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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What is causing this?
you're basically a faggot for fucking a woman that looks like that lol.

shit is gross
i don't know but the one of the left could crush my head with her thighs and I'd die happy.
Funny how women can look like this with 2.5mg of winstrol, and a 30 minute workout 3-5 times a week, but still can't bicep curl 25lb dumbells, worthless tomboy fetish aesthetic is cool for some i guess
Homosexual degeneracy. The slippery slope is real.
>Fucking women is gay
>an average /pol/ack will still beat the living shit out of them
Lol, lmao. Imagine being a woman
But they still look like women. Well at least until they really get pumped with steroids.
the bitch on the rights nudes are amazing
I like to party with lesbians and fuck one in front of the other. Cucking lesbians is funny and then you can fuck them after.
mouse utopia
where are they?
our view or...
Lmfao even
U don't do shit faggot
Are you feeling emasculated? These women are top tier imo
Fuck off, tranny.
third result of reverse image search
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They mog every tranny in existence

women that work on farms got bodies like these, what? u faggots against natural, traditional white rural women?
>nails done
>shaved pits and legs
>body jewellery
yeah real pair of bros
Lame, the one on the left is going from fit but soft tomboy to a gross muscle chick.
>t. professional sex-haver

yeah I'm not sure you've touched enough bob and vagene to know what women like that look like in bed
Women will do anything just to be around chads and men in genral
>dogs man best friend
suddently dogs are their personality
now they look like inmates
>body building
muh muscle mummy or other shit
just to meet intl chads
>clubs bars etc
same as above but locally
so she can look like chads in the 90s
list goes on, if pay attention to all the trends, it's just them desperately trying to mimic men in general and be around chads, that they looked like men and repulsing
Gross like dykes with short hair or bald

Goes towards the troon and lgbt agenda obviously
New? American women were always kinda butch. I know you guys like that sick shit being beta bitch boys and all but I need my women lady like and sweet. I don't need to be guided by the livestock for I am the farmer and master of animal husbandry rather that a poodle like you guys are.
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Would. Life is empty without musclemommy handjobs.
It's another subversive inversion meant to destabilize and weaken your society, culture, etc. I posted about this a year ago when nobody was talking about but jannies killed my thread.
one time in cancun I walked into a room and there was a colombian steroid girl in a g-string who looked like that
I think they wanted 200 so I left
Tomboys are coming back. The world is healing.
>But they still look like women
Nah, they look like young guys with strangely big legs.

>Are you feeling emasculated?
Why would I?

>These women are top tier imo
I got bad news for you.

>women that work on farms got bodies like these, what? u faggots against natural, traditional white rural women?
Never been on a farm in your life, eh?
I want a tomboy gf,but I don't want to go to the gym?
Is there a loophole I can use?
They're still weaker than your average nerd who doesn't work out, it's like being a tough Chihuahua against a German Sheppard, it's just biology.

Those look nothing like men. Wtf are you smoking? Do you think trannies look like women too?
That is peak fuck whore right there if not for the dyke hair and (((attitude))).
fibby pibby
These fags prolly think getting pegged still makes you straight
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>you're[...]a faggot for fucking a woman
It's cool being a man. It's uncool being a woman. If there was a way to turn into a cool guy (but keep my current biological makeup; fuck that testosterone shit) I'd do it
>feminine body structure
>functional vagina
I would fuck this and the only gay one would be you for having higher standards than a 30yo roastie with two mutt babies.
you like rape in your pussy
No clue, but I'd let left have her way with me.
they aren't masc, they just lift
but yes, women be lifting
they lift, retard
>functional vagina
Strong women are usually healthy. Healthy is hot. Skinny without muscle is sickly and undesirable.

Strong women make strong sons, too.
This. I'd rather be with a ladyboy than with those women.

That's sad, anon.
Oh wow, they would destroy me in the gym.
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>you're gay for fucking a woman
>you're not gay for fucking a weak man who pretends to be a woman
the absolute state of americans
It is a shame for a person to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.
They fuck masculine women who look like trannies and then cope that they are 100% straight.
Women are trash now. At least ladyboys/shemales care about their appearance...in theory. Angles and such.

