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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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it was so surreal.

and now they all pretend like it never happened.
I remember tons of people here were serious when they said that covid was going to kill all of humanity, and the CVG general was rife with that retardation
No, I just continued on as usual. But, it was interesting watching the rest of the world all act retarded.
Comfiest time of my life
I moved back home and just worked out and ate home-cooked food. I also started a new career that I find way more fulfilling
Offhand what bothers me about the memory holed thing is how many people attacked me for saying the early store closing for cleaning were bullshit. And now everyone acts like they didn't defend all these stores and attack me etc. And now they all complain about how things never went back to normal but never bring up how they defended them and attacked people who suggested they were lying abiut why they were closing early.
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Covid times were based.
Normalfags had to suffer, my life stayed the same, except I got free money, and got to work from home (I am still working from home btw).
I haven't been able to forget what normalfags did and it's seriously destroyed my social life as I DESPISE normalfags with every fiber of my being now. Don't think I'll ever get over it, and feel like I shouldn't. Backstabbed and threatened by so many long term friends and family members. It unmasked them and I'll forever remember what their unmasked side looks like, even if they act chill and cool now like the over-socialized virtue signalling faggots they are, I will always know it just takes a few days of jews running a psyop to get them calling for FEMA death camps again.
It's been seriously alienating to me.
I will never forget it. Not because my stupid life was wasted for that time. No one, not even me, cares about that shit. But they seriously set back our children in a whole variety of ways that they knew would happen ahead of time. It’s going to take 10 or more years before we see a return to normal as far as education goes, and that’s assuming we can ever get these fucking teachers to take responsibility for their failings ever again.
And that’s not even touching the social development issues our children are facing after that shit.
Every person responsible should be executed for the incalculable damage they did to our children. Then they should be resurrected and executed again for all the elderly people they intentionally killed in the earliest days with their utter retardation or maliciousness. Then brought back and executed one more time for ever person they put on a ventilator knowing goddamned well that you don’t put people on a ventilator for that fucking reason, the goddamned monsters.
Sums it up for me too.
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Remember you have to take the vaccine for my vaccine to work
i got a free break from work, legitimized my neetdom and learned how to drive. can't beat that. got a comfy no vax job for a few months too. i immediately flew out of canada once the flight restrictions were lifted

the only thing that could have been better was doing uber eats at inflated prices and not declaring earnings
I remember when Republicans sent us to war for 20 years and spent 11 trillion dollars to make it happen and caused one of the biggest refugee crisises in history. All because less than 3,000 people died in a terrorist attack.

But no you are right op. Having a stay at home vacation for 2 years and spending less than 1 trillion to stop it was much worse.

Fucking zoomers are so sheltered I swear to god. I hope this Ukraine war boils over and you get a taste of what real hardship looks like.
>make my money in the stock market
>buy Walmart shares
>buy Target shares
>buy Kellogg’s shares (Pop Tarts are top sellers during natural disasters)
>buy Sazerac booze shares
>buy Biontech shares
>sit on my ass watching stock portfolio boom for two years and masturbating to the evil Jew porn
Checked, based and porn pilled
grandma killer, science denier, horrible person, uncaring, selfish.. just some of what my friends and family called me for refusing the mask and speaking out against lockdowns. Then their passive aggressive posts on faceberg about how antimaskers and antivaxxers should be placed in FEMA camps, have their children taken from them, not be allowed to work or buy groceries. Not just some fake poll on CNN but actual friends and family members posting those thoughts.
And now I'm supposed to be like "it's okay! All in the past I'll ignore how you were calling for my death because jews ran a psyop that they are capable of running again any time they choose!".
It was a wake up call to me since before COVID I thought normies were naive and ignorant, good people who just needed to wake up. Now I see they are evil. They got off to the minor amount of authority granted to them by the rulers, and when (not if) granted again will be thrilled to take it to even further extremes.
All I can do is prep and try to break free from the system as much as I can in the meantime.
I like to look at the positives.
Preparing for the next boomer psyop lockdown madness has encouraged me to learn fishing, camping, foraging and self-sufficiency.
Got me away from technology and back into nature. Like nothing else ever has before.
They pull that lockdown shit again? I grab my swag and gear and go bush.
My sovereignty is nonnegotiable.
guess what did not come up as a topic during the RNC? I wonder if the DNC will bring up covid.
Trump and Biden's covid response is going to be memory holed.
Trump funded the lock down mail in elections with the Cares Act of 2020. That's why he lost.
No I don't remember being a mask wearing faggot.
No I don't remember a single inconvenience
No I wasn't vaccinated, and no I still don't give a single fuck.

No refunds
What is that, a hearse?
They still act as if it was a serious threat, and that school closings were unavoidable.
Regular Ned Kelly over here.
Same. I’m severely agoraphobic now. The world has moved on without me. A lot of new things have happened in the outside world and I don’t know about them. I feel like that Brendan Fraser movie Blast From the Past. Unvaccinated ofc. Just have zero interest in the world anymore. It’s always changing and always gay so why bother
The worst part about what they did to the kids is that they all knew these things would happen. They did heaps of studies during swine flu in Australia about school closures and found that it was so bad for kids that they vowed never to do it again. I think the glowniggers in the US DOD scared everyone in government that this was a bioweapon and they just panicked. Then all the fucking boombooms and normies hopped on board and gave the politicians social licence to do whatever they wanted to “keep us safe.”

Even building camps where people were murdered and suicided. Don’t question chud or you go to prison
Also waiting for the 2020 footage of Kamala to surface saying the Trumpcene is dangerous and doctors are being suppressed (it is and they were). Fingers crossed

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