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Trump was a retard for picking Vance, Tulsi was the only option. She's the natural counter to Kamala. If Kamala was a snake, Tulsi would be a mongoose.
>Kamala is a cop
>Tulsi is a soldier
>Kamala is indian
>Tulsi is indian(?) or at least a hindu
>Kamala is a woman POC
>Tulsi is a woman POC
>Kamala locks up parents of kids and tried to keep an innocent man on death row
>Tulsi went to standing rock and protested with the water protectors while big oil tried to steam roll the tribe down

Kamala has nothing on Tulsi and was completely eviscerated by her in 2020
Trump only cares about sycophantic loyalty
He's not the savior you're making him out to be
Trump didn't pick vance-- don jr, eric trump, thiel and cucker carlson did. At this point fucking alex jones and tim pool have more say over what happens than trump himself does
She’s not gonna fuck you OP, no matter how hard you simp for her
>If Kamala was a snake, Tulsi would be a mongoose.

what's your mom's basement like?
Tulsi would likely turn it down. She knows better than to try and insert herself needlessly into Trump era political schisms. She might run in 2028.
she endorsed trump yesterday and said kamala would be worse than him due to warmongering so idk she's inserting herself
I agree she was the logical best pick. Trump is a fucking idiot but he always has been.
If he'd chosen Tulsi you fags would be spamming TULSI GUN GRABBER WEF YOUNG LEADER WHY DIDN'T HE CHOOSE BASED JD VANCE
they'd just be spamming goon threads about mommy Tulsi and you know it
I just remember lots of talk of her being a snake in the grass, not what she seems
>Tulsi was the only option.
Says the guy who fellatio's Trudeau
Ben Carson is whiter than most of the people he had to pick from, should have gone with loyal Ben.
Women are fucking retarded and I won't vote for one.
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For nearly 10 years you lied to us. You deserve to Hang.
I like and support JD vance
Today on /pol/ I learned mongooses are snake’s natural predators
>Trump was a retard for picking Vance, Tulsi was the only option. She's the natural counter to Kamala. If Kamala was a snake, Tulsi would be a mongoose.
10000% correct. DUMP is a certified retard
real talk, if the Democrats actually planned all along to have Biden pull out right after the RNC, it was a masterstroke in politics:

1. They let Trump pick a VP who does nothing for him out of complacency because Biden was fucking up so bad and it looked in the bag.
2. They completely avoided the primary process which is always really divisive and ugly for them, and got everyone to rally around Kamala really quickly.
3. They let the entire conversation about the election be framed around whether Biden was too old and mentally unsound to hold office, which completely bites the Republicans in the ass now that Trump is the oldest candidate in history.

Seriously, I have to assume it was not planned because the Democrats are fucking terrible at politics usually.
>got everyone to rally around Kamala really quickly.
But no one did. Not even Obama. As a matter of fact Obama thought Biden made a mistake with the endorsement.
What high profile Democrat has come out against her?
>As a matter of fact Obama thought Biden made a mistake with the endorsement.
Source? Literally couldn't find anything.
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Not gonna lie, former Vance voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Vance crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy become VP.
The only downfall is if Biden has to resign because he has shit for brains. But Jean Pierre came out and said he withdrew not for health reasons. I think you're right, I just don't think their narrative will hold up till election day. It has too many holes.
>It has too many holes.
It doesn't matter, Democrats aren't looking for the holes in the explanation. The only people who are calling the motives into question are the Republicans, who are clearly mad that they have to change strategy now, so it's not likely to get a lot of traction.
It was a gambit and probably their best move. The board is now in an awkward position and might throw white off but it's still his game to lose. The shitty narrative the dems are spinning won't hold up to any scrutiny as it would if Biden was in it to win as like he was 10 days ago until now when it's time to pass the torch. What changed in that week?
>here's how it's actually a good thing that our senile chomo candidate had to be publicly forced out and replaced by an unlikeable woman with 2% approval from her own party
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I'm amazed at how Vance makes you shills seethe uncontrollably.
Tulsi doesn't suck enough Israeli cock, so she was ignored.
>here's how it's actually a good thing that our senile chomo candidate had to be publicly forced out
If they had Caesar'd him at a contested convention you might have a point, but they got him to step down willingly, so it's honestly not viewed that way.
>replaced by an unlikeable woman with 2% approval from her own party
She's pretty unlikeable but let's not go crazy here.
Women in politics is evidence of God's judgement over a wicked nation.
Tulsi looked fucking good too, that gorgeous face of hers she looked like super hero on that stage.
he was forced out publicly by 23 democrat congressmen, all of the donors, and his Majesty King Obama himself, and and your anchor baby sub-continent replacement only got 2% in the democrat primary and had to drop out before iowa.
Accelerationists want to give us a woman president. Nobody knows for sure if the country would be able to survive that
If he's smart he'll fire JD Vance for some reason and replace with Tulsi. Obviously cover it as JD resigning due to unforeseen family responsibility or something
tulsi is slightly less worse than vance. but still a terrible choice.
idk im not a politician but i imagine trump is political poison
>lame duck won't have a follow up term
>proven to have shit appointing skills
>proven to be a "moral" target to hate
>outside of his base he's a wildly unpopular guy
>has no legacy, no base, no support.

