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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>he keeps going down
people are finally realizing how much of a piece of shit scumbag donald trump is
>they cant decide if she's a head
>or coming up ahead from behind
Wishy washy polls just make me think theyre trying to hide a trump landslide.
But also. I dont pick who I vote for based on the polls. Only idiots(87% of people) do that.
How many memeflag threads have you seen shilling FOR Trump anons? Why does it always seem to be the other way? What causes this?
Kamala isn't a natural born citizen; she doesn't even qualify to run as president.
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Us Anons spamming you guys with pro-Kamala threads and shitting on chuds are just fed up with Trump and haven't had a good anti-GOP/anti-conservative candidate since Obama, so we're enjoying trolling the shit out of you because you are beyond fragile and insecure, basically you have tiny dicks and it's funny to lol at you lol
lol at you lmao even
That's been debunked.
Because the shitskins they hire in India are too cheap to pay for a VPN.

how was obama a good candidate?
why don't they pay for it for them? The FSB does for their shills.
Kamala was the first politician to endorse him and he still hasn't returned the favor lmao.
idk... 38% isn't something to brag about.
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Trump wants a war with Iran for Israel. JD Vance is on record saying “we have to hit Iran HARD”. Most people don’t support this kind of warmongering shit, just MIGAtards who cheer for anything Trump does and calls you a tranny or a commie for disagreeing.
Netanyahus cabinet member backed Trump literally saying “he will give us the backing we need to go after Iran”.
MIGAboomers would literally draft their grandkids for Israel if Zion Don and Israel told them to
Beats me. They won't even pay them for a 4chan pass.
Why didn't Trump do that when he was president then?
liberal faggot fantasy
whats the best election betting website
I guess because they will do it for basically free
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He literally did order the bombing of an Iranian general at the behest of Israel. This time Israel really wants him to win

Street shitters on ffiver getting paid to post by ActBlue money laundering.
>20 point difference
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I'm gonna laugh when kameltoe starts a war after a fight with her jew husband just to get back at men and drafts all you retards
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>hurrdurr something that you imagined in your head vs what Trump and Israel are actually talking about potentially doing
Holy fuck you guys are still ass hurt about Queso Salami getting obliterated? While he was in a different country planning terrorist attacks?

Lmao you shitskins always immediately betray yourselves.
8 years later? lol
Don't care; still voting for Trump :)

The language of Article II is that one must be a natural-born citizen. The original Constitution did not define citizenship, but the 14th Amendment does—and it provides that "all persons born...in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens." Those who claim that birth alone is sufficient overlook the second phrase. The person must also be "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States, and that meant subject to the complete jurisdiction, not merely a partial jurisdiction such as that which applies to anyone temporarily sojourning in the United States (whether lawfully or unlawfully).
The supreme Court addressed this 140yrs ago. It's debooooonked retard.
she will win
Trump fucked over his base for the last time
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The same pleasant individuals who said he would be in prison by now? Who said he'd be removed from the electoral ballot? Who said he'd never run again after 2020? That he would be bankrupt?

Who continue to seethe endlessly over his mere existence?
LMAO indeed.
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The only Democrat I'd consider voting for is RFK, and you ran him out of the party.
I'm not voting for a woman whose sole accomplishment will be giving the first blowjob in the oval office.
It’s funny watching you guys shill your shit as if we don’t see right through it.
No. Stop lying you fucking shill.
>Goes down 0.3%
>Still up by 20%
>"It's over for drymph"
Holy shit
Miga fags are actually scared of a sexy caramel coloured woman

All you had to do was dump Israel
down with drumf!!!

Yet im still voting drumf!!
>Kamala is a good candidate

Kek. Enjoy your honeymoon while it lasts.
If I were American I'd vote for Harris just to accelerate the destruction of the system.
Only think Trump will achieve is putting the economy back on life support and prolong the suffering.
Just crash this shit already.
It's gonna continue to drop, fag.
> Every poll shows him higher than the last
> It's going down
Democrat kikery, everyone
Honeymoon period.
There may also be a Convention Bump for Kamala.
But the real worry for Kamala is that if the Honeymoon ends early, Obama might have a chance to force Kamala out at the DNC.
Hence the astroturfing by the Kamala campaign.
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America is about to find out something that the Greeks already knew about 2000 years ago and turned into a comedy play.
Well it's been like a week already.
Honeymoon is over, you're running out of time.
You'll see after their first debate and Trump gets destroyed.
Based on what? You realize candidates often get an "announcement bump" when they jump into a race. Kamala actually led in the primaries back in 2019 for a while, then she exited with like 2% support or something.
Trump was shitty in 2020 but I voted for him and even protested for him afterwards
after all that he didn't change. still shits on his base and loves niggers and kikes
now he's pushing for war with Iran
Texan here. During my morning walk I was passing the cattle yard when I overheard a few ranch hands discussing the election with one of the Old Timers, Larry “Lasso.” Larry was watching the sunrise while sucking on some dip when he turned to face them with a glint in his eye. “Ya know, she ain’t so bad. Jobs ar’ up. ‘Flation goin’ down. I reckon Kam “Bareback” Harris got our best ‘terest ‘n mind.”

I expected a snort, maybe even a guffaw. But as I watched their faces I saw smirks of approval. Tuck “Tumbleweed” was the first to speak. “Ya know, I wa’ thinkin’ tha same thing. Bout time ‘Merica had a Brat in Chief.” Before I knew it they were whooping and hollering so loud Bessie “Backwater” was clanging her pans together to get the boys to settle down. “Settle down y’all. November ain’t fer another few months. Now git in ‘ere n’ ‘ave some breakfast.”

Everybody was laughing, shaking hands, and clapping each other on the back. I swear, even the Angus seemed to nodding their heads. The Rio Grande might be red today, but you can bet your hat it runs blue come November.
He’s bluffing. What’s t(e point of having a military and nuclear weapons if no one thinks your gonna use ‘em. Back in reality, Trump showed the most restraint of any president since Kennedy.
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I mean ok. Is this suppose to be a win? Neither party is good and only retards think its the only two options that matter.
>throw youe vote away on a thirs party
Yes, yes i will and maybe many more will and eventuqlly we can get rid of both team red jews and team blue jews.
>national treasure
>took a bullet for his country
>descended from Caesar

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