Omega faggots have entered the thread.
Good women still exists. You just gave up and became a faggot instead.
It's a you problem.
this isn't some wave, idiot. you have access to mediums that can blow any tiny niche out of proportion
don't forget it
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>The new wave of masculine-presenting women
No, it's God's problem since he is at fault.
This. Real men fuck other men.
Free access to hormones.
holy lordosis batman
I'm just so over women at this point. I see them doing anything and I just immediately recognize it as the evil material aspect of this world trying to lure me into being miserable. I'll start caring about women again when people collectively realize Islam is right about them.
1 has some girl next door vibes coming from her
2 has some kike vibes coming from her
You just want to be pegged, faggot.
You're just a faggot anon.
Accept it. God has nothing to do with it.
Pegging is fun. Being fucked by a woman is next level. Tits on your back, more intense orgasm. Mmmmm. Beats getting AIDS with dudes.
do you really think kamala can win? do you think the kkk is finished? if it happens that Harris wins it will only be for one reason and that is that this country is full of gays and latino pedophiles and that is just as bad or worse. the number of latino traffickers and pedophiles devastates the country from within to the point of not having a national identity. i wonder if you have stopped to think about the generations of latinos having children here and also of africans. we have last names like gutierrez rodriguez weah or essien here and suddenly they say... are we north american? what the fuck...
>God has nothing to do with it.
God made me this way.
skill issue on your end, faggot
stop coping and/or deflecting and try to do something for your incel ass
or maybe just kill yourself, since you are already a faggot and gave up on doing anything masculine
Chemicals in the water
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>faggots projecting their own failure upon others and thinking they will be taken seriously
lol, lmao even
lol you've never had a girlfriend and you're trying to tell ME that I don't know stuff? lol you libertardians are always so reliably the same, you always think you're better than everyone when you're the very worst.
You'd kill to have an attractive women peg you.
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>god made me suck cock
You're afraid of your own body because men look horrid. If men naturally looked like women pegging and homosexuality wouldn't be issues. Circumcision and wars would be gone too.
Never done it, but if I did, then yes.
You've never read the bible.
Ummm what muscles?
>If men naturally looked like women pegging and homosexuality wouldn't be issues. Circumcision and wars would be gone too.
Maybe. One thing's for sure, more femininity is a good thing, but that is not to say eschewing raw strength is wise because it is not.
Every single time.
Every single time.
If they hate tomboys they're the actual fags who consider fucking gay men in their shitholes as long as they're in a pink skirt straight.
Kill all tomboy haters.
Genocide all tomboy haters.
Systematically exterminate them all under suspicion of homosexuality and compulsive projection.

Spot on
yes, but the bible was written by jews
don't take it as seriously as your ladyboy cocks
Ladyboy cocks should be taken by all men. Seriously. Humanity should be giving each other orgasms, not wars.
They don't even have abs. Is that intentional?
wait so... how is this bad?
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i love tomboys and you tranny loving faggots will never change that
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Your inability to step the fuck up
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>no tail
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Imagine the stench.
>projects further and harder because of no arguments
how does it feel to get shit on so easily on a board you viciously try to subvert?
Not having Anti-lock Breaking System poses a huge threat to safety.
>more projection
instead of thinking about dead women just go kill yourself
you will never be a woman, but you can become a dead body at least lmao
it;s all going to be ok
You know nothing about me, kid, except that dicks are way nicer to look at than gross gashes.
>women that work on farms got bodies like these, what?
Anon, that's a jew with a BBL.
oh I see you're a bot. lol
Tomboys are very tiresome to communicate and be around. They are still women and desire to be treated as one only with and additional weight of constant expectations of "keeping up with her" or "one upping her".

This is why 10/10 local tomboy is now divorced and bitter. And alone for abour 8 years at the age od 33.
coming from a finnfag, i am not surprised you would consider men horrid
just kill yourself then, if you think you are horrid then why are you still around?
the rest of your post is nonsense, you are just being a nihilistic retarded faggot here
>when Romania is starting to look like better country than US
Damn what timeline are we in? All those "kick vee" comments are suddenly starting to look bad in retrospective
Fag media
You need to find the quiet booky type tomboy. They're quite a bit rarer.
So what's the solution?
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Don't make me do it.
Oh shit everybody it's the Grand Poobah. Make way, make way lower lifeforms.
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>s-stop figuring me out!
you cant subvert, cant argue, cant even gaslight properly
a worthless faggot like you will join the percentage during 2025 at the latest
you probably are some /lgbt/ niggerfaggot that comes here to try to "own the chuds" but gets totally shit on instead haha
at least things like you provide some good entertainment every now and then, you will never be a woman nor desirable
kill yourself
do what? im not familiar with the lore
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You live in an apartment filled with litter next to niggers and you have never had a girlfriend.