like the other anon said >>475692116 he ISN'T the saviour people make him out to be especially proven by his current war mongering of wanting to wipe iran off the face of the earth, but /pol/ lives in a bubble and genuinely belives that trump is the most popular candidate to ever exist. maybe amongst us yeah, but politically he has no friends, and many enemies. not to mention the media does a crazy hit job on the guy, so being involved with trump is literally putting a target on your back.

now why did he pick vance? considering that he has no political friends, little support, and anyone who could have been a good choice and wants to make a career in politics problaly denied being associated with him, he likely had a very small pool to choose from, and that small pool was highly likely to be dictated by his "supporters" aka jews who own him. vance is a political prostitute, maybe even more so than kamala unironically. he stands for nothing other than the money going into his pocket doing the work his owners give him.

trump isn't that stupid, im certain he likely reached out and tried to get a couple of people to fill his vp slot, but likely everyone turned him down. a lot of the appeal to being 2nd banana aka VP, is
>your president does good, and gives you a second term further boosting your political currency
>tie breaker power in senate.
trump doesn't do fulfill ANY of these for the vice president. in fact you would be taking a huge risk, signing with him because you are now forever "maga" and if you aren't "maga" then like mike pence you would be a traitor.
Yup and don't forget the massive subconscious impact of preselection on dumb female voters especially. Seeing trump with a hot female at his side will make them see him as desirable/alpha and so vote for him. And White women will secretly choose her over Kamala because they hate her kind in the office
those 60IQ retards will look real fucking dumb when they finally understand they're just speedrunned globohomo and the only thing they accelerated is their own demise
fucking bunch of tools the whole group
He should have picked Vivek.
>If he's smart he'll fire JD Vance for some reason and replace with Tulsi.
He'll never do it. The only possible reason he could have picked Vance in the first place is because the campaign needs his money. Also it would make him look weak and indecisive.
When you're Trump, you have to pick a VP worse than you are so glowniggers won't kill you.
wow, politicians are really fucking stupid then. trump has already taken all the wind out of their sails. they have no political future outside of his paradigm, as seen by 2016 and 2023. they still think there is a normal they can return to after he's done? no one that stupid will ever be the president
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There is only one way to raze Zion, and there is no mutts could every martial the brain cells to do it.
Pffft. It's like picking female Rand Paul.
adding to this, the odds of trump dying of natural causes in 4 years is low, although the odds of israel assassinating him seems to be high.
so it would be a bit of a gamble to be VP under trump, if you are unlucky you could find yourself president...in a war again.

and as for the senate tie breaking power, it would be somewhat irrelevant because currently republicans hold a small majority over dems, so it's unlikely your VP power could sway anything any time soon. and chances are after the election it might even be an even bigger republican majority.

but yeah, vance was a horrible pick, and trump likely did hit up tulsi but she problaly said no thanks. remember, politicians love to say one thing, but do another. trump simply has no political "power", no allies, no friends, so getting involved with him is just a quick way to retirement because you sure as shit wont do anything after.

