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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why is Nick so bitter nowadays? We are literally staring down the possibility of some indo-negro muttoid commie freak becoming president and this is what he's going on the attack against?
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Suck my dick Avi.
Kys zoomer e celeb spammer
Nick sucked tranny dick and nothing will ever change that dumb AFspic

trump IS the establishment candidate. Big Jew backs donald trump. all the jew factions negotiated a settlement together and with trump for him to lead ww3 against iran and china
i'm actually pretty pissed about how ziocon trump is, but i'm still voting for him because i live in this country and i don't want my family raped and killed. I just don't appreciate him being israel first. Back in 2016 they made a big deal about how his real name is drumph which is german and he keeps disgracing us by pandering to the jews. I guess he has to but fuck its demoralizing.
>Don't engage in politics, goy, it's pointless. Just sit back and wait for the acceleration. Only 2 more weeks.
The (((people paying him))) want him to lead the right wing down a dead end, perchance?

He's not authentic that's why, he makes money being a contrarian shill. Makes a few hundred bucks a month being a shill online then just lives on his parents income. 100% truth actually

He sees that Trump is going to win so he must now switch sides to keep his base donating to him. He doesn't want them leaving and following Trump (they'll grow out of his bullshit).
I’d be angry too if I did all this just for nothing

Politics has not changed one single bit in 5 years. We are right back to boring conservatism and orange man bad NPCs. Literally nothing has changed, it’s all the same shit. Covid, riots, war in Europe, a president getting shot, a president leaving the race, and it led us right back to 2019
Because Trump was a bad president and will be even worse a 2nd time.
Trumpfags are part of a personality cult and are incapable of judging trump's presidency accurately, but 4 years of Trump not doing shit + 4 years of Trump being an old blowhard is making it harder for people to still have any hope in trump.

Trump has gotten so bad that it isn't even clear if he would be better than Kamala.

A trump presidency could easily look like this:
>economy goes into recession
>we get some minor tax cuts
>Trump starts a war for Israel
>Trump pardons illegals
>Trump supports LGBTQ bullshit
>Trump goes along with anti-white bullshit
Then add in all the stupid drama from last time, and honestly a lot of people could view Kamala as the lesser of two evils
he's a tranny lover
I'm prepared to give Trump the benefit of the doubt and assume he's just sucking zionist dick to get elected. There's literally no point in running on any other platform than Israel First, since they'll just destroy you. The smart play is to outjew the jews by winning with their money then no-refunds them.
And if I'm wrong, you just get Zion Don instead of Zion Democrat.
Why care ? You already had a black president.
Grifting faggot
>Then add in all the stupid drama from last time, and honestly a lot of people could view Kamala as the lesser of two evils
You get the rope too you filthy shill.
No, I’ll tell you how it’ll go.


>trump says he’ll deport all illegals
>he begins
>cops shoot illegals for reasons
>spicks chimp out
>niggers chimp out
>Mexico chimps out and the cartels bomb some shit
>trump strikes back, and half the country falls into chaos
>America sees war for the first time in 100+ whatever years
>”Iran” strikes us with Israeli made weapons they stole
>war with Iran happens, draft because 2 front war
>white Christian people won’t be drafted to the killing fields in iran, so government tries to starve them
>whole world turns on population of whites people
>the remaining white satanist shabbos goys are killed by kikes instead of given UFO’s and everlife technology
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mossad shills are coming out of the woodwork to attack the only genuine poster

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