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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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He's never had to run against someone with >100 IQ before... this might get ugly
Another shill thread, huh?
Trump is scared shitless of Kamala in every way.
So is maga
Chuds are shitting htemselves and it's hilarious LOL Trump is fucked
Too stupid for mommy Kamala hahaha fuck trump xDDDDDD
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Us Anons spamming you guys with pro-Kamala threads and shitting on chuds are just fed up with Trump and haven't had a good anti-GOP/anti-conservative candidate since Obama, so we're enjoying trolling the shit out of you because you are beyond fragile and insecure, basically you have tiny dicks and it's funny to lol at you lol
lol at you lmao even
>Avatarfagging in multiple threads
Holy faggotry
The super duper smart kween couldn't beat a dumb demented white dude in a primary four years ago.
Keep coping I guess
Her verbal intelligence seems pretty low.
This, hands down. You dumb chuds are easy to troll and its rewarding as hell, which is why the lurkers on this board are now trolling you so hard youre shitting your pants lol
So you're saying Biden and Hillary were fucking morons and the DNC still chose them to represent their political party?
What indicates her having an IQ above 90?
They're posting alot today kek
And he never will.
Not just Trump but faggots on the board are now filtering out these posts

Kamalafags make sure to use vague language in your posts and don't use the word Kamala; don't let faggots build a safe space
Every last democrat behind these bot posts is going to be hanged.
Kamala is dumb but you would probably wouldn't think that if you had to deal with her in any business or work context. She's one of the people with 100% of brainpower devoted to petty scheming. Not all politicians are like that but many gravitate to the field.
The dumb shit she says is calculated
>Russia is big and strong and Ukraine is small so the war is basically bad lol
She's acting on a few principles
>disguise any involvement the US had in Ukraine
>make a complex issue look simple for the idiot audience
These people are really predictable. Remember the rumors about Biden being too old and Kamala coming into power? Well that happened, but instead of one extended term they're going for 2 consecutive ones
>when you live in an alternate reality
they're desperate
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Get fucked GOP chuds

Burn in hell and remember /pol/ is now a Kamala discussion board
If she's above 100 iq, I weep for humanity. Such a bunch of retards.
>utterly low IQ spam a dead site for pedophile afictionado
you can have it
Hilary is unironically smarter than Kamala. Unless you consider "ability to suck dick" indicative of intelligence.
All the lurkers got tired of the boring, same old Trump shit over and over
And now we're stomping you :3
Bye bye conservicucks! MAGA is doen xDDD
why you guys keep pretending?
you're stupid newfags and it's apparant to anyone who ever wasted any time here
you guys are going to keep pretending for 4 month?
You have no say. Youre just an obedient slave. We pity you.
they all sound underage for some fucking strange reason
Just remember to use vague language when making threads and avoid keywords so MAGA snowflakes can't filter shit out

Fucking pussies
how about you go on Discord and you call Vaush and the 4chan pedo mod protecting your raid a fucking failure at life for me?
you can do that right
Because the only ones who actually support Kamala are zoomers that weren't old enough to vote back in 2019 when Kamala dropped out before the primaries even started because she was so unpopular.
Good idea
I didn't think they'd be this easy to trigger into tantrums but it's fucking great
the best part is they think were new LOL
Chuds rekt
How about you go do that Vaushfag

I am literally in this because its fucking funny
Who needs democracy whenever old Joe can pick whoever he wants to run instead.
everyone is insulting you fucktard no one give a fuck
you're full of shit my reddit spacing retard
You won't be filtering out shit faggot