An average /pol/ack is physically pathetic, these two are leagues ahead of them.
it doesn't matter, man is always stronger
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They want to fuck the idealized version of them that adheres to their fetishes
>women that work on farms got bodies like these, what?
I was raised on a farm an I have never seen a single woman like that.
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>What is causing this?
Looks like they're at a gym, so maybe weight training? Fat people think it's magic, but it's not magic.
You're a faggot that wants to get sodomized by other faggots. As much as I hate this "dommy muscle mommy" nonsense that porn-addicts have been spewing, they are still attracted to biological women. You on the other hand are nothing more than a disgusting cocksucker that doesn't even deserve to breathe the same air normal people do.
>You're a faggot that wants to get sodomized by other faggots.
Hot feminine faggots. So what?
I've so far settled for women who are kinky.
Mad? Yeah you are.
Now tell me how the loving God wants to torture me forever.
I can shill femboys, futa and shemales. I can bring forth a better age with my dreams.
Men habe been killing each other and themselves for a long time, and two men kissing is equated to maggots on rotting flesh.
Men have been dehumanized on a biological and physiological level. I seek to end this. More valuable than one of my lifetimes here. Since I'm not a woman I can't just breed fembvlls... So I have to use my tragic life as a human sacrifice, to become a bullet for a new world.
Your mode of being just turns women into faggots and zoophiles. Would it not be better for women and men to be attracted to good things?
could easily take them down and rape them for breakfast

Kys retard
the one on the right is @Akemysama
post some of the pics you dumb bastard. what the fuck do you think this is? an easter egg hunt?
>cocksucker says he's "settled" for kinky women
How many nigger anuses have you tongued so far, you faggot?
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would rape
Be more angry, lost dog-raper.
Women no longer needing men for anything frees them to pursue power in different ways.
Who's the one on the left?
They aren’t masculine. Just lower fat and muscular quads. But they’re probably 5'4.
So you have no agency because your actions are compelled by a higher power and all those commandments are just a prank because you literally cant do them unless god makes you do them?
>German tries to lecture an American on agency
lol tell me more from Cuckstein AFB, bitch.
>tries to lecture
This isn't a lecture you street shitting nigger.
I am genuinely curious and asking because your own logic extended immediately runs into this dilemma and I really want to see you contort yourself for this one.
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nvm found it
Sasa @cristinysam if anyone's interested
Wife looked similar when we started dating, but had longer hair, smaller legs and wider back.

She skipped leg day for pullups.

Now have a family, two kids.
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Thank you for the (you)
Women are so self-centered that they do not understand that men want something different than women do. They do the same thing with career & education, thinking men will like them more if they are successful.
what i want to know is why do they all have nose rings now

I watched the news about the jasper fires in canada, and nearly every dyke on tv had a nose ring, the voltuneer firefighter dyke the homeless shelter dyke the news anchor it was all fucking dyke women with nose rings..
>I am genuinely curious
A German lies?! what the....
Oh shut up you loser incel
The mere existence of the ten commandments refutes your entire argument.
If you are not going to even try to cough up some pilpul you might as well not bother answering at all, shitskin.
What's causing it is they go to the gym and you don't.
fellas, is it gay to like women?
according to current 4chan, yes, because they don't look like anime girls
Thanks for your autistic services, hermano.
blessed be the earth, for the tomboys have returned
Society basically shaming women for being feminine and low-key pushing the "masculinized woman" as a new ideal. Musclebitch is the next step on the path of the "girl boss".
Just want Saiyan women to be real now, enough of human women pretending to be strong
>you're basically a faggot for fucking a woman that looks like that lol.
imagine being a tranny and seeing this
they must seethe so hard
women trying to look less feminine and they still look infinitely more feminine than any tranny






Real tomboys are outdoorsy girls, not fucking sweatpants autists. Your image has TWO autistic fantasies in it.
They wear jeans and want to have babies.
these girls don't actually look masculine irl because they're always like 5ft2
I could literally pick one up by the hips and throw her across the room
Hot muscle mommy
All that matters is breeding in the end. Impregnation is the most important activity.
These are many things but not masculine in the slightest.

The only way this could be masculine if put next to some feminised teeny muslim twink with clearly suppressed homosexual urges, but almost everything is masculine next to that.
The gym is where the boys are, stupid. They are there subconsciously to be around men. Nature is real, no matter what. ASK THEM ON A DATE YOU ABSOLUTE COWARDS. Social media shaming does not exist. Man up, they are begging you to.
How is that masculine? that is how a fit woman looks like.
This image is objectively wrong on multiple points. I'd tell you to quit embarrassing yourself, but I don't want to encourage memeflags.
I'm a disgusting fat fuck who lives a seditary lifestyle, and even I can rip out 20 push-ups in 30 seconds.
>What is causing this?

it's the realization that men are the superior sex, while coming to the erratic conclusion that you, as a woman, need to mimic them.
these woman will have a very developed logic center. but they don't have a lot of foresight.
>What is causing this?
Weak men
>What is causing this?
people are giving them attention for it
that is what they like

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