.
That's because stereotypes are connected to Pattern Recognition. Most people completely ignore this simple aspect. It is a mental shortcut, but it is one that is wired into our self-preservation instinct to assure long term survival.
A fucking leaf
Its evidence references are tv shows
Of course there is a hell, you jew
You can lose your human constitution and become a demon forever
It’s not even that hard, all you’d have to do is be served by a demon during your life, which is the classical deal with the devil. Then after life you’d become a demon temporarily (still thousands of years in earth time) to pay your debt. But once the debt is paid, you have an opportunity to reunite with your whole nature. But this opportunity can be missed. Nite: until the debt is paid, you lost all awareness that you once were a human being.

You goytard muggles need to understand that human beings are composed of the five elements, while demons are monopolar. This is hell.

Now regular hell is a temporary self inflicted state of separation, like you put yourself through suffering after life because you feel horribly guilty. Once you purged that, you come out naturally.

Anyways jews are some kind of fucked up in this arena, obviously. Kind of walking around demonic constructs, not really human as we know well around here. Just like they project onto us, as always.
Remember Barbara Bush’s beautiful mind? That’s the signature of a demon. The scoffing at the notion of having compassion and empathy.
No, The enemy of my enemy is my enemy.
Have you seen JKunt’s opinions BEFORE the troon onslaught of her vagina and womb centricism?
She never missed an opportunity to gay out her core HP characters to virtue signal as a woketurd ally
As long as it castrates males, she loves it
As anon said ITT, terfs are faced with their vengeful sons in the trannies
As juden peterstein brilliantly said, the Vengeful Son is coming for his Devouring Mother
if i ever saw that dude going into a woman's restrrom after my girlfriend i'd brick the back of his skull and stand on his neck until the cops arrived
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i love how she makes the tranny monsters seethe tho lmfao
No. Troons should not be spared in the day of the rope, however they should be allowed and encouraged to invade the spaces of women which is currently a safe haven for lesbos and feminists.
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>Its evidence references are tv shows
Do your own research Muhammad. A CAIS actually gestated and gave birth to a healty baby. "She" used a donated egg, invitro feritilzation and needed some hormone therapy.

"House" was one of the most technically accurate medical dramas on televison. But don't let me dissuade your ignorance, you already know everything, because everything worth knowing is in the Koran, isn't it?
>Have you seen JKunt’s opinions BEFORE the troon onslaught of her vagina and womb centricism?
>She never missed an opportunity to gay out her core HP characters to virtue signal as a woketurd ally
She was (is) fucking horrible.
>if i ever saw that dude going into a woman's restrrom after my girlfriend i'd brick the back of his skull and stand on his neck until the cops arrived
Wow. Then everybody clapped?
Join your 41% of brothers, genetic dross
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>i love how she makes the tranny monsters seethe tho lmfao
The stealth tranners keep their "visible" seething to a minimum. It bothers them about as much as seeing some public Jew or nigger bitching about antisemitism or racism respectively.
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>Join your 41% of brothers, genetic dross
Thanks for playing. You can best get your revenge by marrying a girl and making lots of babies.
Every last one of you degenerate scum are going to die a terrifying and horrendous death. I’ll see to it as the goddess is my witness.
Not at all. You should be pro trans aka men enjoying woman privileges. You might need to transition yourself one day and should support giving trans women the exact same rights as biocunts. Like for exemples, no draft, not being forced to die for the jews is a pretty nice privilege. Same with divorce rape.
She’s great at that
But that kitchen hen is not an ally of anyone but her sister hens
Talk about a castration move: turning the notion of magic inside boys minds into a pathetic kitchen trick
HP is a major castration move thrown at based Tolkien’s godly Vril
Only if they agree that we were right all along. That their mistakes led us to this society.
Feminists are way more my enemies than trannies. I've never even met a tranny. My sole tranny contact is a story my dad told me about when he worked with a tranny in the 90s. Meanwhile feminists have conquered every institution in our society.
Sure, why not, who cares?
Implying that’s any hard
Niggers do it all the time
Get a roastie, give her the belly swelling she craves, profit
Either dash like a nig or stick around like a simp, whatever
Anyway you’re a fagturd and your future is turdhell, leaf
No, they hate you too. When they are done with trannies they will come back and get you arrested for manspreading.

The reason they hate trannies so much is because it's men in dresses getting their free DEI jobs.
Shut up leaf
Enjoy your dystopia and go MAID
No, you fucking retard. Look into the "Overton Window". Once you start making concession and allying wiht "TERFs", we're only a generation away from allying with trannies against outspoken pedophiles and all the rest.
>Implying that’s any hard
When you have to shoot, shoot! Don't talk.
Second time this disgusting leaf brings up a movie or tv show ITT as evidence of his tranny delusions
This. Harry Potter is knee deep in the Freemason tranny shit. Hermione = hermaphrodite. Emma Watson is an obvious tranny.

