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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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No one actually believes this thing can win a national election, right?
What form is this?
Pajeet Elite
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Kamala supporters are deluded enough to believe that men can give birth and Ukraine will win.
The majority of Americans now relate more to brown people than white people. Even with independent boomers, she doesn't have to live up to the lofty standards white men have to. Every mistake Trump makes is magnified. Hers, excused or hidden. The only way she loses is if her skin turns white.

zognald drumf is afraid

Just add this cunt's name to your filters. Instant you do that every single bot post disappears instantly. Like magic. Literally not a single real post to be found the instant you do that. It's like she doesn't even exist.
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>cartoon or exaggerated image of person
>This person is....le bad!
When did this become the primary mode of right wing thought? No wonder the average republican is firmly under the control of the jews again
2016 broke the elites minds. Brexit and Trump completely caught them off guard. After that, they decided to never let it happen again.

They installed a senile old man in 2020. They can sure install this witch in 2024.
Anon, this will be 2020 all over again.
Dunno, but it would be quite funny
Nope. Obvious astroturfing campaign is obvious.
Maybe if they do another covid, but it doesn't look like that's happening. Doing a rigging this big in broad daylight without any cover is a big big risk.
Its not a matter of thinking she can, its matter of she will
Bumping to BTFO Satan
What if it can? What if it does? We could be just a few months away from chaos. Accelerate.
she is 100% going to win only question is if Maga runs Trump for a 4th time lol
>is a big big risk.

They would get called out online but nothing of actual consequence would happen

Your moment was in 2020 when Biden obviously stole the Republic at 3am and you did nothing
No because the powers that be know how very dangerous that would be to the world
Don't underestimate just how retarded women are.
oh she can win, but can she do anything other than make everything exponentially worse??? She hasn't released a single policy statement or platform. It's all just emotions and hatred.
Pretty much this, there are fucking ton of ways to do fraud in an election.
You're in this thread..
How new are you?
These are the people who got PTSD from rednecks roaming around their offices. They're cowards. Probably the biggest cowards on the planet. They don't have the chutzpa you have about how they're supposedly immortal and omnipotent and can do anything.
Don't worry I make sure to make my threads using as little keywords as possible

You will not get to have a safe space

She's not going to win.
>No one actually believes this thing can win a national election, right?
Trump won.
Biden won.
Clinton almost won.
Scary shit.
>kamala is hideous
>proof? this altered picture of her
100% she can. And it's all Trump's fault
>pick VP that has the worst quote about childless people ever imaginable
>have trouble defining Kamala (its should be as a left coast elitist)

Nope, it's too late. You're already filtered out. Enjoy Niggers, you do realize that's what we're all doing right? That most are just filtering you out? Fucking NEWFAGS get rekt.

Kill yourself.
Voting hasn't existed in this country since 1826. I know that's hard to believe because you still see this as a Trump vs deep state issue when in reality he is in on it and it is simply Jews and their minions vs whites. That's all it has ever been
Don't need to win if your the election.
No. That's why they're using her and why no one else wanted the job.
She's a fucking retard and they all know it.
Don't care still voting Biden
Noone actually thought Biden could win either. Then Biden got some "help" which can also happen with Kamala.
Oh don't you worry I will just make sure to us as common and vague language as possible, KKKamala is gonna win motherfucker

And there is nothing you fucking pussies are gonna do to filter out my threads
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Zoomers will see nothing wrong with this. Flawless logic to them.
Retard on adderall
No OP, it's all baiting shitposters farming (You)'s
The majority of threads on 4chan.org are bait
I have never seen astroturfing of this level. It has simply never happened at this level. There was some genuine enthusiasm for Hillary, not much but it was there.
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not a angry black lady
Great idea, thanks.
i support her
They have to speed things up. Make up for years of campaigning in a few months.

This is BY FAR the most important book you will ever read this year. Caleb Maupin thoroughly dissects the psychology and personality of Kamala Harris and why she is DANGEROUS for America.


This book was pulled from Amazon on Monday without explanation it's that dangerous to the establishment.

The elites who secretly control the American political system wanted Kamala as POTUS from the start for a number of reasons. They knew she stood no chance of being elected into office democratically, so they strategically placed her as Biden's VP knowing Biden was incapable of running the country due to his age and health meaning it would be inevitable that Kamala would take over.

Kamala is a raging psychopath who hates her father and projects her hatred on to every man (especially black man) she encounters. She also has a deeply Malthusian agenda and seeks to do the bidding of the elites by reducing the human population through abortion up to the moment of birth and contraception. She is anti-human to the core and must be stopped.

This book goes over so many details about this demon it's incredible. Everyone needs to read it before the election so you know what kind of monster Kamala Harris has been her entire life.