but yeah, fuck pence. that piece of shit. just shows the type of people trump loves to surround himself with.
Trump had chose Burgum. His sons talked him out of it.
>Tulsi would likely turn it down.
She literally said she would accept if offered.
Not if JD resigns. In fact what would be GENIUS would be to have him say something that offends centrist White women, and then fire him for that and replace him with Tulsi. Would absolutely tie up the White female vote
>trump is political poison
trump entered politics and took over a major party in less than 10 years, everyone bent the knee because it's political death not to fall in line.
in that same time he caused the other major party to implode, the only policy they have is 'fuck drumpf'. they don't care about anything else, maybe abortion but thats a distant second.
there is a reason no one wants to be the democratic VP candidate.
your whole post is just a disjointed cope of miscellaneous msm talking points.
Trump was the one who agreed to the June debate. Debates are always after the convention/nomination. He got played...again.
>I'm amazed at how Vance makes you shills seethe uncontrollably
You're right. Shills want Trump to replace the most unpopular nominee in history with an endless amount of dumb quotes. Based on your logic you're the shill for wanting him to stay.
>Not if JD resigns.
Even if this happens, Trump has to say something like "I don't stand by his comments"
He needs to tell Vance to stop testing experimental stuff like taking votes away from cat ladies during a general election. Low taxes. Save the oil in the Middle East. God/life/love. That's it.
>and trump likely did hit up tulsi but she problaly said no thanks.
"Tulsi Gabbard Says She’d ‘Be Honored’ to Be Trump’s Running Mate"
This ultimate power move but honestly trump probably won’t because he’s a retard who values “loyalty” (sucking the meat off his small dick) then political power moves
>especially proven by his current war mongering of wanting to wipe iran off the face of the earth
I suppose you also took Trump seriously about the vaxx and went and got jabbed huh.
>now why did he pick vance?
After getting shot? See >>475696749
The shit about jews is also nonsense. Trump is trusting his base not to be complete retards while trying to appeal to the permanent state, but the problem is Trump voters are dumber than the permanent state, so he's just harming himself.
Yeah sadly, my expectations of real 4D mega brain 9000IQ moves from DJT are near 0 now. Still one can dream.

He has got a track record of picking a fall guy and replacing him with someone much better quickly (e.g. Scaramucci)... man if he does this as the October surprise, it will make my fuckin year
lol yeah he got bamboozled, the early debate cucked him out of a landslide win
he took over a major party offering what no other candidate was offering- this is no longer true. he HAS had an impact on the entire party and all of american politics for sure! BUT the big menace was what would trump do with 2 terms. that got broken really fast with the stolen election in 2020. he's now a single term president. doing 8 consecutive years in politics is very different than doing 4 years two times. don't lie to yourself.

the republican party already adapted to trump, the democrats already adapted to trump as well. the reason no one wants kamala's VP slot is for the same reason no one wants trumps VP slot. except that kamala has even less to offer. literally a DEI hire, being forced into a position. it's political suicide.

you KNOW that the dems would love nothing more than to replace kamala, but they can't. it's too late. nothing short of her and biden dying together would give dems an option to run a real candidate, this is a throw away election for them. they are going to focus on disruption, slandering, and sabotaging america right now. don't kid yourself.

actions speak louder than words. i stand by my opinion, i don't claim to know everything and i could very well be wrong. but remember all these people are known liars, it's literally their jobs.
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You must be way to young to have heard of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi.
Shills be like, Vance sucks because he has an Indian wife. Trump should have picked a nice Indian woman like Tulsi Gabbard or Nikki Haley
anyone who says a woman should be on a presidential ticket is automatically wrong about everything. even women don't want a woman to be president.
vance is a plant, he's clearly bottom of the barrel pick if any. he was talking about going to war with iran even before anyone mentioned it. it was kind of weird and really reveals who owns him. thiel, at the very least if not fucking bibi.

but no one did, it's all fake. they arent even trying.
>funds many millions of dollars in <24 hours
>suddenly media+government on a mad dash to erase all the bad shit they said/reported about her
>no one ever talks about kamala but suddenly she's more popular than trump
>dont forget guys over 700% increase in registered young voters!!! :D

mindboggling how any thinking human being sees all this shit back to back and doesn't suspect a thing.

