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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Dear Anons,
The reason you're seeing a lot of pro-Kamala threads and posts is because we're tired of you. We're tired of MAGA. And before Harris, it looked like we were stuck with Biden, and Trump would probably win.
But now, we have a superior candidate, and everyone can finally join together to lol at all of you and troll your fragile minds because it's hilarious and when Kamala wins, we're going to fill the board with more anti-Trump trolls and enjoy the infinite seethe and bottomless cope.
It's the silent majority UNO reversing on you. Regards, fuck maga
Stay mad.
Kamala gonna clap you
t. loving trolling you chuds
No it’s because you’re obsessed with being a contrarian on /pol/

The weakest and most cowardly form of contrarianism you could ever try

You are an intellectual coward
No one is intimidate by Kamala

The government is fake and gay
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remember to dilate nigger lover
I'm ridin with Biden.
>put in known corrupt candidate
>she will just do what the establishment wants
>continues fracturing the country until there is a civil war
>keep pushing the dumbest shit while china russia iran isrel india get stronger
Lol good troll bro theyll throw you off a roof first but im still voting trump over an indian
Kamala Harris the not change we don't need
Republicans have to win my vote, and that means stop shilling for israel. I'm leaving the jewish plantation bros
Every last democrat behind these bot posts is going to be hanged.
trolls are funny, shills are pathetic, you ain't no troll.
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I’m rich. Myself and my family made lots of money while the country was still free. All while you were a fucking loser who couldn’t compete. We will still be rich if the country collapses, and can move anywhere in the world. If Kamala wins, you will see the continued erosion of the middle class, who you were too much a fucking loser to ever be a part of, but I’ll be fine. You will still be a worthless parasite living off gibs, and your bloodline will die at the first sign of trouble, as soon as the gibs dry up. I dont really give a shit who wins. Trump would make things better in the short term, but in the long term, Kamala will quicken our trek to insolvency, and when we get there, no one will have any more surplus to sustain worthless cunts like you. I think its important for you to remember that you will always be a ‘less than’ under any system. Enjoy trolling the incels. It is the only meager power you will ever possess.
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The Kamala bubble that the paid Democratic shills started in mainstream media must be blown constantly, deeper and deeper with increasing tempo, growing bigger and bigger, until it reaches climax and explodes on their faces..cocnut
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Totes adorb!
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Imagine being forced to like your candidate.
How democratic of them to force you to like Biden, then force you to like Harris, after forcing you to forget about Bernie.
You're a slave.
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Shits fucked bros
Why do you think we hate the idea of kamala as president? As far as i can tell her entire tenure as president would be spent getting drunk and hating isreal. We love getting drunk and hating isreal.
Don't cry, booboo. Do you want a cookie? Mommy Kamala has milk and nappies to help you settle down, honey!
Go back to your thread furfaggot
>talk like an underage
call your whole discord retarded
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loves it
I'm gonna Holla 4 Kamala
Momala is going to nanny state you straight into Ukraine, it's time for a draft.
A war with Iran is the desired outcome. The powers favor red now when in the past they favored blue. The rigging is going to be on the other shoe this time around. It should be quite amusing to see everything reversed.
That's cool and all but I can't vote for a president who's given a blowjob. Sorry, just can't.
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Literally who?
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you're spam is retarded everyone hate you the only peoples liking you are the pedophile moderation who groomed you on discord
>your spam*
You expected a chud to use grammar? BWAHAHAHAHAHAH xDDDD :3
Trump is fucked xD
So you’re voting for Harris?
How much do they pay you per post
take the coconut pill, MAGA, you know you want to vote blue
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You didnt choose kamala. You dont have any say. You have to obediently shill for your team to dodge prosecution. All the democrat party are traitors..not saying repuvs are better but dems have outright been anti american shithead criminals since obama ripping everyone off and filling their pockets like looters in floyd peaceful riots. You have no say. You dont even have the illusion of choice. You have blond obedience and that is all. Youre nothing but a pawn and pawns can never be players.
No she's the one who's given blowjobs anon.
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if i was american i'd vote for Momala
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Your parents disowned you and you will never be a woman.
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Shutup street shitter.
why you guys all sound underage
can you even vote?
Idk if I buy this, this excuse seems inorganic, fabricated, and why would you snitch
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Doing God's work anon. Never stop.
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In reality, you're tired of yourself and your pathetic, boring life
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>The reason you're seeing a lot of pro-Kamala threads and posts is
1. because it's superb bait for (You)s such as this and the other anons you hooked ITT
2. you already know the other answer, why are you even fuckin reading this, cunt?
let me guess, saying biden was fully cogent was also 'trolling chuddies'? unironically kill yourself.
Better write him in when you vote in the General Election.
Well said. Trumptards need to fuck off back to plebbit where they came from.
Successfully derailed your thread
Have fun getting whipped by IDF soldier
Yeah no until leftoids get over anti whiteyism there is no hope for a revolution
You gonna respond or keep acting like an obtuse faggot?
Imagine being you
Imagine being forced into your vote and thinking you’re owning someone

