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I made 5.25 an hour working fast food in 2003, as a teen. Pic related is for 2022. So 2024 is more like 35 an hour, which I dont make now as an adult.

How did we get here
You keep making this thread for some weird reason
You keep spending all your time on 4chan for some weird reason
>shadow stats
Complete meme metric.
Gas cost less than a bottle of water in 2003.
In 2003 there were a billion starving peasants in China who would work for less than $0.10/hr to make everything you bought at Walmart and Home Depot. Now they're all dead from living in China, and all that's left is their kids, who are so spoiled and blackpilled they make America's twentysomethings look like dreamers.
Open borders, work visas, and automation. Wait until every white collar job is replaced with AI and those people must compete for the same remaining jobs. In 10 years you'll wish you had the same purchasing power as a burger flipper does today.
>buying water
Lewl what retards Westoids are.
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Wagies making less than $9 today are earning less than minimum wage according to the US own calculator for inflation.
Remember folks 4chan has been turned into shill supreme and the purpose of most threads isn't engagement, it's just to fill the catalog with a picture and a News Headline tier claim.

>5.25 is worth 33 today!
I never met someone making minimum wage in 2003 who could afford a mortgage and a BMW.
Kill yourself.
>How did we get here
Raising the minimum wage.
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Capitalism eats up the money that labor earns, worsening over time.
If you had of taken that $5 and invested in the stock market you would be doing well.
I made $18.25 as a 19 year old in 1995 working for General Motors.
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>why do I keep seeing threads about inflation????
>its only 1 person making this thread
I literally made a thread about this shit last week
20 years ago I got $11 an hour and rent was $400 a month
2022 people made $11 an hour for the same job and rent was 1.2k a month
Left unchecked the Jews will make debt slaves of us all. Like a frog in slowly boiling water we have been cooked.
It's time to hop, niggers.
>How did we get here

Jews. But unironically.
>How did we get here
20 years of wars
20 years of tax breaks for rich people
20 years of bailouts and handouts for megacorps
20 years of republicans voting down minimum wage increases
20 years of republicans voting down labor protections
20 years of union busting

there's been a class war raging for those 20 years and the capitalists are winning because while they wage war against you every single day, you can't even identify who your enemy is
>How did we get here
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Umm thats cause this is total bullshit and OP is a faggot like usual.

I made $10/hr back then. I had 3 roommates. I lived in the ghetto. My car barely ran. I never had a full tank of gas. I collected butts and smoked shwag because I was constantly broke. I ate dog meat tier chinese food 5 days a week.

I now make $40/hr and I'm fucking rich by comparison. I never worry about money. I live in a nice house. I drive a nice truck. I can't just go buy every stupid thing I want without saving, but I always have more than enough to afford anything I actually need.
Jews the answer is Jews , it’s always Jews , Jew rat
Here’s another Jew pretending to be a person
My shift is 13 hours and I get equivalent of 52 american dollars by the end of it.
I earn somewhat 4$/hr, and I don't complain. Maybe you should pull yourself by bootstrings and start hustling if you can't give up your avocado toasts with espresso, zoomzoom?
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.

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