It does amaze me that since 2016, Trump has essentially dominated American politics. He took over the Republican party, and the left couldn't wheel out a decent candidate for 3 straight elections, and their only rallying call is ensuring Trump doesn't get in. In 2028, whoever will run for the republican candidacy, they'll be judged for good or bad by how they were with respect to Trump, and they'll be called pro-Trump by the left as their attack against them, regardless of the side they took. No matter what part of the political spectrum one is one in this country, the discussion is about Trump, how to get him in, how to keep him out, how to avoid hearing about him, it doesn't matter.
Vance's years of experience fucking an Indian woman made him the perfect person to debate Kamala.
>actions speak louder than words. i stand by my opinion,
Ok faggot. Word would have leaked if she was offered and rejected it. All sources say that it was between Rubio and Burgum then Trump's idiots sons said "No, dad, Vance!' and he went with Vance. Holy fuck what a retard he is.
>In 2028, whoever will run for the republican candidacy, they'll be judged for good or bad by how they were with respect to Trump,
Not if he loses. Which is looking more likely by the day. The will proceed with some odd neocon/MAGA mix, and then one day the MAGA shit will just go away.
Most people here are. I just only vaguely remember watching it and I'm old as fuck
Hey retard, MAGA is a political party for all those people.

This has always been about the death of the republican party. In one way or another.

All the more if he loses. The pro-Trump crowd won't soon forget it, not in 4 years, and the ones who supported him this time around will be attacked by the anti-Trump republicans who will try to fight to get their party back. Whoever gets the candidacy will get attacked by the left because they were complicit in the Trump bullshit blah blah, and the talk will still revolve around him. 2032 might be the first time an election won't have his name echoing around it constantly, a whole 16 years after he got elected.
Picking women are a death sentence

Not even women will vote for women
I agree even though Tulsi is probably a military psy-op controlled op hill. I dunno i just get that feeling from her for thinking that. Though I could be wrong my poker skill senses tell me she s hiding something.
>. The pro-Trump crowd won't soon forget it,
If he loses back to back Presidential elections (one to a senile retard and another to a poc woman) it will be the of his legacy and ideas. The Dems will win for the next 4 elections at least.

This isn't about what his legacy will be, this is about whether he'll be the focal point of American politics like he has been for the last 8 years, I think the next 8 years will remain this way in some form win or lose. His supporters believe that the last election was completely rigged, and while its true that the Democrats cheated their asses off to get that election because no one would ever believe Biden would garner 80 million votes to save his life, there is no reason his supporters wouldn't believe the Dems wouldn't cheat again to win it this time after seeing Trump get shot on live tv. They probably think it was a botched government hit.
Tulsi may have some Indian in her but its obvouss the whie looking ones, and even stll its probably not much. I bet one of her parents is 100% white at least. It would help with the woman vote too. Plus as a bonus she is good looking. I do lke a lotof what she says.
>This isn't about what his legacy will be, this is about whether he'll be the focal point of American politics like he has been for the last 8 years,
Trump will be painted as the loser of losers. Lost in 2020/2024. Delivered shitty midterms in 2018 and 2022.
This is it. 2024. All the money is on red at the roulette wheel. Winner take all. Trump winning will cement MAGA for years to come. Trump losing will kill MAGA.
this anon understands. Women in leadership is a sign a nation is under God's judgment.
"Woe to the wicked; disaster is upon them!
For they will be repaid with what their hands have done.
"Youths oppress My people,
and women rule over them.
O My people, your guides mislead you;
they turn you from your paths."
Isaiah 3:12
Tulsi is a gun grabbing retard. People forget her actual positions because she's been "Based" now and again.
i don't get why the other anon keeps ignoring your correct points and just endlessly repeats nonsense about winning and losing as if that matters when "Trump" has been the most used proper noun by orders of magnitude for almost a decade.

Trump is 78. The problem with the ticket is Trump. Picking a former Democrat woman (Haley, Tulsi) after Trump donated to Kamala's AG campaign just makes it seem like Trump is a RINO. Replacing a white man with a non white or a woman will hurt Trump's "NASCAR and wrestling" voting base of no nothing klancucks and inbred Israeli nationalists. The Israel lobby won't allow Trump to pick a colored VP because the Israelis think they're "white" and hate anyone they consider black, brown, yellow, red, etc.

Trump constantly calling out Biden's age and health is going to boomerang because Trump himself has now lived beyond the average lifespan for an American male, he claims he took the RNA spikes protein bioweapon, and the males in his family have dementia/Alzheimer issues (for the same reason Hitler did: Cannanite DNA).