I will make you chuds see pro Kamala shit
Brown people don't have IQs above 100
you're an ultra low IQ redditor you don't piss off anyone
your group can only spam the same shit over and over and over
you're not only unimaginative everyone hate you on both side
what you little cunt will do is spam for a month get borred and go back to masturbating to anime crying about waman on discord
Honestly he's threatened by her because she's black and he can't stop saying the n word
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It's not looking good, dudes. I think everyone can tell that you're betting on the wrong nag.
her meme game with the coconut shit and the brat thing is so good even chuds are admitting to it
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You're not getting away from it, anon. We're going to shove Kamala so far down your throat you'll be shitting donations for her campaign.
Open wide, chud.
are you calling Hillary and Biden dumb? Yes, yes you are.
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>You don't make me mad
>Anyways here is a 1-3-1 essay about why you're a retard
I don't give a fuck I'm just here to insult you because you guys are stupidly low IQ.
You made your shit too obvious now everyone hate you.
She'll confront him on the issue of civilian casualties and humanitarian crisis in Gaza so he's avoiding this. Without Fox News talking points to protect him he knows she'll end up getting the better of him on this issue.
looks like he struck a nerve.
>3 sentences is an essay
zoomer brain on tiktok
>Now everyone hates you
Almost like the point of trolling on the internet is to piss people off you stupid braindead nigger
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> Jeet shill has to talk about shitting
you will never be a woman though
>I love being retarded
such epic troll
It wouldn't be such low hanging fruit if you retards didn't make it so easy
the fuck are you talking about fucktard
I think you're a stupid cunt
I hate you
and Jamala the prostitute
your group is stupid
really fucking stupid
You chuds are too soft, you make it like cutting butter with a hot knife lol toughen up, get thicker skin
stick your tranny buzzword up your ultra low IQ ass nigger
Seethe harder nigger
He can't help it he is a leaf
>braindead nigger repeat the same stupid word over and over
you guys act like 12 years old
>you mad aha
>you mad right?
>you mad?
>we shill for globohomo machurian candidate for le epic troll you mad?
holy fuck
where did they find you
No serious adult uses chud language such as this
What the actual fuck is this?
epic troll bro lulululululull you're so cool
>If my autist board isn't deepthroating Trump all hours of the day I will shit myself
Don't worry faggot you will see at least 7 Pro Kamala posts tomorrow and you won't be doing jack shit to filter them out
> 100 IQ
>colors are like words for feelings!
Some of you fags need to go back to the Hasan stream you must be 18 years or older to shitpost here.
And I don't give a single fuck. I will still call you guys fucking fags and low IQ.
Then, when that alcoholic prostitute is elected, I will keep laughing at you as you go to war for Israel and Ukraine.
They must be board. Or the farms got a few big checks. Annoying fuckers, like a swarm of gnats.
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So Hillary and Biden are functional retards. What's your angle, shill?
Kamala has literally, not once in her entire life, had a critical thought. All of the shit she spews is either spoonfed to her and she regurgitates it back (often wrongly), or is based on "muh feelings," literally the opposite of IQ. She's essentially a high functioning retard.
troona salad
does that make mommy tulsi a genius because she literally murdered kamala on stage live in front of millions of people. get fucked faggot.
>colors are like words for feelings
Based color autist
>haven't had a good anti-GOP/anti-conservative candidate since Obama,
still dont
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No you're just a canadian shitposter, or worse, a woman
I wish women would just use data and facts rather than emotional bullshit. It's so tiresome to have 50% of the population deny reality on a regular basis because it just feels better to believe in delusions.
This is a wild thing to say on /pol/ of all places, home of thousands of delusional schizo young men who care more about "vibes" and conspiracy theories than facts.
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Ok nigger
were both talking about delusional schizo young men
Yeah and it had nothing to do with the previous conversation, you just decided to bring up trannies for some perverted reason I cannot explain
YWNBA, kys tranny
Do you really think Kamala can win? Do you think the KKK is finished? If Harris does win, it will only be for one reason and that is that this country is full of gay and Latinos pedophiles and that is just as bad or worse.
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Serious question
What could possibly make you think she’s high iq?
When I look at her all I see is a doctor or an astronaut. Why don't you, biggot?
LOL she speaks worse than Biden!
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Could we keep this just between us, I’d hate to lose my teaching job
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oh look a kamaggot thread

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