Its name is jk. It is just kidding(loves trannie here to promote them)
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>Enjoy your dystopia and go MAID
I enjoy a cutie wearing a maid's dress.
I once looked up such shows
Turns out you misogynists (i’m probably worse than you in this regard mind you) do some blatant cherrypicking
Yes one episode was like you describe but other ones showed good female teams
Whether that was staged up by the production to make women look good is a matter of raw speculation however
All of you seethe so much that women are superior. Lmao. You inferior XYs will always hold half female chromosomes and an incomplete and broken X (Y) DYING and thousands of times smaller than the superior X chromosome. The female has excess backup genes. You are a faulty “hybrid” mutant. You started female in the womb (blueprint). You have non functioning nipples. An extended clit. Entact labia. A female vagina that needs penetrating so you stop blowing shit up. (Prostate)
Women are crazy and angry because they don’t know how to morally cope with the fact that we are superior to you so we settle with “equality”. Your body doesn’t even try to prevent you from producing defective offspring like women’s bodies do. As you hit the wall after 35 and your sperm quality starts rapidly deceasing, yet you can still somehow impregnate women and continue your parasitic genetics.
You were designed to serve women and that is the ONLY reason you are in power. Your retarded male brains misinterpreted physical strength as actual dominance because you’re so disconnected from the spiritual that you failed the test of understanding your lesson of being subservient even know you are physically stronger. And for that, you will never be a woman. In this life, in the next, ever. Your karma is sealed as soon as you forget your place. The goddess is going to destroy you parasites. Parthenogenesis is very real and females can access it. Fuck your artificial wombs. You have nothing but little silly simulated versions of us. Or you can suck cocks. Your choice.
KYS balless abomination before niggers slice you
They’re everywhere
So does MrBeast
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>Second time this disgusting leaf brings up a movie or tv show ITT as evidence of his tranny delusions
Life has really given you a shitty deal, hasn't it? Have a pretty ginger picture to cheer you up.
60+ posts of a leaf tranny trying to defend his fetishes
>Transgender, like homosexuality is a natural background phenomena that has existed in every culture and every era.
This leafturd never misses a kike lying talking point
You earned your pyre, fuckface
>They’re everywhere
Asperger? ASD? Dark Triad? Are you still on meds? Are you at least 18 years of age? Have your parents expressed concerns for what you've done with your life so far?

Are you from North African or middle eastern descent? That would explain a lot of your obvious signs of mental illness.
>That's why I'm promoting that single guys without prospects should take the "trap-pill"
Kys already turd in less than human form
>All of you seethe so much that women are superior. Lmao. You inferior XYs will always hold half female chromosomes and an incomplete and broken X (Y) DYING and thousands of times smaller than the superior X chromosome. The female has excess backup genes. You are a faulty “hybrid” mutant. You started female in the womb (blueprint). You have non functioning nipples. An extended clit. Entact labia. A female vagina that needs penetrating so you stop blowing shit up. (Prostate)
Nice. Is this a copypasta? You might be interested to know that I don't think about females much at all anymore.

Eventually, a critical mass of White males will stop supporting females, either directly (by shunning/eschewing) or indirectly by avoiding earning excess money that goes to pay income taxes.

You can import as many migrants/illegals as you wish, you can pay for them yourselves. I've made it very clear upthread that men have zero need for women in any capacity, whereas women will very quickly begin to suffer greatly from lack of food, water, warmth and security when men go away.

Be careful for what you wish for. We're done with your bullshit.
Don't worry, you can still find love. She may even be into kinky stuff like bondage.
Stop selling your gay shit abomination, degenerate
You belong in a ditch
She didnt write the books either
The way they were instantly promoted like a big deal shows it was an intel op from the get go
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>60+ posts of a leaf tranny trying to defend his fetishes
I'm glad you care enough to keep count. Glad to see you've still got a yeast infection over me. I missed you like an ingrown pussyhair.
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>4chan is pro trans
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>Stop selling your gay shit abomination, degenerate
Degenerate is brown hands typing their high IQ opionions on technology that they could never make or understand.

Don't you have a goat to go fuck?
Hollywood selling trannies
>the ultimate woman is a male
That’s your food
Just like any jew
Your made up fapping fantasies
Take the place of reality for jews
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>4chan is pro trans
It is when I'm here.
Muzzy, muzzy, don't be sad,
Soon Alllah will make you glad.
Dysgenic dross, you’re already dead
You will never matter
And? Both are true
He's not Jew, he's just Czech. Never ask Czech about spiritual stuff
terfs are the kind of feminists that want to blame men for everything. they're not allies and I hope they get raped by trannies.
Very interesting point about the ancient druids, anon ty
There you go
Troon lovers like the leaf ITT need nothing more than the bog execution treatment
All degenerates push their degenerate logic upon us to try and turn us into parasitized gayshit like they are
It’s a parasite it needs purged
Wig on a pig. Phone angles, deceptive tranny pose, clothes, makeup. All a lie. You’re a confused faggot modified for the destruction of man.
Trans are fags so no.
hover the id you candyass newfag

Every tranny should be outed.
They are reawomen.
They are real women
this dude rocks the bald head and stash a hard pill indeed. you think its the suite?
>our allies
Trans girls are our allies not hons
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The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".

the enemy of my enemy is most likely my enemy as well

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