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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Woman goes on trip to "find herself" after breaking up with her boyfriend. For some reason she chose India. You'll never guess what happened next!
Hmmm let me think..
She was dravidianed?
based poos
after day of the rope we need to have a poo rape squad that rapes redditors
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Omg this is hilarious
Foolish people still see India as a mystical place filled with mysterious but intelligent people who have a great and ancient culture.

Instead, India has a culture of scamming, gang-rapes, getting run over by trains, shitting in the streets, scamming, cheating, and more scamming. If you wish to visit a place with very old cultures and interesting histories... I mean, Japan... Korea... practically all of Europe... let it be a lesson to this naive and foolish woman!
Imagine this situation reversed, you're a man and ladies are constantly surrounding you and banging on your door because they want to fuck so much.
the bf dodged a bullet
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lmao suspended for hate speech
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Even my female coworkers who were born there and know the language hate going there because Indian men are subhuman. Why the fuck would that woman go there? If you want to go to the beach and you're in the UK, you go to Spain or some shit.
Issue: they're all disgusting and rank lower than 0, likely have AIDs, and smell like actual shit.
>Foolish people still see India as a mystical place filled with mysterious but intelligent people who have a great and ancient culture.
Truth is, that's Iran and Vietnam, maybe some central steppe nations too.
Women support the lgbt because they use gay males as personal body guards
Wise man right here

Oh the horror!
>for some reason
She got exactly what she wanted out of the trip
Lol you don't go back for a refund, you go back and you beat every last employee to death with a tire iron.
She "found herself" getting fucked by a bunch of smelly jeets?
Verification not required
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jeets brigaded that thread and the OP ended up suspended and half the comments are now removed. dothead internet theory continues to prove true
Why do these countries exist? They are just vermin
Jews, primarily. I've been seeing more and more Jeets in my hometown. I'm in Illinois, Illinois of all places! In the middle of a major logistics hub. They wander around babbling in their language, looking confused and unalert at all times. Why come to my area? How did you even get here and choose this area, specifically?! You never see any of them working in the warehouses, so I'm not sure of what exactly they do. We did have one at my building, but he was retarded and was fired fairly quickly. Damn the Great Replacement to Hell. They've found me.

They can't drive to save their lives, either. I thought the Mexicans were retards behind the wheel, but they drive like Formula 1 drivers who moonlight as getaway drivers on the side in comparison to the Jeets.
Did she get teleported to Sweden somehow?

What a terrible fate for a woman.
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Forgot pic
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I'm surprised the police didn't fucking rape her lol.
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She will still vote for them to come here
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yeah except indian men are the equivalent of picrel. You'd be surrounded by these in your scenario.
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I will just leave this here

Come to Alice Springs
after all of that harassment she goes out again and drinks alcohol in public. literal retard.
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>get raped 30 times
>police registers it as 30 different rapes
>this is bad....

Now do India. Why is India #94? I'll wait.
She redeemed, but there will be no refund.
>no refunds
I guess in the end her red pill came with a price. She learned a valuable lesson about third world shitholes and brown people.
What the actual fuck
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The vibrant and colorful practice of thugee, where practitioners would befriend fellow travellers, then suddenly mass murder them just to steal whatever they had
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>rompjeet's so scammy he pretends to not understand the fact nobody in india even reports rape because of how normal it is in their daily lives
yes yes saar actually its swedish people that rape and indians are polite respectful and never bother white women in india
I don't remember this scene in Eat, Pray, Love.
visajeet, we have a functioning police structure here.
when a woman gets raped once every few months, it's instantly logged.
what does your country have? not even fucking toilets. you think anyone bothers to document rape? lmfao. and you actually sit here trying to argue otherwise. jeets are actually so stupid its insane. but at least you can play chess and make a calculator on python saar!
Women who are bigger, smellier, and uglier than you, and can impregnate you.
But it's fake bullshit fanfiction anyway.
This doesn't look as good as you think it does. What you're showing us here is that rape is so ingrained into your culture that it's not even reported or taken into account.
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It's was just a prank saaar!
he is seriously trying to spin the narrative that rape simply doesnt occur in india visajeets are so fucking funny
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It would be traumatizing I fear something like that would happen when I go to find myself.
No refunds
Should've been accompanied with her father, older brother or husband
Doesn't the bitch know Google translate. If you ever get caught into circumstances like that call back home and find and indians family living that you know we'll enough ask them to send people to help her out back in India.

They Indian freinds would call freinds and family back home and would have made sure she had a good time and taught her that women don't walk around with booba hanging out. And also that Indian have only seen white people on TV and they're only trying to take pictures with her to show off to freinds. They even do it with black, Chinese and Arab tourists.

