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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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was being pro palestine worth it?
They did this to themselves. The Uk is a lost cause and I consider them dead.
tolerating backward ass africans and muslims is a sign of true sophistication!!!

real pro palestine hasn't been tried
ask again in 10 years
I'm glad Britain has fallen. No one has been more arrogant towards Germany than those fucking (((churchill))) worshiping britshits! S.

Enjoy your caliphate arrogant bongniggers.
dont care

judaism must be destroyed, thats all that matters at this point
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Any defeat to Kikes is a step in the right direction, OP.
>commit racial suicide and end your race
seeing as how im not a nord i agree and accept this sacrifice
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Lol imagine thinking race is a valuable metric for self worth. Jews aren't a race either FYI, so enjoy your big arab cocks.
I’m sorry but no. Arabs are racially related to kikes so we have to kill them all.
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>here, you dropped your little jewhat
If only they had supported israel, they would be taking in a million Palestinian refugees right now
they would have no refugees, we are happy to kill all palirats
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Moon is fully AI generated and has been for awhile.
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The pro-Palestine thing is a direct consequence of kikes throwing open the doors for Muslims with your half-a-century old weaponized immigration (like you trash have been doing for a literal millennia).
Enjoy the consequences of your actions, filth. You thought you'd be inheriting the British throne, instead you'll inherit a beheading.
"Israel" is next.
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Yes, and we won't stop.
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Nigger, listen carefully. Kikes are semites so are arabs. They belong to the same race and said race group should eradicated. Simple as. If you don’t understand this I’ll take it you’re one of those pajeet/arab aliens that run to white countries.
I remember liking and subbing to him. Then he made a video on a topic I was knowledgeable in and it completely changed my perception of him. Guy doesn't know wtf he's talking about.
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The jew cries out as he floods your country with migrants for 2-3 decades
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>As mentioned, Jewish identity follows the maternal line. If your mother is Jewish, you're Jewish. However, there is no such thing as a “Jewish gene,”


From hells mouth itself you jewnigger retard.
Being right rarely ever is worth it. Every anon knows that by now.
Fuck off kike and stop pretending like you vermin hadn't already been working on this outcome for decades. The ovens are coming for you.
Stupid nigger. The kikes and mudslimes are essentially the same people. They both need to be destroyed.
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TKD may be necessary for the survival of humanity.
I’m not sorry retard. I’ll be the SS man to pull the trigger. Kikes of all creeds will be killed for their crimes against providence. Kikes will not be shown any quarter. Collaborators also will share their fate. If you’re NatSoc then get with the program and stop acting like a nigger.
You aren't fooling anyone Muhammad. You and the kikes will all be cleansed from our lands.
>>Izreal flag
fuck off moshe you instigated this bullshit
This kike goes too
I have noticed that when you give a quick synopsis of the last 100 years of this region everyone becomes pro Palestine very quickly

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