Whether Harris is the nominee isn't even finalized yet. Harris may just be a placeholder to move money from Biden's campaign.

It's kind of funny Trump kept donating money to Democrats until 2011. It's like the DNC told Trump he couldn't run on their ticket so he switched to the GOP.

DeSantis would beat Kamala even if JD was still the VP. Trump is too old and weak. The fact Trump showed the entire world how easy it is to kill a major US politician is perhaps the greatest national security threat since 9/11. Russia won't deal with Trump and Iran wants Trump's head. China and thinks Trump is a naked orangutan that escaped from a New Jersey circus and is confused why Americans think he's a human.

Trump is a white trash dago from the cum soaked boardwalk of the Jersey Shore just like the ginger Kyle from South Park. Trump doesn't drink because his family is full of alcoholics due to inferior genes and lack of self control.
>It's kind of funny Trump kept donating money to Democrats until 2011. It's like the DNC told Trump he couldn't run on their ticket so he switched to the GOP.
that's basically what happened
>Seriously, I have to assume it was not planned because the Democrats are fucking terrible at politics usually.

The Democrats couldn't continue claiming they hate Trump if they allowed Biden to run because Biden being such a shitty candidate was the only thing giving Trump marginal support.

AIPAC and the Evangelicals self destructed right before Obama doing the same "master Israel" shit.

Hamas' October 7th attack is the variable that changed the election, as the Israelis vehemently doubled down on Zion Don. Which required attacking Biden. But attacking Biden too much would result in Biden resigning and Harris being president. The Israelis hate niggers and niggers think Israelis are racist inbreds, meaning Harris would be very bad for Israel simply because shell eventually get angry and pimp slap Bibi. Conversely, Trump would put on chapstick and Vaseline his anus and bend over his desk from Bibi and the Second Temple rabbis.

The Evangelicals caused all of this on 2007 when Ron Paul ran. They decided to smear Ron Paul as a Nazi because he wanted to defund Israel, so AIPAC ran a bunch of evangelical Zionists like Huckabee.

Trump was a cracker KKK Democrat, the Obama elitist Democrats didn't like Trump, so Trump bought the GOP POTUS nomination using money he got from Israelis interested in covering up their role in the Epstein scandal. Then Trump approved a bioweapon vaccine targeting people who wouldn't vote for Trump that required testing on cloned fetal cells to try to win by killing off non trump voters.
>due to warmongering
so Tulsi is a dipshit that hasn't paid attention to trump's warmongering.
He's better than Kamala, that's all that matters in this context.
Cats can also fuck up snakes
What is it with all the insane pussy sniffing?? Mommy issues?
If the founding fathers came back from the dead what woudl they think about women pretending to be men, voting and all? They would likely call us all redcoats and hang us until we were dead and rightfully so too for being such henpecked pussies. We would deserve it for sure, especially you.
Ben would have been a good pick and always consistently supported trump. Still I don't mind vance
>sycophantic loyalty
vance, the viceral never trumper?
I wouldn't accept to be associated with the orange jewish carpet if I was Tulsi.
>Trump constantly calling out Biden's age
He never did that. In fact he said "Biden isn't too old"
>I wouldn't accept to be associated with the orange jewish carpet if I was Tulsi.
She already said should we be honored to be his VP you fucking faggot.
He should fire Vance and grab her by the Tulsi
If Trump chose Gabbard, someone who was running as a Democrat not too long ago, the dirt would have been worse.
Only thing he would be good at is trying but failing to stop the flood of monkeys into this country. They both basically are the same kike worshipping corrupt side of the same coin. Its all optics for the goyim
>If Trump chose Gabbard, someone who was running as a Democrat not too long ago, the dirt would have been worse.
Literally how? These statements from Vance are insane. And Trump should have had all these candidates VETTED. But it seems like he didn't do that all, which is fucking retarded. Of course a potential candidate won't tell you all the worst stuff they've ever done or said that might get out to the public.
stfu and go suck more Jewish cock like Vance
Why do you sound like a leftist brown faggot?
You just sound like an antifa guy who is anti-Israel.
>Israelis hate niggers
They hate niggers in Israel but love to promote niggers in your country. And they also love pajeets.
Tulsi doesn't sound like the kind of person who would fall in line.
Gabbard is a retard, schizo.
Vance was a nevertrumper.

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