Femoids are too fucking stupid always bitching and complaining.
Thinking she'll get her money money back from the travel company because rapejeets simply followed their instincts. How do women even manage to keep themselves alive and function in day to day life with brains like this?
Wtf was that you stupid whore I accidentally opened that with my original insta account now it's gonna recommend me gay porn
Shut up poop eater. You are the color of poop.
Its probably an Indian woman. What travel agency would ever recommend beaches in India to anyone?
Plot twist: They all have buck breakers and a tub of gutter oil.
>>police registers it as 30 different rapes
Yeah the thing is other countries count it as 1 rape or India doesn't count it at all
the one on the left isn't too bad.
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>be poojeeta
>have to shit for the ninth time today
>look for a good spot
>accidently stumble upon virshat and his 10 friends shitting together
>"sexual emergency"
>all 11 are just barely able to restrain and gangrape you
>report to local police
>don't have enough rupees for a bribe
>get raped again for being a "unchaste whore"
>have to shit
The problem is women see the bottom 80% of men like that. "Chad" is just a "normal" man in her eyes.
Dude why do you suck at throwing insults that's what a toddler would say. Americans are dumb isn't really a meme it's reality.

Learn from your father
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why don't jeet women behave like skunks during rapes and just spray their rapists with liquid diarrhea
or does that only make a jeet harder ?
>Video of the alleged
>Video of

Total journo death.
those people engineer our macbooks and iphones. is this why safari keeps freezing on my mac?
I understand you're trying to be funny. It's mostly false accusations women love playing victim. Anyone men are blind cattle, trend followers they don't understand the true nature of women yet.
Anyone would get lynched if they misbehaved with a woman.
Holy shit. You can post rape on Instagram? The fuck?
americans you do not understand India. because in north India that is what it is. people are very respectful and there are many wise people
but in the south they are the bad ones
it is like your new York city compared to texas
Charge your phone
White women have a stronger grip than indian men. Idk and average height but I'd be it's close.
Then fuck off back to your northern India shithole, you rapist ape
Women just don't report it because they know if they did they'd just get raped by the cops too.
I feel bad for women who do not get properly educated by the men in their families. It is your duty as a father/grandfather/uncle to teach the girl about the rougher side of life, including a healthy dose of realism with race and gender. They aren't going to learn it anywhere else, they will be taught the opposite by our retarded indoctrination media. You don't want them to find out by becoming a victim.
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why are white women either entirely stupid or psychopathic in nature? I don't get why most of them can't just be normal people with expectations that the world is actually shitty place instead of expecting everywhere they go people will bow to them for brownie points.
One on the right is ugly and brown and rapey. Nobody wants ugly brown kids.
You can’t escape it. You are ugly short poop people.
Did this fag get arrested ?everyone is just joking around in the comments
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It's not childish if it's accurate, sukhdeep.
Stay in India.
>Foolish people
Men are under no delusion what India looks like.
But women will never catch on to it (unless they actually go there, and even then it's probably temporary) because women fundamentally do not live in reality. They make up their own fantasy of what they'd like things to be like, and then pretend that things simply are like that. And everyone who says otherwise is just an incel or creep and needs to touch some grass, ugh.
>"Chad" is just a "normal" man in her eyes.
One thing I always found amusing back during studies when I regularly hang out with people was to ask the women to show me an example picture when they talked of what kind of guy they are into (which they always do, even unprompted).
And without fail, the "normal" guy they talked about was always some combination of
>taller than 99% of the population
>a Hollywood actor clearly past the natty limit, but just at 18% bf instead of 10%
>some guy with a face like chiseled marble
And so on and so forth.
Women do not even have any concept of what they ask for. They will name something only a fraction of the male population can achieve, and then pretend that they are being reasonable and the thing they asked for is no biggy really, only some minor effort, almost happen on its own if you simply don't sabotage yourself!
i know it's a justifiably moot point and all to say anything but don't visit india. especially EAST india, that biker lady also got raped in east india.
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Make a wojack of this as well
I am heading to Delhi soon to visit family and haven't been to India in like 10 years. Anything that I should know before I head out? Has the place changed a lot since I last visited?
Better get to gayin', you homo.
Yes, you should stay there and never come back. India is a paradise, greatest country on Earth with supreme ancient culture vedas most ancient saaar. One taste of its marvels and you will never even think about coming back to the West!
women are stupid
Hindu rape apes only know how to rape and how to scam. They cannot create or maintain anything, they are only a parasite
They are mentally children who have 0 accountability in the 1st world
the other day some 12 year old indian girl got gang-raped by two indian men and then they smashed her head with a brick and killed her. Can you even comprehend such a subhuman mentality?
the Hindu religion promotes rape and promotes scamming. There is no concept of morality or right and wrong in Hinduism. It is literally the worst religion and look at what a shithole India is, that is the result of Hinduism.
Hindu rape apes see nothing wrong with rape. Their shit religion teaches that women are meant to be raped, and enjoy rape. This is how sick and evil the Hindus are
pedophilia is also another huge problem in Hinduism, as well as incest. Pretty much every indian girl gets sexually abused by her father, uncle, or brothers. India actually needs feminism because indian women are actually oppressed.
Actually I knew a coke dealer nightclub manager who sort of resembled disco Elvis who was always getting mobbed by groups of young girls who were really cute. He was fucking thousands of babes effortlessly. 3 a day.
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>"find herself"
Code word for get gang railed by every colored she can find. They seem to all be like that anymore unless they are broke then they only fuck every ghetto nigger they can find. White women were always really shallow like that I am afraid to say.
then there is the matter of the caste system in Hinduism, which is extremely racist and has oppressed 250 million dalits in India. As a result, no one gives a shit about anyone but themselves and there is no concept of community or civil sense. This is why anywhere indians go, they trash and turn the place into shit. They take their shit indian mentality with them anywhere they go. Indians are not compatible with modern civilization.
>show brane
that is one good thing about india, at least. Indian women hate indian men and want to marry white men or men of any other race other than indian. Indian men are so hated that even their own race of women hate them. Even thai prostitutes wont have sex with indian men.
The abuse of women is very real in India. Women have to fear being gang-raped. Meanwhile spoiled brat white women in the West whine and complain they are "oppressed" because they dont have enough nigger cock to fuck. White women are spoiled little cunts. In India, women are ACTUALLY OPPRESSED FOR REAL.
India is the only Hindu country on earth, and India is also ranked by the United Nations as the worst country on earth for women. That spanish female youtuber went to many countries including Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Afghanistan, and didn't get raped. But she got gang-raped in India.
it needs to be discussed, what makes indian men so prone to rape? Is it their race, their culture, their religion? No where else on earth is such horrible sex crimes against women seen as in INDIA
I remember reading Ingmar Bergman's biography. some female friend of his mom fucked him when he was like 13. Sounded like it was a common thing, though clearly not like the gang rape curry poopy party you would get if raped by the jeets
>Obeys everything you say.
LMFAO if by some miracle he get's to even see vagene, she'll be cheating on him 24/7.