Imagine still supporting this whole farce

You will do anything
You will say anything
You are a useful idiot
YIDF "soldiers" shit themselves at the sight of their own shadow
put down the cocaine faggot
You need to stop supporting a Jewish political system

But that would mean stop being a gay faggot

And we both know you won’t do that
I don’t do drugs that’s a degenerate leftoid thing(something you do)
You’re projecting. Calm down, kid. You sound like an incredibly dense faggot.
Wut happen to PKG??

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Trump has sucked Pootins cock on multiple occasions.
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Dear Rabbi,

The whole world is tired of you, and everything you stand for. And as more and more people wake up to your lies and usury, the worse it's going to get for you. We frankly don't give a shit if Trump is some Jew shill because right now, almost every politician is. But that's going to change; in fact, it's already started.

The greatest thing is, you Jews are the ones actually changing it, simply be being yourselves and doing what you do. Places like this might have gotten the ball rolling, but now? You redpill the masses about yourselves simply by existing. You can't help it. It's your nature.

Isn't it wonderful?


Pootin isnt evil, you are
Notice you didn't say dilate.
is that because you're a disgusting tranny that will end up killing itself in very short order? Do us all a favor and speed that time line up, you're not funny, you're not smart, you're not attractive, but most importantly, you're not, and never will be, a woman.
not only that they're directly paid to do it
and the pedophile moderation are directly paid to protect it
How sad. Imagine being a tranny and thinking you're winning.
I can't believe they'll keep that pace for 4 months
Do you really think Kamala can win? Do you think the KKK is finished? If Harris does win, it will only be for one reason and that is that this country is full of gay and Latino pedophiles and that is just as bad or worse.
I'm really sick of the false democratic facade of the US already.
You retarded mutts on /pol/ are also responsible for creating this shit show. No more going along with the show to pretend that the US is a democracy where choice actually exists.
Both are afraid of AIPAC and only flatter Israel anyway, but the mutts are happy and sad about the shit drama of the presidential candidates who have no intelligence or dignity.
"If this person becomes president, he will kick Jewish ass!" Uh, er, are they AIPAC candidates? Are their wives/husbands/children spouses Jewish? Do they receive financial support from Jewish financiers? Do they have any close Jewish friends?

I'm sick and tired of you fucking low IQ mutts, don't make me despise you any more.
Hate to break it to you, but Kamala is the one currently in the White House. Trump hasn't been there for years. What you are sick of is your own policies you dunce.
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oh look another kamaggot thread
We dont care we are laughing at you and your candidate hahahahahahaha. You literally have cock-sucking , Indian whore with the charisma stat of a goblin as your candidate hahahahahaa. Thats the fucking best you can do???
And your sitting there banging chest feeling strong and independent because youve upgraded from a guy that shit himself on stage and sniffs kids on camera while having late stage dementia!!

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no they’re not
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kamaggots naturally ward off discord shills, apply liberally to astroturf threads.
Oh just you wait until your little indian whore is sucking kosher cock on stage. Its not like your getting an option that aint going to do that

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