It's HER turn, chuds!
I think it would be very funny if a nonwhite woman becomes president before a white woman
Fuck no, but they're going to gaslight so it might not seem as crazy to normies when they cheat again.
Should be a fun time, got any stock tips?
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And yet they're still winning
She's gonna win. The hype is real. Trump knows it too. Even if she's down in the polls now, a lot will happen in the next 100 days. She already has the Beyonce endorsement and theme song. Georgia is all of a sudden in play, and the Democrat convention will give her a boost as well. The aura of of electing the first female and black president is gonna motivate a lot of people.
>her turn
You think leftists realize by saying that they are admitting that the system chooses and not the people?
She's Indian, not black.
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No discussion of policy, economy, immigration, housing, defense, crime, drugs, homelessness. . .nothing of substance,

People who don't let emotions get the best of them can see right though her and her retarded campaign strategy.
it's fitting for the first woman president to have sucked her way to the top
Obama was half Kenyan and raised by his rich white family then became a Harvard law nerd and yet managed to convince all the African Americans who actually descended from slaves that he was one of them

People aren't smart, anon. Especially not the black voters.
Whats even better is that the only reason a woman became president is because a man was unable to do the job.
She's black and South Asian
No one not getting paid by a Democrat PAC.
maybe after she takes the bone out of her lip
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When it comes to being spammed and shilled brother, I don't take it lightly.

What are you gonna do, brother when the shills
Well, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do, brother.
I hit back and I hit hard.
They want Kamala Harris posters, brother?
I'll give 'em Kamala Harris posts.

But not that phoney, no good, cackling woman from the Biden/Obama administration, brother.
I give 'em the one.
The only.
The original.
The Ugandan Giant himself.
I give 'em hell from the dark of the jungles
They want Kamala Harris posts?
I fight fire with even more fire, brother.
I give 'em


Oh yeah, brother!
that is evil incarnate
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Anon, do you remember that fat cunt Oprah leading chants of "yes we can" to hordes of utterly retarded white women for Obama?
Buckle up for being gaslit harder than you ever have been before.
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>this thing can win a national election
old school is the best school
It's all about how easily manipulated women are. Remember Eve?
The mere fact Obama (Who is their de facto leader) has said that she doesn't think Kamala can run should show how divided the Dems are.

Of course not, anon. Even the normies know that they're gonna put the fix on this election as well.
>no one gives a fuck about Kamala throughout Biden's term
>Biden gives up reelection
>suddenly media says Kamala is the greatest thing since sliced bread
>DNC yet to be held and candidate named
>Kamala shills shitting up /pol/ non stop
Totally organic guise
>a woman
This is transphobic
Obama may be a nigger, but he's not a retarded nigger. Of course he knows this mindless cock swallowing semen beast that slept her way to the top is useless.
But the horde of pussy hat wearing liberal white women that are going to turn up are the ones voting not Obama.
she already did.
looking forward to the headline:
>worst quote about childless people ever imaginable
Barren womb spotted
They can pour in up to 10-15% (((helper votes))) before the rigging becomes undeniable. So they know they need to get their candidate to at least -10 points. Same thing happens in rest of the world, counter candidates go in uphill against established party funding and have to pull extra mile in terms of votes to get a measly seat or two. This is how 21st century established order made elections only ceremonial.

Can Donald get +15? I certainly hope so, because that would mean 4+ years of bull economy, but I am worried. Them pulling this retarded gaslight op now...they're spending a shit ton on it and they even waste their cash by shilling here where people just laugh at their catalog spam. They're priming the normies for the steal.
She will WIN! Its Hur TURN!

In reality she is absolutely buttfucking retarded(the brown dick she sucked penetrated her brain) and the more she talks the more it will become apparent. The best method is to use her calls to emotion and throw it back under pressure. She can't handle the heat. There's also loads of crap to pull from when she did her diplomatic moves. Other countries do not respect her for that reason. However I am not going to do shit unless I get paid as a consultant or think tank. That's all you get for free. Feels like the Dems are just gauging.
Rednecks are shitting themselves in fear. My god it's awesome.
Worse than that, shes Canadian.
Do they care that Kamala Harris family were slave masters, in Jamaica?
They will probably never even hear about this
that is their hope but it is not 2020. The vaxx scam alone changed things too much. They need to update their play book.
women were already voting Democrat.
no, but they have a shitload of campaign money to burn so they'll spam this board into oblivion until the elections are over anyway
If you need a book to understand this woman is extremely low iq paired with extremely bad character, the book probably isn't going to help you either.