If there's something women hate more than a man being genetically less than a 7, it's a man who
allows her to walk all over him. Because that forces her to cope by becoming the man of the household, which very quickly leads to her cheating and screwing him over and other stupid economically fucked up decisions (she's a woman, she knows fucking nothing about leading a household). They HATE leading, they HATE weakness and they hate feeling insecure.

The number 1 rule with a woman is that you must always dominate her, mostly subtly but sometimes physically. They cannot feel secure with some spineless simp who folds over to her every demand.
This is why they are attracted to assholes, but you don't have to be an total asshole, simply have confidence in yourself and your manhood (this does not help if you are < a 5, but you should still practice being a stoic man who exhudes strength so they atleast respect you a little).
Lol, lmao!
I went to India with my Dad when I was 18, and I wouldn't advise anyone to ever visit that absolute shithole under any circumstances, let alone a woman on her own.
All you will "find" in India is the overwhelming stench of shit, grotesque, creepy goblin "men" who stare soullessly at Europeans with a silent seething envy and an entire nation of con artists desperately vying to rip you off.

If you want to "find yourself" go to a nice beach resort in Europe or SEA, not some third world shithole filled with nigger tier subhumans.
I actually experienced that, not the knocking, but being harassed by women.
I went to dubai years ago, and I'm good looking overall, blue eyes, etc., and I went to a 'bar' -I don't know if it was a bar or club or whatever- and I immediately got swarmed by women of all ages, but I thought it's a bar and everyone is drunk, few minutes later I wanted to leave, one gave me a tissue with her lipstick kiss and her number, few others just wrote it on a small card, I went outside for a quick smoke and three followed me, one literally groped my ass when I was talking to the other two, for the only time in my life I felt what it is to feel unsafe kek, and I ran out and got the first taxi. Before you say I'm a faggot, no, but I wasn't in the mood and they weren't my type.
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This anon gets it. India is hell on Earth

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