Looking at this from over here, I am a bit divided on what to wish for. A Kamala presidency will be an absolute shitshow that would seal the irreversible collapse of America. A Trump presidency otoh may add a few years of reprieve, at the cost of a new war for Israel I suppose, but it would just stave off the inevitable.
I am tempted to prefer the accelerated version. Just get it over with already and crash your country for good so we can move on and maybe start to rebuild.
getting real bad Berserk apostle vibes off this. Is she an actual demon?
Of course she can win. I always think of what can be, unburdened by what has been.
I think you underestimate the level of disgust we had for the RNC. They showcased niggers, faggots, jeets, whores, and heathens. What did you think would happen? We’re just going to say “okie dokie, we’re still voting Trump”.
He sold out white men. The only fuckers he could actually count on, for a bunch of people that hate him. Great plan. He went from winning for sure to half of his base hating him in a few days.
I fucking guarantee she will. Things have to get worse, anon.
Jesus didn't have a kid you fucking faggot.
Trumps campaign revolves around beaners he’ll never actually deport, war with Iran, and bringing faggots and heathens into the republican tent. Fuck you and him boomer fag.
yeah with a fuckton of fraud. there will be so much fraud it'll make your head spin. remember these names: dominion, smartmatic, both with ties to democrats. her husband is literally a lawyer connected to the owners/investors of smartmatic.

t. i worked for smartmatic for 2 seasons and i saw how their machines are connected to wi-fi.
while i dont gaf about kamala or the outcome the trump/MAGA meltdown would be legendary
that's why their astroturfing so incredibly hard
If Trump could, literally anyone can
It's fucking annoying. No one is shitting themselves. Trannies go play with barbies or stock up on chemmy castration pills.
kys pls
She will win but because dead people can vote


cope, seethe, mald
Genetic equivalent of gutter oil.
The bioweapon known as pajeet.
No but I hope she wins, just for the keks
Skibidi Kamala IS crap.
Not true. He has his female supporters in the South and more rural areas of the Midwest.
the poojeet
the Jews cheap asian mass produced copy of their original bioweapons (niggers)
if it does, its the end, nothing to loose, its scorched earth time
Shhh let the dumocrats waste all the money they have.
It's over.
>No one actually believes this thing can win a national election, right?
Remember when no one believed a parkinson's patient who couldn't finish his sentences "couldn't win a national election", and then they did the whole humiliation ritual of showing us that elections are faker than the stock market?
Kamala is a literal demon.
I only vote for people that suck dick really good and take many peens in their holes and swallow cum and stuff. Can’t wait to goon to her for hours when she’s president.
With voter fraud anything is possible. It will be REALLY obvious this time, but they know this. It’s a demoralizing technique.
>"When did exaggeration become a uniquely right wing tool of political parody"

It's been 40% of the purpose of 'depiction' since humans learned how to represent things with artifacts of any kind. Nigger.
they dont need to win. they will cheat.
Cum A Lot Harris
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>When did caricature make right-wing memes so effective?
Caricature has always been effective, you're just too autistic to use it; the urge to "tell not show" makes your memes trash.
It’s no “Orange Man bad” am I right or am I right, my fellow child molesting leftist friend!?

Believes has nothing to do with it...Niggers voting her, women voting her, sexual minorities voting her....Trump has only redneck men which is not enough.
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>Canada has fallen
>The United States is next
Drumpf wants to go to war with Iran for pissrael. She doesnt.
Pot of Greed
maybe the thought is that if they're going to try and steal it again, this is a more believable story
>Kamala supporters are deluded enough to believe that men can give birth and women can be leaders.
Never underestimate the power of clownworld and meme magic
It's going to be so funny watching him lose to a nigger. He'll even try another coup and embarrass himself further by failing again. White men everywhere will be so embarrassed and angry lol I can't wait.
No one in their right mind, but she will still win, even if she gets 25% of the votes, she will be the winner and the new president. the way voting/counting is done in the us is not changed.
The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".
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They know you won't do shit so she will be selected as your president and the only fight you will die in is some kike war she is going to send you to. In no universe will an American oppose his Jewish tyranical domestic enemy government.
under normal conditions no, but hate towards Trump could make any liberal candidate win. Im starting to think Trump won just because Hillary is so damn unlikable.
We’re going to war before the elections
It is pretty obvious that you don't know how easy is to make a fraud. Your country has less security around their elections than mine. I told you the same 4 years ago, but whatever is not my problem.
I don't understand how this isn't the default incredibly obvious viewpoint of everyone watching. They didn't cheat in 2020 just to let it slip away in 2024. Look at Trump after he got shot...I think it finally FINALLY dawned on him after the shooting, the stupid first of its kind Biden debate and now Kamala being 'democratically' elevated...he's finally realized the level of corruption is too much and he's just riding out to lose in November and once and for all just go home.
Server crash face
>No one actually believes this thing can win a national election, right?
double her adderall dose she might have a chance
Based, fuck satan and his jew buddies,fuck glowniggers too.
she's going to end up with the biggest popular vote of all time, 85 million votes. And 70% of them will be counted several weeks after election night. This is completely normal

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